Bone marking definition Tuberosity large rounded projection, may be roughened (Muscle and Ligament attachments) crest narrow ridge of bone usually prominent(Muscle and Ligament attachments) trochanter very large, blunt, irregularly shaped process (femur) (Muscle and Ligament attachments) tubercle small or rounded projection or process(Muscle and Ligament attachments) epicondyle raised area on or above condyle(Muscle and Ligament attachments) line narrow ridge of bone, less prominent than a crest(Muscle and Ligament attachments) process any bony prominence(Muscle and Ligament attachments) spine sharp, slender, often pointed projection (Muscle and Ligament attachments) head bony expansion carried on a narrow neck(Parts of Joints) facet smooth, nearly flat articular surface(Parts of Joints) condyle rounded projection at the end of a bone(Parts of Joints) ramus branch off of something(Parts of Joints) fossa shallow, basin-like depression in a bone often serving as an articular surface (Parts of Joints) foramen round or oval opening through a bone(Path for a vessel or nerve) meatus canal-like passageway(Path for a vessel or nerve) fissure narrow slit like opening(Path for a vessel or nerve) groove furrow(Path for a vessel or nerve) sinus air-filled cavity within a bone (Path for a vessel or nerve) Bone marking definition Tuberosity large rounded projection, may be roughened (Muscle and Ligament attachments) crest narrow ridge of bone usually prominent(Muscle and Ligament attachments) trochanter very large, blunt, irregularly shaped process (femur) (Muscle and Ligament attachments) tubercle small or rounded projection or process(Muscle and Ligament attachments) epicondyle raised area on or above condyle(Muscle and Ligament attachments) line narrow ridge of bone, less prominent than a crest(Muscle and Ligament attachments) process any bony prominence(Muscle and Ligament attachments) spine sharp, slender, often pointed projection (Muscle and Ligament attachments) head bony expansion carried on a narrow neck(Parts of Joints) facet smooth, nearly flat articular surface(Parts of Joints) condyle rounded projection at the end of a bone(Parts of Joints) ramus branch off of something(Parts of Joints) fossa shallow, basin-like depression in a bone often serving as an articular surface (Parts of Joints) foramen round or oval opening through a bone(Path for a vessel or nerve) meatus canal-like passageway(Path for a vessel or nerve) fissure narrow slit like opening(Path for a vessel or nerve) groove furrow(Path for a vessel or nerve) sinus air-filled cavity within a bone (Path for a vessel or nerve)