
Publication list
Bergem, O. K., & Pepin B. (Accepted for publication ). Developing mathematical
proficiency and democratic agency through participation. In B. Kaur, G. Williams, M.
Ohtani, & D. Clarke (Eds.), Students’ voice in mathematics classrooms around the
world (pp.XX). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. Forthcoming.
Dalland, C. P., & Klette, K. (accepted for publication 2013). Work-Plan heroes: Student
strategies in lower secondary Norwegian classrooms. Scandinavian Journal of
Educational Research.
Dalland, C. P., & Klette, K. (submitted). Individual teaching methods: A tool for promoting
self regulated learning. Teaching and teacher education.
Klette, K., Bergem, O. K., & Roe, A.(Eds.) (accepted). Videos as windows into classroom
learning: Instruction and interaction in mathematics, reading and science classroom.
Svenkerud, S., Dalland, C. P., & Klette, K. (accepted for publication 2013). Social
positioning in boys’ and girls’ oral presentations. Education Inquiry.
Bergem, O. K., & Klette, K. (2012). Samtaler som læringsverktøy i matematikk: Kva lærer
elevene? [Talking about mathematical tasks: How can it foster student learning?] In T.
N. Hopfenbeck, M. Kjærnsli & R. V. Olsen (Eds.), Kvalitet i norsk skole [Promoting
quality in schools; in Norwegian]. Oslo: Oslo University Press.
Klette, K. (Ed.) (2012). Mixed methods in educational sciences. Research Council Norway.
Svenkerud, S., Klette, K., & Hertzberg, F. (2012). Opplæring i muntlige ferdigheter
[Training in oral skills; in Norwegian]. Nordic studies in education, 32, 35-49.
Ødegaard, M., & Klette, K. (2011). Teaching activities and language use in science
classrooms: Scales and analytical categories as pillars for possible interpretations. In J.
Dillon & D. Jorde (Eds.), The world of science education: Europe (pp. 181-201).
Sense Publishers.
Bergem, O. K. (2011). Arbeidsplaner, lærerstøtte og elevinnsats [Work plans, teacher support
and student effort]. In F. Rønning, R. Diesen, H. Hoveid & I. Pareliussen (Eds.), FoU i
praksis 2011 [Research and development in practice 2011; in Norwegian]. Trondheim:
Tapir Akademisk Forlag.
Dalland, C. (2011). Utfordringer ved gjenbruk av andres kvalitative data [Challenges in the
reuse of others’ qualitative data; in Norwegian]. Norsk pedagogisk tidskrift, 96(6),
Klette, K. (Ed.) (2011). The role of theory in educational research. Research Council
Svennevig, J., Tønnesson, J., Svenkerud, J., & Klette, K. (2011). Retoriske ressurser i
elevers muntlige fremføringer. Rhetorica Scandinavica, 60, 68-89.
Bergem, O. K., & Dalland, C. (2010). Arbeidsplaner, læringsmål og vurdering. Hva gjør vi?
[Work plans, learning goals, and assessment. What do we do?; in Norwegian]. Oslo:
Bergem O. K., & Klette, K. (2010). Mathematical tasks as catalysts for student talk:
Analysing discourse in a Norwegian mathematics classroom. In Y. Shimizu, B. Kaur,
R. Huang, and D. Clark (Eds.), Mathematical tasks in classrooms around the world,
(pp. 35 -62). Sense Publishers.
Dalland, C., & Bergem, O. K. (2010). Arbeidsplaner alle forstår [Work plans that everyone
understand; in Norwegian]. Bedre Skole 2010 (3) s. 42-45.
Klette, K. (2010). Blindness to change during processes of spectacular change: What do
educational researchers learn from classroom studies? In A. Hargreaves, A.
Libermann, M. Fullan, & D. Hopkins (Eds), Second international handbook of
educational change (1001-1017). Springer publishing.
Klette, K. (2010) Recipes for busy kitchens: Arbetsplaner som lärandeverktyg [Receips for
busy kitchens: Work plans as an instructional tool]. In Eriksson, V. Lindeberg & E.
Österlind (Eds), Uppdrag undervisning – kunskap och lärande [Mission education –
Knowledge and learning; in Swedish] (pp127-147). Stockholm: Studentlitteratur.
Klette, K. (Ed.) (2010). Rigour and relevance in educational research. Research Council
Steen, N. O. (2010). Fra papirbaserte til digitale arbeidsplaner for elever [From paper-based
to digital work plans; in Norwegian]. Pedagogisk profil (1), 32-35.
