AgriScience 2 (Animal Science) Course Syllabus

AgriScience 2 (Animal Science)
Course Syllabus
Instructor: Miss Kubista Phone: 480-224-2328
Course Description and Objectives
This course focuses on the animal sciences as well as the history and trends in animal
industries. Units include aquaculture, meats evaluation, equine science, dairy, veterinary
science, alternative animal care and poultry. Ethics in animal science and business
principles of the animal industries are included. This is a lab based class, so students will
be performing dissections, science based labs and hands on career skills in the various
industries. Students will be required to maintain an SAE. Students will participate in the
FFA where they will develop leadership and skills for career success. Completion of
Agriscience I and Agriscience II will provide one credit of laboratory science for
university admission or high school credit and one elective credit. This class can be
used as a dual-credit option.
Please bring the following materials with you to class:
 Writing Utensils - pencil or pen (black or blue ink only)
 Lab book
This course consists of three components: Agriculture Instruction/Curriculum, Supervised
Agriculture Experience, and the FFA.
1. Agriculture Instruction/Curriculum: Grades are not given, they are earned. Grades will
be determines by the degree to which objectives are met, success is achieved, timeliness,
neatness, and original work. Parents can access their child’s grades and assignments by
going to the school’s website and clicking on Parent Connect. Students’ information is only
accessible by using an individualized password assigned by the school. Parents may
contact office personnel/counselor for their child’s password.
2. Supervised Agriculture Experience (SAE) Project: Students will be expected to design a
SAE plan in the 1st quarter and implement it by the 2nd quarter. Students will keep an
electronic record of this project and are expected to take photos of their project throughout
the school year. It will be the responsibility of the student to keep accurate records
throughout the school year and submit these records periodically to the instructor. Secondfourth year members will be required to meet higher hour requirements for this project.
3. FFA Leadership Grade: A major aspect to this course is the development of leadership
skills, speaking abilities, teamwork and other various skills that will play a major role in
every individual’s career choice. Students are required to participate in the local FFA
activities and have the opportunity to participate in the district, state and national FFA
activities. This will count for 20% of each semester’s grade. Please refer to the attached
sheet for dates of the required events.
Course Expectations
Class Expectations
Be prepared with all required supplies
Be courteous and respectful to everyone
No inappropriate or vulgar language
No food or drink is permitted in the
classroom (water is an exception)
General Procedures
Daily Routine:
Students will:
Come into the classroom in a quiet
orderly fashion
Begin on their bellwork, and have it
completed within the first 3 minutes
Retrieve daily work instructions from
Miss Kubista
Work quietly on assignment during the
class period
Quietly finish ticket out assignment
Straighten rows/columns or groups
Wait to be released by Miss Kubista
Attendance Expectations:
1. Students will arrive on time:
a. 1st Tardy: 30 seconds of passing period
is owed to the teacher
b. 2nd tardy: 1 minutes of passing period is
owed to the teacher
c. 3rd tardy: phone call home: 15 minute
after school detention
d. 4th or more: phone call home, referral
2. Students will be in class:
a. At five absences students will receive
a phone call home
b. At seven the student will receive a
c. Above nine the student risks being
removed from the class
Consequences for Inappropriate Behavior
(All decisions will be at the discretion of the
1. 1st time – Warning
2. 2nd time –Student must stay for 30
seconds of the passing period
3. 3rd time –Phone call home and referral
Late work:
Assignments turned in late, but not due to absence will result in a lower grade-usually half
points. If late work becomes a chronic problem, I may revoke this procedure and not
accept late work at all.
Make-up work:
It is your responsibility to pick up any missed assignments. I suggest making a good friend
that you can depend on for notes, etc. Many labs will consist of materials that are available
only at the time of the lab, and therefore missed labs must be made after school within
one week. Some labs cannot be made up, and an alternative assignment will be given.
Students have two days to make up missed work or set up an appointment for missed labs;
otherwise it becomes late work. And worth half points. Class time will not be used to
explain missed work. Also, if you don’t understand the assignment, please ask: I am here to
help you.
Conference Period
Students will not leave conference period classroom without a pass signed by a teacher or
a properly designated color club pass
Tutoring is available after school hours from 2:15 pm- 3:15 pm on designated days. If Miss
Kubista is absent there will be no tutoring available.
This is a laboratory course, which will utilize chemicals and other organic materials. Failure
to follow proper lab procedures will result in a zero on the lab and a phone call home. For
your safety, food and drinks are not permitted in class. Bottled water is permitted.
Grading Scale
100 – 90
89 - 80
79 – 70
69 – 60
59 – 50
Semester Final Grades:
The final semester grade will be found by the following equation:
40% 1st Qrt + 40% 2nd Qrt + 20% Final Assignment = 1st semester final grade
40% 3 Qrt + 40% 4 Qrt + 20% Final Assignment = 2nd semester final grade
** Please note that the final assignment is a combination of Leadership Points
earned during the semester and a written test**
Please note that students and parents may access grade online via Infinite Campus.
Diversity Statement
All individuals have a right to an educational environment free from bias, prejudice and
bigotry. As members of the Basha High School educational community, students are
expected to refrain from participating in acts of harassment that are designed to demean
another student’s race, gender, ethnicity, religious preference, disability or sexual
Syllabus Disclaimer
Miss Kubista views the course syllabus as an educational contract between the teacher,
students and parents. Every effort will be made to avoid changing the course schedule but
the possibility exists that unforeseen events will make syllabus changes necessary: this
includes but is not limited to SAE dates, FFA dates and classroom due dates. The
instructor reserves the right to make changes to the syllabus as deemed necessary.
Students will be notified in a timely manner of any syllabus changes.
AgriScience 2
Course Statement Acknowledgement
To receive credit for the syllabus please email Miss Kubista the following information.
When the parent receives an email confirmation back from Miss Kubista, the student
will earn 25 points towards their first quarter grade. This assignment is due by the end
of the first week of school.
By sending an email to Miss Kubista, I __________________________(the parent)
acknowledge that I have read over the course statement for AgriScience 2. I understand the
student’s role and responsibilities associated with the course in the areas of Agriculture
Instruction/Curriculum, Supervised Agriculture Experience, and the FFA Leadership Grade. I
understand that if I have any questions or concerns regarding the course grade, content, or
requirements, I can contact the instructor. I understand that if this book goes missing the
student will need to pay $5 to receive a new one.
Miss Kubista Email:
Information needed in Email
In the subject line: Students last name, first name and class period (example: Kubista,
Katharyn Period 1)
In the body:
 Parents name
 Parent phone number
 Any other information that will help the year run smoothly
In addition:
 Please initial here: ___________ if your student has permission to use the
 Please initial here ____________ if the Basha FFA has permission to use
pictures of your student on the internet/promotional materials (teacher website,
Basha FFA facebook, brochures etc). (Please be aware that photos of your
student may be used for end of the year slideshows that will be shown within the
Basha FFA)