Legume Futures Report 3.8/6.6 Policy implications of the environmental and resource effects of legume cropping Prepared by: Michael Williams, Jane Stout and Susannah Cass, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Jenny Fischer and Hewart Böhm, Thünen-Institute for Organic Farming, Westerau, Germany. Donal Murphy-Bokern, Germany Tom Kuhlman, Wageningen University, The Netherlands Fred L. Stoddard and Kristina Lindström, University of Helsinki, Finland Christine Watson, Valentini Papa and Kairsty Topp, Scotland's Rural College, United Kingdom Moritz Reckling, Sara Preißel, Andrea Bues and Peter Zander, Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research, Germany Marie Trydeman Knudsen, Jørgen E. Olesen, John E. Hermansen and Kirsten Schelde, Department of Agroecology, Aarhus University, Denmark 25 February 2014 Legume-supported cropping systems for Europe (Legume Futures) is a collaborative research project funded from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant number 245216 www.legumefutures.de Legume-supported cropping systems for Europe Legume Futures Legume-supported cropping systems for Europe (Legume Futures) is an international research project funded from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement number 245216. The Legume Futures research consortium comprises 20 partners in 13 countries. Disclaimer The information presented here has been thoroughly researched and is believed to be accurate and correct. However, the authors cannot be held legally responsible for any errors. There are no warranties, expressed or implied, made with respect to the information provided. The authors will not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the content of this publication. Copyright © All rights reserved. Reproduction and dissemination of material presented here for research, educational or other non-commercial purposes are authorised without any prior written permission from the copyright holders provided the source is fully acknowledged. Reproduction of material for sale or other commercial purposes is prohibited. Citation Please cite this report as follows: Topp, K., Watson, C., Papa, V. Williams, M., Stout, J., Cass, S., Fischer, J., Böhm, H., Murphy-Bokern, D., Kuhlman, T., Stoddard, F.L. Lindström, K., Reckling, M., Preißel, S., Bues, B., Zander, P., Knudsen, M.T., Olesen, J.E., Hermansen, J.E.M., Schelde, K. 2014. Policy implications of the environmental and resource effects of legume cropping. Legume Futures Report 3.8/6.6. Available from www.legumefutures.de Legume Futures Report 3.8/6.6: Policy implications of the environmental and resource effects of legume cropping www.legumefutures.de 2 Legume-supported cropping systems for Europe CONTENTS FOREWORD............................................................................................................................... 4 SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................. 5 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 6 RESOURCE AND ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS ....................................................................... 7 Resource effects ..................................................................................................................... 7 Reduced use of synthetic nitrogen fertiliser ............................................................... 7 Phosphorus ............................................................................................................... 9 Farm-level environmental effects ........................................................................................... 10 Nitrous oxide emissions .......................................................................................... 10 Emission factors for nitrous oxide flux ..................................................................... 14 Leaching of nitrogen ................................................................................................ 14 Impacts of legume cropping on above and below ground biodiversity .................... 17 Assessments of crop products and cropping systems ............................................. 17 Assessments of protein crop-based animal production ........................................... 20 POLICY IMPLICATIONS ........................................................................................................... 24 Legume Futures Report 3.8/6.6: Policy implications of the environmental and resource effects of legume cropping www.legumefutures.de 3 Legume-supported cropping systems for Europe FOREWORD Legume Futures, "Legume-supported crop rotations for Europe", is an international research project funded under the European FP7 programme. It has 20 partners in 13 countries. The project aims to develop and assess legume-supported cropping systems that improve the economic and environmental performance of farming in Europe. Legume Futures produces information relevant to both the development of legumesupported cropping by farmers and other actors in the agricultural sector and to the policy community. This report is aimed at the policy community in particular. The purpose is to provide a synthesis of information about the environmental impact of legume crops, including both background literature information and results of research in Legume Futures. From our assessments of the economic