Title I Schoolwide Parent Involvement Policy Zitzman Elementary School The mission of Zitzman Elementary School is to create respectful, responsible and safe learners which will improve personal, social, and academic growth. Zitzman Elementary recognizes that in order for this mission to be successful, the school needs to advocate the involvement of parents and families in their children’s education by fostering relationships between home, school, and community that can enhance the education of our students. We concur that family involvement encourages student achievement, fosters positive attitudes, and promotes good behavior. As a result of this partnership, we feel the educational success of our students will be increased. The vision of the Zitzman community is to educate thinkers, empower productive citizens, and prepare students for life long learning. In order to build dynamic home school partnerships, Zitzman Elementary teachers and parents have developed the following course of action: 1. Parents are involved in the planning, review and improvement of the school’s Parent Involvement Policy through: a. Parent-Teacher conference b. Annual August Open House review of program and planning meeting (slide) c. Monthly PTO meetings d. School-Wide Parent Survey e. End of year Title I meeting 2. Annual meeting held to inform parents of scope of Schoolwide Title I program a. Schoolwide August Open House b. School Web-Site 3. Parent/Teacher Conferences are held at different times for The convenience of parents. a. Conferences held twice a year b. Day and evening hours available c. By appointment with teacher as per parent/teacher request 4. Parents are involved in the planning, review and improvement of the school’s Title I program. a. Parent-Teacher conference b. Annual September Title I review of program and planning meeting c. Monthly PTO meetings d. Family literacy events e. School-wide parent survey 5. The parents receive timely information about literacy a. Letter from principal b. School Web-Site c. Reading Connections d. Teacher Webpages 6. The parents receive a description and explanation of the curriculum in use at the school, the forms of academic assessments, how to measure student’s progress, and the proficiency levels students are expected to meet. a. Report cards every nine weeks b. MAP-results shared at fall conferences c. Parent/Teacher conferences, DRA2, SRI, Journeys Unit d. Student handbook e. Handouts and mailings 7. The school provides parents with opportunities for regular meetings to formulate suggestions and to participate in decisions relating to the education of their children. a. Parent/Teacher conferences b. Annual Title I meeting c. Parent meetings/family nights 8. A school-parent compact was jointly developed with parents and the compact outlines how parents, the entire school staff and students share in the responsibility for improved student achievement. a. School Web-Site b. Open House c. Discussed at Annual Title I Planning meeting 9. The school provides materials and family events for parents to improve their child’s achievement. a. b. c. d. e. f. Handouts Parent/Teacher conferences PTO meetings Kindergarten Round-Up Fall Open House Night Morning Read