St. Leo the Great Catholic Church ROME PILGRIMAGE SEPTEMBER 24 – OCTOBER 6, 2015 A ONCE IN A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY… To experience the treasures of historic and Catholic Rome and Italy, while showing support for our very own seminarian Douglas Krebs as he lays down his life in service of the Church in the magnificent St. Peter’s Basilica and is ordained a Deacon! Join your Pastor, Fr. Justin Waltz, his Associates, Frs. Jadyn Nelson and Adam Maus, and many of St. Leo’s fine parishioners on this 13-day journey of faith and culture. We will visit the historic and charming Italian cities of Siena and Assisi before taking in the wonders of the Eternal City! ITINERARY Thursday, September 24: USA/Rome We depart Minot for Rome on Delta Airlines, connecting through lovely Amsterdam. Supper and breakfast will be provided on the airplane. As we make our descent into the Eternal City hopefully we’ll catch a glimpse of the stunning dome of St. Peter’s Basilica! Friday, September 25: Orvieto/Siena Welcome to the Eternal City! We will arrive at Fiumicino Airport in Rome, clear passport control and baggage claim, and depart by private, air-conditioned motor coach for Orvieto, a fabulous Italian city perched atop a breath-taking rock fortress. Our first Italian pranzo will be at Ristorante Da Maurizio, followed by a tour of the Cathedral and the splendid Signorelli Chapel. Mass will follow at the Cathedral in the Chapel of the Eucharistic Miracle. Time permitting; there will also be a visit to the famous Pozzo di San Patrizio. We will then depart for Siena to find ample rest for our weary and travel-beleaguered bones. Dinner will be on your own. Saturday, September 26: Siena We’ll enjoy a light buffet breakfast at the hotel before celebrating Mass at the Shrine of St. Catherine. After Mass, Fr. Ehli will lead us on a walking tour of Siena in the footsteps of St. Catherine, including a visit to the Basilica of San Domenico. We will then visit the Piazza del Campo and enjoy a delicious lunch at the Ristorante Le Grotte del Gallo Nero. Following lunch, we will soak in the beauty of the Duomo, and possibly even peruse the Duomo museum and Baptistry. Dinner will be on your own…enjoy the starlit evening in one of Europe’s most charming medeval cities! Sunday, September 27: Siena/Assisi Following breakfast at the hotel, we’ll head for Mass at the Church of San Francesco followed by a tour of the stunning Eucharistic Miracle. Then, Arrivederci Siena, we’re off to Assisi! Dinner will be on your own. Monday, September 28: Assisi We’ll start the day with a light buffet breakfast at the hotel followed by Mass and a walking tour to the important places of St. Francis’s childhood. We will then take a leisurely walk to visit the Basilica of St. Clare. Lunch is on our own. Following a light lunch we will make our way to the famous hermitage of St. Francis. The rest of the day is free to shop and tour. We will reunite for dinner, provided at Ristorante La Buca di San Francesco. Tuesday, September 29: Assisi/Rome Following breakfast at the hotel, we’re off to celebrate Mass at the Basilica of San Francesco followed by a tour of the Basilica lead by Fr. Justin Waltz. After checking out of our hotel, we’ll say ‘good-bye’ to the peaceful city of Assisi, but not before making one final stop at the Porziuncola in the Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli. Lunch will be on your own as we prepare for our final destination…Rome!!! Upon arrival in the Eternal City, we will check-in to our hotel and then proceed to dinner at Hostaria L’Angoletto ai Musei. Now is the last chance to purchase religious gifts to have blessed by the Holy Father. Off to bed, for tomorrow we get to see Pope Francis! Grabbing pizza on the way we will continue our walking tour of Rome with a visit to the Pantheon and Piazza Navona before retiring for the day. As we traverse these stunning Roman venues by night we will stop, of course, to indulge in some worldfamous gelato at Giolitti. Wednesday, September 30: Holy Father Buffet breakfast at hotel followed by an early departure for the General Audience with the Holy Father. After the Audience, you are free to grab lunch on your own. We will then depart for an afternoon Mass at the Pope’s Cathedral…the Basilica of St. John Lateran. Our very own Fr. Jadyn Nelson will lead the tour. Supper will be provided at Ristorante Da Orazio. Thursday, October 1: Rome This is the big