performance of legume crops, we know the policy community will remain key to the development of legume cropping in Europe for the foreseeable future. Kairsty Topp SRUC Edinburgh, UK 27 February 2014 Legume Futures Report 3.8/6.6: Policy implications of the environmental and resource effects of legume cropping www.legumefutures.de 4 Legume-supported cropping systems for Europe SUMMARY Compared with other major agricultural regions of the world, Europe is characterised by a lower share of legumes in cropping systems. This is because land is preferentially allocated to cereals or to oilseeds in most of Europe’s cropping regions. Cereals grow particularly well in Europe generally. The demand for plant protein which current cropping cannot fully meet comes from a livestock sector scaled to meet the EU’s high demand for meat. Our assessment of the environmental impact of increasing legume cropping concludes that increasing the production of protein crops would be an important contribution to the sustainable development of European agricultural and food systems. The direct farm and regional level environmental benefits combined with the indirect benefits arising from the better balance of EU agriculture and trade justify public intervention. We recommend that policy makers focus on the public benefits of increased legume cropping in the context of a wider re-balancing of European agricultural and food systems. This requires an integrated approach to policy development, which sees legumes expansion as a component of a wider effort to develop a more sustainable agriculture and food system. The reform of the common agricultural policy that is now being implemented includes two measures specific to protein crops: the consideration of nitrogen-fixing crops as part of the Ecological Focus Areas and limited provision for national coupled support for protein crops. In addition, protein crops are the subject of the first focus group advising the EU European Innovation Partnership on agriculture and food. Legume Futures Report 3.8/6.6: Policy implications of the environmental and resource effects of legume cropping www.legumefutures.de 5 Legume-supported cropping systems for Europe INTRODUCTION Legumes play a vital role in European agriculture, but most of the legumes used are grown outside Europe. The EU imports 70% of its requirement for high-protein crop raw material, mostly as soya from South America. This accounted for about 14% of the world-wide production of soya bean from about 15 M ha of arable land outside the EU in 2011. Over the 50 year period 1961-2011, the production of beef, pig and poultry meat in the EU-27 has increased from 17 to 43 million t, with a particularly large increase in pig and poultry meat (See Legume Futures Report 5.3). While demand for livestock feed increased, our production of protein crops has decreased (Figure 1). Protein crops are now grown on only 1.8% of arable land in the EU, compared with 4.7% in 1961. In contrast, they are grown on about 8% of arable land in Australia and Canada. The direct human consumption of pulses has also declined. It is estimated that only 11-15% of pea and 9-14% of faba bean grown are now used for human consumption. A major underlying driver behind the reduction in the proportion of arable land used for protein crops is the increased comparative advantage in the production of starch-rich cereals. Area (million ha) 1974: price support for soya bean 3.0 2.5 1992: MacSharry reform 1978: price support for pea, faba bean, lupins 2005 - 2006: introduction of Single Payment Scheme 1989: area payment for chickpea, lentil, vetches 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Common bean Faba bean and other legumes Chickpea, lentil & vetches Pea Lupins Soya bean Figure 1. Production areas of different protein crops in the EU-27 in relation to policy events (1961-2011). Data source: FAOSTAT (2013) Legume Futures Report 3.8/6.6: Policy implications of the environmental and resource effects of legume cropping www.legumefutures.de 6 Legume-supported cropping systems for Europe RESOURCE AND ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS Particularly in developing public policy, it is important to distinguish between the resource and environmental effects of legume cropping. Biological nitrogen fixation, which is a distinguishing feature of cultivated legumes, has both resource and environmental effects. Resource effects Reduced use of synthetic nitrogen fertiliser Protein crops require almost no N fertiliser to express their yield potential while the cereal crops they normally replace typically receive 100-200 kg N/ha. As a result, the production of protein crops directly reduces nitrogen fertiliser use. Furthermore, the large quantity of nitrogen in the residues of legumes allows the saving of considerable amounts of nitrogen fertiliser in the following crops (Fig. 2). Figure 2: The on-farm nitrogen cycle, showing the effect of legume pre-crops Legume Futures Report 3.8/6.6: Policy implications of the environmental and resource effects of legume cropping www.legumefutures.de 7 Legume-supported cropping systems for Europe The residual N combined with other precrop effects such as the reduction in root diseases that reduce nitrogen uptake can be expressed as a fertiliser nitrogen equivalent. This is reported to be as much as 120 kg N/ha (Chalk 1998; Köpke and Nemecek 2010). However, the