BEDFORD COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS FALL 2015 TRAINING MANUAL Important Dates: ∘ Fall Testing Window is September 8th through October 2nd ∘ Parent Consent Forms should be returned to you by Wednesday, August 26th ∘ Test Request Forms should be returned to Melissa Sexton by Thursday, August 27th ∘ Paper test materials will be available for pickup on Wednesday, September 2nd ∘ All Stanford 10/OLSAT 8 materials must be returned by Wednesday, October 7th The Stanford 10 Abbreviated Battery and/or Otis-Lennon School Ability Test 8 (OLSAT 8) are administered to all students referred for gifted screening. Each fall any 6th and 9th graders needing one or both tests in the school division are administered them. Students to be tested: DO NOT CODE DEMOGRAPHICS FOR STUDENTS NOT TESTED! If students are absent you are wasting a booklet and/or answer sheet that could have been reused. Gifted Resource teachers have also referred students for gifted education screening and should coordinate testing with these students. If a student takes the Stanford test and does not score where he/she would like they must wait one year to test again so they do not repeat the same form of the test. Responsibilities for the Fall Achievement Test Administration: School Test Coordinators – The STC serves as the point of contact between the school and the DDOT and is responsible for overseeing the training, administration, and security of the testing program in their school. For gifted screening, the gifted resource teacher may act as the STC or he/she may work with the STC in order to coordinate testing. The STC is responsible for ensuring that all required procedures are implemented within the school. READ ALL MATERIALS and MANUALS CAREFULLY. All Stanford tests are Form A not D. SESAT 1 and SESAT 2 are Complete Battery tests. All other levels are Abbreviated Battery. Examiners – The Examiners are responsible for administering the Stanford 10 and OLSAT 8 tests according to the procedures contained in the Examiner’s Manual and for ensuring the security of test materials in their possession. READ MANUALS BEFORE TEST DATES. Proctors – Proctors are responsible for assisting the Examiners and are expected to comply with all security requirements. Establish the Testing Environment: The STC is responsible for establishing a tone and environment that is conducive to student success in this testing administration. Each school administering tests should send home parent notifications of testing, and should establish clear expectations for Examiners regarding the creation of healthy testing environments in the testing sites. Test Security: Each school must ensure the security and accountability of all test materials from the time of receipt until all testing is completed. The primary responsibility for test security lies with the DDOT and the STCs. However, Examiners are responsible for all security issues while secure documents are in their possession. 1 Fall Stanford 10 Required Subtests: Grade K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11/12 Level S1 S2 P1 P2 P3 I1 I2 I3 A1 T1 T2 T3 Sounds and Letters Word Study Skills Word Reading Sentence Reading Reading Vocabulary Reading Comprehension Mathematics Mathematics Prob. Solving Mathematics Procedures Language Science X X X - X X X X - X X X X X X X - X X X X X X - X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Subtests NOT administered are: Spelling, Listening to Words & Stories, Listening, Environment, & Social Science. Stanford 10 is an untimed test. Times are included in the Directions for Administering booklets for planning purposes only. Stanford 10 is to be administered so that all students have sufficient time to complete it. The suggested time allotment should be adequate for many students. Allow any student to have as much time as he or she needs to complete the test while working productively. GRADE K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 STANFORD LEVEL SESAT 1 SESAT 2 PRIMARY 1 PRIMARY 2 PRIMARY 3 INTERMEDIATE 1 INTERMEDIATE 2 INTERMEDIATE 3 ADVANCED 1 TASK 1 TASK 2 TASK 3 TASK 3 TIME ALLOTMENT IN MINUTES R = 45, M = 30 R = 80, M = 30 R = 115, M = 80, L = 40 R = 80, M = 80, L = 45 R = 90, M = 80, L = 45, S = 25 R = 90, M = 80, L = 45, S = 25 R = 70, M = 80, L = 45, S = 25 R = 70, M = 80, L = 45, S = 25 R = 70, M = 80, L = 45, S = 25 R = 60, M = 50, L = 40, S = 25 R = 60, M = 50, L = 40, S = 25 R = 60, M = 50, L = 40, S = 25 R = 60, M = 50, L = 40, S = 25 R =Reading M = Math L = Language S = Science It is recommended that you plan for testing at least three days for testing and most likely four days for elementary schools. For example, Stanford 10 testing in Reading, Vocabulary & Comprehension and Language can be done in one day. Day 2 would be Stanford 10 Math and Science subtests. For gifted screening, OLSAT 8 testing should be done on a separate or third day of testing. Schools will have the flexibility to schedule these subtests. Under no circumstance, should all tests be given in one day. Please try to limit testing during any day to three hours or less. Sessions should have breaks appropriate for your students, and should be standardized within schools. 2 Use of Rulers: Rulers are required for the Math Problem Solving subtest for Primary 1 & 2 Stanford 10. Primary 1 & 2– Use ruler pictured below: Rulers are included with testing materials for paper testing. Testing Irregularities: Examiners are instructed, in their manuals, to report Testing Irregularities to you immediately. You are to report irregularities to the DDOT by phone as soon as possible after irregularities occur. Completing Identifying Information on the Student Answer Documents: Stanford 10 and OLSAT 8 test materials are consumable for fall testing as follows: GRADE K 1 2 3 STANFORD SESAT 1 SESAT 2 PRIMARY 1 PRIMARY 2 OLSAT A B C - 3 STC’s are responsible for accurate coding of the back of the test booklet. Stanford 10 Answer Document Coding Section 1 – Student Name and Identifiers – completed by Examiners prior, for maximum accuracy 2 – Bubbles for Name – bubbles after last letter of each name should be coded 3 – Date of Birth – coded and bubbled 4 – Gender 5 – Race/Ethnicity 6 – Grade 7 – Student Number- 7-digit PowerSchool number; LEFT justified (No leading zeros – put 7 digits, leave other 3 spaces blank) 8 – DO NOT CODE 9 – DO NOT CODE OLSAT 8 Answer Document Coding Section 1 – Student Name and Identifiers – completed by Examiners prior, for maximum accuracy 2 – Bubbles for Name – bubbles after last letter of each name should be coded 3 – Code OLSAT level and form 4 – Date of Birth – coded and bubbled 5 – Gender 6 – Race/Ethnicity 7 – Grade 8 – Students Number- 7-digit PowerSchool number; LEFT justified (No leading zeros – put 7 digits, leave other 3 spaces blank) 9 – DO NOT CODE 10 – DO NOT CODE 4 OLSAT 8 Carefully read the general directions for administering this test. Remember, you will read all specific directions that apply to the Levels A, B, and C machine-scorable editions. Parts one and two of these tests are timed and times MAY NOT be extended. Part three is teacher paced, so timing is somewhat flexible. Levels D, E, F, and G are completely timed tests and time MAY NOT be extended. There are no teacher paced parts on these tests. You will need a digital clock or watch with a second hand for all OLSAT 8 tests. OLSAT 8 Time Allotments GRADE K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 OLSAT LEVEL A B C D E E F F F G G G G TIME ALLOTMENT IN MINUTES 77 77 72 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 All OLSAT 8 tests are Form 5. READ ALL BOLDED DIRECTIONS FOR ADMINSTERING INSTRUCTIONS VERBATIM. Make-up Testing: Make-up testing must be conducted with the same concern for test security, testing environment, and attention to detail as the regular administration. Please make sure that every effort is made to test students on all required subtests. Duties of STCs after testing is completed: Request that Examiners check every answer document for correctness and scorability. Examiners must provide an accurate count of test booklets to the STC. DIRECTIONS FOR ADMINISTERING ARE TO BE RETURNED to the DDOT’s office. RETURN TEST MATERIALS IN THE SAME BOXES THEY WERE DELIVERED IN! If you need assistance, please contact DDOT or assistant. 5