day! After breakfast we depart for St. Peter’s Basilica for the Diaconate Ordination of Doug Krebs. Following the ordination we will walk up the hill to the NAC where Fr. Jadyn studied for a light reception. A fabulous ordination meal will be provided at the unbeatable Ristorante Cecilia Metella. Friday, October 2: Rome Today brings Deacon Doug’s first preached Mass at Sant’Andrea delle Fratte with pranzo at Ristorante La Ruota, followed by a tour of the beautiful Basilica of St. Paul’s Outside the Walls. We will return to the hotel to freshen up before taking a walking tour of the Spanish Steps and Trevi Fountain. Saturday, October 3: Rome After breakfast we will make our way to the historic ruins of the Forum and the magnificent Coliseum. Then, we’re off to the beautiful Basilica of St. Mary Major for a tour followed by Mass. After grabbing lunch at Leonetti, we will stop briefly at the Church of Santa Praessede en route to the Holy Stairs, where we will follow the footsteps of millions of Christian pilgrims by prayerfully making our way up the very stairs upon which Jesus walked on that first Good Friday. Then we’re off to the Basilica of Santa Croce, which houses the true relics of the very Cross, upon which hung Our Savior Jesus Christ! Dinner is on your own. Sunday, October 4: Rome Being the Lord’s Day, the morning will be free to take in Rome at your leisure. Lunch, as well, will be on your own. Following lunch we will have a tour of the fascinating Roman catacombs, followed by Mass. As evening comes we will seal the many Graces of the pilgrimage with a Holy Hour and Penance Service at our lovely hotel chapel. Dinner will be provided at Ristorante Venerina al Borgo. Monday, October 5: Rome Light buffet breakfast will be provided at the hotel. We will then depart for morning Mass at St. Peter’s Basilica. After grabbing a cappuccino and cornetto at the famous Pope’s Bar, we will alternate between Scavi Tours and a tour of St. Peter’s Basilica. Lunch is on your own. As evening begins to fall we will be off for a truly once-in-a-lifetime private visit to the Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel, followed by our last Roman meal together. We will return to the hotel to pack before retiring…tomorrow brings a long day of travel home. Tuesday, October 6: Arrivederci Roma! ROME PILGRIMAGE Cost The price for the complete land itinerary as detailed above is $3,090 U.S. per person, double occupancy. This price does not include round-trip group airfare from Minot to Rome, for which we have a group rate of $1,396. Thus the total cost of the pilgrimage, land + air, is $4,486. ** The above price is based upon double occupancy in the hotel accommodations. The single supplement for those requesting a single room throughout the pilgrimage is $500 U.S. We will gladly attempt to find roommates for those traveling alone, if there are other such pilgrims available and willing. Making Your Own Arrangements for Airfare Participants may use frequent flyer miles or secure their own airfare. However, if doing so results in variations of the flight itinerary, individuals may be responsible for their own transportation to and from the Italian arrival and departure airports. To Reserve Space on the Pilgrimage Reservations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Space is limited. To reserve space on the pilgrimage, complete the reservation form and mail or deliver the form and your NON-REFUNDABLE deposit check in the amount of $500 on or before MARCH 1st (made out to St. Leo’s Catholic Church) to: St. Leo the Great Catholic Church Rome Pilgrimage 218 1st St. SE Minot, ND 58701 If you have questions, feel free to contact Fr Justin Waltz at St. Leo’s Parish or Fr. Joshua Ehli at Included Features: • Mass offered daily • A Penance Service at the trip’s conclusion • All transportation throughout Italy by private, air-conditioned motor coach • All entrance fees and English-speaking guides as per itinerary • Breakfast provided every day • Lunches or dinners as listed in the itinerary with wine and mineral water provided at all meals • Clean and comfortable accommodations with private bath • All taxes, service charges, and standard tips/gratuities associated with the itinerary • Not included are passport fees, items of a personal nature, laundry, and meals not specified in the itinerary. Checked baggage will be limited to one piece per person, plus carryon. Participants should be advised that a visit to Italy