Lab Report Rubric Chemical and Materials Engineering Title Page Abstract Introduction Absent 0 Not Present (0 pt) Not Present (0 pt) Not Present (0 pt) Objective Not Present (0 pt) Background Not Present (0 pt) Procedure Results Discussion Not Present (0 pt) Not Present (0 pt) Not Present (0 pt) Conclusion & Recommendations Not Present (0 pt) Reference Not Present (0 pt) Appendix Pre-Lab Not Present (0 pt) Not Present (0 pt) Beginning 1 Incomplete, missing two or more of the following: title of the experiment, group number, group member names, course title, course number, course section, date, and university and department names. (1 pt) Several major aspects of the experiment are missing, lack of understanding about writing an abstract (1-3 pt) Misses the context of the experiment (1 pt) Not stated in an organized matter. (1 pt) Very little background information provided or information is incorrect (1-3 pt) Missing several important experimental details or not written in paragraph format (1-3 pt) Incorrect handing of the raw date (1-3 pt) Developing 2 Incomplete, missing ONLY one of the following: title of the experiment, group number, group member names, course title, course number, course section, date, and university and department names. (2 pt) Adequate 3 Complete title page with major formatting errors. (3 pt) Accomplished 4 Complete title page with minor formatting errors. (4 pt) Exemplary 5 Complete title page and correct format. (5 pt) Misses most of major aspects of the experiment or the results (4-5 pt) Misses one or more major aspects of the experiment (6-7 pt) Contains references to all major aspects of the experiment and the results, all-written. (10 pt) Incomplete introduction, misses most of the main principle of the experiment (2 pt) Lacking clarity of the experiment (2 pt) Missing major points and doesn’t included the most principles or concepts of the experiment (4-5 pt) Two or more of the following: not in paragraph form, 3rd person past-tense and/or missing some important details (4-5 pt) Explains the context of the experiments (3 pt) References most of the aspects of the experiment, some minor details are missing (8-9 pt) Explains and provides examples of the applied principles (4 pt) States the goal of the experiment. (4 pt) Nearly complete, clearly and explains the principles of the experiment (8-9 pt) One of the following: not in paragraph form, 3rd person past-tense and/or missing some important details (6-7 pt) Most figures, graphs, tables are okay, some still missing some important or required (6-7 pt) Written in paragraph format, important experiment details are cover, some minor details missing (8-9 pt) Almost all the results have been drawn, but some have minor problems or could still be improved (8-9pt) Well-written in paragraph format, all experimental details are covered. (10pt) Results are displayed in the correct matter but the partial understanding is still evident (9-11 pt) Almost all of the results have been correctly interpreted and discuss; only minor improvements are needed. (12-14 pt) All important conclusions have been drawn, could be better stated. Include recommendations (8-9 pt) Complete reference, correct format, and minor sequencing error. (4 pt) Complete appendix, correct sample calculations, slightly unorganized. (4 pt) All important trends and data comparisons have been interpreted correctly and discussed, good understanding of results is conveyed. (15 pt) All important conclusions have been clearly made, student shows good understanding. Included recommendations (10 pt) Complete reference, correct format, and sequencing. (5 pt) Complete Pre-lab with minor inaccuracies. (8-9 pt) Complete Pre-lab, neat sketch, and correct information. (10 pt) Very incomplete or incorrect interpretation of trends and comparison of data indicating a lack of understanding of results (1-5 pt) Conclusions are missing or missing the important points (1-3 pt) Figures, graphs, tables contain errors or are poorly constructed, having missing titles, captions or numbers, units missing or incorrect (4-5 pt) Some of the results have been correctly interpreted and discussed; partial but incomplete understanding of results is still evident (6-8 pt) Conclusions are partial correct, and shows little understanding of the concepts (4-5 pt) Incomplete reference, wrong format, no sequencing. (0 pt) Complete, wrong format, no sequencing. (2pt) Incomplete, missing two or more of the following: Pre-lab, sample calculations, raw data. (1 pt) Incomplete Pre-lab, missing two of the following: equipment sketch, experimental procedure, data collection method. (1-3 pt) Missing one of the following: Prelab, sample calculations, raw data. (2 pt) Incomplete Pre-lab, missing ONLY one of the following: equipment sketch, experimental procedure, data collection method. (4-5 pt) States a proportion of the goal of the experiment. (3 pt) Includes most of the major concepts (6-7 pt) Conclusions regarding major points are drawn, but many are misstated, indicating a lack of understanding. (6-7 pt) Complete reference, correct format, and major sequencing error. (3 pt) Complete appendix, incorrect sample calculation or unorganized. (3 pt) Complete Pre-lab, inaccurate sketch or data collection method. (6-7 pt) Introduction complete and wellwritten, include examples of the principle (5 pt) Explains and clearly states the goal of the experiment. (5 pt) Complete, well-written, includes all concepts (10 pt) All figures, graphs, tables are correctly drawn, are numbered and contain titles/captions. (10 pt) Complete appendix, well organized and explained. (5 pt) Score ____/5 ____/15 ____/10 ____/ ____/10+ ____/10 ____/15+ ____/10 ____/15 ____/5+ ____/5 ____/ ____/100