Flanking transmission in light weight timber houses with elastic flanking isolators Anders Ågrena Fredrik Ljunggrenb Division of Engineering Acoustics, Luleå University of technology, SE-97187 Luleå, Sweden, Åsa Bolmsvikc School of Engineering, Dep. of Timber Engineering, Linneaus University, SE-35195 Växjö, Sweden Kirsi Jarneröd SP Wood Technology, SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden, SE-35196 Växjö, Sweden There is a strong trend to industrially produce multi-storey light weight timber based houses. This concept allows the buildings to be manufactured to a more or less prefabricated extent. Most common types are volume/room modules or flat wall and floor modules. When assembling the modules at the building site, elastomer isolators are used in several constructions to reduce flanking transmission. The sound insulation demands in the Nordic countries are relatively high and therefore the flanking transmission must be well controlled, elastomer isolators is one choice. Decoupled radiation isolated walls is another. There are though no working studies or mathematical models of the performance of these isolators. They are only treated as simple mass-springs systems that operate vertically. In this paper there is a first approach of an analysis of the structure borne sound isolating performance of elastomer isolators that are separating floors and walls. The performance dependence of structure type is also presented. An empirically based regression model of the insertion loss is derived. The model will be based on measurements of more than ten field installations. In this paper the first three are presented. A goal is that the model can be used for input in future SEN prediction models for modeling of sound insulation. a) email: anders.agren@ltu.se email: fredrik.ljunggren@ltu.se c) email: asa.bolmsvik@lnu.se d) email: kirsi.jarnero@sp.se b) 1 INTRODUCTION Flanking transmission or flanking isolation between floors in light timber houses is traditionally improved by adding additional wall plates with distances on the sending room and/or on the walls of the receiving room. Other ways are to add a resilient layer on the floor board or hang the ceiling in resilient channels. A further method is to add damping on the floor board in order to reduce vibrations from impacts to reach the walls /Ljunggren/. A recent method is to put the floor on elastomer isolators or to put the whole room on resilient isolators. This method introduces both possibilities and new challenges to solve. This paper presents the first results where the flanking transmission with this method is analyzed. 2 ELASTOMER FLANKING ISOLATORS – THE PRINCIPLE The isolators are used as spring and damper between the loading structure element, which in the presented examples can be either a floor package or the whole room volume including floor, walls and ceiling, figure 1. The isolators that are being used are in case a) put as a strip around the whole flank. In construction b) the elastomers are put as pads of 0.1x0,1 m under each wall beam. a) Elastomer strip b) c) Figure 1 -. Elastomer flanking couplings for decoupling of floor from the supporting structure. Construction A: a) Separate CLT floor and ceiling. Elastomer strips loaded by the floor cassette.. b) Coupling for apartment separating walls. c) Outer wall with a CLT load bearing wall plate and a radiation protection isolating layer. Elastomer pad Figure 2.- Elastomer flanking couplings for decoupling of floor from the supporting structure. Construction B:. Elastomer isolator pads loaded by whole room volume units. The isolators are treated and normally dimensioned as vertical point loaded mass-springisolators in one degree of freedom; although they in practice also act as shearing isolators in the horizontal plane and that they are not point loaded. They are optimized by taking the mass load/area of the construction unit and optimizing it with the stiffness of the damper. Varying loads around the floor is taken into account where that is necessary, e.g. heavy bathrooms. Typically the stiffness is chosen to give a resonance frequency of 13-17 Hz. The mechanical loss factor is varying depending on which elastomer material is chosen, typical values presented by manufacturers are 0,08 to 0,4 in the frequency range from 10 to 1000Hz.. 3 ELASTOMER FLANKING ISOLATORS – AT LOW FREQUENCIES The flanking coupling influences low frequencies as well as higher. In a study by /Jarnerö/ it is shown experimentally in lab how the dynamics of a floor package is influenced by the way it is supported. The test setup was done with a floor element from construction A of 1,5 x 5,1 m, which was supported by a line elastomer, figure 1, on glulam beams on the long sides and on steel beams on the short sides. In figure 3 the driving point accelerance with various elastic supports can be seen and compared to the floor freely lying on the supports and bolted to the supports. Figure 3.