North Pacific Research Board Project Final Report Mitochondrial DNA-based identification of eggs, larvae and dietary components of commercially and ecologically important fish species and selected invertebrates in the northeast Pacific Ocean NPRB Project 1220 Final Report Michael Canino, Melanie Paquin and David Drumm National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Fisheries Science Center, 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115. (206) 526-4108 January, 2015 1 ABSTRACT We compiled mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence databases (through direct sequencing and mining public databases) for selected fish and shrimp species in the Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) protocols were then developed and tested for accurate identification of eggs and/or larvae for six flatfish species that were historically difficult or impossible to identify by conventional taxonomic approaches. RFLP protocols screening variation in the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase (COI) gene were diagnostic for two pleuronectid species producing ‘large’ eggs (Pacific halibut and Greenland halibut) and three species producing ‘small’ eggs (yellowfin sole, Sakhalin sole and longhead dab). Protocols for two flatfishes producing ‘intermediate’ sized eggs could not be developed due to a lack of fixed restriction sites between species in the mitochondrial COI, cytochrome b, NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 (ND1), 12S rRNA, 16S rRNA or control region sequences. Results from this study demonstrated the potential to fill important knowledge gaps for commercially and ecologically important species routinely studied at the Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC), with particular regard to species composition in fish diets and in ichthyoplantkon assemblages. The database provided the foundation for development of rapid, cost-effective, and accurate molecular protocols to identify species under circumstances where traditional taxonomic approaches founder or fail. KEY WORDS Mitochondrial DNA, cytochrome c oxidase, cytochrome b, ND1, 12S, 16S, species identification, restriction fragment length polymorphism, RFLP, fish eggs, fish larvae, caridean shrimp CITATION Canino, M., M. Paquin, and D. Drumm. Mitochondrial DNA-based identification of eggs, larvae and dietary components of commercially and ecologically important fish species and selected invertebrates in the northeast Pacific Ocean. North Pacific Research Board Final Report Project 924. 26 p. 2 1 Table of Contents 2 3 Abstract ......................................................................................................................................................... 2 4 Key Words .................................................................................................................................................... 2 5 Citation.......................................................................................................................................................... 2 6 List of Figures ............................................................................................................................................... 3 7 List of Tables ................................................................................................................................................ 4 8 Study Chronology ......................................................................................................................................... 4 9 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 5 10 Overall Objectives ........................................................................................................................................ 7 11 Methods........................................................................................................................................................ 8 12 Database mining and sample collection ....................................................................................................... 8 13 DNA extraction, PCR and sequencing ......................................................................................................... 9 14 flatfish PCR-RFLP development ................................................................................................................ 11 15 flatfish PCR-RFLP protocol validation...................................................................................................... 12 16 Results ........................................................................................................................................................ 12 17 flatfish DNA sequencing and PCR-RFLP protocol development ........................................................... 12 18 flatfish PCR-RFLP protocol validation.................................................................................................. 12 19 Barcoding sculpins ................................................................................................................................. 13 20 Barcdoding caridean shrimps ................................................................................................................. 16 21 Discussion .................................................................................................................................................. 19 22 Conclusions ................................................................................................................................................ 21 23 Management Implications ........................................................................................................................ 22 24 Publications ................................................................................................................................................. 22 25 Outreach ...................................................................................................................................................... 24 26 Acknowledgements ..................................................................................................................................... 22 27 Literature Cited ........................................................................................................................................... 