EUUB06 LOUGHBOROUGH UNIVERSITY Regulations for the Honours Degree Programme in HISTORY AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Academic Year 2011-12 These Programme Regulations apply to the conduct of the programme in the 2011-12 session and should be read in conjunction with University Regulation XX and the relevant Module Specifications. These programme regulations may be subject to change from time to time. Notice of change will be given by the School responsible for the programme. 1. Structure (1) Administrative responsibility for the programme rests with the Department of Politics, History and International Relations. (2) The programme leads to the degree of BA Honours. (3) The duration of the programme is 6 semesters (three year programme), 8 semesters (four year programme) or 6 semesters plus one academic year (four year thick sandwich programme). (4) The programme allows at Part B (Semester 2) for a course of study to be taught in English at a foreign university. (5) Candidates following the four-year programme are required to undertake an academic year abroad (Part I) which occurs between Part B and Part C at a French-, German, or Spanish-speaking university, following an approved course of study leading to the Diploma in International Studies in accordance with Senate Regulation XI. Candidates may also follow an approved course of study at a foreign university where teaching is in English leading to the Diploma in International Studies in accordance with Senate Regulation XI. (6) Candidates following the four-year thick sandwich programme are required to spend the third academic year (Part I) EITHER undertaking an approved Assistantship at a school or other approved placement in a French-, German- or Spanish-speaking country, leading to the Diploma in International Studies in accordance with Regulation XI, OR undertaking an approved placement in the UK or abroad leading to the Diploma in Professional Studies in accordance with Senate Regulation XI. Participation in study abroad or a placement is subject to Departmental approval and satisfactory performance during Parts A and B. 1 EUUB06 2. Content (1) Modules with a total modular weight of at least 50 must be studied in each academic year (Parts A, B and C) from both History and International Relations. Candidates may take 20 credits of Language Options in each Part: candidates choose 10-credit modules derived from a list produced by the Department of Politics, History and International Relations, depending on candidates’ previous qualifications. Candidates who do not take Language Options must study a total module weight of 60 from both History and International Relations. (2) Candidates must take at least 20 credits in History and 20 credits in International Relations in each Semester. (3) Candidates must take a total modular weight of 120 in each Part with a minimum module weight of 50 in each semester, taking into account both compulsory and optional modules. (A) Part A - Introductory Modules History Component Semester 1 (i) COMPULSORY MODULES (total modular weight 20 or 30) Module Code EUA001 Either EUA701 Module Title Introduction to Academic Studies Module Weight 10 Modern Europe: From the Enlightenment to the Present 20 Or, for candidates choosing a Language Option EUA702 Modern Europe: From the Enlightenment to the Present 10 (ii) OPTIONAL MODULES (total modular weight 10) Language Option 10 Semester 2 (i) COMPULSORY MODULES (total modular weight 30) Module Code Module Title Module Weight 2 EUUB06 EUA704 EUA703 What is History? Modern World History: New Perspectives 10 20 (ii) OPTIONAL MODULES None International Relations Component Semester 1 (i) COMPULSORY MODULES (total modular weight 20) Module Code EUA601 Module Title Contemporary World Arena Module Weight 20 (ii) OPTIONAL MODULES None Semester 2 (i) COMPULSORY MODULES (total modular weight 30 or 40) Module Code Either EUA613 EUA611 Module Title Module Weight Political Ideologies International Relations Theory 20 20 Or, for candidates taking a Language Option EUA614 Political Ideologies (10 credit) EUA611 International Relations Theory 10 20 (ii) OPTIONAL MODULES (total modular weight 10) Module Code Module Title Language Option Module Weight 10 3 EUUB06 (B) Part B - Degree Modules EITHER – Standard Route Candidates must choose either EUB608 Research Design or EUB708 Crafting a Dissertation in Semester Two. History Component Semester 1 (i) COMPULSORY MODULES (total modular weight 10) Module Code EUB701 Module Title History for the 21st Century Module Weight 10 (ii) OPTIONAL MODULES (total modular weight 20) Module Code EUB704 EUB702 Module Title Modern South Asia: Politics, Society & Culture Cold War Europe Module Weight 20 20 Semester 2 (i) COMPULSORY MODULES None (ii) OPTIONAL MODULES (total modular weight 30) Module