Anmarkrud, Ø. (2009). Undervisning i lesestrategier og utvikling av lesemotivasjon på
ungdomstrinnet: En klasseromsstudie av fire norsklæreres arbeid med forklarende
tekst [Teaching reading strategies and the development of reading motivation in
secondary schools: A classroom study of four Norwegian teachers work with
explanatory texts; in Norwegian]. (Doctoral dissertation.) Oslo: Unipub.
Bergem, O. K. (2009). Individuelle versus kollektive arbeidsformer. En drøfting av aktuelle
utfordringer i matematikkundervisningen i grunnskolen [Individual versus collective
working methods. A discussion of current challenges in teaching mathematics in
primary and secondary school; in Norwegian]. (Doctoral dissertation.) Oslo: Unipub.
Klette, K. (2009). Challenges in strategies for complexity reduction in video studies.
Experiences from the PISA+ study: A video study of teaching and learning in Norway.
In T. Janik, T. Seidel (Eds.), The power of video studies when investigating teaching
and learning in classrooms (pp. 61-83). Münster: Waxmann Publishing.
Ødegaard, M., & Arnesen, N. E. (2009). Hva skjer i naturfagklasserommet? ~ resultater fra
en videobasert klasseromsstudie; PISA+ [What happens in the science classroom?
Results from a video-based classroom study; in Norwegian]. NorDiNa: Nordic Studies
in Science Education.
Ødegaard, M., & Arnesen, N. E. (2009). Samtale og språkbruk i naturfagklasserommet ~
resultater fra en videobasert klasseromsstudie; PISA+ [Conversation and language use
in science classrooms. Results from a video-based classroom study; in Norwegian].
NorDiNa: Nordic Studies in Science Education.
Klette, K. (2008). Didactics meet classroom studies. Zeitschrift für Ernährungswissenschaft,
Klette, K. (2008). Alt som før i klasserommet - hva utdanningsforskningen kan lære av
nærstudier fra klasserommet [Is everything like before in the classroom – what
educational research can learn from close studies of classrooms]. In K.-A. Massen
(Ed.), Pedagogikken i reformene - reformene i pedagogikken [The pedagogy of
reforms – the reforms of pedagogy; in Norwegian] (pp. 213-236). Oslo: Abstrakt
Anmarkrud, Ø. (2007). Spesielt dyktige læreres leseundervisning - med fokus på
leseforståelse [Especially skilled teachers teaching reading – with focus on reading
comprehension]. In I. Bråten (Ed.), Leseforståelse - Lesing i kunnskapssamfunnet Teori og praksis [Reading comprehension. Reading in the knowledge society – theory
and practice; in Norwegian] (pp. 221-251). Oslo: Cappelen Akademisk Forlag.
Dalland, C. (2007). "Du skal vite litt om energi". Bruk av læringsmål på elevenes
arbeidsplaner ["You should know a little about energy." The use of learning goals in
students' work plans; in Norwegian]. (Master’s thesis). Oslo: University of Oslo.
Klette, K. (2007). Trends in research on teaching and learning in schools: Didactics meets
classroom studies. European Educational Research Journal, 6(2), 147-161.
Klette, K. (2007). Bruk av arbeidsplaner i skolen - et hovedverktøy for å realisere tilpasset
opplæring? [The use of work plans in school: A key tool for implementing
individually adapted learning; in Norwegian]. Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift, 4, 344–358.
Steen, N. O. (2007). From doing to learning. Læringsorientering i elevers arbeidsplaner og
ved bruk avarbeidsplaner i klasserommet [From doing to learning: Learning
orientation in student work plans and the use of work plans in the classroom; in
Norwegian] (Master's thesis). Oslo: University of Oslo.
Ødegaard, M. (2007). Naturfag til nytte og glede! Naturvitenskapelig allmenndannelse ved
dramatiske hjelpemidler [Science for benefit and enjoyment. Science general
education with the use of dramatic devices; in Norwegian]. NorDina: Nordic Studies
in Science Education, 1, 76-85.
Anmarkrud, Ø., & Bråten, I. (2006). Categories for video analyses of instruction in
comprehension strategies and development of motivation for text comprehension.
(PISA + study, Faculty of Education, University of Oslo).
Ødegaard, M. (2006). PISA+: A research project to pursue problematic PISA findings in the
Norwegian context. NorDiNa: Nordic Studies in Science Education, 4, 85-88.