23 28 List of Figures 29 Figure 1. Hypothetical distributions of intraspecific variation and interspecific divergence in barcoding .. 6 30 Figure 2. Collection locations for caridean shrimps ..................................................................................... 9 31 Figure 3. PCR-RFLP profiles for two halibut species ................................................................................ 12 32 Figure 4. Neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree for caridean shrimps ........................................................... 17 33 Figure 5. Haplotype accumulation curve for caridean shrimps .................................................................. 17 3 34 List of Tables 35 Table 1. Target flatfish species and egg size distributions............................................................................ 7 36 Table 2. Mitochondrial DNA gene regions analyzed in two Hippoglossoides species .............................. 10 37 Table 3. Oligonucleotide primers and annealing temperatures for COI in shrimp ..................................... 11 38 Table 4. PCR-RFLP profiles for halibut species......................................................................................... 12 39 Table 5. Distribution of ND1 haplotypes in two Hippoglossoides species................................................. 13 40 Table 6. Distribution of COI haplotypes in two Hippoglossoides species.................................................. 14 41 Table 7. Sequence similarity scores of voucher specimens to GenBank sequences ................................... 15 42 Table 8. Intra- and interspecific genetic distances for caridean shrimps .................................................... 18 43 44 45 STUDY CHRONOLOGY 46 Bering Sea skates (Spies et al. 2006) and fishes (Canino et al. 2011) which showed that accurate species 47 identification through sequencing a fragment of the mtDNA cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene 48 was a feasible approach for most species. This NPRB-sponsored project was initiated in January 2013. 49 Mining of public databases for relevant COI sequences and design PCR-RFLP protocols began 50 immediately. DNA extraction and sequencing for specimens of interest that were already available at the 51 UW Fish collection began in spring 2013 and continued throughout the year through February 2014 in 52 order to process samples collected during summer 2013 field surveys. Two earlier studies leading to this work included a study of DNA barcoding in North Pacific Ocean and 53 4 54 Introduction 55 Accurate identification of various life history stages and prey items of marine fishes and invertebrates is 56 central for understanding their distribution, abundance, trophic ecology, and biodiversity. While 57 conventional taxonomic approaches have been successfully applied in ichthyoplankton (fish eggs and 58 larvae) identification and diet analysis efforts for many years, identification to the species level requires 59 varying degrees of taxonomic expertise and is sometimes limited by the lack of diagnostic characters in 60 many marine species. 61 Our approach used fixed nucleotide differences in the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genome for species 62 identification. MtDNA accumulates mutational changes that are more likely be fixed than in nuclear 63 genomic DNA, largely due to the accelerated effects of neutral genetic drift on the strictly asexually- 64 transmitted (maternal), nonrecombinant haploid mtDNA genome. This inheritance mode results in more 65 rapid DNA sequence divergence of mtDNA lineages compared to nuclear genes, often revealing 66 discontinuities among currently recognized plant and animal species. Avise and Walker (1999) reviewed 67 mtDNA variation in 252 vertebrate species (mostly fishes, birds, and mammals) and reported a general 68 concordance of both topology and species numbers between mtDNA gene trees and taxonomic trees, 69 accurately detecting approximately 90% of congeneric sister species. Additional advantages to using 70 mtDNA markers are that mtDNA is present in many copies per cell depending upon tissue type (103 - 104 71 copies in mammalian cells; Brown and Clayton 2002), and it is relatively robust to degradation. Both 72 properties increase the likelihood for recovering usable DNA from archival (museum specimens, scales, 73 etc.) and other types of degraded samples (e.g. gut or scat contents). 74 During the last two decades, significant effort has been directed towards analyses of variation across 75 animal groups in short DNA sequences from standardized regions of the mitochondrial genome. The 76 unique combinations of fixed nucleotide differences from these regions to identify species has given rise 77 to the term DNA 'barcoding', analogous with the ubiquitous Uniform Product Code bars as identifiers on 78 manufactured products. Barcoding approaches rely upon a gap between intraspecific variation and 79 interspecific divergence (Fig. 1) and have been applied across a diverse array of studies, ranging from 80 species identification (e.g. de Oliveira Ribeiro et al 2012), the detection of cryptic conspecific species 81 (e.g. Garcia-Morales and Elias-Gutierrez 2013), hybridization between lineages (e.g. Chiesa et al. 2013) 82 and ecosystem community structure (e.g. Shokralla et al. 2012; Jackson et al. 2014). The mitochondrial 83 cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene is generally the accepted standard for barcoding efforts, 84 yielding nearly 100% accuracy in some empirical studies of birds (Hebert et al. 2004a), insects (Hebert et 85 al. 2004b; Barrett and Hebert 2005), and fishes (Zhang and Hanner 2011). Ward et al. (2009) reported an 86 average intraspecific distance (Kimura’s two-parameter K2P) of 0.35% for 546 fish species and a mean 5 interspecific K2P distance of 8.11%. 