Code Module Title Module Weight EUB708 EUB706 EUB707 EUB712 Crafting a Dissertation Twentieth-Century Britain Twentieth-Century Britain Modern Germany: From Racial Dictatorship to Recivilization Modern Germany: From Racial Dictatorship to Recivilization Modern China Modern China Language Option 10 20 10 EUB713 EUB714 EUB715 4 20 10 20 10 10 EUUB06 International Relations Component Semester 1 (i) COMPULSORY MODULES (total modular weight 40 or 30) Module Code Either EUB605 Module Title Module Weight Political Analysis 10 EUB601 EUB626 The European Union Debates and Developments in Contemporary IR Theory 20 10 Or, for candidates taking a Language Option or The International Semester EUB605 Political Analysis 10 EUB625 The European Union (10 credit) 10 EUB626 Debates and Developments in Contemporary IR Theory 10 (ii) OPTIONAL MODULE Language Option 10 Semester 2 (i) COMPULSORY MODULES (total modular weight 20) Module Code Either EUB612 Module Title Module Weight Foreign Policy Analysis 20 Or, for candidates taking EUB608 Research Design EUB621 Foreign Policy Analysis (10 credit) 10 (ii) OPTIONAL MODULES Module Code EUB608 Module Title Research Design Module Weight 10 OR - International Semester Route Candidates may replace the modules required for Part B Semester Two with an approved course of study taught in English at a foreign university. Candidates must register for a total of 60 credits in History and International Relations in Semester 1. In Semester 2 candidates will undertake assessed work equivalent to 60 credits, as follows: 5 EUUB06 (i) COMPULSORY MODULE (total modular weight 50) Module Code EUB001 Module Title International Semester Module Weight 50 (ii) OPTIONAL MODULE (total modular weight 10) Module Code EUB614 EUB709 (C) Module Title Research Design (Distance Learning) Crafting a Dissertation (Distance Learning) Module Weight 10 10 Part C - Degree Modules Semesters 1 and 2 DISSERTATION MODULES (total modular weight 40 credits) Candidates must take EITHER EUC701 Dissertation in History OR EUC641 Dissertation in International Relations. The modular weight of either Dissertation may be split between semesters in the ratio of 20:20, 10:30 or 30:10 depending on the balance of the other modules selected, resulting in registration of not more than 70 credits or less than 50 credits in any one Semester. History Component (i) COMPULSORY MODULES None (ii) OPTIONAL MODULES Candidates must choose History modules to the value of 60 credits from a list published by the Department of Politics, History and International Relations. Candidates who have chosen to take EUC701 Dissertation in History (40 credits) must take a further 20 credits of History optional modules. Students who have chosen EUC641 Dissertation in International Relations must choose 60 credits of History optional modules. International Relations Component (i) COMPULSORY MODULES None 6 EUUB06 (ii) OPTIONAL MODULES Candidates must choose International Relations modules to the value of 60 credits from a list published by the Department of Politics, History and International Relations. Candidates who have chosen to take EUC641 Dissertation in International Relations(40 credits) must take a further 20 credits of International Relations optional modules. Students who have chosen EUC701 Dissertation in History must choose 60 credits of International Relations optional modules. 3. Assessment Criteria for Progression and Degree Award In order to progress from Part A to Part B, and from part B to Part C, candidates must, at each part, achieve at least 100 credits and obtain a minimum mark of 30% in the remaining module[s]. To be eligible for the award of an Honours degree, candidates must achieve 100 credits at Part C. A mark of at least 30% must be achieved in the remaining 20 modular weights. Relative Weightings and Parts of the Programme for the Purposes of Final Degree Classification Candidates’ final degree classification will be determined on the basis of their performance in degree Module Assessments in Parts B and C in accordance with the scheme set out in Regulation XX. The average percentage mark for each Part will be combined in the ratio Part B 40%, Part C 60% to determine the final overall percentage mark for the Programme (the Programme Mark). Reassessment Subject to the exception specified below, provision will be made in accordance with Regulation XX for candidates who have the right of reassessment in any Part of the programme to undergo reassessment in the University’s Special Assessment Period (SAP). Candidates who have achieved fewer than 60 credits in any Part of the Programme may not undergo re-assessment in the University’s SAP. Reassessment in the University’s SAP will also not be available for certain modules and this is indicated in individual module specifications. 7