public benefits of this depends on how well farmers take it into account when fertilising the following crops. A survey of agronomic experts for the Legume Futures project reported that the savings made in practice are significantly less (Table 1). It appears that many farmers fertilise the crop after legumes as they would after other crops and treat the legume-derived N as a bonus that supports the higher yield and protein content normally achieved in these situations. This means the full potential environmental and resource benefits of protein crops are often not realised. Forage legumes fix significantly more nitrogen than grain legumes due to their high biomass production and longer growth period. Studies using nitrogen labelled with non-radioactive isotopes (15N labelling methods) show that only a relatively small proportion of nitrogen residue from protein crops is used by the next crop through direct take-up (Fig. 2). As much as 75% of the total residue enters the soil reserve, providing a resource for the longer-term supply of other crops. Thus there is a resource impact for the farm and an environmental impact due to reduction in fertiliser manufacture. Legume Futures Report 3.8/6.6: Policy implications of the environmental and resource effects of legume cropping www.legumefutures.de 8 Legume-supported cropping systems for Europe Table 1: Fertilisation practices for major protein crops and winter wheat in five case study regions across Europe Crop2 Yield (t/ha) Regional average mineral fertiliser applied (kg/ha) N P K Experts view of mineral N fertiliser saved in succeeding wheat (kg N/ha) Faba bean 1.6-5 0 15-20 25-45 0-20 Pea 1.2-4 0 15-20 25-40 0-20 Lupins 2.5-3 0-30 15-35 30-35 0-20 Forage legumes, dry matter 6-15 0-65 0-15 0 0-20 Winter wheat 3.2-8 135-200 25-30 20-60 1 2 0 Location and soil type: Scotland (Eastern, grade 3), Italy (Calabria, loam), Sweden (Västra Götalands, silty clay loam), Germany (Brandenburg, sandy clay loam) and Romania (Sud-Muntenia, Chernozem) IT (faba bean, pea and lupins), SE (faba bean and pea), SC (faba bean and pea), RO (pea), DE (faba bean, pea and lupins) Phosphorus There is considerable evidence also that legumes improve the efficiency of soil phosphorus utilisation through mycorrhizal associations with the roots of legume species (Ren et al. 2013). Legume roots are able to alter the pH of the soil and influence phosphorus availability accordingly (Betencourt et al. 2012; Li et al. 2013). Experiments with faba beans have shown that the acidity produced by the roots of these plants is more effective at solubilising soil phosphorus than that from other legume species. Legume-supported rotations (including intercrops) are of particular value in soils with lower phosphorus content or in circumstances where phosphorus is applied in insoluble forms. This is particularly relevant in organic farming where regulations preclude the use of soluble phosphorus fertilisers, preferring instead to use composts or manure or other forms of phosphorus input such as rock phosphate. However extreme phosphorus deficiency (often encountered in low pH soils) can result in reduced growth of legumes in rotation as this becomes the next most limiting nutrient after nitrogen. Other resource advantages to legume cropping would be increasing the organic matter content and water-absorbing capacity of the soil, thus increasing the yield of following Legume Futures Report 3.8/6.6: Policy implications of the environmental and resource effects of legume cropping www.legumefutures.de 9 Legume-supported cropping systems for Europe crops, reducing erosion, and increasing the soil carbon content (Jensen et al., 2012). Protein crops break the cycles of soil-borne diseases of cereals so less pesticide is needed in the following crop. Farm-level environmental effects Nitrous oxide emissions The evidence available indicates that nitrous oxide emissions from legume crops in general are low compared with high N input agriculture (Table 2) with annual emissions from legume crops being towards the lower end still (Fig. 3). Exceptions to this are the use of legume crops as green manures in organic farming where nitrous oxide emissions may approach those of fertilised crops. The problem here being the high N content and low C:N ratio of legume plant residues which result in more rapid mineralisation, an excess of N with respect to microbial growth and increased substrate for the combined processes of nitrification and denitrification. In general, greater N2O emissions are measured after incorporation of high N plant residues. One strategy that may prolong mineralisation of legume residues through the season and reduce the burst in N2O flux on incorporation would be to manipulate the overall C:N ratio of the plant material applied. This may be achieved by mixing high C cereal residues with high N legume residues to allow for some measure of N immobilisation (Vinten et al., 1998; Myers et al., 1994; Schwendener et al., 2005; Kaewpradit et al., 2008; Frimpong et al., 2011). Table 2: N2O fluxes from different soil use and management (from Muňoz et al., 2010) Cropping Continuous rotation crops Range N2O flux (kg N2O-N ha-1 yr-1) and 0 – 44 Country Brazil, Canada, Denmark, New Zealand Leguminous crop 0.3 – 4.7 Canada Rice 0 – 36 Australia, USA, Japan, China, Philipines, Indonesia, Taiwan, India Shrub land/ Natural 0 – 21 