Ødegaard, M., & Arnesen, N. (2006). Categories for video analyses of discourse features
and language use in science classrooms. (PISA + study, Faculty of Education,
University of Oslo).
Klette, K., Lie, S., Anmarkrud Ø., Arnesen, N., Bergem, O. K., & Ødegaard, M. (2005).
Categories for video analyses of classroom activities with a focus on the teacher.
(PISA + study, Faculty of Education, University of Oslo).
Andersson, E., Carlgren, T. C., Dalland, C., Klette, K., & Svenkerud, S. (2012).
Standardizing classroom video observation: Secondary analyses of the PISA + video
study. Symposium. ECER’s annual meeting; 2012-17-09 – 2011-21-09. Chair: K.
Klette. Discussant: H. Borko.
Andersson, E. (2012) Discussions around texts in ninth grade Language Art classrooms.
Paper presented at NERA’s 40th Congress; 2012-03-08 – 2012-03-10.
Andersson, E. (2012) Teachers use of questions and responses to students contributions
during whole class discussions: Comparing language arts and science classrooms. Part
of the symposium: Classroom video research: Secondary analyses of the PISA+
material at NERA’s 40th Congress; 2012-03-08 - 2012-03-10.
Bergem, O. K. (2012). Symposium: Mathematical proficiency and democratic agency –
challenges related to their development in all students. ECER’s annual meeting; 201217-09 – 2012-21-09. Chair: O. K. Bergem.
Bergem, O. K. (2012). Challenges related to developing mathematical proficiency and
democratic agency through participation. Symposium. ECER’s annual meeting; 201217-09 – 2012-21-09.
Bergem, O. K. (2012). Methodological issues in international and comparative education
research. Introduction. Roundtable. ECER’s annual meeting; 2012-17-09 – 2012-2109.
Carlsten, T. C., Grossman, P., & Klette, K. (2012). Comparing codebooks: Secondary video
analyses of instructional scaffolding in Language Arts classrooms. NERA’s 40th
Congress; 2012-03-08 – 2012-03-10.
Carlsten, T. C., & Klette, K. (2012). Classroom video research: Secondary analyses of the
PISA+ material. Symposium organizer at NERA’s 40th Congress; 2012-03-08 – 201203-10.
Carlsten, T. C., & Klette, K. (2012). Looking again: “Barcoding” classroom teaching with
different pre-coded instruments. Part of the symposium: Classroom video research:
Secondary analyses of the PISA+ material at NERA’s 40th Congress; 2012-03-08 2012-03-10.
Dalland, C. (2012). The impact of social positioning and peer group affiliation on students’
oral presentations. Part of the symposium: Classroom video research: Secondary
analyses of the PISA+ material at NERA’s 40th Congress; 2012-03-08 - 2012-03-10.
Dalland, C. (2012). Benefits and concerns in using previously gathered video data. Part of the
symposium: Classroom video research: Secondary analyses of the PISA+ material at
NERA’s 40th Congress; 2012-03-08 - 2012-03-10.
Klette, K. (2012). Symposium: Lenses into Classroom teaching; Approaches for
measuring teachingm qualities, ECER’s annual meeting; 2012. Klette: Chair
& Paper presenter.
Klette, K. (2012). Symposium: Mathematical proficiency and demorcracy. ECER’s annual
meeting; 2012-17-09 – 2011-21-09. Discussant: K. Klette.
Klette, K. (2012). Symposium: Research design and analytical categories as lenses for
constructing and concealing differences in classroom studies. ECER’s annual meeting;
2012-17-09 – 2011-21-09.Chair & paper presenter: K. Klette
Klette, K. (2012). Key note: Regional konferanse Vestlandet, Stavanger, februar.
Klette, K. (2012). Key note: Nasjonal rektor konferanse, Gardemoen, mars.
Klette, K. (2012). Key note: Naturfag konferansen, Natufagsenteret, UiO, oktober.
Klette, K. (2012). Key note: Nasjonal konferanse. Forskning: språkdidaktikk, november.
Svenkerud, S., Dalland, C. P., & Klette, K. (2012). The impact of social positioning and
peer group affiliation on students’ oral presentations. Paper presented at AERA’s
annual meeting; 2012-13-04 - 2012-17-04.
Anderson E., Bergem, O. K., Dalland, C., Klette, K., & Ødegaard, M. (2011).