88 Similarly, Zhang and Hanner (2011) reported 89 a 60-fold difference between intraspecific and 90 conspecific variation in 158 species around 91 Japan. In some cases, however, incomplete 92 lineage sorting can occur (Fig. 1B) when 93 insufficient generations have passed to allow 94 genetic characters to drift to fixation, 95 demonstrating reproductive isolation between 96 sister taxa (Nice and Shapiro 1999), or there 97 is recurring hybridization between two 98 lineages (e.g. Morgan et al. 2012). The 99 soundness of the barcoding approach has A intraspecific variation n individuals 87 interspecific divergence barcoding gap B intraspecific variation interspecific divergence overlap genetic distance 100 already been validated in other studies of diet Figure 1. Distributions of intraspecific variation and interspecific divergence. A; Discrete distributions from complete coalescent lineage sorting resulting in reciprocal monophyly. B; Overlapping distributions from incomplete linage sorting resulting in paraphyly or polyphyly. 101 (Blankenship and Yayanos 2005; Keskln and Adapted from Meyer and Paulay (2005). 102 Atar 2013; Paquin et al. 2014) and 103 ichthyoplankton assemblages (Hyde et al. 2005; Leray et al. 2013). 104 In this study, we built upon previous work (NPRB Project #924) to develop molecular methods for 105 species identification in current research areas within the Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC). These 106 areas included species identification of ichthyoplankton (fish eggs and larvae) in the Ecosystem and 107 Fisheries Oceanography Coordinated Investigations (EcoFOCI) program for seven flatfish species whose 108 egg size distributions overlap and cannot be distinguished using morphological characters alone. 109 Flatfishes are important as predators/prey in northeast Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea ecosystems and 110 accurate identification of eggs and larvae are crucial for determining spawning distributions and 111 seasonality. We also barcoded a variety of sculpin species likely to be encountered as prey remains in diet 112 studies conducted by the Resource Ecology and Ecosystem Modeling (REEM) program. Not all prey 113 remains can be visually identified, especially in conspecific taxa, and molecular identification of highly 114 digested prey better informs food web energetics models developed by REEM. Finally, we extended 115 species identification via barcoding to eight species of caridean shrimp of ecological importance, several 116 of economic significance, in the northeast Pacific Ocean, Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea. Identification of 117 these shrimps currently relies on minor, and sometimes subjective, differences in morphological/meristic 118 characters. Systematic relationships among species groups are also disputed, making identification even 119 more challenging. Our expectation was to provide unequivocal species identification through barcoding 120 that could be used for ecological studies (e.g. identification of juvenile instar stages), forensics (e.g. food 6 121 fraud) and perhaps further resolve systematics in this group. We combined mining public databases, 122 GenBank to obtain mtDNA sequences for species of interest, and conducted supplemental DNA 123 sequencing of voucher and field-collected samples when insufficient or no sequence data existed. 124 125 Overall Objective: 126 To expand a mtDNA database of select North Pacific, Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea marine fish and 127 invertebrate species and develop protocols for DNA-based identification. 128 Specific objectives: 129 1. Obtain mtDNA sequences and develop PCR-based restriction fragment length polymorphism 130 (RFLP) protocols to identify the eggs and/or larvae for six flatfish species of commercial and 131 ecological importance. 132 Seven flatfish species routinely encountered in field surveys, roughly divided into three groups 133 depending upon egg size, were chosen for development of PCR-RFLP protocols (Table 1). 134 135 136 137 Table 1. Pleuronectid flatfish species for molecular identification Common name Species name Egg size group Egg diameter range (mm) Pacific halibut Hippoglossus stenolepsis Large 2.9 – 3.8 1 Greenland halibut Reinhardtius hippoglossoides Large 3.5 – 4.5 2,3 yellowfin sole Limanda aspera Small 0.76 – 0.85 4 Sakhalin sole Limanda sakhalinensis Small *1.2 – 1.7 longhead dab Limanda proboscidea Small *1.2 – 1.7 flathead sole Hippoglossoides elassodon Intermediate 2.1 – 2.7 5 Bering flounder Hippoglossoides robustus Intermediate 2.0 -2.7 4 1 Thompson and Van Cleve (1936), 2 Jensen (1935), 3 Duffy Anderson et al. (in review), 4 PertsevaOstroumova (1961), 5 Miller (1969), * estimated range for unidentified Limanda spp. eggs (AFSC, unpubl. data). 138 139 We were only successful in developing and validating a PCR-RFLP protocol to discriminate two of 140 seven flatfish species, Pacific halibut and Greenland halibut (see pg. 11-12). We had previously 141 developed a double restriction digest protocol, using both COI and cytochrome b (cyt b) regions 142 (Canino et al. 2011), that was capable of resolving the three Limanda species, but not the two 143 Hippoglossoides species. Sequence data from the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase 1(ND1), 12S, 144 16S and cyt b genes did not reveal diagnostic restriction sites for RFLP protocol development for 145 these five flatfish species. 7 146 2. Conduct mtDNA sequencing and compile a barcode database for approximately 30 species of 147 sculpins from the Gulf of Alaska, Aleutian Islands and eastern Bering Sea. This database will 148 be used in future efforts to identify sculpins as prey remains encountered in diet studies 149 conducted at the AFSC. 150 A total of 252 DNA sequences were obtained, representing 32 species of sculpins, three of which 151 have not been published in online data bases (see Table 7, p. 16-17). Comparisons of our voucher 152 sequences with those from public databases revealed a high degree of sequence similarity among 153 putative congeneric species and, unfortunately, evidence of species misidentification in those 154 databases. Misidentifications arise from several sources, including a high degree of morphological 155 similarity and unresolved systematic relationships among some sculpin species. Our efforts represent 156 a significant contribution towards more accurate identification of sculpins in diet studies conducted 157 within the large marine ecosystems of Alaska. 158 159 160 3. Conduct mtDNA sequencing on eight species of shrimp that are historically difficult to identify using conventional taxonomic methods. 