Supplemental Information Lipson et al. (2105) Environmental Microbiology Reports Experimental Procedures Site description and sample collection Soils for this study were collected from six drained thaw lake basins (DTLB) in the Arctic Coastal Plain near Barrow, AK. The locations were centered around 71.24°N 156.48°W. The sites included three DTLB each of old (300-2000 y) and ancient (2000-5500 y) age classes (Hinkel et al., 2003, Hinkel et al., 2005). These soils are classified as Histoturbels, with organic layers of 20 cm or greater overlying silt-rich mineral materials (Bockheim et al., 2001). At each DTLB, two soil cores were collected from a single low centered polygon: one from the rim and one from the center. For four of the six DTLB, samples were collected using a gas powered drill and 7.5 cm diameter SIPRE core to a depth of 40 cm. These cores were supplemented with smaller cores collected from two additional DTLB using an electric drill and a masonry hole bit (3 cm diameter, 24 cm deep) (Lipson et al., 2013). The soil cores were collected in June 2011, when the majority of the profile was still frozen. Soils were immediately returned to the laboratory and stored at -40°C. The soil cores were sectioned into horizons with a band saw (610 cm, 16-20 cm, 26-30 cm and 36-40 cm), which were then cut longitudinally to produce two halves: one for DNA extraction and the other for soil chemistry measurements. For DNA extraction, the outer layers of each soil sample were stripped away with a sterile knife to obtain uncompromised subsamples. DNA extraction and sequencing Sample processing, sequencing and core amplicon data analysis were performed by the Earth Microbiome Project ( (Gilbert et al., 2010), using the protocols available at DNA extraction was based on the MoBio PowerSoil-htp 96-well extraction method (MoBio, Carlsbad CA, USA). Amplification of 16S rRNA gene fragments was performed using bacteria/archaeal primers 515F/806R and sequenced using the Illumina HiSeq platform (Caporaso et al., 2012). One of the 36 original samples was lost in the process (a 36-40 cm sample from a polygon center). The QIIME pipeline was used to quality-filter and demultiplex the DNA sequences. UCLUST was used to pick operational taxonomic units (OTUs). For comparison, the UPARSE pipeline (Edgar, 2013) was also used to pick OTUs. This was followed by chimera-removal using the referencebased UCHIME algorithm with the RDP Gold database. UCLUST (Edgar, 2010) was used to assign taxonomy. UCLUST has been reported to overestimate OTU relative to other methods (Schmidt et al., 2014), but this was not the case in our study, possibly because of the closed reference UCLUST method we used. Chao1 diversity estimates were correlated at R2=0.911 between the two methods, and assignments at the level of phyla (or class in the case of Proteobacteria) were correlated with R2 ranging from 0.95 to 0.99. QIIME was used to build a phylogenetic tree and calculate UniFrac distance to characterize diversity between samples (Caporaso et al., 2010). All amplicon and metadata is available through the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) of