- Driving point accelerance of the floor with different isolators around the supporting frame./Jarnerö/ Some results of this setup are that a floor supported on a line elastomer compared to a freely lying or bolted support: - - The first bending mode is increased with increased elastomer stiffness, i.e. in this case around 11, 13, 14 and 18 Hz. While the first bending mode of the freely lying and the bolted floors were 20 and 21 Hz. The frequencies of the modes 4-7 are somewhat reduced. The damping of the first bending mode was increased. Approximately from 1,5% to 12%. The damping of modes 4-7 are approximately increased by 2-3 times. A note though, is that damping in a real structure will be clearly higher than in the lab setup. 4 FLANKING TRANSMISSION BELOW 100 HZ – FE MODEL AND MEASUREMENTS IN LAB Measurements and FE calculations of the vibration transfer over the junction between a floor and a supporting beam has been carried out by /Bolmsvik/on the same floor module from construction A as mentioned in the previous chapter. The floor was positioned on a frame structure with the floor as a load over a line elastomer on the supporting frame. In this study the focus was on the vibration insertion loss from the floor to the supporting frame at the side that is perpendicular to the beams. In this operation mode the elastomer will not work in the vertical direction which it normally is dimensioned for, but will instead work in the horizontal direction in a shear motion. 117 119 112 110 Figure 4.- Insertion loss from the floor to the wall beams in the vertical direction, relative to a freely lying floor./Bolmsvik/ IL point 110 and 112x xdirection relative free conditions rel 5e8 ms2 Insertion Loss [dB10 rel 5e-8 m/s2] 50 IL IL IL IL IL 40 30 pink 110o112x orange 110o112x green 110o112x purple 110o112x blue 110o112x 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Frequency [Hz] 70 80 90 100 Figure 5. - Insertion loss from the floor to the wall beams from z- to x-direction, relative to a freely lying floor./Bolmsvik/ IL point 110 and 112x xdirection relative fixed conditions Exp and FE Insertion Loss [dB10 rel 5e-8 m/s2] 50 IL pink 110 and 112x Exp-measurements IL pink 110 and 112x FE-analysis 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Frequency [Hz] 70 80 90 100 Figure 6. - Measured and FE-modeled vibration insertion loss in point 110 and 112 from z- to x-direction relative to bolted conditions /Bolmsvik/.. Some results of this setup, figure 4, 5, 6, are that this type of floor supported on a line elastomer compared to a floor bolted to the support: 5 The vibration insertion loss from vertical floor vibrations to horizontal vibrations in the wall beam will be zero or even negative in the frequency range 35-65 Hz The vibration insertion loss will reach around 25 dB at 15-25 Hz. The vibration insertion loss will reach 10-20 dB at 75-100Hz MEASURED VIBRATION INSERTION LOSS IN SITU A simplified field method for approximating the flanking transmission is used in AkuLite. The simplified method is chosen as it is a field method with time limitations and as a large number of objects will be measured. Six accelerometers are mounted; on the floor along a line 0,2 m from the wall, on the ceiling along a line 0,2 m from the wall and on the receiving room wall 0,2 m from the ceiling, figure 7. The vibration level difference between floor and wall is then calculated to approximate the flanking transmission, and the difference between floor and ceiling to show the direct transmission. This is a simplified method and is not expected to give the same precision of flanking transmission measurement as when the vibration level over the whole receiving wall is measured /Villot et.al./ or when surfaces are covered as in /King et.al./. Response Source Beam direction 0,2m Figure 7 . - Accelerometer positions for the simplified flanking transmission field measurements. 5.1 House type A – Elastomer isolation in a cross laminated timber plate type house In house type A the flanking transmission over to the two walls represents two very different cases. The receiving room wall parallel with the beams is an inner wall and the wall perpendicular to the beams is an outer wall. The outer wall takes a larger load from the building above compared to the inner wall and thus has a stiffer elastomer, see figure 2 and 4. A very clear difference is seen between the two directions. The constructions are quite different and must therefore be treated as different cases. The elastomer properties, the static load as well as the construction of the inner wall are different. The inner wall /receiving wall has a clearly lower insertion loss than the load bearing outer wall, figure 8. At frequencies below 80 Hz it is practically zero. 70 60 50 dB (acc) 40 TL floor to wall, perpendicular to beams 30 20 TL floor to wall, parallel w beams 10 0 -10 Frequency Figure 8. - Comparison of vibration level difference over the flanks from floor to wall in two directions, perpendicular to and parallel with floor beams. i.e. outer wall and inner wall. Construction type A, CLT with elastomer. 