161 We tested a mtDNA barcoding approach to identify seven candidate species from the marine shrimp 162 genera Crangon and Neocrangon that occur in Alaskan waters. Major goals were to analyze sequence 163 divergence among conspecifics in different geographic regions to test for possible cryptic species and 164 to help resolve taxonomic issues in problematic species. In general, interspecific divergences were 165 comparatively large (up to 15%), comparable to means of 17.2% and 15.5% reported for decapod 166 crustaceans by Costa et al. (2007) and Silva et al. (2011), respectively. Nominal species were mostly 167 resolved into disecrete monophyletic units (p.17). However, one sample of putative Crangon 168 septemspinosa from the Chukchi Sea grouped separately from C. septemspinosa from the northwest 169 Atlantic with strong bootstrap support in a phylogenetic analysis, suggesting a potentially new, 170 cryptic species in this region. As with sculpins, we found misidentifications in public databases 171 likely resulting from strong morphological similarities in shrimps and lack of consensus on 172 systematic relationships. Barcoding results from this study show promise for application to species 173 identification (e.g. diet studies, forensics, etc.) and for resolving biogeographic distributions of these 174 ecologically important crustaceans. 175 176 METHODS 177 DATABASE MINING AND SAMPLE COLLECTION 178 Samples of Bering flounder and flathead sole were obtained from juvenile and adult specimens previously 179 collected by the AFSC and voucher tissue samples from the specimen reference collection at the 8 180 University of Washington Fish Collection (UWFC) 181 182 We initially proposed to obtain sequences from a minimum of 10 individuals per each of 30 species of 183 sculpins. Previous experience (Canino et al. 2011) had indicated that this minimum number was 184 sufficient to determine whether a restriction site was fixed or polymorphic at low frequencies, an 185 important consideration for RFLP protocol development. Requests for these 30 species were submitted to 186 summer field surveys conducted by NMFS in 2013 off the west coast of Oregon and Washington, Gulf of 187 Alaska, Aleutian Islands and eastern Bering Sea, but we did not obtain minimal sample sizes in some 188 cases. As with the flatfishes, voucher specimens from the UWFC were obtained when available. COI 189 sequences from voucher and field-collected specimens were compared to those queried from GenBank 190 and FISH-BOL to ensure correct species identification. Shrimps were collected in the Gulf of Alaska, 191 Aleutian Islands and in the Chukchi Sea using a bottom trawl (Fig. 2). Whole specimens were 192 immediately preserved in 95% ethanol. Figure 2. Collection locations for caridean shrimps. 193 194 DNA EXTRACTION, POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION (PCR) AMPLIFICATION AND SEQUENCING 195 DNA extractions of muscle or finclip tissues preserved in ethanol were performed using QIAGEN 196 DNeasy kits (QIAGEN, Valencia, CA) following the manufacturer’s protocol. DNA extractions and PCR 197 set-up were conducted in a PCR-free laboratory. For flatfish and sculpins a 739 base pair (bp) segment of 198 COI was PCR-amplified using a universal primer cocktail, C_FishF1t1-C_FishR1t1 (Ivanova et al. 2007), 199 containing both forward and reverse primers (Qiagen Multiplex Plus kit and Q-solution was used instead 9 200 of individual reagents in the PCR protocol). The following thermal cycler conditions were modified from 201 Ivanova et al. (2007): an initial denaturation step of 5 min at 95 °C was followed by 32 cycles of 30 s at 202 95 °C, 90 s at 57 °C, and 90 s at 72 °C. A final 10 min extension at 68 °C was added to the end of the 203 thermal cycler profile. 204 For the two flatfish species with small to intermediate egg sizes (sister taxa Hippoglossoides elassodon 205 and H. robustus), three mitochondrial genes, NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 (ND1), 12S rRNA, 16S 206 rRNA, were sequenced for the potential development of PCR-RFLP protocols. In addition, we examined 207 a larger number of COI and cyt b sequences than we reported previously (Canino et al. 2011). Between 208 three and 23 individuals per species were sequenced for each gene region (Table 1). We were unable to 209 obtain 10 sequences each for the 16S, 12S and ND1 regions for this species pair, despite using ND1 210 primers with greater specificity in flatfish (Roje 2010) and primers for 12S (Palumbi et al. 1991) and 16S 211 (Palumbi 1996) mtDNA that amplify well in other marine fishes. We suspect lack of primer specificity, 212 rather than DNA quality, as the primary reason for PCR failures since the majority of samples amplified 213 robustly for COI and cytb gene regions. 214 215 Table 2. Mitochondrial DNA gene regions (amplicon length in base pairs) sequenced and sample sizes for two Hippoglossoides species from the eastern North Pacific Ocean. mtDNA gene region Common name Species ND1 (831) 12S (389) 16S (576) cytb (753) COI (573) flathead sole H. elassodon 5 8 8 11 23 Bering flounder H. robustus 8 3 4 9 23 216 217 In addition, we examined a larger number of COI and cyt b sequences than we reported previously 218 (Canino et al. 2011) to determine whether sequence data could be used to distinguish between the two 219 Hippoglossoides species. COI amplification followed the same protocol as used for sculpins and a ~1100 220 bp fragment of cyt b was PCR-amplified using primers developed by Hyde & Vetter (2007). 221 Total genomic DNA from shrimp specimens was extracted from a small piece of abdominal muscle tissue 222 using a Qiagen DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit. Three primer pairs were used for PCR amplification of a ~ 223 700 bp region of the COI gene, depending upon the taxa (Table 3). PCR amplifications for each primer 224 pair were carried out in 12.5 μL reactions following Radulovici et al. (2009) using a thermal cycler 225 profile modified from Radulovici et al. (2009): 1 min at 94 °C, 35 cycles of 40 sec at 94 °C, 40 s at 48 °- 226 54 °C depending on taxa (Table 3), and 1 min at 72 °C, and a final step of 5 min at 72 °C. 227 PCR products from fish and shrimp samples were sequenced using an ABI 3730 automated sequencer and 228 ABI Big Dye chemistry version 3.1 (Applied Biosystems, Inc). For fish samples M13 forward (5’- 10 229 TGTAAAACGACGGCCAGT-3’) and reverse (5’-CAGGAAACAGCTATGAC-3’) primers were used to 230 generate COI sequences following Ivanova et al. (2007). For shrimp samples and all other gene regions 231 (ND1, 12S, 16S, and D-loop) the same primers used in the PCR amplifications were used for sequencing. 