Jackie Endres Class of 2014 4 Forest Drive Morristown, NJ 07960 (H) 973-644-4964 (C) 973-879-5831 endres.jackie@gmail.com Villa Walsh Academy 455 Western Avenue Morristown, NJ 07960 Guidance Counselor- Elizabeth Huck oconnore@villawalsh.org Current GPA- 4.3/ Cumulative GPA- 4.1 SAT/ACT- Pending Honors and AP Curriculum/ High Honor Roll Every Semester Academic Profile 2012-2013 AP English AP U.S. History Honors Physics and Spanish Algebra II SAT II- Pending 2013-2014 AP Physics AP Stat Honors English and Spanish Pre-Calculus Economics Athletic Profile 2011-2013 Varsity Basketball Honorable Mention Varsity Cross Country First and Second Team All-Conference 2013-2014 Varsity Basketball Captain Varsity Cross Country Captain United Basketball (AAU) Coach James Ostaszewski jimmy@hunterdonhoops.com Villa Walsh Academy (HS) Coach Margo Connors margoconnors@yahoo.com Leadership/ Community Service Ocean Lifeguard Camp Counselor Altar Server Spanish Club Student Council Operation Smile Habitat For Humanity MVP St. Lucy’s Angels VP POP (Protect Our Planet) SIT-UP (Students In Touch Uplifting People)