Understanding instructional practices through video data: Experiences
from the Norwegian PISA+ video study. Symposium. ECER’s annual meeting; 2011
13-09- 201 – 16-09. Chair: K. Klette. Discussant: D. Clark.
Andersson, E: Teachers use of questions and responses to students contributions
during whole class discussions: Comparing language arts classrooms and science
Bergem, O. K., & Lie, S.: Understanding instructional practices in math
classrooms: Video data and achievement data reexamined.
Dalland, C.: Girls: Work-plan heroes?
Klette, K., & Ødegaard, M.: Time scales and coding categories in video
Carlsten, T. C., & Klette, K. (2011). Using the codebooks from PISA+ and PLATO as tools
for measuring teaching: An example of current knowledge exchange between the
University of Oslo and Stanford University. Collaboration with Professor S. Loeb at
the Center for Educational Research at Stanford University; 2011-11-01.
Dalland, C. (2011). Girls: Working plan heroes? Part of a symposium at the Visionconference; 2011-13-06.
Klette, K., & Ødegaard, M. (2011). Instructional activities and discourse features in science
classrooms: Teachers’ talking and student’s listening or? Paper presentation on
AERA’s annual meeting, New Orleans.
Klette, K. (2011). Video analyses as lenses into classroom practices. Symposium, ECER’s
annual conference, Berlin.
Klette, K. (2011). Hovedforedrag: Nye lærer i Osloskolen: Oslo Rådhus, September.
Steen-Utheim, N. O. (2011). From paper to digital work plans. ISCAR Congress 2011; 201109-05 – 2011-09-10.
Steen-Utheim, N. O. (2011). Planning work plans for pupils - teacher team collaboration in a
primary school. EARLI conference 2011; 2011-08-29 – 2011-09-02.
Svenkerud, S., Dalland, C., & Klette, K. (2011). The impact of social positioning and peer
group affiliation on students’ oral presentations. Paper presented at ECER’s annual
meeting; 2011-13-09 – 2011-16-09.
Dalland, C. (2010). Student strategies when working with individualised tasks in lower
secondary classrooms: Individualised and/or gendered patterns. Paper presented at
ECER’s annual meeting; 2010-25-08 – 2010-30-08.
Dalland, C. (2010). Girls’ and boys’ strategies when working with work plans in lower
secondary classrooms. Poster presented at ECER’s annual meeting; 2010-25-08 –
Dalland, C. (2010). Gendered strategies when students work individually in math and science
classrooms. Paper presented at NERA’s annual meeting; 2010-11-03 – 2010-13-03.
Dalland, C. (2010). Gendered strategies when students use work plans in lower secondary
classrooms. Paper presented at NERA’s annual meeting; 2010-11-03 – 2010-13-03.
Klette K. (2010). Key note contributor on the International conference on Video Studies
in Kiel: The Power of Video Studies, November.
Steen, N. O. (2010). Arbeidsplaner - for den aktive elev? Landskonferansen; 2010-03-23 –
Steen, N. O. (2010). From paper based to digital work plans. NERA’s 38th Congress - Active
Citizenship; 2010-03-11 – 2010-03-13.
Anmarkrud, Ø, Bråten, I., & Samuelstuen, M.S. (2007). Motivation for reading
comprehension. Paper presented at EARLI biennial conference 28. August - 1.
September, Budapest, Hungary.
Anmarkrud, Ø. (2007). Comprehension instruction and development of reading motivation in
four Norwegian 9th-grade Language Art classrooms. Paper presented at EARLI
biennial conference 28. August - 1. September, Budapest, Hungary.
Bergem, O. K. (2007). Workplans in mathematics - a valuable tool or a risky experiment?
Paper presented at EARLI biennial conference 28. August - 1. September, Budapest ,
Bergem, O. K. (2007). The work plan as a mediating artifact in the mathematics classroom.
Paper presented at ISCAR 2007, Fourth Nordic Conference on Cultural and Activity
Research, June 15-17, Oslo, Norway.
Anmarkrud, Ø. (2006). Teachers’ conception of text comprehension. Paper presented at the
EARLI SIG Text and Graphics Comprehension Biannual Meeting 30th August - 1st
September, 2006, University of Nottingham.
Arnesen, N. (2006). A Critical look at Norwegian science classrooms. Paper presented at
NARST 2006, 3.-6. April, San Francisco, USA
Ødegaard, M. (2006). Offering meaning in science education - a classroom video study.
Paper presented at NARST 2006, 3.-6. April, San Francisco, USA
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