Landscape New Zealand, Finland Pastures: animal 0 – 156 waste applied Canada, New Zealand, England, The Netherlands, Japan, Canada, Denmark, USA Legume Futures Report 3.8/6.6: Policy implications of the environmental and resource effects of legume cropping www.legumefutures.de 10 Legume-supported cropping systems for Europe Choice of grain legume species and cultivars may influence annual emissions of nitrous oxide. From preliminary studies it would seem that careful selection of cultivar and rhizobium inoculants may achieve reductions in nitrous oxide flux. Growing plants may influence the N2O flux to the atmosphere in a variety of ways from providing carbohydrate substrate directly through root exudates and root turnover (Qian et al., 1997; Mounier et al., 2004; Henry et al., 2008; Broeckling et al., 2008; Philippot et al., 2009), through anatomy of the stem and leaf (Baruah et al., 2012) and in the case of legumes, through differences in nodule and rhizobial activity (Garcίa-Plazaola et al., 1996; Pappa et al., 2011). Data from bean and pea cultivar trials show marked species and cultivar differences in emissions of nitrous oxide (Figures 4 and 5). lentil (Romania) lupin (Romania) pea (Scotland) mungo bean (Romania) common bean (Greece) faba bean (Italy) faba bean (Scotland) soybean (Romania) 0 1 2 3 4 Annual emissions of N2O (kg N2O-N ha-1 y -1) Figure 3: Annual emission of nitrous oxide from grain legumes (data from Legume Futures) Legume Futures Report 3.8/6.6: Policy implications of the environmental and resource effects of legume cropping www.legumefutures.de 11 Legume-supported cropping systems for Europe Figure 4: N content of legume and non-legume plant residues (after Jensen et al., 2012). Brown bars indicate residues with C:N ratio of less than 26:1. Annual variation in emissions of nitrous oxide must be taken into consideration when evaluating choice of crop or cultivar. Inter-annual changes in soil condition, namely rainfall in the case of data shown in Figures 5 and 6, alter the aerobic nature of the soil and hence nitrous oxide flux (Davidson, 1991; Davidson et al., 2000; Smith et al., 2003), the capacity of the soil to produce nitrous oxide being determined by substrate supply, organic carbon status and percentage clay fraction of the soil (Beauchamp et al., 1980; Maag & Vinther, 1996; Smith et al., 1998). Legume Futures Report 3.8/6.6: Policy implications of the environmental and resource effects of legume cropping www.legumefutures.de 12 Legume-supported cropping systems for Europe Annual emissions of N2O (kg N2O-N ha-1 yr-1) 3 Faba bean 2008 - 899mm rainfall 2,5 2009 - 1160mm rainfall 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 A B C D E Figure 5: Nitrous oxide emissions (mean ± standard error) for faba bean cultivars from SRUC Craibstone Estate, Scotland. Data provided by John Baddeley for Legume Futures 8 Annual emissions of N2O (kg N2O-N ha-1 yr-1) 7 Pea 2008 - 899mm rainfall 2009 - 1160mm rainfall 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 A B C D E F G Figure 6: Nitrous oxide emissions (mean ± standard error) for pea cultivars from SRUC Craibstone Estate, Scotland. Data provided by John Baddeley for Legume Futures. Different legume based cropping systems can influence N2O emissions per unit of grain production (emission intensity: g N2O-N per tonne product) in both the legume cropping year and the following year. Data from field studies across Europe conducted in the Legume Futures project highlight differences between crop and geographic region in terms of nitrous oxide emission intensity. In Romania, emission intensity values for Legume Futures Report 3.8/6.6: Policy implications of the environmental and resource effects of legume cropping www.legumefutures.de 13 Legume-supported cropping systems for Europe winter peas and soybeans were 120 g N2O-N t-1 grain yield for the year of legume cropping, ten percent less than the emission intensity for unfertilised winter wheat. In Italy legume monocrops (pea and faba bean) had significantly higher emission intensities than cereal monocrops, but growing both legumes and cereals together (intercropping) reduced the nitrous oxide emission intensity values by 50 to 75%. In Scotland, all grain legumes tested having values significantly less than those for unfertilised winter wheat (298 g N2O-N t-1 grain yield). Emission factors for nitrous oxide flux A number of reviews highlight that where N is provided to the soil by biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) the associated N2O emissions are significantly lower and in many circumstances no different to unfertilised control environments (Bouwman et al., 2002; Rochette & Janzen, 2005). This has led to revisions of the reporting guidelines prepared by the IPCC with the recommendation that no N2O emissions would be associated with inputs of N by BNF (IPCC, 2006). The evidence for this revision remains somewhat circumstantial, and furthermore the extent to which decomposition of residues from legume plants contributes to emissions is highly uncertain (Baggs et al., 2000). Field data from the Legume Futures project has allowed an estimate of the nitrous oxide emission factor for biological nitrogen fixation for grain legumes of 0.11 ± 0.05%, so low as to support the present reporting procedure (Figure 7). In terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture in a way