Supplemental Material: Biogeochemical and metagenomic analysis of nitrite accumulation in the Gulf of Mexico hypoxic zone 5 10 Contributors: Laura A. Bristow, Neha Sarode, John Cartee, Alejandro Caro-Quintero, Bo Thamdrup, Frank J. Stewart 1 15 Table S1: Summary of sampling depths, molecular analyses, and 15N rate determinations conducted at each station. 1 stn 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 date (2012) 07/24 07/24 07/24 07/25 07/25 07/25 07/25 07/25 07/25 07/25 07/25 07/25 07/26 07/26 07/26 07/27 07/27 07/27 07/29 07/29 07/29 07/31 07/31 07/31 07/31 07/31 07/31 07/31 07/31 07/28 07/28 07/28 07/28 07/28 07/28 6 07/29 to 07/31 (diel sampling) depth (m) analysis1 2 A; Mg 6 A; Mg 11 A; Mg 2 20 40 63 2 A; Mg 20 45 A; Mg 60 120 A; Mg 2 A; Mg 10 A; Mg 18 2 A; Mg 5 A; Mg 10 A; Mg 2.5 7 15.7 2 A; Mg 3 A; Mg; Mt 5 A; Mg 7 A; Mg 9 A; Mg; Mt 11 A; Mg 13 A; Mg; Mt 15 A; Mg 2 A; Mg 10 A; Mg 21.5 2 A; Mg 7 15 A; Mg 7 and 15 rate expts (15N Additions) 15 NH4+; 15NO215 NH4+; 15NO215 NH4+; 15NO2- 15 15 NH4+; 15NO2NH4+; 15NO2-; 15NO3- 15 NH4+; 15NO215 NH4+; 15NO2-; 15NO3- 15 15 NH4+; 15NO2NH4+; 15NO2- A A, indicates 16S rRNA gene amplicon; M, metagenome; T, metatranscriptome 2 Table S2: Sequencing statistics. 16S rRNA gene Metagenome stn depth (m) reads1 OTU2 Chao13 reads1 PC4 1 2 4,644 106 183 323,449 200,859 1 6 3,094 95 152 4,596,587 3,318,666 1 11 15,205 115 229 1,454,885 1,144,319 3 2 3,642 153 238 2,436,387 1,844,574 3 45 4,842 166 257 3,993,001 2,921,228 3 120 6,138 204 369 3,236,605 2,451,508 4 2 5,780 99 175 245,309 138,696 4 10 6,800 126 255 2,600,017 1,916,125 5 2 661 106 111 765,588 505,165 5 5 5,005 158 269 1,910,220 1,382,951 5 10 7,912 170 322 1,568,301 1,145,446 6 0 14,567 123 244 592,241 360,226 6 3 23,787 118 220 919,528 475,220 6 5 2,372 113 178 1,493,425 940,317 6 7 4,369 114 198 657,500 393,877 6 9 13,327 108 241 1,167,202 819,251 6 11 4,753 126 214 1,198,003 867,194 6 13 2,498 131 210 1,101,495 780,807 6 15 4,271 155 261 1,647,797 1,057,387 7 2 16,983 121 204 340,336 223,766 7 10 4,859 103 153 1,686,304 1,219,568 8 2 377,452 168 349 2,051,412 1,599,501 8 15 13,602 169 223 2,711,399 2,040,456 Metatranscriptome reads1 PC4 6,518,172 565,136 10,466,363 887,798 2,342,438 129,119 20 1 reads, sequences post quality control filtering and paired end merging OTU, number of observed OTUs (97% similarity clusters) based on rarified counts (n = 661 sequences) 3 Chao1, number of Chao1 estimated OTUs based on rarified counts (n = 661 sequences) 4 PC, reads with significant (> bit score 50) BLASTX matches to protein-coding genes in NCBI-nr 2 3 25 Supplemental Discussion - 16S rRNA amplicon diversity Despite high variability in taxonomic composition across sites, some taxonomic groups exhibited clear depth-specific patterns across sites. Similar to the pattern for the Thaumarchaeota (described in the main text), sequences matching the uncultured division SAR406 (Marine Group A) also consistently increased with depth (from an average of 30 1.6 % at depths <10 m to 5% at depths of ≥10 m) and declining oxygen (r2=0.28), with a vast majority (on average 94% of SAR406 amplicons) affiliated with the subclade Arctic96B-7. A positive relationship between SAR406 abundance and deoxygenation has been observed in other OMZ sites in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific (Beman and Carolan 2013) and North Subarctic Pacific (Allers et al 2012). Recent genomic evidence 35 suggests that this group may be involved in dissimilatory polysulfide reduction to sulfide, or sulfide oxidation (Wright et al 2014). Lacking rates or targeted genome sequencing, the functional contributions of SAR406 to Shelf biochemical cycling remain unknown. Allers, E., J. J. Wright, K. M. Konwar, C. G. Howes, E. Beneze, S. J. Hallam, and M. B. 40 Sullivan. 2012. Diversity and population structure of Marine Group A bacteria in the Northeast subarctic Pacific Ocean. ISME J. 7: 256-268, doi: 10.1038/ismej.2012.108 Beman, J. M., and M. T. Carolan. 