the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) (, study ID’s: ERP010098 and PRJEB9043). Sequence data is also available through Figshare (, Supplemental Information Lipson et al. (2105) Environmental Microbiology Reports Soil chemistry measurements Subsamples were used for determination of gravimetric water content, organic matter content (by loss on combustion at 500°C), and pH (in water saturation paste). Initially frozen soil samples (~1 g) were extracted in reverse osmosis-treated (18.2 M) water (10 mL) for one hour on ice, and in 1M HCl (10 mL) at room temperature overnight. Supernatants of water extracts were analyzed for total dissolved organic C with a colorimetric method (Lipson et al., 2010) and for organic and inorganic anions by ion chromatography, using a Thermo Dionex ICS 5000+. Oxidized and reduced forms of Fe in acid extracts were analyzed using 1,10-phenanthroline (Lipson et al., 2010). Bulk density was estimated from samples using the previously determined relationship between organic matter and bulk density (Lipson et al., 2013). These calculated bulk densities were used to convert values to a volumetric basis so less dense shallow layers could be appropriately compared with denser deeper soil layers. These measurements were only carried out on the 24 larger SIPRE cores, as little remained of the smaller masonry bit cores after DNA extraction, and the original depths of the remnants could no longer be resolved. Statistical analysis Microbial community differences were not seen between old and ancient DTLB, and so data were pooled from the six DTLB and analyses focused instead on the effects of microtopography and depth. Rarefaction analysis of the OTU data was done with EstimateS (Colwell et al., 2012). PCA using the weighted UniFrac metric (Lozupone et al., 2006) was generated by QIIME (Caporaso et al., 2010). Multiple regression analysis was used to relate soil chemistry variables to individual PC. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was used to simultaneously relate all three PC to soil chemistry variables. To test changes in the distribution of microbial taxa or functional groups we used analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) with topography (polygon rim vs. center) as a categorical variable and depth as a continuous variable. To test for non-linear effects of depth, a two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) used with both depth and topography coded as categorical variables. Correlation and regression analysis were used to explore relationships among variables. In these analyses the sequence data was expressed as the proportion of each OTU out of the total number of sequences for each soil sample. Variables were log-transformed when necessary to fit the assumptions of the model. The software package, R (3.1.1) was used for all statistical analysis ( Supplemental Information Lipson et al. (2105) Environmental Microbiology Reports Supplemental Tables Table SI-1.Total (µg C cm-3) and individual (nmole cm-3) organic acids (means and standard errors) in water extracts of soils from varying depths of rims or centers of low-centered polygons. Depth Organic (cm) Acids Rims 6-10 6.24±0.73 