Diploma Programme subject outline—Group 2: language acquisition School name Canyon del Oro High School Name of the DP subject Language B: German School code 6955 (indicate the language) Level Higher (indicate with X) Standard completed in two years X (not applicable for languages ab initio) Name of the teacher who completed this outline Date when outline was completed Standard completed in one year * X (not applicable for languages ab initio) Wendi Ousley Date of IB training June 20-24, 2011 July 25, 2011 Name of workshop Languages B Generic in English (indicate name of subject and workshop category) Category One * All Diploma Programme courses are designed as two-year learning experiences. However, up to two standard level subjects, excluding languages ab initio and pilot subjects, can be completed in one year, according to conditions established in the Handbook of procedures for the Diploma Programme. 1. If you will be teaching language B higher level, identify the two works of literature to be studied N/A 2. Course outline – Use the following table to organize the topics to be taught in the course. If you need to include topics that cover other requirements you have to teach (for example, national syllabus), make sure that you do so in an integrated way, but also differentiate them using italics. Add as many rows as you need. – This document should not be a day-by-day accounting of each unit. It is an outline showing how you will distribute the topics and the time to ensure that students are prepared to comply with the requirements of the subject. – This outline should show how you will develop the teaching of the subject. It should reflect the individual nature of the course in your classroom and should not just be a “copy and paste” from the subject guide. – If you will teach both higher and standard level, make sure that this is clearly identified in your outline. Topic Contents (as identified in the IB subject guide) State the topics in the order you are planning to teach them. Year 1 Leisure (OPTION) Global Issues (CORE) Leisure (OPTION) Customs and Traditions (OPTION) Social Relationships (CORE) 1. Travelling (holidays) 2. Social interaction through leisure (talking about popular European vacation sites) Allocated time One class is 60 minutes. In one week there are 5 classes. August/September September/October Text handling skills: travel brochures and articles on tourism. Read and discuss text types. Keep a notebook (will be checked later) of formats and examples. Create a travel blog and write a review for the accommodations. Performance: Demonstration speech and finished product. 1. Food (meal planning) 2. Celebrations and social events (picnic) 3. Historical events (Kulturstadt Europas) 4. The Arts (poetry) 1. Self-identity (man vs. self) 2. Family relationships (blended families and conflict) AP essay topics, cloze exercises, directed responses, and story telling based on pictures. Speaking: Role play Plan a trip to a German speaking country with a thematic focus: eco-friendly, historical, artistic, musical, scientific, mathematical, or technological. 1. International Economy (The European Union) 1. Travelling (planning a trip to a German speaking state, travel brochure) 2. Social interaction through leisure (youth hostel, Pension, Gasthof, Hotel) Assessment instruments to be used Analyse a piece of German Romantic Poetry from late 1700 – early 1800s. Resources List the main resources to be used, including information technology if applicable. Komm mit, Level 3 Textbook Workbook Video CDs Transparencies Communicative Activities AP German Language Resources http://europa.eu/index_de.htm Travel Brochures http://www.germany.travel/de/ index.html http://de.reisen.yahoo.com/ Cookbooks http://video.google.de/vid eoplay?docid=47844365 81988828531# http://www.spardirnberge r.at/home.shtml http://de.wikipedia.org/wi ki/Kulturhauptstadt_Euro pas October/November Text handling skills: written responses to the questions presented about the novel. Read fashion report. What information is included in **Read first novel: Die Ilse ist weg http://www.elle.de/ Topic Contents (as identified in the IB subject guide) State the topics in the order you are planning to teach them. Customs and Traditions (OPTION) 1. Fashion (appearances and trends) Allocated time One class is 60 minutes. In one week there are 5 classes. November/December 1. Sports (staying fit) Leisure (OPTION) Social Relationships (CORE) Social Relationships (CORE) Global Issues (CORE) Social Relationships (CORE) 1. Self-identity (German subcultures) 2. Social behaviours and stances (priorities of adolescents) 3. Taboos vs. what is socially acceptable (cliques) 1. Relationships (friendship, work, family) 2. Educational system (Gymnasium, Realschule, Hauptschule, Hochschule, Universität) Resources List the main resources to be used, including information technology if applicable. this type of text? Write a report discussing several current trends. http://www.pimkie.de/ Write a review on a collection of clothing (a variety of pieces). Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. Individual Speaking Practice: Based on pictures with a fashion or fitness focus. http://www.hm.com/de/ Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. http://dede.facebook.com/ January/February 1. Prejudice (bias and complaints) 1. Minorities (immigrants) 2. Taboos vs. what is socially acceptable (inter-racial marriage) Assessment instruments to be used February/March Find a piece of writing (article, editorial) which suggests cultural bias. Discuss what you discovered from the writing. (Who are the participants? What is their bias? Where is it happening? When did it start? Why is their prejudice in this situation? How can the problem be solved?) http://www.bildungsserver. de/zeigen.html?seite=136 Text Handling: texts on social responsibilities of a culture. http://www.youtube.com/watc h?v=F8I9BUUolvk **Read second novel: Kein Schnaps für Tamara Topic Contents (as identified in the IB subject guide) State the topics in the order you are planning to teach them. Social Relationships (CORE) Communication and Media (CORE) Customs and Traditions (OPTION) Allocated time Assessment instruments to be used One class is 60 minutes. In one week there are 5 classes. 1. Social and/or political structures (rights and responsibilities : military service, voting, driving, marriage). 2. Cultural identity (The White Rose student resistance movement) March/April 1. Press, radio and tv, and sensationalism in the media 2. Press (school newspaper) 3. Editorials April/May Watch Die weisse Rose and discuss the notion of one man creating change in the world. Show clips of Sophie Scholl and use as a catalyst for discussion. Resources List the main resources to be used, including information technology if applicable. http://www.humanistischeaktion.de/pflicht.htm https://www.elternimnetz.de/c ms/paracms.php?site_id=5&p age_id=165 http://www.bundeswehr.de/po rtal/a/bwde **Read non-fiction memoir: Die weisse Rose Conduct an interview with local German speakers. The interview should be a biographical focus on the interviewee. Write a short biographical sketch of your person and include a picture. 1. The Arts (Fairy Tales) http://www.sfjajs.ch/index.php?option=com _content&view=article&id=34 1&Itemid=126&lang=de http://www.zeitungen.de/ http://www.focus.de/ http://www.tagesschau.de/ In-depth study of fairy tales. Read several lesser known fairy tales, practice receptive and productive reading skills by translating the fairy tale and writing an original based on the fairy tale model. http://www.rtl.de/cms/index.ht ml Märchen http://de.yahoo.com/ Bilder Suchen Topic Contents (as identified in the IB subject guide) State the topics in the order you are planning to teach them. Year 2 Communication and Media (CORE) Leisure (OPTION) Global Issues (CORE) Customs and Traditions (OPTION) Social Relationships (CORE) 1. Advertising (pros and cons – critical thinking, product comparison, persuasive tools) Allocated time One class is 60 minutes. In one week there are 5 classes. August/September 1. Entertainment (comics, humor) 1. Stereotypes and Prejudice (How the Germans see Americans and vice versa) 2. Globalization (partner cities) 1. Celebrations, social and religious events (national pastimes, holidays) 1. Cultural identity (lessons learned through student exchanges) 2. Nationalism (how natives feel about their own image) Assessment instruments to be used September/October Students find 3-5 German print advertisements. What persuasive tools are used? Describe the picture, the colours, the font, the word choice, etc. Partner discussion. Give 15 minutes for preparation. (individual assessment) Resources List the main resources to be used, including information technology if applicable. Komm mit, Level 3 Textbook Workbook Video CDs Transparencies Watch German commercials. Answer the same questions as a whole class. 15 minutes preparation. (interactive assessment) AP German Language Resources Review text types regularly. Bring in sample pieces of writing. http://www.investinhealth.org. uk/useruploaded/Litmodule3_3.pdf Text handling: receptive and productive. Read a German comic. Begin with individual writing and then small group. Discuss the content as a class. Prepared presentation. http://www.cleverfinden.de/gculture.htm Create your own comic strip of 4-6 cells. Topic: Injustice Text handling: Read and comment on one social problem discussed in the novel. THEME ESSAY. Communicative Activities German slang book Topic Contents (as identified in the IB subject guide) State the topics in the order you are planning to teach them. Global Issues (CORE) 1. Racism, Prejudice and Discrimination **Read third novel: Choice of Yildiz heiβt Stern or Papa, Charly hat gesagt Allocated time Assessment instruments to be used One class is 60 minutes. In one week there are 5 classes. October/November Respond to listening episodes of Papa, Charly hat gesagt Text handling: receptive and productive. Read short articles about environmental concerns. Create a tip sheet along with 5 FAQs with short responses. Individual oral using pictures (15 minute preparation, 10 minute presentation). 