that is registered in national emission inventories, there is a clear advantage from increasing the acreage of legume crops grown. Leaching of nitrogen One negative aspect of protein crops is the potential for increased leaching of N. Agriculture still remains a major source of water-related problems in Europe caused in the main by the use of nitrates in mineral fertilisers and organic manures. Here the organic nitrogen compounds within the soil are mineralized by microorganism and converted to plant available inorganic nitrogen compounds. If soils contain excessive amounts of nitrogen, as a result of high fertilization, biological nitrogen fixation from legumes and/or mineralisation rates that exceed uptake by the plants, there is a high risk of leaching the water soluble nitrate (NO3-) whereas ammonium (NH4+) and organic nitrogen compounds are usually prevented from leaching as they are retained by the soil. Many studies show that the effects of legume crops on eutrophication, i.e. the abundant accumulation of nutrients, are the result of two counteracting processes: nitrate emissions to water from the legume crop itself are low, which leads to very favourable effects of pea and faba bean compared to other domestic crops, but emissions in the Legume Futures Report 3.8/6.6: Policy implications of the environmental and resource effects of legume cropping www.legumefutures.de 14 Legume-supported cropping systems for Europe subsequent crop are frequently reported to be higher due to losses from the N-rich legume residues, combined with longer uncropped periods before or after legume cultivation due to their shorter growth periods in comparison with autumn-sown crops. Therefore, the outcome of the assessments of legume crops range from very positive to very negative, and the comparisons of crop rotations reveal non-significant to somewhat negative effects of including protein crops (Table 3). The effects of including legume crops in crop rotations on ecotoxicity, i.e. the negative impacts of biocide applications, could not be determined due to differences between assessment methods (Nemecek and Baumgartner 2006). The study assumed that the diversification of the rotations, leading to lower shares of cereals (including maize), would reduce disease pressure and pesticide applications in cereals, but the application of insecticides in legumes off-set this benefit. EFall EFfaba bean EFcommon bean EFwinter bean EFpea 1. 0 0. 5 0. 0 -0 .5 EFGalega Emission Factor for BNF (%) Figure 7: Calculated emission factors (EF) for biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) from legume crops. Overall EF for grain legumes is 0.11 ± 0.05%. As reported by Jensen et al., (2004) the soil nitrate content is often higher after grain legumes than after cereals, which is presumably due to the root density and distribution as well as the lower C:N ratios of grain legume residues (~15-25) in comparison to cereals (~40-50). The risk of postharvest losses after the cultivation of legumes is increased if the available nitrogen from efficient BNF is not taken up by the succeeding Legume Futures Report 3.8/6.6: Policy implications of the environmental and resource effects of legume cropping www.legumefutures.de 15 Legume-supported cropping systems for Europe crop before the seepage period starts. Beaudoin et al., (2005) observed the highest rates of nitrate leaching in crop rotations including pea for Northern France due to the higher N content of plant biomass and lower N uptake rates from the soil, whilst one recent study on the use of legumes as cover crops in Capsicum production showed both high N leaching and a linear correlation between the N accumulated in the legume biomass and the total amount of nitrate leached (Campiglia et al., 2011). Targeting the reduction of mineral N accumulation in soil, synchronising N inputs with crop growth and crop N uptake and avoiding the build up of excess N in soils would contribute towards decreased leaching and one possible way to achieve this would be through intercropping of legumes with cereals. Figure 9: Cumulative NO3-N load of faba bean in sole-cropping and intercropping with oat, during the autumn-winter seepage period (7 November 11 to 21 March 12). Data from Legume Futures project provided by Jenny Fischer and Herwart Böhm. Legume Futures Report 3.8/6.6: Policy implications of the environmental and resource effects of legume cropping www.legumefutures.de 16 Legume-supported cropping systems for Europe Impacts of legume cropping on above and below ground biodiversity Environmental benefits of legume cropping are best described in terms of N use and efficiency than biodiversity. A review of biodiversity and ecosystem services in legumesupported cropping funded through Legumes Futures (Cass et al., 2014), highlights a lack of consistency in the literature on the effect of legume crops on vegetation diversity or above and below ground invertebrate diversity. A clear divide exists in data from studies investigating the use of legumes to reduce populations of certain organisms and those studies investigating legume-treatments for promoting associated biodiversity. Management factors, not crop are the main influences on biodiversity although legume biomass tends to increase the potential carrying capacity for associated biodiversity. Legume-supported cropping can both promote and reduce biodiversity within systems but appears to have a generally positive impact at the widest scales. European and global environmental impacts The environmental impacts of protein crops at the crop level have the potential to reduce the overall environmental impacts of agricultural production more widely and improve the environmental profile of food products. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a method that considers the environmental effect of processes within a production system and provides a means for comparing the environmental impacts and resource use of commodities, products and processes. LCA has particular strengths in assessing impacts at the continental and global levels as it rigorously quantifies the GHG emissions and other environmental consequences (such as eutrophication and acidification) associated with a product throughout its life-cycle, from ‘cradle to grave’ (Brentrup 2004). Results are expressed in relation to impact factors, including fossil energy use, GHG emission, eutrophication, acidification, ecotoxicity, and land use. It is now widely used to inform policy development. The LCAs reviewed here assessed the environmental impact of protein crops in relation to the land used and the commodity output. Assessments of crop products and cropping systems Several studies have compared the life cycles of domestically produced pea and faba bean with imported soya bean and with other European crops (averages of rapeseed, cereals, potatoes; Cederberg and Flysiö 2004, Eriksson et al. 2005, Van der Werf et al. 2005, Nemecek et al. 2005). In order to take into account the effects of growing protein crops on the cropping system, Nemecek and Baumgartner (2006) compared crop rotations with and without protein crops (mostly pea) at four sites. These LCAs also consider the legume’s effect on subsequent crops and on the choice of crops that are replaced when protein crop production is increased. Legume Futures Report 3.8/6.6: Policy implications of the environmental and resource effects of legume cropping www.legumefutures.de 17 Legume-supported cropping systems for Europe It should be noted that these studies over-estimate GHG emissions from legumes due to applying pre-2006 methodologies that assumed direct emissions of nitrous oxide during legume growth. In most cases, European-grown protein crops (mostly pea) are associated with significantly reduced fossil energy use, GHG emissions, ozone formation and acidification compared to imported soya bean and other crops on a per unit product basis (Table 3). Reductions in nitrogen fertiliser use were the main reason for the reduction in energy inputs and associated emissions. Nevertheless, emission intensities associated with grain legumes are dependent on the management of that crop and the assumptions regarding the pre-crop effect on the following crop in the rotation (Figure 10). In addition, the results for cropping systems were greatly affected by the assumptions about the crop being replaced by the protein crop. For example, the displacement of grain maize with the avoidance of the large amounts of energy used in drying the maize grain dominated the environmental benefits of the switch to the protein crop in a Swiss study. In a case in Spain, the protein crop replaced an unfertilised crop (sunflower), so no fertiliser savings occurred, and small or even negative environmental effects resulted from the inclusion of protein crops in the cropping system. PEA Increased cereal yields, precrop effect SC -20 -36 15 97 47 Avoided fertilizer production, precrop effect Input production SE -26 -48 11 100 N2O emissions 63 Energy consumption RO IT -26 -66 14 -121 -26 DE -200 -48 -100 86 63 48 -48 13 0 203 124 158 66 100 200 300 400 Greenhouse gas emissions (kg CO2 eq. per t grain DM) Figure 10. The contributions to the greenhouse gas emission per t harvested grain DM for pea grown at five different regions in Europe: Scotland (SC), Sweden (SE), Italy (IT) and Germany (DE) . Sourced from Knudsen et al. (2014). Legume Futures Report 3.8/6.6: Policy implications of the environmental and resource effects of legume cropping www.legumefutures.de 18 Legume-supported cropping systems for Europe However, the environmental benefits of protein crops are constrained by low yields which limits the environmental benefits on a per unit product basis (see also the contrasting impacts on landuse, Tables 2 and 3). Low yields led to non-significant effects on energy use and negative effects on GHG emissions and ozone formation per kg product in a Swiss case (Nemecek et al. 2005). In the comparisons of crop rotations, such yield differences are not factored into the assessment but reduced environmental benefits due to low yields have also been noted (Nemecek and Baumgartner 2006, Baumgartner et al. 2008). Table 3: Comparison of the results of LCA studies of protein crop products compared to other crops (%) Region % change in environmental impact Energy demand GHG emission Ozone Eutrophication Acidification Ecotoxicity Landuse Comparison of European-grown pea to other crops6 (per kg produce) Sweden1 -27 n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. Sweden2 -35 n.s. n.s. 75 -12 n.s. n.s. Switzerland4 n.s. 11 25 -52 -48 n.s. n.s. Comparison of European-grown pea to imported soya meal/cake (per kg produce) Sweden1 -70 n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. Sweden2 -78 -57 