16-20 6.57±0.87 26-30 5.64a±0.84 36-40 3.42±0.31 Centers 6-10 8.94±1.95 16-20 9.11±2.66 26-30 6.46±1.03 36-40 6.73±1.80 ANCOVA Depth 0.04 p-values Topo 0.024 Int. ns a-one outlier omitted from this group Formate Oxalate Acetate Citrate Lactate 77.2±67.4 237±43 204±24 138±14 75.3±18.2 123±23 261±57 314±114 0.014 ns ns 94.5±43.3 84.1±27.3 59.5±5.2 43.6±13.7 51.0±8.9 51.4±10.2 46.3±4.5 64.7±23.2 0.051 0.044 0.093 58.7±24.4 32.5±20.0 56.5±30.7 18.2±10.8 121.1±43.2 84.1±13.8 78.5±10.0 41.1±15.7 0.023 0.019 Ns 18.0±4.0 6.0±2.5 0.6±0.4 0.0±0.0 27.5±6.4 52.2±33.1 1.0±0.6 0.0±0.0 0.031 ns ns 9.4±3.0 13.7±2.7 10.0a±1.4 7.7±2.9 53.6±15.4 17.2±4.9 7.2±2.5 11.7±5.4 ns 0.003 0.016 Supplemental Information Lipson et al. (2105) Environmental Microbiology Reports Table SI-2. Sequencing effort for soil samples of different depths (in cm) and topography (high and low are rims and centers, respectively, of low-centered polygons). OTU were determined by two alternative clustering alogorithms, UCLUST and UPARSE. #samples mean(seqs/sample) sum(seqs) 18 63124 6-10 6 16-20 26-30 High 36-40 1136227 OTU observed (UCLUST) 4813 OTU observed (UPARSE) 7706 72442 434652 3782 6257 6 65507 393044 3158 5592 3 52123 156369 1635 2809 3 50721 152162 1419 2359 17 52453 891693 3570 5912 6-10 6 54520 327122 2714 4750 16-20 6 56270 337619 1957 3895 26-30 3 47023 141070 1496 2873 36-40 2 42941 85882 920 1796 35 57941 2027920 5595 8776 Low Grand Total Supplemental Information Lipson et al. (2105) Environmental Microbiology Reports Table SI-3. Means (and standard errors) of sequences per sample, unique OTU per sample and the Chao1 estimate of OTU richness for topographically high and low areas and different depths, using two different clustering methods to assign sequences to OTU. ANOVA results: Chao1 by UCLUST: high vs. low (P=0.001), depth (P<0.001); Chao1 by UPARSE: high vs. low (P=0.038), depth (P<0.001). high 6cm 16cm Seqs/sample 63124 (2857) 72442 (2685) 65507 (4934) UCLUST OTU/sample 1269 (140) 1842 (154) 1209 (213) Seqs/sample 81381 (3276) 86810 (4305) 85706 (6391) UPARSE OTU/sample 2214 (231) 3068 (269) 2198 (363) Chao1 1708 (163) 2388 (174) 1643 (241) Chao1 2608 (260) 3597 (314) 2582 (386) 26cm 36cm low 6cm 16cm 26cm 52123 (3763) 50721 (3797) 52453 (2798) 54520 (6418) 56270 (2041) 47023 (4593) 852 (110) 664 (185) 861 (85) 1091 (178) 772 (73) 766 (215) 1221 (178) 968 (169) 1175 (103) 1487 (213) 1040 (83) 1041 (235) 73136 (8841) 70119 (5175) 69286 (3199) 67415 (6978) 76077 (2258) 64466 (7059) 1586 (308) 1163 (350) 1762 (169) 2071 (366) 1722 (204) 1596 (412) 1866 (340) 1421 (365) 2111 (191) 2532 (402) 2034 (217) 1900 (445) 36cm 42941 (11387) 588 (121) 844 (91) 61754 (13973) 1202 (307) 1395 (362) Supplemental Information Lipson et al. (2105) Environmental Microbiology Reports Table SI-4. Percentage of major families (Burkholderiaceae, Comamonadaceae, Gallionellaceae, Methylophilaceae, Rhodocyclaceae) within the Betaproteobacteria by topography and depth (Int = depth x topography interaction). Rim Center ANCOVA p-values Depth (cm) 6-10 16-20 26-30 36-40 6-10 16-20 Burkholder Comamonad Gallionella Methylophil Rhodocycl 0.59±0.13 0.26±0.12 0.16±0.11 0.08±0.04 0.67±0.15 0.03±0.02 