1. the Arts (music, visual arts, dance, theatre, opera, books, film) 2. Celebrations, social and religious events (Christmas in Germany) List the main resources to be used, including information technology if applicable. http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=T4jqwN8vaSI http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=5rg5eZzJBp8&f eature=related 2. The environment and sustainability (environmental concerns, problems and solutions, reduce and reuse efforts) Customs and Traditions (OPTION) Resources http://www.planetwissen.de/natur_technik/natur schutz/umweltverschmutzung/ index.jsp http://www.umweltkids.de/ Umweltverschmutzung – Google images November/December Create an item to “sell” at our Christkindlmarkt. Students will give a 5 minute presentation about the items they made describing what it is, how they learned about it, how they made it, etc. Write a newspaper review over a concert, film, play, art exhibit you have recently attended. Review text type for newspaper writing. http://www.germanway.com/christmas2.html http://de.movies.yahoo.com/ http://www.deutschland.de/kul tur.html http://www.magazindeutschland.de/ http://www.focus.de/kultur/ http://www.investinhealth.org. uk/useruploaded/Litmodule3_3.pdf Topic Contents (as identified in the IB subject guide) State the topics in the order you are planning to teach them. Social Relationships (CORE) 1. Social Behaviors (beliefs, values, and norms) 2. Social Structures (visualizing one’s future plans) Communication and Media (CORE) 1. Advertising (image, branding, censorship, Photo Shop, etc.) 2. Press (Persuasive Writing) Social Relationships (CORE) 1. Social behaviours and stances (communication, recognizing and expressing personal opinions) 2. Self-identity (who are you and who will you become) Customs and Traditions (OPTION) 1. Celebrations, social and religious events (Fasching/Carneval in Germany) Allocated time Assessment instruments to be used One class is 60 minutes. In one week there are 5 classes. Resources List the main resources to be used, including information technology if applicable. January/February Official Report – Written Assignment. Topic: Lebenslauf Interview – interactive oral. (partners – boss and applicant) http://www.focus.de/finanzen/ karriere/bewerbung/lebenslau f/tid-5252/lebenslauf-allesoder-nichts-auf-knapp-zweiseiten_aid_50288.html Mit dreiβig was werde ich getan haben? Use any of the text types to address this question. February/March With the use of images and texts, the students will discuss their impressions of Fasching, compare to and contrast with Mardi Gras, create a working definition for the holiday. Vocabulary also emphasized. http://www.youtube.com/watc h?v=LbM0wcy9SDw http://www.entdeckedeutschland.diplo.de/Vertretu ng/entdeckedeutschland/de/0 7__Traditionen/__Traditionen. html Topic (as identified in the IB subject guide) State the topics in the order you are planning to teach them. 3. Contents Allocated time Assessment instruments to be used One class is 60 minutes. In one week there are 5 classes. PRACTICE FOR EXAMS March/April IB EXAMS April/May Paper 1(EA) Paper 2(EA) Written Assignment (EA) Individual Oral (IA) Interactive Oral (IA) Resources List the main resources to be used, including information technology if applicable. Training Resources from UWC OCC Online IB Internal and external assessment requirements to be completed during the course Briefly explain how and when you will work on them. Include the date when you will first introduce the internal and external assessment requirements, when they will be due and how students will be prepared to complete them. Each month, students will have at least one assessment in each of the test components: Paper 1 (Receptive Skills), Paper 2 (Written Productive Skills), Written Assignment (Receptive and Written Productive Skills), Individual Oral and Interactive Oral (Productive, Interactive and Receptive Skills), and this routine will begin immediately (August of Year One) with an early introduction and overview of the class expectations and goals. These frequent assessments are formative and used for learning purposes (identifying strengths and weaknesses). At the end of each semester for Year One and Year Two (December and May), students will be given a summative assessment in the five IB test components, and these tests, given over two weeks, will serve as their semester exams. In order for the students to feel confident in facing the internal assessments, I will begin by modelling possible oral responses and vocabulary consideration. And to prepare for the external assessment, we will engage in progressive group writing exercises (from teacher - whole group - small group individual). 