2013. Deoxygenation alters bacterial diversity and community composition in the ocean's largest oxygen minimum zone. Nat. Commun. 4: 45 2705, doi: 10.1038/ncomms3705 4 Time-series Sampling, Station 6. 50 Figure S1: Time-series data over the period 29-31 July at station 6 (57 hours total; sampling approximately every 4-6 hours). Panels show salinity (a), fluorescence (µg L-1; b), oxygen (µmol kg-1; c), nitrite (µM; d), and community taxonomic composition at intermediate (7 m) and bottom water (15 m) depths, inferred from 16S rRNA gene amplicons (e). Numbers in parentheses in panel e indicate time of day. 55 60 Repeated sampling (every 4 hrs) of the same site (station 6) over a 57 hr period revealed significant variation in environmental conditions and microbial community structure due to water mass advection. Over the 57 hours sampled at station 6, a consistent layer of low salinity water (< 33) was present in the top 6 to 8 m, with the halocline deepening during daylight hours (Fig. S1). The oxycline occurred over an 5 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 identical depth range to that of the halocline and also deepened during daylight hours (Fig. S1). Oxygen concentrations over the vertical gradient were exceptionally dynamic, with bottom water (15-16 m) concentrations being hypoxic for only the first 21 hours of sampling and then increased to maximum levels of 100 µmol kg-1 on July 31st at 14:00 (Fig. S1). Bottom water salinity showed an increase from 35.5 at the beginning of the time series to 36 at the end, correlating well with the increase in oxygen (r2=0.86; p < 0.05). As bottom water oxygen concentrations increased, nitrite concentrations decreased, from 3.4 to 1.3 µM over the time series. Highest nitrate concentrations (6.4 µM) coincided with highest nitrite and lowest oxygen concentrations in bottom waters at the beginning of the time series. As bottom water oxygen increased, nitrate concentrations dropped to 1.4 µM. Nitrate and nitrite showed a weak positive correlation over the whole time series (r2 = 0.47; p < 0.05). Chlorophyll fluorescence was highest between 7 and 9 m during daylight hours, with maximal concentrations of 3.7 µg L-1 observed at 8 m at 14:00 on July 30th (Fig. S1). Fluorescence in the bottom waters remained low throughout the sampling period. Unfortunately, ammonia and nitrite oxidation rates were only determined at the beginning of the time series, so we cannot comment on how decoupling of ammonia and nitrite oxidation was influenced over this period. Microbial community structure also fluctuated substantially during time series sampling (Fig. S1). Although clear diel-dependent periodicity was not observed for any particular taxon, taxon relative abundance varied markedly and unpredictably over the 57 hr period. Notably, the proportional contribution of ammonia-oxidizing Thaumarchaeota ranged from 0.2% to 52% of total amplicon sequences at 7 m, and from 1% to 33% at 15m. Similarly dramatic swings were observed for cyanobacteria (2% to 43% of sequences at 15m), and the Actinobacteria (4% to 62% at 15 m). Such shifts are comparable in magnitude to those distinguishing communities from different stations and depths (Fig. 3, main text). Given the short time frame of the sampling, these wide fluctuations likely resulted from water mass shifts, or potentially methodological variation associated with the amplicon sequencing protocol, rather than population growth or turnover. These data provide a glimpse into the highly variable nature of the shelf ecosystem and the potential for changes in water mass circulation to quickly reshape the distribution of environmental parameters controlling biochemical flux. This analysis is a reminder that inferences of marine microbial community composition based on single time-point samples from a single site merely reflect ‘snapshots’ of a system in flux. Such variability suggests that linkages between community biochemical processes, including coupling between nitrification steps, are similarly dynamic over short time scales, and over shallow vertical gradients. 6