232 Sequences were aligned in the computer program SEQUENCHER version 4.9 (Gene Codes Corp., Ann 233 Arbor, MI). COI sequences from sculpins were compared to the public database of reference sequences 234 in GenBank using the BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) query algorithm. 235 236 237 Table 3. Primers and annealing temperatures (°C) used to PCR-amplify a portion of the mitochondrial COI region in shrimps. Common name Species sevenspine bay shrimp Crangon septemspinosa 54 HCO2198 Folmer et al. (1994) Alaska bay shrimp C. alaskensis 50 CrustF1 Costa et al. (2007) Crangon franciscorum angustimana C. f. angustimana as above sand shrimp C. crangon as above ridged crangon C. dalli as above gray shrimp Neocrangon communis abyssal crangon (°C) Primer N. abyssorum 50 50 Reference CrustDF1 Radulovici et al. ( 2009) CrustDR1 Radulovici et al. ( 2009) as above 238 239 PCR- RFLP PROTOCOL DEVELOPMENT 240 Restriction site mapping for Pacific halibut and Greenland halibut sequences from reference specimens 241 were generated in BioEdit (Hall, 1999) to identify informative sites for PCR-RFLP protocols. The 242 presence of at least one restriction site in the mitochondrial DNA of each species was one criterion for the 243 selection of candidate restriction enzymes. This precaution greatly reduces species misidentification due 244 to mutational loss of a restriction site or failed digest reaction. Restriction site mapping for these two 245 sequences indicated that the restriction enzyme Tsp45I (recognition site ’GTSAC) could discriminate 246 them by PCR-RFLP (Table 4). 247 Restriction digests were performed in 25 uL volume reactions with 5 uL of PCR product, 1X buffer, and 248 10 units (U) of restriction enzyme Tsp45I (New England Biolabs Inc.). Digests were incubated at 65◦C for 249 1 hour and sample fragment patterns were scored visually using 3% agarose gel electrophoresis and 250 ethidium bromide stain. In order to disrupt binding of the restriction enzyme to the DNA substrate after 11 251 digestion and to ensure a more consistent migration rate of the DNA during electrophoresis (Weber and 252 Osborn, 1969), sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) was added for a final sample concentration of 0.1% SDS. 253 Shrimp sequences from forward and reverse directions were assembled using SEQUENCHER and 254 aligned using ClustalW as implemented in BioEdit. Sequence divergences were calculated using the 255 Kimura 2-parameter (K2P) distance method (Kimura 1980). A neighbor-joining (NJ) tree was constructed 256 using the bootstrap (BS) procedure with 10000 replications as implemented in MEGA 5.05. A haplotype 257 accumulation curve with 95% confidence intervals was assembled using the program R-package SPIDER 258 v1.1 to assess haplotype diversity in our samples. 259 260 261 Results PCR-RFLP PROTOCOL DEVELOPMENT - FLATFISHES 262 A 739 bp region of mitochondrial COI 263 sequence was obtained for 27 Pacific 264 halibut and 23 Greenland halibut (Table 4). 265 A total of 50 halibut were tested, either by 266 restriction enzyme digests or nucleotide 267 sequence data in restriction enzyme 268 mapping analysis. Fragments visualized by 269 electrophoresis successfully resolved 270 expected haplotype patterns (Fig. 3). 271 Greenland halibut had an additional low- 272 frequency haplotype caused by loss of a 273 restriction site, but the RFLP pattern was 274 distinct from Pacific halibut. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Figure 3. PCR-RFLP banding patterns generated with the restriction enzyme Tsp45I for Pacific halibut (lanes 2-5) and Greenland Halibut (lanes 6 -9). Molecular size standards are in lanes 1 and 10. Arrow indicates the 750 base pair (bp) bands. 275 12 276 277 278 Table 4. COI restriction fragment length profiles for Pacific halibut and Greenland halibut following digests with the enzyme Tsp45I. The number of restriction sites and resultant fragment lengths are given for observed haplotypes. Common name Species name n samples n cut sites Fragment sizes (bp) Pacific halibut Hippoglossus stenolepis 27 3 355, 157, 147, 80 Greenland halibut Reinhardtius hippoglossoides 21 2 505, 147, 87 Reinhardtius hippoglossoides 2 1 592, 147 279 280 An 831 bp fragment of ND1 was PCR-amplified for one to` five individuals of flathead sole and Bering 281 flounder. Sequence data analysis showed this congeneric pair shared multiple haplotypes (Table 5), 282 suggesting this gene region is uninformative for resolving species identity. 283 284 Table 5. Sampling locations, sample sizes (n) and mitochondrial gene ND1 haplotype frequencies for Bering flounder and flathead sole. Haplotype frequency Species Location n A B C D E F G flathead sole Central Bering Sea 1 1 - - - - - - Bering Sea Slope 3 2 1 - - - - - Salish Sea 1 - - 1 - - - - Chukchi Sea 5 2 - - - 1 1 1 Central Bering Sea 3 1 1 - 1 - - - Bering flounder 285 286 Sequence data from mitochondrial 12S, 16S and cyt b genes were also not diagnostic at the species level 287 for this pair. We were unable to PCR- amplify the control region using Hyde and Vetter’s (2007) primers. 288 Analyses of a 573 bp fragment of COI sequence data revealed unique haplotypes of H. robustus, however 289 there is a 99% sequence similarity between the most divergent of these haplotypes and the most common 290 shared haplotype, E10, found in > 50% of H. robustus and H. elassodon samples (Table 6). 291 292 BARCODING OF SCULPINS 293 A total of 252 sculpin sequences from 32 species were generated from voucher specimens obtained from 294 field samples or from the University of Washington Fish collection (Table 7). Voucher sequences from 14 295 species were correctly identified with ≥ 99% sequence similarity to entries in GenBank. However, 296 sequences from 12 of 32 species had higher than expected sequence similarity scores (99% or 100%) with 297 congeneric species and eight of our voucher specimen sequences were not found in Genbank. 