4. Links to TOK You are expected to explore links between the topics of your subject and TOK. As an example of how you would do this, choose one topic from your course outline that would allow your students to make links with TOK. Describe how you would plan the lesson. Topic Link with TOK (including description of lesson plan) ToK: Linguaculture Discussion of Linguaculture – what does it mean to “know” a language? Gestures, body language, taboos, proximity, handholding, kissing, eye contact, grammar & syntax, subconscious expectations (frames) and judgements. ToK: Educational Reform What educational changes are currently being made in Germany? Compare/contrast to American views on public school education. Reform in the German Educational System: An Ongoing Process ToK: Aphorismen und Sprüche. Aphorismen und Sprüche. What can a collection of sayings tell you about a culture and their values? Quotations and discussion. http://www.zitate.de/ 5. International mindedness Every IB course should contribute to the development of international mindedness in students. As an example of how you would do this, choose one topic from your outline that would allow your students to analyse it from different cultural perspectives. Briefly explain the reason for your choice and what resources you will use to achieve this goal. Topic Contribution to the development of international mindedness (including resources you will use) Social Relationships Message Board: Students will be asked to examine the perspective of European students. What responsibilities do they take upon themselves? What is their self-identity and how is it related to the culture in which they were raised? Specifically, what is their approach to world issues? And how does the stance they take affect the future of their country? I want the students to consider these questions and stay abreast of world news. Anytime they hear about or read something related to this line of questioning, I would like them to bring in the article, post it on the message board, and write a short 100-word response to the article. Students will also be asked to read the articles submitted by other students and write a short 100-word reply to their classmate’s comments. 6. Development of the IB learner profile Through the course it is also expected that students will develop the attributes of the IB learner profile. As an example of how you would do this, choose one topic from your course outline and explain how the contents and related skills would pursue the development of any attribute(s) of the IB learner profile that you will identify. Topic Contribution to the development of the attribute(s) of the IB learner profile Global Issues Reading a novel from an immigrant or minority point of view, studying environmental issues, and writing resumes support openminded, knowledgeable, and reflective communicators. Open-minded -- Read choice of Yildiz heiβt Stern or Papa, Charly hat gesagt Knowledgeable -- Text handling: receptive and productive. Read short articles about environmental concerns. Create a tip sheet along with 5 FAQs with short responses. Reflective -- Official Report – Written Assignment. Topic: Lebenslauf Social Relationships 7. Resources Are instructional materials and other resources available in sufficient quality, quantity and variety to give effective support to the aims and methods of the courses? Briefly describe what plans are in place if changes are needed. These are the resources that we currently do not own that would need to be purchased over the next two years. All other items listed in the resources above are currently in place. Equipment: Color Printer, Adequate use of the computer labs, audacity, head sets, blank CDs . Books (10 copies each) : Die Ilse ist weg Kein Schnaps für Tamara ISBN-10: 3468497202 ISBN-13: 978-3468497209 ISBN-10: 3125554500 ISBN-13: 978-3125554504 Die weisse Rose ISBN-10: 3126754945 ISBN-13: 978-3126754941 Yildiz heiβt Stern ISBN-10: 9783468496950 ISBN-13: 978-3468496950 Papa, Charly hat gesagt ISBN-10: 9783499118494 ISBN-13: 978-3499118494 Mäerchenbuch (Collection of Fairy Tales) ISBN-10: 3401091832 ISBN-13: 978-3401091839 Films: der Bader Meinhof Komplex ASIN: B001GNBUEA Wings of Desire ASIN: B0015FWJSA das Versprechen ASIN: B001B3IMA0 Harry Potter (Die Jahre 1-6) Box Set ASIN: B003CX4K76 Schindlers Liste ASIN: B0001E8BG0 TV series: Simpsons (Season 3) ASIN: B000GFRC14 €9,40 AND (Season 8) ASIN: B000HEW0MK Willkommen im Leben(die komplette Serie) ASIN: B001U3MWCK Komm mit! Lies mit mir! Intermediate Reader Komm mit, Level 3, Video Program ISBN-13: 9780030656385, ISBN: 0030656389 ISBN: 978-0-030-56621-9