North Edinburgh Arts Centre
7th May 2014
Gena Wylie -
Thomas Brown -
Lorna Bowry -
Steph Guerin -
Morag Wilson -
Sandra Walkingshaw -
Nigel Green -
Jen Richards -
Ross McEwan -
Kate Wimpress -
No apologies received
TB suggested that as the last meeting was so long ago and attendance was low that we
would move directly to the Agenda.
At the last meeting the NEDAC presentation highlighted the need for joined up training in
area around drug and alcohol.
GW been a member of the VSF for a long time during which there has been highs and
lows. Most effective when we had a cause to be behind. FSF withdrawal attracted a large
attendance. Sooner or later the sector is going to get hit with cuts etc. Should we be
trying to pre-empt this? If we are going to have cuts group should be asking questions.
KW agreed with GW and also highlighted the importance of information sharing at the
meetings. What are NPs doing. What is the NP doing, how does it relate to us…what can
this meeting do? Must have voluntary representation on that partnership. JD explained
that the subgroups have been suspended at the moment due to the consultation going on
around the Local Community Plan, therefore priorities. The subgroups may change and
will reflect what the priorities are that have been identified. (Following the meeting JD
contacted Scott Donkin to discuss. The subgroups, as were are no longer running, the
consultation period has now been extended until end of June and maybe into July, a
report shall then be presented to NP Board and decisions shall be made on the
substructure from there. A timeline shall be produced which shall be shared with JD to
inform the Forum). Have they decided on priorities. (Consultation still in progress
priorities not set as of yet, JD) GW attending the Business meeting tomorrow. Forth have
Action Groups still going. Real issue with Subgroups being suspended and NP doesn’t
seem to be running. They all stopped about a year ago. Inverleith still have 5 Action
Groups that feed in. Forth Decides….(KW) cumbersome and a lot of hoops to jump
through. Would have been good to come to VSF and discuss. Where did this come from?
Whose idea?
Populist thing not a democratic process. GW shall raise at the Business Meeting
tomorrow. Want to hold NP accountable for what they are doing.
What other things should VSF be looking at. TB looking at training for employees across
the board. Try to get funding for this. Get some funds for orgs to do the training for us.
Would it be useful in the meantime to offer training outwith our own organisations? How
do we communicate outwith meeting to ensure people invited along? Will this be done
through an email list(NG). NG raised that joint funding applications could be submitted.
Must have a vested interest in Forum. We need to knuckle down key outcomes. Welfare
Reform was also a major issue. Presentation of Welfare Reform at Medical Centre was
really helpful. Did anyone go to Cammy Day’s outing? – no-one knew about this…Council
have bought over the Shopping Centre – been lots of discussion but no-one knew about
this. TB suggested that we invite NPT along to do a presentation on the Health Hub. (GW
attended NP meeting where people were informed that there shall be two events taking
place, The Local Community Council will be organising an information evening for people
to attend to hear about what is happening regarding the Health Hub and also the
Shopping Centre, details shall be forwarded as soon as they are available. The NP Team
will also be arranging a Community Engagement event in the near future and again
details shall be circulated when available). JD explained that Councillors will be invited
along later in the year. Is info being circulated? JD assured any info coming to EVOC in
relation to NP is circulated as and when it comes through.
Good to come to VSF for networking but also opportunities for joint working. Shared
resources. NG suggested Information Exchange – agreed.
How should they be run? Good to have presenters and visitors. Try to organise a
presentation regarding Health Hub (see above comment regarding information evening).
What information do we get from Total Craigroyston – none really Christine is invited to
come along each meeting to do up date. Morag Wilson suggested that herself or Marilyn
could give update from Total Craigroyston. JD suggested that Subgroups need to be
added as a standing item and suggested that a proforma be compiled for each member
who attends sub-groups asking for 3 key points from subgroups meeting to be reported
on at the Forum meetings.
Staff training, funding, and how to prepare ourselves for cuts was raised as themes/issues
to be looked at. Community Transport, people struggling to be able to afford community
transport. JD reiterated her role especially with regards to development ideas. Lobbying
should also be a key part of the VSF and is a strength in this community. Had a great
community capacity programme but funding cut. Tenants and Action Groups began to
flounder without support.
