Acta Musei Beskidensis is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal that publishes original (previously unpublished) research papers on natural science (biology, geology and geomorphology, pedology, geography, forestry, and ecology). It is published annually in one issue at the end of the year. Priority is given to articles concerning northeastern Moravia and Silesia and articles describing field research and collections of the Beskydy Museum in Frýdek-Místek. The journal also publishes short communications on faunistics and floristics, personals regarding outstanding regional naturalists, and regional conference proceedings. All submitted papers are subjected to approval by the Editorial Board (who verify the paper’s overall quality and conformity with the journal’s scope and Author’s Instructions) and later to strict peer-review by two independent reviewers (or three independent reviewers if the first two reviews differ). Personalia and conference proceedings are not reviewed. After the author is sent the reviews, he or she must consider all reviewer and Editor recommendations and corrections in preparing the final version. It is the author’s responsibility to demonstrate the article’s relevance. Manuscripts not conforming to the present instructions will be returned to the authors without review. The Editors reserve the right to make minor textual corrections that do not alter the original meaning. The galley proof will be sent to the author, and the corrected proofs must be returned as soon as possible. Each author is supplied with one free reprint of the journal and an electronic pdf file of the article. One free reprint of journal is also sent to the reviewers. With acceptance and publication of the manuscript, the exclusive copyright ownership is transferred to the publisher (see the attached Copyright statement). 4 Manuscripts in clear and concise Czech, Slovak, or English are accepted. Manuscripts intended for publication should be submitted in electronic form to the Editor-in-Chief at one of the following e-mail addressees: or The author bears full responsibility for the quality of the article’s language, and English texts should be checked by a person proficient in the English language. Authors do not receive payment. The 31st of June is the closing date for accepting manuscripts; a later deadline is possible in exceptional cases and with approval of the Editor-in-Chief. Manuscripts should be structured as follows: 1) concise title and its English equivalent; 2) full name(s) of author(s); 3) address(es) of author(s) including the postal code and e-mail (inclusion of the telephone number of the corresponding author is also recommended); 4) key words (in English): up to 10 words that clearly indicate the article’s content and do not overlap with words in the title; 5) Abstract (in English) that briefly but clearly describes the purpose, methods, and results; the author(s) and year of description should be omitted in full names of taxa; 6) main text divided as follows: INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS, DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION, Acknowledgements, REFERENCES. It is recommended that Czech and Slovak papers include a Summary in English. Some sections can be combined when appropriate (e.g., RESULTS with DISCUSSION). Short communications must not exceed 3 pages and are not divided into sections but must contain key words and an Abstract (both in English). Text formatting: manuscripts should be saved as RTF (Rich Text Format), DOC, or DOCX files and should be sent electronically. The Page Layout is as follows: page format 17x24 cm, 2 cm margins on all sides, text typed in unicode Times New Roman, left justified and with unjustified right margin, normal font spacing, font size 10 pts, do not justify or break words, headings centred and followed with blank line. ▪ Authors must follow the latest editions of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature and International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants. Latin names of genera, subgenera and species and also names of phytosociological units must be italicized;. At their first appearance in the main text, names of genera and species must be introduced in full and must include the unabbreviated name(s) of the author(s) and year of description, separated by a comma. If names of plant taxa and syntaxa are written without these data, cite the source of the accepted nomenclature in the MATERIALS AND METHODS section. Once introduced in the main text, the genus names can be abbreviated unless misidentification is possible. ▪ Dates are written without spaces between numbers and with months in Roman numbers (e.g., 5.IV.2003). ▪ The precise localities are indicated by full, valid, unabbreviated names (e.g., Frýdlant nad Ostravicí); locality names are followed by a grid mapping code in parentheses (e.g., Dobrá (6376)); if available, coordinates (latitude and longitude) are written in the following format: 50°04´20 ̋N, 14°25´28 ̋E. ▪ Faunistic and/or floristic data are to be accompanied by: country name; locality including a grid mapping code; collection date; if the date refers to specimens reared from immature stages—eggs, larvae, pupae—this must be indicated, e.g., ex ovo, ex larva, ex pupa, and stage collection (not rearing) date; number of specimens or abundance (for faunistic data, sex numbers - male/female or larvae, exuviae, pupae numbers, if appropriate, with symbols M/F or ♂/♀, L, E, P); collector’s or observer’s name, (leg., observ., not.); determinator’s name (det.); reviser’s name (rev.), and collection owner’s name (coll.). ▪ If needed, the following abbreviations are recommended: cf. – compare; ibid. – in the same place; in litt. – written information; in prep. – paper under preparation; in press – paper in press; in verb. - …; s. n. – nameless (publisher, author); s. nr. – without number…; ut – as; sic! – in this way; unpubl. – unpublished; centr.