Universitatea de Stat din Moldova Facultatea Limbi și Literaturi

Universitatea de Stat din Moldova
Facultatea Limbi și Literaturi Străine
Facultatea de Litere
Facultatea de Drept
Catedra Traducere, Interpretare și Lingvistică Aplicată
Catedra Limba română
Catedra Teorie și istorie a dreptului
12.06. 2014
Subiecte pentru examenul de admitere la masterat, sesiunea 2014, la disciplina
„Traducerea scrisă din limba engleză în limba maternă a textului juridic”
Pentru programele de masterat din
Domeniul general de studiu – 22 Științe umanistice
Domeniul de formare profesională – 223 Limbi moderne şi clasice
Programul de master: Redactare și traducere juridică
Masterat de profesionalizare, 120 credite
1. The unit of translation. The notion of the unit of translation. Translation at morphemic,
word, word-combination, sentence, and text levels.
2. Equivalence in translation. Notion of equivalence. Types of equivalence.
3. Handling context-free words and context-bound words.
4. Procedures in translating equivalent-lacking words-realia.
5. Translator's false friends and idioms /phraseological units).
6. Direct translation procedures. ( borrowing, calque, literal translation )
7. Indirect translation procedures. (transposition, modulation, equivalence, explicitation,
adaptation etc).
8. The English Literary Language (standard English) and its Development.
9. Functional styles and registers: Functional styles. Official style. Publicist style. Scientific
style. Literary conversational style. Familiar-colloquial style.
10. Stylistic classification of vocabulary. Peculiarities of literary, neutral and colloquial
layers of vocabulary.
11. Word-formation in Modern English. Productive and non-productive ways of wordformation.
12. Polysemy. Homonymy. Synonymy. Antonymy.
13. Phraseology. The essential features of phraseological units. Classification of
phraseological units.
14. Borrowings. Assimilation of Borrowings. Types of Assimilation.
1. Andersen, T. David. 1998. "Perceived authenticity: The fourth criterion of good
2. V. E. Ashkinazi. Introduction into translation. Textbook. – Saint-Petersburg, 1996.
3. Austermuhl, F., (2001) Electronic Tools for Translators. Manchester: St. Jerome.
4. Baker, M. (1992) In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation. London: Routledge.
5. Bantas A., Croitoru E. Didactica traducerii. – Bucureşti, 1998
6. Bassnett, S. (1991) Translation Studies. London: Routledge.
7. Bassnett, S. and Lefevre, A. (eds) 1995 Translation History and Culture. London:
8. Bassnett, S. and Trivedi. (eds) (1999) Post Colonial Translation: Theory and Practice.
London and New York: Pinter.
9. E. V. Breus. Fundamentals of theory and practice of translation from Russian into
English. – Moscow., 2002.
10. E. V. Breus. Fundamentals of theory and practice of translation from English into
Russian. – Moscow., 2001.
11. Catford, J.C. (1965) A Linguistic Theory of Translation. Oxford: Oxford University
12. Comissarov V., Coralova A., A Manual of Translation from English into Russian,
Moscova, 1990;
13. Croitoru E., Interpretation and Translation, Galaţi, 1996;
14. Culy, Martin M. 1993. "The top-down approach to translation."
15. Danks, J.H., Shreve, G.M., Fountain, S.B., and McBeath, M.K.(eds) 1997 Cognitive
Processes in Translation and Interpreting. London: Sage.
16. Eloi Le Divenech, Engleza în presă, Bucureşti: Teora, 1999;
17. Guskova T. I.. Translation of social and political lexis from English into Russian. –
Moscow., 2000.
18. Koperzinsky A., Conference Interpreting, Poznon, 1980;
19. Ivanov A. O. English lexis not having equivalence in Russian and its translation. –
Moscow., 1985.
20. Kabakchi V. V. Exercises for translation. – Saitn-Petersburg, 2000.
21. Kazakova T. A. Practical fundamentals for translation. – Saint-Petersburg, 2001.Miniar
R., Consecutive Translation, Moscova, 1969;
22. Lanchikov V.K. World of translation. Patterns of translation. – Moscow., 2001.
23. Latyshev L.K. Technique of translation. – Moscow., 2001.
24. Marchuck Iu., Scientific and Technical Translation, Moscova, 1987;
25. Mashkov O.D. Practice of translation from Russian into English. – Moscow., 2000.
26. Petrenko K.V. World of translation and interpretation. Audio-course of interpretation. –
Moscow., 2001
27. Retscker Ia., Theory of Translation and Oral Translation, Moscova, 1987.
1. Verdonk P. Stylistics. Oxford University Press 2002.
Williams Joseph M. Style: Towards Clarity and Grace. University of Chicago Press, 1995
Lawler John M. Style stands still. Style, Summer, 2003
Strunk William, Jr. The Elements of Style. NEW YORK: BARTLEBY.COM, 1999
A Handbook for Literary Translators. Fourth Edition, 1999 Prepared by the Translation
Committee of PEN American Center
6. Lingenfelter, Judith and Claire Gray. 1981. "The importance of learning styles in
literacy." Notes on Literacy 36: 11-17
7. Melenciuc D. Seminars in Modern English Stylistics. Part I. CE USM. Ch,. 2001,
8. Melenciuc D. Stylistics and Grammatical Morphology. Anale §tiintifice USM, CE USM,
9. Melenciuc D. A Reader in English Stylistics. CEP USM Chisinau, 2005
Arnold V. I. „The English Word”, Moscow 1986.
Chafe, W. L. „Meaning and the Structure of Language”, Chicago – London, 1970.
Eliseeva V.V. „Лексикология английского языка” Moscow 2003
Ginsburg R. S. , Khidekel S.S., Knyazeva G. I. „A Course in Modern English
Lexicology”, Moscow 1966.
5. Jespersen O. „ Growth and Structure of the English Language”, Oxford 1982.
6. Melenciuc D. Seminars in Modern English Lexicology. Part I, part II. CE USM. Ch,.
7. Melenciuc D. English Lexicology, CE USM, 2002,
8. Melenciuc D. Acronyms in Modern English. Analele St. USM, 2003.
9. Melenciuc D. A Reader in English Lexicology. CEP USM Chisinau, 2005
10. Melenciuc D. „The English Word-Stock. Exercises in English Lexicology”, USM 1986.
11. Melenciuc D. „The Structureof English. Exercises in English Lexicology”, USM 1986.
12. Mednikova E. M. „Seminars in English Lexicology”, Moscow 1978
13. Смирницкий А.И. Лексикология английского языка. - М., 1956
14. Харитончик З.А. Лексикология английского языка. - Минск, 1992