Specificity validation of RT-qPCR Amplifications were successful for all candidate genes in both rat and human specimens (FigS2.A). Amplification curves of a seven log10 dilution series in human qPCR assays were displayed in FigS2.B as an example and corresponding standard curve was represented in FigS2.C.The slope, error and R2 of the regression line and the PCR-efficiency of all candidate genes were reviewed in Table S2. Fig S2.A Amplification plot (left) and dissociation curve (right) for the RPS29 assay of human lung tissues as an example Fig S2.B Amplification curves of a seven log10 dilution series of RPS29 cDNA templates in the human qPCR assays. Fig S2.C Extrapolation of Ct values for RPS29 as function of the log10 of the number of templates was a straight line (R2= 0.9997) with slope of -3.804 over seven log10 dilution of the template. Table S2. A PCR efficiency, slope, error and R2 of regression line of all candidate genes Gene GAPDH β-actin 18SrRNA RPS29 U6snRNA 5SrRNA let-7a MiR-9 MiR-125 Slope -3.615 -3.558 -3.234 -3.391 -3.425 -3.350 -3.541 -3.246 -3.247 Error 0.0345 0.0321 0.0543 0.0206 0.0085 0.0148 0.0413 0.0348 0.0548 R2 0.9994 0.9995 0.9986 0.9998 0.9999 0.9999 0.9992 0.9994 0.9991 PCR Efficiency 1.891 / 89.1% 1.910 / 91.0% 2.038 / 103.8% 1.972 / 97.2% 1.959 / 95.9% 1.988 / 98.8% 1.916 / 91.6% 2.033 / 103.3% 2.032 / 103.2%