Supplementary information* for Evolution of cranial shape in caecilians (Amphibia: Gymnophiona) Emma Sherratt, David J. Gower , Christian Peter Klingenberg, Mark Wilkinson * except Table S1 which is a separate .xlsx file. Supplementary Methods: Phylogeny Evidence for our composite phylogeny (Figure 1) comes from several sources. The most important source is the mitogenomic phylogenetic study of San Mauro et al. (2014, abbreviated to SM14) which is the most recent large-scale phylogenetic study of caecilians, and which yielded a tree in which all internal branches were maximally supported. This study determines the broad outline of our phylogeny. Other studies (and abbreviations) providing support for particular internal branches within major clades are: Boulengerula (Loader et al. 2011, L11); Indotyphlidae (Gower et al. 2011, G11); Ichthyophiidae (Wilkinson et al. 2014, W14); Scolecomorphidae (Loader 2005, L05; Doherty-Bone et al. 2011, DB11); Typhlonectidae (Wilkinson and Nussbaum 1999) and Uraeotyphlus (Gower et al. unpublished data, Gu). Because our composite tree includes more taxa than are included in the phylogenetic trees from any of these sources, the positions of the additional taxa are necessarily based upon assumptions and in some cases internal branches are based entirely upon assumptions of monophyly. Here we give, for each split in the composite tree, the supporting phylogenetic study or assumptions upon which they are based (Table S2). In the former case support is maximal with at least one numerical phylogenetic method unless otherwise noted in which case maximal support achieved is given in parentheses. Note however that support values for less inclusive phylogenies do not apply without caveat to corresponding internal branches in more inclusive phylogenies (see Wilkinson et al., 2005). Where both assumptions and support are given this reflects that there is some support for monophyly from explicit phylogenetic analyses but it is not sufficient (because of limited taxon sampling) to fully justify the node. The assumptions of monophyly together with the support for internal branches from the relevant phylogenetic studies completely determine our composite phylogeny in the sense that if all the assumptions and supporting phylogenetic results are true then our composite tree must be true. References Doherty-Bone TM, Ndifon RK, San Mauro D, Wilkinson M, LeGrand GN, Gower DJ. 2011. Systematics and ecology of the caecilian Crotaphatrema lamottei (Nussbaum)(Amphibia: Gymnophiona: Scolecomorphidae). Journal of Natural History 45(13-14):827-841. Gower DJ, San Mauro D, Giri V, Bhatta G, Venu G, Ramachandran K, Oommen OV, Fatih FA, MackenzieDodds JA, Nussbaum RA and others. 2011. Molecular systematics of caeciliid caecilians (Amphibia: Gymnophiona) of the Western Ghats, India. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 59(3):698-707. Loader S, Wilkinson M, Cotton J, Müller H, Menegon M, Howell KM, Gower DJ. 2011. Molecular phylogenetics of Boulengerula (Amphibia: Gymnophiona: Caeciliidae) and implications for taxonomy, biogeography and conservation. Herpetological Journal 21(1):5-16. Loader SP. 2005. Ph.D. Thesis: Systematics and biogeography of amphibians of the African Eastern Arc mountains. Glasgow, UK: University of Glasgow. San Mauro D, Gower DJ, Müller H, Loader SP, Zardoya R, Nussbaum RA, Wilkinson M. 2014. Life-history evolution and mitogenomic phylogeny of caecilian amphibians. