First UMC Prayer Team

The Prayer Team Update
First United Methodist Church
Volume 7, No. 6, June 2, 2014
Until she died, I knew virtually nothing about Maya Angelou’s life—other than her way with words.
Her passing on May 28 unleashed numerous accounts of her remarkable 86 years. Most of us
knew her as one of America’s poet laureates, but she was so much more: a journalist, a singer,
an actor, a screenwriter, and an activist in the Civil Rights movement—to name a few. She burst
on the national stage in 1969 with her book, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, where she
describes in disturbing yet hopeful detail the first 17 years of her life.
Her parents divorced when she was three, and she lived with her grandparents for several years.
When she finally moved back with her mother at age eight, her mom’s boyfriend sexually abused
her. Hours after his conviction, the man who abused her was murdered.
Maya blamed herself for her abuser’s death. The trauma was so overwhelming, she refused to
speak for years. It was writing that finally gave her a voice.
No doubt, people will question the value of her work or disagree with her politics, but regardless
of one’s opinion, her life story has taught me a couple of things about how to live mine. She
described the foundation of her life in two ways.
First, Angelou discovered that deeply held faith is a springboard for courage. “When I found that
…I was a child of God,” Angelou told an interviewer about her faith, “when I understood that, when
I comprehended that… when I internalized that, I became courageous. I dared to do anything that
was a good thing.”
Second, in 1985, when asked about her legacy, she responded,
What I would really like said about me is that I dared to love. By love I mean that
condition in the human spirit so profound, it encourages us to develop courage and
build bridges, and then to trust those bridges and cross the bridges in attempts to
reach other human beings.
I couldn’t help but hear in those two quotes the essence of living as Christ’s witness in this world.
A pure and profound sense that “I am a child of God” is the necessary first step to ever sharing
one’s faith. When we understand and internalize that God loves us and claims us as his very own,
we become courageous. We are willing to go wherever God leads and share with whomever God
places before us.
Couple that courage with the greatest dare ever thrown our way—to love—and spiritual sparks
fly! As we build bridges, trust those bridges, and cross them as we attempt to reach others with
Christ’s love, lives change and eternal destinies are altered.
What legacy will you leave? The worst way to go to heaven is alone. We want to take as many
people with us as possible. Who do you pray for each day to come to know Jesus Christ? What
bridges can you build to courageously share your faith? Dare to do a good thing. Dare to love
someone to life.
Building bridges with you,
The Lord…is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish,
but everyone to come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9 (NIV)
The Soulful Seven
First UMC Prayer Team
June 2014
Please feel free to pray for a different area each day of the week.
Thanks for your prayers.
 Sunday—Praise God for our Life Apps series. Ask the Lord to help us apply to our lives the
teaching we receive through the series.
 Monday—Ask the Lord of the Harvest to give us a “heart transplant” that we might have God’s
heart of compassion for those far from Him reproduced in our hearts.
Tuesday—PRAISE JESUS for the great mission work taking place this month. Ten adults are on
a mission trip to Henderson Settlement in Kentucky, June 1- 7. On June 8-12, our Youth Choir is
taking 16 students & 5 adults to Nashville, TN to sing in various locations. Our Fusion Jr. High
Mission Trip has 9 students & 2 adults headed to the Quad Cities June 15-20. Our Fusion Sr. High
Mission Trip has 21 students & 5 adults traveling to Daytona Beach, FL June 28-July 5. Please pray
for the safety and traveling mercies for all involved and ask that they become the hands and feet
of Jesus to those in need.
Wednesday—Pray for the Spirit of Jesus to welcome children to our KidLife Ministry. Invite
the Holy Spirit to draw over 350 kids to our “Weird Animals” Adventure Bible Camp (VBS) on June
23-27 (200 are registered now!). Please pray also for the teachers, leaders, and helpers needed to
support this exciting outreach ministry.
Thursday—Shout Praise to God for a generous spirit! The total committed for our New Day
Giving Campaign was $2,614,782.50. As of May 30, our total received is $2,687,058.67! Praise
God! Let’s also thank the Lord for the over 300 individuals and families that have made 3-year
commitments to our MOMENTUM Giving Journey totaling $1,648,384 as of June 1. Ask the Lord
for many more to join us on this journey as this dream in progress continues. Out of pure joy, let’s
pray: Thank you, Holy and loving God, for releasing Your spiritual revival in my heart and manifesting
Your Spirit in our First United Methodist family through 1) Unity, 2) Conversions to Christ, and 3)
A Spirit of Generosity.
Friday—Give Thanks to the Lord for our incredible opportunity to host the Global Leadership
Summit on Thursday & Friday, August 14-15. Ask God to include 300 people from First UMC and
300 people from area churches and businesses, so we can get better as leaders in every area of
our lives. (Register online at Cost for members & regular attenders of FUMC
is $79/person by using the password “LEAD14HS.”)
Saturday—PRAISE GOD for new laborers for the harvest! Please continue to hold in prayer our new
Associate Pastor, Rev. Nicole Cox, as she and her family prepare to move and start serving here July 1. Also,
ask God to reveal an Executive Director and a Tech Director. PRAISE GOD for our staff team of Alyce
Foster, Bob Swickard, Brad Curtis, Carli Burton, Carrie Watson, Chase Carlisle, Dave Rodriguez,
Dennis Fors, Elyssa Carlisle, Holly Taylor, James “Jay” Dunlap, Jenny Hutcherson, Laurie Lewis,
Lindsay Walker, Mike Whitaker, Pam Long, Grady Peavy, Randy Osborn, Roger Ross, See Tsai Chan,
Sharon Sweeney, and several caring nursery workers. Please pray for God’s supernatural favor on
their lives and ministries.
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