n.s. -50 -87 n.s. 32 France3 -64 -44 n.s. -17 -67 n.s. -58 Comparison of crop rotations with protein crops to those without (per ha land) Germany5 -14 -12 -10 n.s. -17 (-)7 n.s. France5 -11 -8 -6 n.s. -18 (-) n.s. Switzerland5 -31 -9 -15 10 -14 (+) n.s. Spain5 n.s. 13 6 15 n.s. n.s. n.s. Colour coding4 very favourable favourable n.s., not unfavourable significant Very unfavourable Source: Calculations based on data from: 1Cederberg and Flysiö (2004), 2Eriksson et al. (2005), 3Van der Werf et al. (2005), 4Nemecek et al. (2005), 5Nemecek and Baumgartner (2006), 6other crops: average of wheat, barley, rapeseed, 7conflicting results of different assessment methods. Legume Futures Report 3.8/6.6: Policy implications of the environmental and resource effects of legume cropping www.legumefutures.de 19 Legume-supported cropping systems for Europe Assessments of protein crop-based animal production As the vast majority of protein crop commodity is used in animal feeds and provides an alternative protein source to imported soya bean, the question arises as to how the increased use of European-grown protein crops affect the environmental performance over the life cycle of animal products (meat, milk, eggs) based on such feeds. The role of feed crop production on the life-cycle effects of animal products is high. In the life-cycle of livestock commodity products (carcass meat, milk etc.), feed production accounts for: 50-75% of energy consumption, 47-88% of greenhouse gas emissions, 50-98% of eutrophication, 28-98% of acidification, >90% of ecotoxicity, and >96% of land use (Blonk et al. 1997, Eriksson et al. 2005, Van der Werf et al. 2005, Ellingsen and Aanodsen 2006, Nemecek and Baumgartner 2006, Katajajuuri 2007, Baumgartner et al. 2008). The comparison of animal products based on different feeding regimes is not simply a function of the environmental benefits of legumes, but also depends on the different feeding values of the components and associated changes in feed composition required to maintain a high animal performance. In many studies, inclusion of pea in feed formulas partially replaced both soya and cereals, since pea contain large amounts of starch as well as protein. There are nutritional constraints on the extent to which soya protein can be replaced by other protein crop sources in conventional commercial farming systems.1 In addition, changes in animal productivity and excretions of nitrogen compounds are considered. Besides crop production, the transport-related environmental impacts can in some cases be significantly reduced by replacing soya bean meal with European grain legumes 1 Pea and faba bean have lower protein concentrations and different protein qualities than soya, so their inclusion at 10-24% of feed is required to replace soya that is included at 8-13% of feed (Cederberg and Flysiö 2004, Eriksson et al. 2005, Nemecek and Baumgartner 2006, Baumgartner et al. 2008, Köpke and Nemecek 2010, Houdijk et al. 2013). Legume Futures Report 3.8/6.6: Policy implications of the environmental and resource effects of legume cropping www.legumefutures.de 20 Legume-supported cropping systems for Europe (Baumgartner et al. 2008), but often the difference between overseas imports by sea and EU inland transport by canal, rail and road to feed compounding industries is smaller than one might expect. Differences in transport have generally minor effects on the overall environmental impacts of end products.2 In most studies, the fossil energy use required for the production of a unit of animal product and the associated GHG emissions decreased where European-grown protein crops are used (Table 3). The reductions were caused by reductions in transport and partial replacement of cereals in feeds (see above). Nevertheless, Topp et al. (2012) found that emissions per unit of meat product were similar for soya and the Europeangrown grain protein based diets. However, incorporating land-use change (deforestation and destruction of grasslands in South America) into the LCA resulted in the Europeangrown protein diets having an advantage over the soya-based diets in terms of GHGs (Topp et al. 2012). In addition, taking into account the fact the more palm oil may be produced to compensate for the lower availability soya bean oil, and the fact that the crop replaced by the grain legume will be grown outside Europe still results in a net benefit in greenhouse gas emissions (Table 4). 2 Transport contributes 4-27% of energy demand, 2-15% of GHG emissions and around 18% of acidification in the studies listed hereafter. Legume Futures Report 3.8/6.6: Policy implications of the environmental and resource effects of legume cropping www.legumefutures.de 21 Legume-supported cropping systems for Europe Table 4: Comparison of results of LCA studies of animal products produced using different feed compositions (%) Region % change in environmental impact Energy demand GHG emission Ozone Eutrophication Acidification Ecotoxicity Landuse -36 n.s. Comparison of soya-based to domestic legume-based feed (per kg end-product) Sweden, pork1 -16 -13 -31 -40 Sweden, pork2 -19 -10 n.s. n.s. Germany, Spain, pork3 pork3 France, chicken meat3 France, eggs3 24 n.s. -5 n.s. n.s. n.s. (+)5 -6 n.s. n.s. 17 n.s. (+) 32 -6 -10 n.s. n.s. n.s. (+) n.s. -4 -10 -5 n.s. n.s. + n.s. milk3 n.s. UK, -9 n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. Comparison of soya-based