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. Wilkinson M, Nussbaum RA. 1999. Evolutionary relationships of the lungless caecilian Atretochoana eiselti (Amphibia: Gymnophiona: Typhlonectidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 126(2):191-223. Wilkinson, M. & Nussbaum, R.A. 1992: Taxonomic status of Pseudosiphonops ptychodermis Taylor and Mimosiphonops vermiculatus Taylor (Amphibia: Gymnophiona: Caeciliaidae), with description of a new species. Journal of Natural History 26: 675-688. Wilkinson, M., Pisani, D., Cotton, J. A. & Corfe, I. 2005. Measuring support and finding unsupported groups in supertrees. Systematic Biology 54: 823-831. Wilkinson M, Presswell B, Sherratt E, Papadopoulou A, Gower DJ. 2014. A new species of striped Ichthyophis Fitzinger, 1826 (Amphibia: Gymnophiona: Ichthyophiidae) from Myanmar. Zootaxa 3785(1):45-58. Table S2 The phylogenetic study supporting the mode, or assumptions upon which they are based, for each split in the composite tree, Figure 1. Abbreviations in supplementary methods above. Split Source of Support Assumption of Monophyly 1 SM14 2 SM14 Rhinatrematidae 3 - Rhinatrema 4 SM14 5 SM14 6 SM14 Ichthyophis minus I. bombayensis 7 W14 Sri Lankan Ichthyophis 8 - Peninsular Indian striped Ichthyophis 9 W14 South-East Asian Ichthyophis 10 SM14 11 SM14 12 - 13 Gu 14 Gu 15 Gu 16 Gu 17 Gu 18 Gu 19 SM14 20 SM14 21 L05 22 L05 23 L05 24 DB11 25 L05 26 L05 (89) 27 L05 28 DB11 29 SM14 Uraeotyphlus malabaricus group. Scolecomorphus vittatus + S. kirkii Crotaphatrema 30 SM14 31 SM14 32 SM14 33 L12 34 L12 35 L12 36 L12 37 L12 38 L12 39 SM14 40 SM14 41 SM14 42 SM14 43 W99 44 SM14 45 W99 46 W99 47 - 48 SM14 49 SM14 50 SM14 51 SM14 52 G12 53 SM14 54 G12 55 G12 (89) 56 G12 (98) 57 G12 (93) 58 - 59 SM14 60 SM14 Caeciliidae Chthonerpeton Idiocranium 61 SM14 Microcaecilia 62 SM14 Siphonoforms sensu Wilkinson and Nussbaum (1992) 63 SM14 64 - 65 SM14 66 SM14 67 SM14 Geotrypetes Neotropical dermophiids Table S3 Anatomical definitions of the landmarks used in this study. The composition of the caecilian skull varies across taxa because some elements are lost or fused to others. This variation dictated that some potential landmarks were ruled out through not being applicable to all taxa. The stapes is absent and the fenestra ovalis closed in adult species of family Scolecomorphidae, but a cartilaginous rod (precursor to stapes) is present in early ontogenetic stages, so the landmarks (47-50) were placed in a central position on the occipital bulb. This approach was not, however, used in the case of the orbit because of the variable location of this foramen. Landmarks 1&2 Anteromedial point of nasal bone at nares opening. *3 & 4 Anterior suture of premaxila/nasopremaxilla (n.pmx), where left and right n.pmx tooth rows meet. 5&6 Anterior corner of maxillopalatine, where left and right max.p. tooth row begin. 7&8 Posteromedial point of nares opening, on the septomaxilae when present, otherwise on nasal bones. 9 & 10 Posterior end of vomerine tooth row. 11 & 12 Posterior end of maxillopalatine, where skull widens for lower temporal fossa. 13 & 14 Posterior tip of vomers projecting over the paraspheniod. 15 & 16 Anteriolateral point on processus ascendens of the quadrate. 17 & 18 Widest point of osbasale, medially situated on otic capsule, on basipterygoid process. 19 Intersection of nasal and frontal bones. *20 & 21 Parietal ridge, either side of suture between parietals (muscle scar for m. cutaneous dorsalis and M. depressor mandibulae) *22 & 23 Dorsomedial point of foramen magnum. 24 & 25 Lateral point of foramen magnum, above occipital condyls. 26 & 27 Lateral point of occipital condyls 28 & 29 Posterolateral corner of frontals where they contact parietals. 30 & 31 Posterolateral corner of parietal, by otic capsule. 32 & 33 Posterior point on processus ascendens of the quadrate. 34 & 35 Anterodorsal point of orbital foramen, on the sphenethmoid (point of insertion for cartilage taenia marginalis dorsalis) 36 & 37 Anterior point of exterior foramina for jugular nerve. 38 & 39 Posteroventral point of orbital foramen, on the pleurosphenoid portion of the os basale (point of insertion for cartilage taenia marginalis ventralis) 40 & 41 Dorsal point of squamosal ridge (muscle scar for M. depressor mandibulae insertion) 42 Posterior projection of infraorbital extension of the sphenethmoid 43 Medial of sphenethmoid on posterior side, between the olfactory nerve (Id and Iv) foramina 44 & 45 Anterior point of external foramina for carotid artery. 