Is there still an issue with transport costs? Is the transport service available to community
or is it about contracts for transport organisations? £40 booking fee!!!! North West
Carers had to cancel as they were paying £35 per day for booking fees alone. Cheaper to
get taxi. Should it be called community transport?? Is this a question should be asking?
JD to investigate where we are in terms of the community transport review. Some are
using local bus operators but would rather use a voluntary sector organisation. If
Community Transport organisations taking on contracts from elsewhere no capacity for
the neighbourhood. GW will ask about Community Transport at NP.
Raising the profile of the Voluntary Sector in community. Council publish all that they do.
Raising their profile. About community knowing and valuing what we do. JD put forward
suggestion of presentation and research on what the 3rd sector bring to the table for the
meeting that Councillors shall be invited to. A family fun day could be done. The Gala
may be being resurrected. Celebration day to be organised. Working group. JD/MW
&….other agencies to be asked. JD to lead. Community Grants fund???
Sub groups:
Celebration Day
To be looked at and considered with JD and MW leading.
TB and SG raised the topic of the Pilton and Muirhouse Gala Day, there was talk of
organising one for this year. SB kindly forwarded link to a webpage for this event as
JD shall circulate this around all Forth and Inverleith VSF contacts for their information.
Training – standing item of agenda rather than a subgroup.
Provide training for Vol Sector frontline workers. Drug and alcohol training, Good quality
training for staff working in communities. People to bring training together at next forum.
NG suggested confidence building and motivation training, can deliver employability
training – Forth Sector (7 weeks). JD suggested that members forward any training
planned for the year and she shall collate and circulate. GW also highlighted that other
helpful things i.e., insurance changes and savings in costs etc can also be brought.
Welfare Reform training:
Been a lot of training but nothing seems to have happened that should have been
happening. Would be good to get someone along to discuss. DHP etc. GW and JD
suggested inviting Alan Sinclair the Welfare Reform Manager of CEC to do the
presentation he gave at EVOC’s Welfare Reform ThinkSpace which was an excellent
presentation. (JD has extended an invite to Alan for the next meeting and awaits his
This group shall be created as and when required.
Review of 3rd Grant
NG seemed to be the only person who knew about it. TB informed the meeting that the
Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre knew it was happening but didn’t know it had been done.
Also review on concessionary lets, GW reiterated theimprtance of this review to the 3rd
PYCP got grant this year. Not sure what shall happen next year. Move to merge three
projects (Gena can you name them sorry didn’t catch that info!) together but now off
the agenda. GW at Poverty meeting where someone mentioned the merging. PYCP
financially in a good place at the moment. Attracted more money for preventative work.
Running for 3 months now, funding down to 15 months, got a full year. Had our own
almost Secret Millionaire. The project was contacted by the family of a gentleman who
had always been interested in PYCP, family decided to honour wishes and the project
received £50,000!! The money came through the company called Bunzle. Great news! A
lot of changes coming over the following months. Manager been appointed to cover
maternity leave, Laura going on Maternity leave and Gena retiring. May be a lot of
restructuring. Don’t know anything about grants etc. Training carried out with and for
Stepping Stones. A lot of work with PCHP. See 500 people per week. Incredible amount
of work carried out in area.
Pilton Community Health Project
Review of Adult Counselling service. Used to offer 52 weeks of counselling bringing down
to 20 week, if someone has greater need will look to extend. Not many people went
beyond 20 weeks. Young person’s counselling service, Broughton and Craigroyston a lot
of CP issue in Broughton. Living in Harmeny organised and held a great ceilidh, Granton
Gardeners involved. Training in area and worker trying to get out into the community.
Food: Cooking Groups, sessional worker, restructured Lisa Arthur’s post now dedicated to
food. PAHA award. Women’s session once a month. Finance was standstill across all
grants. Worried about next year. New Board members. Finished refurbishment of
Community Renewal.
Just been awarded new contract from IES. Main hubs (16-65) getting back to work.
Offices in North, Leith, Gate 55, Gilmerton and Liberton. Contract extended for another
year subject to performance. 2 years done. Not sure what will happen. 3000 people have
been supported over 2 year period, high level of getting jobs, further education etc.
Volunteer Centre still supporting. Young person’s project continued for another year. 2
workers focussing on Pilton area, been extended. Future of Challenge Fund, there shall be
one but feeling is fewer organisations will get funding. James Riordan is now working for
YMDG?? (Thomas or Gena can you confirm I have this right please?). Had to have
restructuring of own organisation. NG taking redundancy.