5.2 House type B – Elastomer isolation and traditional beam plate construction in volume modules In this case the two receiving walls are identical. The isolation is designed as of 0.1 x 0,1m elastomer pads, placed on top of a horizontal plank above the wall studs. The load distribution becomes different in the load bearing direction perpendicular to the beams compared to parallel with the beams. A higher load is distributed along the beams to the walls in that direction. In figure 9 it can be seen that the flanking isolation is in the frequency range 80 to 1000 Hz is weaker in the direction parallel with the beams. The reason for this unsure and has to be further examined. 50 40 TL floor to wall, perpendicular to beams 30 20 TL floor to wall, parallel w beams 10 3150 2000 Frequency (Hz) 1250 800 500 315 200 125 80 50 31.5 20 0 12.5 Vibration level difference (dB) 60 Figure 9. - Comparison of vibration level difference over the flanks from floor to wall in two directions, perpendicular to and parallel with floor beams. Construction type B. 5.3 House type C – Flanking transmission isolation though radiation reduction from additional wall layers House construction C is a concept without elastomer isolators. Instead a radiation isolation additional wall without any direct contact with the load bearing walls is used. The layer comprises 50 mm mineral wool and two layers of plaster board and is connected through metal channels to the ceiling and the floor. In figure 10 it can be seen that, in contradiction to the elastomer constructions, the flanking transmission is quite independent of direction. 70 60 50 TL floor to wall, perpendicular to beams TL floor to wall parallel w beamsl 40 30 20 10 3150 2000 1250 800 500 315 200 125 80 50 31.5 20 0 12.5 Vibration level difference (dB) 80 Frequency (Hz) Figure 10. - Vibration level difference over the flanks from floor to wall. Comparison of perpendicular to the beams wall and parallel with the beams wall. Construction type C. As a comparison of direct path transmission towards flanking transmission a comparison of vibration level difference from floor to walls compared to floor to ceiling is shown in figure 11. With the reservation that only the vibration levels close to the walls are measured, the direct transmission is dominating by about 10 dB above 100 Hz while the direct vibration transmission Vibration level difference (dB) is very strong in the 20 -40 Hz range, where e.g. the resonance frequency of the suspended ceiling is. 3150 2000 1250 800 500 315 200 125 80 50 31.5 20 TL Floor to wall TL Floor to ceiling 12.5 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 Frequency (Hz) Figure 11. - Comparison of vibration level difference over the flanks from floor to wall and from floor to ceiling. Non-Load bearing side, parallel w floor beams. Construction type C. 5.4 Conclusions of vibration difference measurements over the flanks 6 The difference in flanking transmission from floor to wall in the receiving room is larger in the elastomer constructions. The flanking transmission is clearly dependent on the receiving wall construction. It can as I s expected clearly confirmed that there is a strong direct transmission over the floor to the ceiling at frequencies below 40Hz. It is also seen that elastomer isolation can have zero isolation due to shear resonances at low frequencies. Elastomer support of floor will increase the damping of the floor modes. EMPIRICALLY BASED LINEAR REGRESSION FLANKING TRANSMISSION ISOLATION APPROXIMATIONS FOR There is a need for data of flanking transmission for prediction methods like SEN 12354. One of the objectives with the measurements in the AkuLite project is to deliver empirically based statistics with which the flanking transmission can med approximated. Based on the results above expression of vibration insertion loss through the vibration level difference have been derived, one for the transmission along the loadbearing floor beams to the walls perpendicular to the beams and one for the side that is parallel with the beams. Figure 12a shows two regression expressions for the CLT-based construction C. The different walls give rise to also very different expressions. In figure 12b the regression lines for the volume based construction C two different floor to wall transmissions can be seen. The more pronounced differences in load bearing directions can be one of the reasons behind the differences. Vibration level difference dB (acc) 70 60 50 TL floor to wall perpendicular to beams 40 30 TL floor to wall parallel w beams 20 10 0 -10 Frequency Linear regression: Direction perpendicular to beams 1) y = 1,4x + 9,5, R2 = 0,73 Direction parallel w beams 2) y = 1,6 x -3,4, R2 = 0,83 Vibration level difference (dB) Figure12a.