0.41±0.10 3.77±1.34 3.92±0.54 3.00±0.25 1.50±0.44 3.91±1.02 2.60±1.30 2.99±1.51 0.50±0.23 0.62±0.55 0.79±0.34 0.51±0.17 0.14±0.05 0.36±0.10 0.38±0.10 0.54±0.16 0.25±0.09 0.23±0.05 0.49±0.32 0.55±0.06 0.63±0.17 0.74±0.34 0.61±0.19 0.43±0.06 26-30 36-40 Depth Topo Int 0.09±0.08 0.13±0.01 0.0003 ns ns 7.70±3.40 3.65±0.23 0.013 ns ns 0.19±0.09 0.11±0.04 ns 0.038 ns 0.24±0.07 0.33±0.08 0.003 ns 0.074 0.85±0.43 0.38±0.08 ns ns ns Supplemental Information Lipson et al. (2105) Environmental Microbiology Reports Table SI-5. MANOVA of the three principle components describing variation in microbial community (weighted UniFrac) on combinations of soil variables. Pillai= Pillai’s trace, dfe = degrees of freedom (error), Fe2/tot = reduced Fe over total Fe in acid extracts (a measure of redox), DOC = dissolved organic carbon, OA = organic acids, OM = organic matter. Model Pillai approx. F dfe P Fe2/tot 0.615 9.56 18 0.0005 DOC 0.289 2.44 18 0.0980 Fe2/tot 0.635 10.43 18 0.0003 OA 0.365 3.45 18 0.0386 Fe2/tot 0.648 10.41 17 0.0004 OA 0.369 3.32 17 0.0449 DOC 0.121 0.78 17 0.5207 Fe2/tot 0.633 9.78 17 0.0006 Lactate 0.524 6.24 17 0.0047 Fe2/tot 0.632 10.30 18 0.0004 Acetate 0.338 3.07 18 0.0542 Fe2/tot 0.647 9.77 16 0.0007 Lactate 0.572 7.13 16 0.0030 Acetate 0.192 1.27 16 0.3197 Fe2/tot 0.643 10.79 18 0.0003 pH 0.148 1.04 18 0.3972 Fe2/tot 0.627 10.09 18 0.0004 OM 0.080 0.52 18 0.6730 Supplemental Information Lipson et al. (2105) Environmental Microbiology Reports Table SI-6. Correlation coefficients between taxa abundance and soil chemical parameters. Significance is color-coded: pink text, white background, P<0.1; Pink background, P<0.05; yellow, P<0.01; green, P<.001 (OM = organic matter, DOC = dissolved organic C, OA = organic acids, PO4 = phosphate, Cl- = chloride, Br- = bromide, FeR = Fe reducers, Methano = methanogens, Methylo = methylotrophs). Acidobacteria Actinobacteria Bacteroidetes Caldiserica Chlorobi Chloroflexi Crenarchaeota Cyanobacteria Elusimicrobia Firmicutes Gemmatimonadetes Nitrospirae OP10 Planctomycetes Alphaproteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Deltaproteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Spirochaetes Verrucomicrobia FeR Methano Methylo Burkholderiaceae Comamonadaceae Gallionellaceae Hydrogenophilaceae Methylophilaceae Oxalobacteraceae Rhodocyclaceae OM 0.391 -0.227 -0.161 -0.404 0.068 0.215 0.142 -0.130 0.411 -0.499 0.027 0.320 -0.216 0.097 0.426 -0.138 0.181 0.275 -0.315 0.066 0.063 -0.079 0.230 0.381 -0.354 -0.097 -0.565 -0.291 -0.004 -0.333 pH -0.531 0.152 0.368 0.562 0.007 0.009 -0.057 0.143 -0.358 0.729 -0.322 -0.039 0.139 -0.250 -0.351 -0.164 -0.132 -0.384 -0.026 -0.475 0.101 0.309 -0.025 -0.200 0.182 -0.233 0.384 0.326 -0.268 0.336 Fe2/tot -0.726 0.549 0.506 0.611 0.032 0.230 0.145 0.033 -0.521 0.675 -0.321 -0.030 0.318 -0.519 -0.635 -0.282 -0.053 -0.559 0.153 -0.405 -0.156 0.224 -0.187 -0.701 0.446 -0.327 0.358 0.603 -0.491 0.321 DOC 0.324 -0.343 -0.154 -0.354 0.298 0.080 0.269 -0.056 0.216 -0.478 0.080 0.018 -0.275 0.055 0.148 0.304 0.389 0.037 0.061 0.141 0.290 0.202 0.389 0.345 -0.109 0.138 -0.374 -0.292 0.104 -0.006 OA 0.107 -0.257 -0.018 -0.211 0.328 0.108 0.431 -0.143 0.116 -0.285 -0.153 -0.097 0.000 -0.154 0.024 0.180 0.370 -0.007 0.387 0.100 0.137 0.280 0.214 0.243 0.076 -0.072 -0.265 -0.308 0.062 0.017 Sulfate -0.098 -0.072 -0.064 0.139 -0.032 -0.207 -0.131 0.169 -0.149 0.219 -0.208 -0.351 0.340 0.163 0.207 -0.100 -0.138 0.235 0.269 -0.135 -0.122 0.262 0.042 0.423 -0.120 -0.134 0.139 -0.228 0.409 0.111 PO4 0.087 -0.058 -0.207 0.149 -0.301 -0.506 -0.508 0.038 0.184 0.182 0.203 -0.274 -0.018 0.319 0.253 0.006 -0.344 0.249 -0.014 0.051 -0.266 -0.029 -0.230 0.150 -0.170 0.073 0.296 -0.116 0.285 -0.026 Oxalate 0.252 -0.090 -0.160 -0.013 -0.233 -0.245 -0.294 0.048 0.480 -0.177 0.083 -0.127 -0.053 0.281 0.366 -0.192 -0.155 0.336 -0.078 0.089 -0.385 -0.125 -0.105 0.151 -0.246 -0.136 -0.213 -0.157 0.156 -0.374 Nitrate 0.084 0.129 -0.252 -0.231 -0.199 -0.006 -0.289 -0.302 0.133 -0.086 0.280 -0.022 -0.019 0.126 0.244 -0.025 -0.166 0.451 -0.108 0.086 -0.331 -0.165 -0.161 0.024 -0.153 0.071 0.026 -0.162 0.045 -0.233 Lactate 0.102 -0.141 -0.070 -0.285 0.441 0.372 0.388 0.027 0.057 -0.301 -0.143 0.289 -0.276 -0.152 0.181 0.124 0.382 0.067 0.007 -0.268 0.567 0.513 0.739 0.587 -0.215 -0.031 -0.339 -0.023 0.057 0.039 Formate -0.361 0.171 0.383 0.472 0.003 -0.005 0.276 0.083 -0.313 0.185 -0.205 -0.355 0.486 -0.260 -0.463 -0.090 0.144 -0.378 0.670 -0.102 -0.170 0.088 -0.151 -0.432 0.246 -0.063 0.176 0.247 -0.049 0.210 Citrate 0.245 -0.396 -0.110 -0.360 0.356 0.109 0.356 -0.153 0.199 -0.358 -0.024 0.153 -0.220 -0.059 0.073 0.213 0.350 -0.008 0.056 0.345 0.138 -0.013 0.146 0.166 0.057 0.004 -0.350 -0.281 0.040 -0.064 Cl-0.045 0.154 0.045 -0.234 0.051 0.236 0.150 -0.295 -0.252 -0.115 -0.017 -0.278 0.104 -0.151 -0.283 0.038 0.175 -0.046 0.224 0.256 -0.119 -0.127 -0.221 -0.318 0.175 0.141 0.077 -0.070 -0.092 0.008 Br0.264 -0.384 -0.092 -0.367 0.320 0.102 0.341 -0.172 0.172 -0.368 -0.056 0.061 -0.232 -0.057 0.010 0.169 0.382 -0.058 0.079 0.447 0.057 -0.044 0.069 0.068 0.064 0.005 -0.347 -0.241 0.072 -0.065 Acetate 0.123 -0.200 -0.176 -0.303 0.218 -0.017 0.111 -0.151 0.034 -0.071 -0.051 -0.076 -0.142 -0.016 0.184 0.299 0.096 0.098 0.001 -0.070 0.382 0.391 0.185 0.497 0.047 0.026 0.020 -0.481 0.038 0.172 Supplemental Information Lipson et al. (2105) Environmental Microbiology Reports Supplemental Figures Fig. SI-1. Image of low centered polygons (dark, wet areas) rimmed by higher, drier areas pushed up by ice wedges (photo: D. Lipson). Supplemental Information Lipson et al. (2105) Environmental Microbiology Reports Fig. SI-2. Relative abundance of major taxa by topography and depth. Values are means and standard errors. Topography (topo): black bars = polygon rims, white bars = centers. Significance of ANCOVA: *** = significant at p<0.001, ** = p<0.01, * = p<0.05, ? = P<0.1; int = topo X depth interaction. Supplemental Information Lipson et al. (2105) Environmental Microbiology Reports Figure SI-3. Relative abundance of functional groups by topography and depth. Values are means and standard errors. Topography (topo): black bars = polygon rims, white bars = centers. Significance of ANCOVA: *** = significant at p<0.001, ** = p<0.01, * = p<0.05, ? = P<0.1; int = topo X depth interaction. 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