13 298 299 Table 6. Sampling locations, sizes (n) and mitochondrial COI haplotype frequencies for 46 Hippoglossoides sp.samples. BS = Bering Sea, GOA = Gulf of Alaska, AI = Aleutian Islands. Haplotype Species Location flathead sole (H. Central elassodon) BS Bering flounder (H. robustus) n R9 E10 R11 E12 ER13 E19 R21 E22 E23 E24 E25 E26 E27 ER28 R29 ER30 R31 E32 2 - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - BS Slope 8 - 5 - 1 - 1 - - 1 - - - - - - - - - GOA 6 - 4 - - - - - - - 1 - - 1 - - - - - AI 3 - 2 - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - Salish Sea 6 - 4 - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 N. Chukchi Sea 7 1 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 1 - S. Chukchi Sea 6 - 4 - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 N. BS 2 1 - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - Central BS 8 - 5 1 - 1 - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 14 300 301 302 Table 7. Sculpin voucher specimen sequence similarity scores (% maximum identity) to entries in GenBank. Only scores ≥ 99% are shown. * denotes no entry in GenBank. Sequence similarity to congeneric species given in parentheses. Family Common name Species name n % identity Cottidae Red Irish Lord Hemilepidotus hemilepidotus 12 99 (99, H. zapus) Cottidae Yellow Irish Lord Hemilepidotus jordani 12 99, 100 Cottidae butterfly sculpin Hemilepidotus papilio 11 99, 100 Cottidae Longfin Irish Lord Hemilepidotus zapus 9 99 (99, H. jordani) Cottidae spectacled sculpin Triglops scepticus 1A * Cottidae roughspine sculpin Triglops macellus 1 99 Cottidae scissortail sculpin Triglops forficatusB 10 99 (99, T. pingelii) Cottidae ribbed sculpin Triglops pingelii 3 99, 100 Cottidae hookhorn sculpin Artediellus pacificus 1 * Cottidae threaded sculpin Gymnocanthus pistilliger 11 99 (99, G. intermedius) Cottidae armorhead sculpin Gymnocanthus galeatus 12 99, 100 Cottidae antlered sculpin Enophrys diceraus 5 100 Cottidae buffalo sculpin Enophrys bison 3 99 Cottidae warty sculpin Myoxocephalus verrucosus 7 * (99, 100, M. scorpius) Cottidae plain sculpin Myoxocephalus jaok 13 99, 100 (99, M brandtii; 99, M. stelleri) Cottidae great sculpin Myoxocephalus polyacanthocephalus 12 99, 100 (99, M. stelleri ) Cottidae northern sculpin Icelinus borealis 9 99, 100 Cottidae threadfin sculpin Icelinus filamentosus 4 99 Cottidae sponge sculpin Thyriscus anoplus 1 * Cottidae uncinate sculpin Icelus uncinalis 11 * (99, I. spatula; 100, I. spiniger) Cottidae thorny sculpin Icelus spiniger 8 99, 100 (99, I. spatula) Cottidae spatulate sculpin Icelus spatula 7 99 (99, I. spiniger) Cottidae roughskin sculpin Rastrinus scutiger 7 * Cottidae blacknose sculpin Icelus canaliculatus 3 * Cottidae wide-eye sculpin Icelus euryops 3 * 15 303 304 Table 7 (continued). Family Common name Species name n % identity Hemitripteridae bigmouth sculpin Hemitripterus bolini 14 99, 100 Psychrolutidae darkfin sculpin Malacocottus zonurus 19 99 (99, M. kincaidi) Psychrolutidae spinyhead sculpin Dasycottus setiger 18 99, 100 Psychrolutidae blackfin sculpin Malacocottus kincaidi 6 99 (99, 100, M. zonurus) Psychrolutidae tadpole sculpin Psychrolutes paradoxus Psychrolutidae smoothcheek sculpin Eurymen gyrinus 1 99 Rhamphocottidae grunt sculpin Rhamphocottus richardsonii 7 99, 100 A 11 A 99, 100 B one sequence contains an ambiguity code; species name formerly T. forficate. 305 306 BARCODING OF CARIDEAN SHRIMP Mean intraspecific divergences among shrimps were less than 1% 307 except for Neocrangon communis, which was 4%. This was due, in part, to Chukchi Sea specimens 308 having as much as 6.9% sequence divergence from the British Columbia specimens (Table 8). Sequence 309 divergence between N. communis and N. abyssorum exceeded 15%. Crangon dalli had the highest 310 interspecific divergence estimates (all over 10%) and did not show any intraspecific variation (Table 1). 311 The lowest interspecific divergence was seen between C. crangon and C.angustimana (mean 5.7%). 312 Specimens identified as C. septemspinosa from the Chukchi Sea diverged from topotypic specimens 313 (i.e.specimens collected from within the same geographic area as the type specimen) in the Northwest 314 Atlantic by 9.1% [represented as Crangon sp. (CS) in Table 7 and highlighted in yellow in Fig. 4] and 315 possibly represent a new cryptic species. Based upon our results, it appears that Crangon septemspinosa 316 may not occur in Alaskan waters. Sequence data from an individual identified as C. septemspinosa by one 317 of us (Drumm) from the Gulf of Alaska grouped with two specimens of Crangon alaskensis from British 318 Columbia (highlighted in blue in Fig. 4) and was likely misidentified. Crangon septemspinosa is very 319 similar to C. alaskensis but lacks a keel on the fifth abdominal segment, which when present can be very 320 faint and difficult to see. Another COI sequence (GenBank Accession #AF125416.1) that came from a 321 specimen identified as C. septemspinosa grouped with C. crangon on the NJ tree [shown as Crangon sp. 322 (CA)], but with low bootstrap support. This specimen was purchased at a marine supply company in 323 California, but its origin is unknown (Shank et al. 1999). 324 We emphasize that K2P distance estimates reported here are based upon relatively small groups of 325 samples. A haplotype accumulation curve (Fig. 5) revealed that the genetic diversity was not fully 326 sampled, as indicated by the steep slope and lack of an asymptote, and that more accurate estimates of 327 genetic intraspecific variation within and interspecific divergence among these species would require 328 larger sample sizes of approximately 125-150 individuals each. 16 Figure 4. Neighbor joining tree for COI sequences from Crangon and Neocrangon. Numbers at nodes represent percent bootstrap support. NWA, northwest Atlantic Ocean; GOA, Gulf of Alaska; BC, British Columbia; CS, Chukchi Sea; AI, Aleutian Islands; CA, California. 15 0 5 10 h haplotypes 20 25 30 329 0 20 40 60 80 100 n individuals Figure 5. Expected haplotype accumulation curve (in blue). Red dashed lines represent 95% confidence limits. 