46 Ventromedial point of foramen magnum 47 & 48 Posterior point of foramen ovale for the stapes 49 & 50 Anterolateral point on stapedial process, by contact with quadrate. 51 & 52 Anterior point of orbital foramina, on the sphenethmoid, where foramen is widest. 53 & 54 Posterior inflexion point where maxillopalatine splits to surround the choanae, where when present, pterygoid contacts max.p. 55 & 56 Posterior end of maxillopalatine inner tooth row. 57 & 58 Lateral point of left and right olfactory (Iv) nerve foramina on posterior side of sphenethmoid. *59 & 60 Anteromedial suture of vomers, where vomerine tooth rows meet. Supplementary Figures Figure S1 Principal components (PC) analysis of the raw species means prior to the phylogenetic allometry correction. The dots are sized proportionally to log centroid size of the cranium. It is evident that no single PC axis defines the covariation of shape with size; rather size variation is dispersed among species. The dots are coloured by clade as in Figure 1. Other than the position of Atretochoana, the large purple dot, away from the others (divergent in a direction oblique to PC1 and PC3), all other species remain in the distinct clade clusters as seen in Figure 6. Figure S2 The fourth and fifth principal axes of cranial shape variation, visualised as warped crania surfaces, as a complement to Figure 5. PC axes are from a PCA of species means, corrected for evolutionary allometry Shape changes associated with the PCs are shown as extreme cranial shapes representing the positive and negative end of each axis. In each case, the magnitude of shape change from the mean corresponds to PC scores in Figure 6. Shape changes in detail: Depth of the front of the cranium dominates the fourth axis of shape variation. PC4 (7.9%) is associated with relative shifts of landmarks in the boundary between the braincase and snout, marking changes in the length of the sphenethmoid and the size of the internal orbital foramen, and change in the depth of the front of the cranium relative to the braincase. In the negative direction, the front of the cranium is almost as deep as the braincase, the internal orbital foramen is wide and the sphenethmoid is long. In the positive direction the front of the cranium is dorsoventrally compressed and the internal orbital foramen and sphenethmoid become relatively shorter. Although this axis contributes little to the overall variation among species, it is important because it appears to describe morphological changes associated with the niche-shift from terrestrial to more aquatic habitats, with members of the Typhlonectidae (even those that are semi-aquatic) lying far away from all other species along this axis (Figure 6). The final axis of major variation in caecilian cranial shape (PC5) is associated with mouth shape and the position of the jaw articulation relative to the back of the skull, but overall contributes relatively little to the variation among species (6.7%). This axis is associated with relative shifts of landmarks in the cheek region and changes in the relative size of the mouth. In the negative direction, the cheek region lies further posteriorly in relation to the braincase, and as such is associated with longer tooth rows and a more extensive mouth. In the negative direction, the cheek region lies further forwards, with a less extensive mouth. Species at the extreme limits along this axis belong to the Caeciliidae (negative) and Typhlonectidae (positive; with the exception of Atretochoana, which lies closer to species of Caeciliidae). Figure S3 Clade disparity is not correlated with clade age (A) nor with species richness (B). Morphological diversity (disparity), calculated from shape data corrected for evolutionary allometry, as determined by Procrustes variance. Abbreviations as in Figure 2, except Herpelidae + Chikilidae represented as H for simplicity. Clade ages were estimated from published sources, details in text. Scolecomorphidae is excluded from clade age analysis because no published dating estimate exists including the genus Crotaphatrema.