Counselor, Substance Abuse

Item 3.C-July 12, 2013
To expedite and facilitate the PDQ review process, please send the PDQ and Org Chart electronically to for discussion and for initial review before routing PDQ for approval signatures.
Questions - call UNR Faculty HR at 682-6114
INSTRUCTIONS: See for complete instructions.
Incumbent(s) Name (if applicable): Vacant
Position #(s):
Current Title: Counselor, Substance Abuse
Current Range:
Department: Office of Associate Dean, Students (SJ)
College/Division: Student Life Services /
Vice President, Student Services
Account #(s): 1201-105-1313
Action Proposed: (check all that apply)
Proposed Range:
() New position:
Proposed Title:
( ) Title Change, Proposed Title:
(X) Proposed Reassignment from Range 3 to Range
( ) Revised PDQ only (no change in range or title)
( ) Line of Progression (show titles below)
JCC (Current
or new HR
I certify that the statements in this description are accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge.
Employee’s Signature
I/we have reviewed the statements in this form and they accurately reflect the job assignments.
Immediate Supervisor’s Signature Carol Millie, Asst Dean, Student Conduct
Gerald Marczynski
AVP, Student Life Services
Approved for Salary Placement Committee review.
Pres / Vice Pres / Vice Prov Signature Shannon Ellis
Vice President for Student Services
Action Approved by the Provost/President (Completed by Faculty HR):
77850 Range:
Pos #(s):
Eff: 7/1/2013
Approved Title: Counselor, Substance Abuse
Employee signs on “final” stamped approved PDQ and sends to HR for personnel file.
Employee Signature:_______________________________________________ __________________
Printed Name: ____________________________________________________
Rev: 10/1/2012
Position Description – Counselor, Substance Abuse
Page 2
1. Summary Statement: State the major function(s) of the position and its role in the
university. Attach an organizational chart with positions, ranges, and names for the division
which reflects the position in it as well as those supervised in the department. (This section is
used for advertisement of the position.)
The Counselor, Substance Abuse, is responsible for assisting in the development and provision of
Alcohol and other Drug (AOD) counseling services for undergraduate and graduate students
experiencing unwanted consequences due to their personal use of alcohol and other drugs. The
services to be provided by the Counselor include: AOD assessments, individual counseling, group
counseling, determination and implementation of intervention and treatment plans for mandated and
self-referred clients. The position reports to the Assistant Dean, Office of Student Conduct (OSC).
2. List the major responsibilities, including percentage of time devoted to each. Provide
enough detail to enable a person outside the department to understand the job (percentage
first with heading and then bulleted information).
75% - Student Assessment and Counseling
 Provide professional AOD assessment, intervention, and counseling services to self-referred
and mandated clients
 Conduct counseling in both individual and group settings to assist in overcoming
dependencies, adjusting to life or making changes for student success
 Maintain appropriate client records
15% - Health Professionals Consultation Services
 Support the campus mental health professionals concerning their client’s AOD behaviors
 Provide training to Counseling Services clinical staff and trainees on a variety of topics related
to alcohol and drug abuse, AOD assessment, and dual-diagnosis issues and treatment
5% - Substance Abuse Education and Outreach
 Support faculty of the Office of Student Conduct in providing classroom and campus/
community education, awareness and other outreach services on AOD issues
 Assist staff from the Office of Student Conduct in recognizing emerging Alcohol and other
Drug trends in order to develop and implement prevention and awareness programs
concerning AOD use, abuse, dependency and addiction to include: public presentations, print
and media campaigns
 Assist in serving on university committees, task forces, and/or other advisory positions on
AOD issues
5% - Professional Development
 Maintain professional development and contributions to the profession, which includes, but is
not limited to, presentations, research, writing and publications
3. Describe the level of freedom to take action and make decisions with or without
supervision and how the results of the work performed impact the department, division and/or
the university as a whole.
Level of Freedom:
The Counselor deals with a significant amount of information that is under the protection of federal
and state confidentiality laws, yet he/she must be able to fulfill the assigned duties of the position and
meet the needs of the institution. While the Counselor has great autonomy and flexibility within the
Position Description – Counselor, Substance Abuse
Page 3
therapeutic relationship, the Counselor is expected to discuss with the Assistant Dean relevant issues
pertaining to university policies, procedures, and client progress.
Furthermore, it is imperative that the individual have a clear understanding of their abilities and
limitations as a mental health professional and not practice outside of their professional scope of
Professional and personal behavior must reflect high standards of ethical conduct. Failure to adhere
to these standards or errors in professional judgment could adversely affect a person’s mental,
emotional, or physical welfare and may result in litigation of a civil and/or criminal nature as well as
subjecting the university to legal action. The decisions made have a high impact on students who are
affected directly or indirectly by AOD issues and have a significant influence on matters such as
recruitment, retention and personal development/performance.
4. Describe the knowledge, skills (to include cognitive requirement and verbal and written
communication), and abilities (to include task complexity, problem solving, creativity and
innovation) essential to successful performance of this job (in bullet format).
Knowledge of:
 Professional training, experience and knowledge in the field of AOD, prevention, assessment
treatment and intervention
 Understanding of AOD issues as they pertain specifically to the college student population,
including but not limited to: trends, attitudes, as well as cultural/social and environmental
factors that will affect and shape the delivery of AOD services
Effective counseling skills in education, assessment, crisis intervention, and services
Effective documentation and recording of information in either written or electronic form
Strong interpersonal relations
Strong verbal and written communication to include public speaking and presentation
Ability to:
 Communicate effectively and work closely with a diverse population of students, faculty,
supervisors, coworkers, peers and staff
 Maintain confidentiality of sensitive information
 Establish and maintain positive rapport with students, and the campus community
 Provide students and their parents with information concerning AOD
5. Describe the type of personal contacts encountered in performing the duties of the job.
Explain the nature and purpose of these contacts: i.e., to provide services, to resolve
problems, to negotiate.
University faculty and staff
Reason for Contact
To provide in-depth contact (both groups and individual) to provide
education, prevention, assessment, intervention and treatment
To consult with and resolve problems identified; develop and
implement prevention and treatment programs; identify the need
for additional services; collaborate with individuals from other
areas of campus (Student Intervention Team, Counseling Services
etc.) to determine most appropriate course of treatment
Position Description – Counselor, Substance Abuse
Page 4
Reason for Contact
6. Indicate the minimum qualifications which are necessary in filling this position should it
become vacant. Please keep in mind the duties/responsibilities of the position rather than the
qualifications of the incumbent.
Minimum educational level, including appropriate field, if any.
Bachelor’s Degree from a regionally accredited institution with emphasis in counseling
and educational psychology (or related field), social work, health education, or student
personal services
Minimum type and amount of work experience, in addition to the above required
education necessary for a person entering this position.
Bachelor’s Degree and three years, or a Master’s Degree and two years, of
professional experience in providing AOD/Chemical dependency services
Preferred Licenses or Certifications:
Licensed Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselor, Certified Professional Counselor
or Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Indicate any license or certificate required for this position.
Certified Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselor (CADAC)