to farm-produced legume-based feed (per kg end-product) n.s. Germany, pork3 n.s. Colour coding4 -19 very favourable -16 -25 favourable -11 -10 n.s. n.s., not unfavourable significant Very unfavourable Source: Calculations based on data from: 1Cederberg and Flysiö (2004), 2Eriksson et al. (2005), 3Baumgartner et al. (2008), 4Nemecek and Baumgartner (2006)5 conflicting results of different assessment methods. Legume Futures Report 3.8/6.6: Policy implications of the environmental and resource effects of legume cropping www.legumefutures.de 22 Legume-supported cropping systems for Europe Table 5. The overall climate impact when replacing one hectare of wheat in Europe with pea production, while taking the impact of a reduced soybean import to Europe and an increased wheat production outside Europe into account. Kg CO2 emissions per ha of pea cultivated in Europe EMISSIONS 1 hectare of pea production in Europe 296 Production of wheat outside Europe 2524 Production of palm oil (to account for less soybean oil produced) 711 TOTAL emissions 3531 AVOIDED EMISSIONS 1 hectare of wheat production in Europe -2343 Soybean production -329 cake3 -230 Transport of soybean cake to Europe -175 Extra carbohydrates in peas compared to cake of soybean, avoided cereal production -733 Soybean, processing to oil and TOTAL avoided emissions OVERALL climate impact -3810 -279 Feeding European-grown legume crops has shown little effect on ozone formation, eutrophication, acidification, ecotoxicity and land-use (Table 5). Ozone formation and acidification were positively affected in one case. Eutrophication was in one case negatively and in one case positively affected, and ecotoxicity effects depended on the assessment method. The amount of land required for feed production was very negatively affected in two case studies, but not significantly so in all others. On-farm feeding of home-grown legumes increases benefits further, as shown in one case study that considered on-farm production (Table 6, Baumgartner 2008). In this case study, greatly reduced transport led to lower energy demand, and greater advantages in terms of GHGs, ozone formation and acidification (Baumgartner et al. 2008). However, an on-farm feed producer may not achieve the efficiency of animal feed manufacturers, leading to higher feed costs and lower animal performance from farmproduced feeds. 3 Dalgaard R, Schmidt J, Halberg N, Christensen P, Thrane M, Pengue W (2008) LCA of soybean meal. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 13:240-254. Legume Futures Report 3.8/6.6: Policy implications of the environmental and resource effects of legume cropping www.legumefutures.de 23 Legume-supported cropping systems for Europe It is concluded that a greater inclusion of European protein crops in feed improves the environmental performance of animal products, especially with respect to fossil energy use and GHG emissions, as well as other impact categories in some cases. Improvement of yields through research and agronomic innovations could greatly increase these environmental benefits. However, the European production of protein crops, even if it were significantly increased, can only satisfy a small share of the European feed demand at current levels of crop yield, animal production and consumption.4 POLICY IMPLICATIONS Protein crops have multiple positive environmental and resource-conserving effects operating at field, farm, regional and global levels. These effects point to the need to recognise the potential of complementary policy measures and to foster efforts to enhance this complementarity. Such an integrated policy approach can be particularly robust if it focuses on the positive outcomes that protein crops can bring about for society. To make them complementary to one another, measures should be rooted in an understanding of the agroecological processes governing the benefits. With the current low use of protein crops, the promotion of legumes through greening measures can be justified from a practical policy viewpoint. Combined with investment in research and development, this could stimulate private-sector investment in crop improvement and technical progress. This private investment in technical change is important because the current status of protein crops in Europe is determined largely by the yield advantage of carbohydrate-rich cereals. This is a consequence of climate over much of Europe which, despite its diversity, tends to favour high yields of cereals. This means that in the long term, a closing of the yield gap between protein crops and cereals, particularly in terms of protein yield, is an important strategic goal. There is also a need to improve the ability to capture for farmers the on-farm economic benefits of more diverse rotations that include legumes. The Member States of the European Union are now at various stages in deciding how to respond at national level to the CAP reform decisions made so far. The most relevant measure is the consideration of nitrogen-fixing crops as contributing to the EFA 4 When we consider the total compound feed production in the EU (150 million tonnes, EUFETEC 2010) and the average pea yield, an EU-wide replacement of only 1% of the average compound feed by European fodder pea would require an increase in production areas to their historic peak in the late 1980s. 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