(=centralis) – central; sept. (=septentrionalis) or bor. (=borealis) – northern; mer. (=meridionalis) – southern; or. (=orientalis) – eastern; occ. (=occidentalis) – western; s.str. – sensu stricto; – sensu lato. Standard abbreviations can be used without explanation. Other abbreviations should be defined in the MATERIALS AND METHODS. Text attachments (figures, graphs, maps, and tables) should be submitted electronically and as separate files. Captions that clearly and concisely explain the tables, figures, and graphs must accompany these attachments. The attachments should be comprehensible without reference to the main text. English text equivalents are required. Figures, graphs, maps, and photographs are numbered separately (e.g., Fig. 1, Tab. 1), according to their sequence in the text. Only high quality graphic attachments are accepted; the resolution should be > 300 dpi, and tiff, jpeg, and bmp formats are preferred. Computer-generated graphics must be provided in source files (e.g., Excel) with a final resolution in print size of > 600 dpi. Graphs or any figures that include text must be sent in a format such that the text parts can be edited to match the journal’s style. References: Authors must identify all sources of information that did not originate in the presented, original research. All papers cited in the text should be included in the REFERENCES and vice versa. Author names should be in UPPERCASE , both in the text and in the REFERENCES. References should be cited in the text by author and year as follows: KRKOŠKA (1812) or (KRKOŠKA 1914), OREL & CHROUST (1951) or (OREL & CHROUST 1955). For citations that contain three or more authors, only the surname of the first author followed by “et al.” is given— DOHNAL et al. (1998) or (DOHNAL et al. 1998)—but all authors are listed in the REFERENCES. For multiple citations in the text, the authors are listed in chronological order, and citations are separated by semicolons. If several papers by the same author(s) are listed, they should be arranged chronologically; multiple papers by the same author(s) published in the same year should be distinguished by single letters that follow the year (e.g., 1990a,b,c) and should be ordered as they appear in the text. Use the term ANONYMOUS, when the author(s) name(s) is not given in the cited paper. The reference list should be arranged in alphabetical order. Journal names should be in uppercase and unabbreviated unless, in exceptional cases, the complete name cannot be found. For online documents, the reference must include the document’s author, year of origin or the latest actualization, precise location on the web (URL), and the date of access in brackets. Books, proceedings, and chapters in publications should include the publisher’s name and location and the total number of pages or respective pagination. For citation of unpublished documents (Master’s or Ph.D. theses, project reports, etc.), deposition and pagination must be given. Personal communications and other unpublished results should be referred to in the text only, e.g., (M. Novák, pers. comm. 2005); also see Abbreviations. Examples of references in the list: ANONYMOUS (1981): Geological map of the White Carpathians 1:500 000. Source map for geologists. Kartografie, Praha, 1 map. HOLEŇA G. 2005: A new species of Lachesilla (Insecta: Psocoptera) from northeastern Moravia. Journal of Soil Science, 15: 221–225. HRDONKA V. 2007: Waterfalls of the Czech Republic, Beskidian waterfalls [online]. Available on URL: <> [acccessed 28.VI.2010]. KOLOUSEK Z. 1978a: Latest knowledge on small mammals in the CR and their distribution. Abstracts of the conference Zoological days, 4.–6.XII.1978, Brno, p. 8. KOLOUSEK Z. 1978b: Antropologicaly impacted habitats. [Master thesis]. Depon. in: Masaryk University, Nature Science Faculty, Brno, 173 pp. LINDSTRÖM J. 1935: Population dynamics of species of Mesopsocus. Wildlife Biologia, 56: 1–81. (sec. rec., in LINDSTRÖM 1936). MALOSEK Z. 1980: List of the heteropterans in the National Nature Reserve Mazák (Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts). [ms.]. Depon. in: Muzeum Beskyd Frýdek-Místek, 5 pp. MITIĆ G. & SITKOVSKIJ A. (eds) 1954: Fauna of Moravia and Silesia. Birds 1. Fischer Verlag, Dresden, 322 pp. RUDIGER H. 1985: How to publish research results. In: ZOUFALEC P. & BATMAN L. (eds): Silesian forests and their degradation. Book of proceedings, Lednice na Moravě, pp. 109–111. ZEBE J. (1995): Changes in sugar production during the summer. In: HEKEL K. (ed.): Agriculture production. Academic Press, London, pp. 876–888.