- Construction type A, CLT floor plate, glulam beams and elastomer isolation. Linear regression lines for flanking vibration level difference in two directions over the flanks to an outer CLT wall (red) and inner wall (blue). 60 50 40 TL floor to wall, perpendicular to beams TL floor to wall, parallel w beams 30 20 10 Linear regression: 3150 Frequency (Hz) 2000 1250 800 500 315 200 125 80 50 31.5 20 12.5 0 Direction perpendicular to the beams 1) y = 1,7 x + 11, R² = 0,92 Direction parallel with the beams 2) y = 1,4x + 10, R² = 0,7 Figure 12 b. - Construction type B, Plaster boards, glulam beams, volume construction and elastomer isolation. Linear regression lines for flanking vibration level difference in two directions over the flanks. TL floor to wall, perpendicular to beams TL floor to wall parallel w beamsl 3150 2000 800 500 1250 Frequency (Hz) 315 200 125 80 50 31.5 20 Avg TL floor to walls 12.5 Vibration level difference (dB) 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Linear regression on average of two couplings: y = 2,2x - 0,56 R² = 0,89 Figure 12 c. - Construction type C, board, glulam beams, uncoupled inner walls. Linear regression for the average flanking vibration level difference of two directions over the flanks. In figure 12c the regression lines for radiation isolated construction C in two different floor to wall transmissions can be seen. Construction B and C are rather similar in the way that they use about the same construction elements and dimensions. It is interesting therefore to compare them as two related alternatives. The radiation isolation layers give almost identical flanking isolation behavior in both directions. A disadvantage can be seen at low frequencies where the flanking isolation is 5 dB worse than construction B. 7 CONCLUSIONS This work is a first step with the objective to simplified characterize and give prediction expressions for determination of impact sound flanking transmission in light weight timber constructions. These three measurements will be followed by approximately six more, which will give a better statistical trust in the estimations. Further studies will also be made on how to correct for assumed biases caused by parquet top layers and by the distance to the walls. The results show that in real constructions where walls will be loaded with different loads and where wall constructions vary, that there will also be large variations in flanking transmission in the different directions. Elastomer isolators show preliminary in this study to give larger variations between directions than a solution with radiation isolation layers. Supporting a floor by elastomer line strips changes the fundamental vibration modes of the floor. The frequencies are reduced and damping is increased. The relative importance of this for the vibration and impact sound pressure in situ is so far not clearly known. 8 AKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work has been sponsored by Vinnova and Formas in the AkuLite research program and by TCN (Wood Centre North) together with timber construction industry. 9 REFERENCES Jarnerö K., Bolmsvik Å., Brandt A., Olsson A., Effect of flexible supports on vibration performance of floors. EuroNoise 2012, Prague Bolmsvik Å., Linderholt A., Jarnerö K. FE modeling of a light weight structure with different junctions. EuroNoise 2012, Prague Ljunggren F., Ågren A., Potential solutions to improved sound performance of volume based lightweight multi-storey timber buildings. Applied acoustics 72 (2011) 231-240 Homb A., Austnes J.A. Experiences with sound insulation for cross-laminated timber floors. BNAM (2010), Bergen , Norway. King F., Schoenwald S., Sabourin I. Characterizing flanking transmission paths in the NRC-IRC flanking facility. NRC report. NRCC – 51389. (2009) King F., Schoenwald S., Govern B.N. Effect of some floor-ceiling construction changes on flanking transmission. NRC report. NRCC – 53618. (2010) Villot M., Guigou-Carter C. Prediction method adapted to lightweight constructions and related laboratory characterizations. Forum Acusticum (2005). Budapest. Table 1 . Summarized linear regression insertion loss relative to frequency for the three constructions. Construction Frequency range 10 Hz > f < 31,5 Hz >31,5 Hz Insertion loss Approximation 10 dB 4,3 dB/octave 10 Hz > f < 31,5 Hz >31,5 Hz 10Hz > f < 25 Hz >25 Hz 0 dB 5 dB/octave 10-12 dB 4,3 dB/octave wall 2) 10Hz > f < 25 Hz 10-15 dB C, Plaster boards, glulam beams, radiation isolation wall layers >25 Hz 10 Hz > f < 40 Hz >40 Hz A, CLT plate glued to glulam T beams. Freely suspended ceiling, wall 1) D:o wall 2) B, Plaster boards, glulam beams, volume elements, wall 1) D:o 5,2 dB/octave 8 dB 6 dB/octave