17 330 331 Table 8. Intra- (bold) and interspecific Kimura 2-parameter (K2P) genetic divergences for Crangon and Neocrangon species. Ranges are given for comparisons involving multiple specimens. Chukchi Sea (CS), California (CA). C. septemspinosa C. sp (CA) C. angustimana C. sp (CS) C. crangon C. dalli N. communis C. septemspinosa 0.0 – 0.9 C. alaskensis 7.6 – 8.8 0.0 – 0.3 8.3 – 10.01 6.0 – 7.1 0.0 – 0.5 8.0 – 9.1 6.8 – 6.9 6.7 – 7.1 0.0 C. sp (CS) 11.3 – 12.5 7.9 – 8.1 8.7 – 9.1 9.4 - C. crangon 8.1 – 9.5 6.4 – 6.8 5.8 – 6.6 5.6 – 5.9 7.6 – 8.0 0.0 – 0.5 C. dalli 14.2 – 15.6 13.2 – 14.0 12.9 – 13.6 13.4 – 13.6 14.4 11.9 – 12.7 0.0 N. communis 19.2 – 23.6 17.3 – 19.8 15.8 – 19.2 17.7 – 20.1 20.2 – 22.0 18.2 – 20.6 18.3 – 18.9 0.3 – 6.9 N. abyssorum 23.4 – 24.6 23.9 – 24.6 22.7 – 24.3 21.6 – 22.0 23.9 19.7 – 21.0 22.5 – 22.6 17.9 – 20.2 C. sp (CA) C. angustimana 332 C. alaskensis 1 range of divergences between C. septemspinosa from the NW Atlantic and specimens identified as C. septemspinosa in the Chukchi Sea. 18 N. abyssorum 0.3 333 Discussion 334 The exponential growth of DNA barcoding studies during the last decade has generally demonstrated the 335 discriminatory power of the method for use in species identification and discovery across a wide array of 336 metazoan groups (see Taylor and Harris 2012 for review). Barcoding of wild populations can identify 337 units of concern or action in species conservation (Krishnamurthy and Francis 2012) and provide at least 338 a measure of species biodiversity (e.g. Andersen et al 2012). Barcoding approaches have been applied in 339 a variety of studies ranging from identifying eggs and larval forms to species identity of food products 340 (Rasmussen Hellberg et al. 2010) to testing for invasive species (Collins et al. 2013). However, DNA 341 barcoding of mitochondrial COI faces considerable criticisms and challenges, not only because it is 342 largely uninformative for some groups (e.g. fungi) but also because barcoding results sometimes clash 343 with established concepts of biological species (Taylor and Harris 2012). Recent advances in next- 344 generation sequencing (NGS) technology (Hohenlohe et al. 2011) provides a cost-effective means to scan 345 large portions of the nuclear genome rather than be confided to the single mitochondrial locus. Perhaps 346 the greatest challenge posed by NGS is how to cope with the enormous volumes of data it generates, and 347 whether the contemporary global barcoding effort can incorporate new methods (Taylor and Harris 2012). 348 Overall, our results validated the general utility of DNA barcoding to species identification through PCR- 349 RFLP development, but we were not able to fully accomplish our goal of discriminating all of the seven 350 flatfish species listed in the original proposal. A PCR-RFLP protocol was developed to identify 351 Greenland halibut and Pacific halibut, the two ‘large egg’ species in the group. Two RFLP haplotypes 352 identified in Greenland halibut thus far are unique and cannot be mistaken for Pacific halibut. However, a 353 screening of larger samples is warranted in order to document all RFLP haplotypes. We have already 354 developed PCR-RFLP laboratory protocols to discriminate among the three species of Limanda which 355 have ‘small eggs’ using a double-digest PCR-RFLP protocol on COI and cyt b genes (Paquin et al. 2014), 356 although we were unable to develop a single enzyme assay based upon additional sequencing conducted 357 in this study. Most single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) we discovered did not create restriction sites, 358 rendering them useless for this approach. Another molecular approach directly targeting these SNPs, 359 such as multiplexed suspension arrays (Gleason and Burton 2012), could be developed for high- 360 throughput egg identification in these species. 361 DNA sequencing of the mitochondrial ND1 region in two Hippoglossoides species with ‘intermediate 362 egg’ size (Table 1) was not informative for species identification, a result similar to what we reported for 363 the COI and cyt b regions in an earlier study (Canino et al. 2011). A major obstacle to development of 364 PCR-RFLP protocols in the Limanda and Hippoglossoides species was the lack of diagnostic restriction 365 sites. One shortcoming of the PCR-RFLP approach is that it can only screen variation at restriction sites, 19 366 which are in turn only a small fraction of fixed site differences among species. Previous examination of a 367 605 bp segment of COI of H. elassodon and H. robustus revealed low nucleotide diversity and low 368 divergence between these two species (Canino et al. 2011). Congeneric K2P distances among the three 369 Limanda species ranged from 5.6% -14.5%, within ranges reported for other marine species (Ward et al. 370 2009; Zhang and Hanner 2011), while the estimate between H. elassodon and H. robustus was only 0.5%. 371 A similar lack of interspecific divergence at cyt b led Kartavtsev et al. (2007, 2008) to call for 372 synonymization of the two species. The incomplete sorting of mitochondrial lineages observed could be 373 due to several factors, including a relatively short evolutionary span since speciation or perhaps some 374 degree of introgressive hybridization, which has been reported in other paralichthyid (Xu et al. 2009) and 375 pleuronectid (Garrett 2005) flatfishes. 376 Our efforts to create a voucher collection of sculpin COI sequences for use in diet studies highlights some 377 of the potential errors DNA barcoding can introduce and perpetuate in public databases. DNA barcoding 378 can misidentify species for multiple reasons, the most common one a lack of a barcoding ‘gap’ between 379 intraspecific variation and interspecific divergence (Fig. 1). A large degree of overlap in these two 380 sources of genetic variability has been cited in cases where barcoding success has been relatively poor 381 (Meier et al. 2006) and the use of mean interspecific distances instead of the smallest ones to set threshold 382 values for species delineation can exacerbate the problem (Meier et al. 2008). In some cases, a lack of 383 consensus on the actual number of species involved and their systematic relationships contributes to 384 initial misidentifications. Species misidentification of sequences deposited in public databases is also a 385 concern, especially when there are no accompanying voucher specimens. Many sequences obtained from 386 GenBank have no vouchers and may have been misidentified prior to submission. The fact that we 387 uncovered several instances of it suggests that the problem is not trivial, researchers should scrutinize 388 such data thoroughly and, when possible, only use sequences from voucher specimens. 