Seismic Wave Propagation

GEOP 320
Seismic Data Processing
Course Outline
1. Introduction
 Objectives of seismic data processing
 Basic seismic data processing sequence
 Preprocessing
 Deconvolution
 CMP Sorting
 Velocity analysis
 Residual statics correction
 NMO Correction
 Stacking
 Migration
2. Fundamentals
 The Fourier transform
 The impulse function
 The sinc function
 Convolution
 Correlation
 The z-transform
 Frequency filtering
 Frequency aliasing
 Phase considerations
 Gain applications
3. Deconvolution
 The convolutional model
 Inverse filtering
 The seismogram-wavelet relation
 Optimum Wiener filters
 Inverse filtering by normal equations
 Predictive deconvolution
 Predictive deconvolution in practice
 Autocorrelation window
 Operator length
 Prediction lag
 Percent prewhitening
 Effect of random noise on deconvolution
 Multiple suppression by predictive deconvolution
 Nonstationarity and deconvolution
4. Velocity analysis
 Introduction
 Velocity determination in practice
(1) The T2-X2 method
(2) Constant-velocity stacks (CVS)
(3) The velocity spectrum
 Factors affecting velocity estimates
5. Statics corrections
 Residual statics correction
 Surface-consistent residual statics correction
 Residual statics correction in practice
 Maximum allowable shift
 Correlation window
 Other considerations
 Field statics correction
 The uphole method
 The plus-minus method
 The least-squares method
6. NMO correction & stacking
 Normal moveout (NMO) correction
 NMO in a horizontally stratified Earth
 NMO stretching
 DMO for a dipping layer
 NMO for several layers with arbitrary dips
 Stacking
7. Migration
 Introduction
 Migration principles
 Kirchhoff migration
 Finite-difference migration
 Frequency-wavenumber (f-k) migration
 Migration in practice
 Kirchhoff migration in practice
 Finite-difference migration in practice
 f-k migration in practice
 Migration and spatial aliasing
 Migration and ambient noise
 Migration and profile length
 Prestack migration
 Depth migration
 Migration velocity analysis