New staff have been recruited. Lorna Volunteer co-ordinator. 15 members of staff now
and people have moved jobs within organisation. Painting and decorating and start packs.
New location in Polwarth (Phoenix Club), cooking classes, hit squads, work together with
Stepping Stones and Wester Hailes all run by volunteers. Clients and volunteers welcome.
Have allotment and the hope is that in 2 years time the produce grown shall be used in
thecooking classes. Tie budgeting into cooking classes and provide food packs (basics).
These packs are a one off keep people going for a couple of days. 116 cookers given out
aiming for 150 this year, difficulty sourcing so any suggestions welcomed. Getting more
referrals than we can keep up with. Carpet service still on the go, going well. Edinburgh
trust applications, washing machines fridge freezers etc for anyone in need, people
affected by flooding etc can apply. JD suggested to SG that she contact Janette at EVOT as
there is a Fire fund for people affected by fire, could be a good link.
Stepping stones
Lots of changes. Depute manager recruited programme development worker and full
time family support worker and early years manager. Everyone settling well and working
well together. Groupwork programme more intense and challenging. Accredited first aid
and raising children with confidence. Health and well being course. Speaking to Heather
Horton Up, Up and Away course with early years team. Trying to find funding for yearly
residential trip to Ratho in July. Bumpstart was NHS Lothian managed but now taken over
management wise by Stepping Stones. Bumpstart workers, support to pregnant women
and their families. Sleep clinic, Sleep Scotland trained, prevents people having to make
way to town. In conjunction with Granton Early Years, no age remit or criteria, any family
in need of help. Available to parents of any age. Parenting Outreach Support worker
funding coming to an end, looking to extend after next year. In same boat as everyone
else regarding funding, uncertain future.
Living Well
Evaluation of services. Consultation out to members. Changes in hours/services. Now
Mon-Fri, Fridays been successful. Art therapy grops, confidence and support, cooking
classes, able to give people a light lunch maybe 2 times a week. Funding NHS sedure for 2
years, Council got at end of financial year.
Granton Improvement Society
14 months since set up, but started 4 years ago. Main aim is to acquire a large piece of
land from Council and Waterfront limited. 3 projects: Garden Festival, attract visitors and
create employment. Provide up to 150 art studios on lot beside garden at low rentals for
the art community, generate significant income to project. Provide a recreation facility,
outdoor swimming pool, fun pool, adults pool and training pool for triathletes. Cold salt
water. Main purpose to generate a large income stream, in process of becoming a charity.
Advised to look at small projects first. Applying to lottery, planning application for 3
projects. Projected income £400,000 which shall go into pot for local community groups.
Need 100 applicants for memberships. What is timeline?
Timeline to get to full planning permission and first stage funding 18 months.
One big project, art studios one year after that, Garden Festival 2017, based on project in
central France that has been running 18 years and creates £1million euros. 20 designs
chosen ten built over months….continuing process utilising local people to support
projects/gardeners. Up to 150 jobs full and part time after construction etc. GW asked
where was the land. Walled garden behind Caroline House. Eventually the project shall
be able to fund other projects.
Madelvic House
Something came out last year to lots of orgs. First car production in UK. Owned by
Edinburgh Waterfront. Looking for a use for the building. Look at other enterprises etc.
Group of people, Barbara, Willy Black Cammy Day, Gena and Vicky to look at taking
forward. Need to ask the community as if they don’t buy into this it won’t happen. 24th
May open Day. Near Wire Works in middle of new housing. No new initiatives
incorporated into this project should be in competition with anything that already exists
in area. Would be a great community resource. Situated in the middle of a lot of new
housing. GW will continue with that group even after retirement.
Drylaw NC
New health classes, fitness and cooking. Review of the Centre (BOLD. ) new Board as last
board stepped down at last AGM. Youth Work been busy, Youth Work programme been
decided. Development of Skate Park in Drylaw, raised £200,000 still got £60,000 to raise.
Waiting to hear about £50,000 fund. On old BMX track, 3rd of size of Saughton skatepark.
Young people complaining about bus service on Sundays to Saughton skatepark.
Campaigned to the Council so supported young people to do that.
6th August Pilton Community Health Project.