389 PCR-RFLP protocols, like those developed in this study, have been the most widely used method for 390 species identification for the last 15 years (Taylor and Harris 2012) but are likely to be eclipsed by 391 emerging technologies. Next-generation DNA sequencing methods have revolutionized genome scans by 392 allowing the discovery and genotype calling of thousands of SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) in 393 multiple individuals (or species) at relatively low cost (Miller et al. 2007; Pompanon et al. 2012). This 394 level of resolution would greatly eliminate ambiguity of identity in congeneric species that mitochondrial 395 COI sequences sometimes fail to resolve. Once diagnostic SNPs have been developed for species of 396 interest, low-cost, high-throughput identification of fish, or fish mixtures (e.g. processed food products), 397 can be achieved using DNA microarrays (Kochzius et al. 2008, Teletchea et al. 2008; Gleason et al. 398 2012) or other screening platforms. The incipient genomics revolution in fisheries research has the 20 399 potential for unprecedented species-level identification for resolving more intractable questions in fish 400 ecology, life-history and forensics. 401 Conclusions 402 PCR-RFLP protocols that provide quick, accurate and relatively inexpensive methods for species (or 403 genus) identification have been useful tools in fisheries science. Here we expanded upon developing 404 PCR-RFLP methods for identifying the eggs and early larvae of pleuronectid flatfishes and were 405 successful in creating a new assay to distinguish between Pacific halibut and Greenland halibut. 406 However, we fell short (as we did in a previous study) in resolving the identity of two Hippoglossoides 407 species despite extensive sequencing of multiple mtDNA gene regions. Those results raise questions 408 regarding species validity, time since speciation and the possibility of introgression between lineages. 409 Further work using nuclear DNA methods may provide additional answers. Our initial efforts to barcode 410 marine sculpins and caridean shrimps were largely successful. Some groups were less represented in the 411 data set due to low (or no) availability, but overall coverage was good. Comparisons between voucher 412 specimens we collected and the public data bases revealed multiple errors and misidentifications, a 413 situation that is likely to be perpetuated with the current surge in DNA barcoding worldwide and lack of 414 taxonomic expertise and consensus regarding systematic relationships in some groups. Our sequence data 415 have voucher specimens associated with them, allowing future researchers access to the same materials 416 should they pursue further molecular work. 417 Management Implications 418 DNA barcoding approaches such as these will be of particular value in filling knowledge gaps at the 419 AFSC, where much multi-disciplinary expertise is focused on incorporating ecosystem-oriented thinking 420 into resource management. Barcoding enhances our ability to estimate species abundance at all life 421 history stages of marine fishes and to quantify food web linkages in the northeast Pacific Ocean and 422 Bering Sea. These abilities increase our capacity to detect and understand how external forces such as 423 fishing and climate change may cause shifts in ecosystem composition and function. On a practical level, 424 species identification through DNA barcoding offers a potential suite of applications to management 425 regulatory decisions, and especially in their enforcement. Barcoding has been successfully used to detect 426 seafood mislabeling, fraud and illegal fishing practices. 427 21 428 Publications 429 Drumm, D, Canino, MF, Buckley T, Paquin M. DNA barcoding analysis of marine caridean shrimps from 430 Alaska. Presented at AMSS meeting, January 20-24, 2014. Anchorage, Alaska. 431 Paquin, M.M., Buckley, T.W., Hibpshman, R.E., and Canino. M.F. 2014. DNA-based identification 432 methods of prey fish from stomach contents of 12 species of eastern North Pacific groundfish. 433 Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 85, 110-117. 434 Canino MF, Paquin MM, Matarese AC. In prep. PCR-RFLP identification of Bathymaster sp. larvae from 435 the Gulf of Alaska. 436 437 Outreach 438 EXHIBITS/DEMONSTRATION PROJECT DEVELOPED 439 PI Canino designed an outreach activity, largely targeted towards children 5-12 years old, for use in a 440 ‘hands-on exhibition’ setting. The exhibit is constructed as a fold-out box. A display panel inside explains 441 that NOAA scientists study gut contents of fish in order to understand food webs. A simple food web is 442 depicted with a stuffed great white shark (“Shredder”) as the apex predator and two fish species (red fish 443 and blue fish) as well as two crab species as prey items. The concept of using DNA (in this case 444 mitochondrial DNA) for identification of species is introduced and depicted in another display panel. 445 Children are then invited to participate in examining Shredder’s gut contents. They unzip and empty the 446 shark “gut”, enumerating the number of intact fish and crabs. There are four fish “skeletons” and crab 447 carapaces that can’t be identified visually and the children are engaged in a matching exercise of DNA 448 sequences to known sequences of fish and crabs suspended within plexiglass tubes attached to the wall of 449 the box. 450 PI Canino brought the activity to the SeaLife center in Seward and the Anchorage Museum in June, 2014, 451 demonstrating it for staff and the public. He then turned it over to the NPRB outreach director, Abigail 452 Enghirst, for loaning to the outreach community. 453 Acknowledgements 454 The authors are grateful to scientists in the Resource and Conservation Engineering Division (RACE) at 455 the Alaska Fisheries Science Center for diligent sample collection during annual field surveys. 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