Lesson: Double Bubble Map Level: Resource Room Grade 1 and 2 Time: 50 minutes Standard: R.CM.01.03 compare and contrast relationships among characters, events, and key ideas within and across texts to create a deeper understanding by mapping story elements, graphically representing key ideas and details, and asking questions as they read. R.MT.01.04 self-monitor comprehension by using a graphic organizer to sequence events, sort and order information, or identify author’s perspective. II. Objective/ Benchmark After discussing the four seasons and given a Double Bubble map students will fill in 9 facts on the map of the two seasons with accuracy of 8 out of 9. Students will then write the facts from the map as complete sentences with 7 out of the 9 sentences accurate. III. Anticipatory Set In whole group, we will review the different types of maps: circle map and flow chart. We will be discussing the four seasons. I will ask the students to name the four different seasons. I will show them a leaf and flower then ask them to identify what season each belongs to. IV. Input A. Task analysis 1. Prior Knowledge Skill Students will need to understand the purpose of a double bubble map. Students will need to know and come up with facts about the four seasons. Students will need to be able transfer the information on the double bubble map into complete sentences. 2. Step-by-Step procedure: In a whole group, we will review the circle map and flow chart. I will draw a diagram of a circle map and flow chart and ask them to make the signal (one hand on mouth, one hand in the air) if they can identify the map. I will then draw the Double Bubble and keep it up for modeling. I will ask students to name the four seasons I will ask them to visualize the four seasons in their head, coming up of facts for each season. I will show the students a leaf and flower then ask them to identify what season each belongs to. I will explain to the students that we will complete a Double Bubble map using two of the four seasons. I will visually write “fall” and “spring” in the two circles on the whiteboard. I will have the students brainstorm some facts I could say about fall and spring as well as some similarities between the two seasons. I will ask the students where a fact about spring should go and a fact about fall. I will then ask them where I would place a fact that would fit both seasons. I will add a fact about each of the seasons and then ask the students to come up with some we can add to our Double Bubble. I will tell the students to put a thumbs up if I’m putting the fact in the right place (ex. Leaves in fall section) or thumbs down if I’m placing the fact in the wrong place (ex. Leaves in spring section). We will complete the Double Bubble map on the whiteboard. Once finished, I will tell the students they will now be working on their own Double Bubble of the other two seasons, winter and fall. As a class, we will go over where each of the seasons should be placed on the Double Bubble map. I will then inform the students that after they are completed with their Double Bubble they will receive a piece of paper where they will write 9 complete sentences about each one of their facts. I will emphasize complete sentences and what a sentence starts with as well as ends with. I will provide examples of both, good and bad, sentences. i. Ex. “Football cleats” or “Football players wear cleats” Students will be instructed to go to their table where I will give them a Double Bubble template. The students will work at their table while I walk around and prompt as well as help students spell words. I will write all words on the board that students ask me to spell unless I know they can spell that word. Once the students are finished with their Double Bubble map they will receive a paper where they will go through their maps and write complete sentences for each one of their facts. I will prompt students to write complete sentences and make sure they are following their map. Once the students are done with their writing, they will three hole punch the map and writing then place it in their writing folder. We will review some facts the students came up with both similarity and differences of the two seasons. The students will show me their completed map and writing. The students will then put their maps and writing into their writing binders with name and date. B-D. Thinking Levels Analysis o The students will organize facts about the seasons and placing the similarities of the two seasons in the accurate position. Comprehension o The students will compare and contrast two different seasons. What are some facts about summer? What are some facts about winter? What is similar between summer and winter? Accommodations Prompt for facts Scribe for writing Help with spelling Teach by telling and providing visual on board I will write words on the board they need help spelling E. Methods and Materials 1. Method: discussion, demonstration, and paragraph writing, 2. Materials: Leaf Flower White board and markers Double Bubble template Writing paper Pencil V. Modeling A. I will show and explain the Double Bubble map. B. I will model a double bubble map with the two seasons fall and spring and come up with facts for each season. C. I will visually make a Double Bubble map on the whiteboard as well as explain to the students where each fact should accurately be placed. D. I will explain to the students that I want to see complete sentences on the writing. I will give good and bad examples. VI. Checking for Understanding A. Sample Questions: What can you tell me about fall? What can you tell me about spring? What are some similarities between fall and spring? How do fall and spring differ from one another? Where would I place the fact “it’s a season” on the Double Bubble map? Is “Football cleats” a sentence? What about “Football players wear cleats”? B. I will ask the students to put thumbs up if I’m placing the fact in the correct circle or thumbs down if I’m not. C. I will walk around the table to be sure all students are able to come up with facts and place them in the correct circle on their Double Bubble map. VII. Guided Practice A. The students will complete their own Double Bubble map with the season’s winter and summer with my prompts and assistance. Then the students will transfer their maps into writing complete sentences about each one of their facts as I prompt and assist them. B. I will be available to prompt students come up with facts for their maps. VIII. Independent Practice N/A IX. Closure: X. Assessment: XI. Reflection: This assignment will be assessed by the student’s completion of their facts on their own Double Bubble maps with accuracy of 8 out the 9. Also, the complete sentences about each of their facts they came up with for the two seasons with an accuracy of 7 out of 9. Then they will place their map and writing in their writing binder.