typically involves a good deal of walking. All U.S. citizens traveling to Europe require a passport valid at least 6 months after the dates of travel, and those without a passport are advised to apply for one immediately. U.S. citizens do not require a visa for travel to Italy, and non-citizens should check with their respective consulates. This program is planned in advance, and therefore circumstances beyond our control may require that some changes be made in the actual tour operations, such as a change in days of sightseeing, a substitution of some sight that may be closed for another sight, or the unforeseen cancellation of an event such as the Papal Audience. We reserve the right to vary the itinerary and substitute components of the tour program. ROME PILGRIMAGE Reservation Form To reserve a space on the pilgrimage, please return this entire form to: St. Leo the Great Catholic Church, 218 1th St. SE, Minot, ND 58701 RE: Rome Pilgrimage. Space is limited. Please print clearly. NAME(S): _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NUMBER OF TRAVELERS:______________________ E–MAIL ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________ HOME ADDRESS:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY: ____________________________________________________________ STATE:__________________________ ZIP:__________________________________ DAYTIME PHONE:_______________________________________________ EVENING PHONE:___________________________________________________ I am enclosing a check for $500 per person (made out to “St. Leo’s Catholic Church”) to reserve my/our space on the St. Leo the Great Pilgrimage to Rome. I agree to pay an additional $1,500 per person by April 15th, 2015 and the balance in full by June 15th, 2015. SIGNATURE:_______________________________________________________________________________ DATE:_______________________________________ CANCELLATION FEES: The following per person fees apply for cancellations received by Fr. Justin Waltz in writing: from the time of reservation up to June 15, 2015 – $1500; from June 15 to August 15, 2015 – $2500; from August 15 until departure – 100% of the tour price must be forfeited. Travel insurance is available and highly recommended. *** Please initial to demonstrate that you understand and agree to the above terms: _________ *** TRAVEL INSURANCE: For your protection we highly recommend travel insurance, which is provided through agents such as Travelex Insurance Services: RESPONSIBILITY: The responsibility of Fr. Joshua Ehli, Fr. Justin Waltz, and St. Leo the Great Catholic Church herein after called the “Operators”, and/or their agents is limited. They act only as agent for the passenger in regard to travel whether by railroad, motor coach, private car, boat, aircraft or any other conveyance, and assume no liability for injury, damage, loss, accident, delay or irregularity which may be occasioned by either reason of defect, through the acts or default of any company or person engaged in conveying the passenger or in carrying out the arrangements of the tour, or as a direct or indirect result of acts of God, dangers incident to the sea, fire, breakdown in machinery or equipment, act of governments or other authorities, de jure or de facto, wars, whether declared or not, hostilities, civil disturbances, strikes, riots, theft, pilferage, epidemics, quarantines, medical or customs regulations, or from any causes beyond the Operators’ control, or from any loss or damage resulting from improper passport, visas or other documents. The airlines concerned are not responsible for any act, omission or event during the time you are not aboard the aircraft. The passenger contract in use by the airline, when issued, constitutes the sole contract between you and airline. Anyone not utilizing the pre-arranged transportation is responsible for the subsequent transportation. No changes in the itinerary are expected, but we reserve the right to make them if necessary. Because of unforeseen changes in transportation schedules, the land portion of your tour may be occasionally extended or curtailed. The Operators cannot be responsible for changes of itinerary. The number of day indicated for each itinerary begins with the day of scheduled departure and ends with the scheduled return arrival day, irrespective of the hour of departure or return, and may vary due to transportation schedule changes. The Operators reserve the right to accept or retain