2015 – 2017 Biennium
Application Due Date: 5:00 p.m. PDT, March 20, 2015
Oregon Youth Development Council
255 Capitol Street NE
Salem, OR 97301-0203
Project Name: Please provide a project name
Contact Person: Please provide a contact person, their affiliation, address,
Affiliation: phone number, and email.
Phone Number:
Grant Amount: Please provide the amount being requested in the grant application.
Application Checklist
Be sure to include each of the following in the final community application:
1. A completed application cover sheet
A completed Indicators of Need sheet (2 Pages)
A completed equity sheet (2 pages)
A completed logic model sheet (5 Pages)
Youth and Gangs Grant Application Form
2015 – 2017 Biennium
Page 1 of 7
(Maximum 2 pages)
Please describe the Indicators of Need that exist within your community that demonstrate your application eligibility.
Questions Information Needed
Gang Intelligence Indicators
What gangs are active?
How many members are in each gang?
Name of gang, number of members, demographic makeup
What are member ages, races and genders?
Police Incident Indicators
What crimes are gangs/members committing? Police incident report analysis by crime,
How have these crimes changed over time? broken out by gang/non-gang
Where are gang crimes being committed?
When are gang crimes being committed?
Police incident report analysis of location, date, and time
Who is committing gang crimes?
Who are the victims of gang crimes?
What delinquent behaviors are students involved in?
Age, race, ethnicity, gender
School Level Indicators
What are the overall characteristics of each school?
Attendance trends; disciplinary statistics; free/reduced lunch rates; demographics
Data on expulsions/suspensions by category and type, school disciplinary records, police reports, data from student survey
What are the characteristics of students involved in gangs?
What issues seem to be contributing to student gang involvement or risk for gang involvement?
What risk and protective factors are affecting local youth?
What are in-school youths’ perceptions on gangs?
Perceptions of school staff, student survey
Perceptions of school staff, administrators, and school resource officers
Student perceptions and experiences
Youth and Gangs Grant Application Form
2015 – 2017 Biennium
Page 2 of 7
(Maximum 2 pages)
Please describe how the organizations and individuals involved in the OJJDP
Comprehensive Gang Model are reflective of the population in need of programs and services in the community.
Please provide an explanation here.
Please describe if the community being served has a disproportionately high percentage of the population made up of traditionally underserved individuals.
Please provide an explanation here.
Please describe how the mutually reinforcing activities of the OJJDP Comprehensive
Gang Model have the appropriate culturally specific approaches.
Please provide an explanation here.
Please describe how the mutually reinforcing activities of the OJJDP Comprehensive
Gang Model are structured to specifically address disparities in outcomes seen between youth.
Please provide an explanation here.
Please describe whether or not the organizations contributing mutually reinforcing activities designed to support traditionally underserved individuals have demonstrated results in reducing disparities in outcomes.
Please provide an explanation here.
Youth and Gangs Grant Application Form
2015 – 2017 Biennium
Page 3 of 7
Please complete the logic model seen below. A template for compiling the content of the logic model can be found on the following 3 pages.
What is the Community’s common agenda with respect to youth gang issues?
The shared vision for change, a common understanding of the problem, and a joint approach to solving it.
What Organization is the Steering Committee?
What are the strategies for local implementation? What are the Shared Measurements?
List the five strategies for local implementation.
List the shared measurements
Which of the five strategies’ activities are proposed in this application for funding?
What are the outcomes of the activities in this application for funding?
What is the budget for the activities proposed in this application for funding?
What are the inputs/outputs of the activities in this application for funding?
Youth and Gangs Grant Application Form
2015 – 2017 Biennium
Page 4 of 7
(Maximum 2 pages)
What is the community’s common agenda to address youth gang issues?
What is the overarching goal to address youth gangs, using the OJJDP Comprehensive Gang
Model as a framework? Describe what stage your community is in the process of addressing for youth gangs: Assessment; Planning; and/or Implementation of the Model.
What Organization will serve as the Steering Committee?
Please identify the backbone support organization/Steering Committee and members that will comprise that committee and describe the types of support functions that will be provided to the overall community youth gang effort.
How will your community implement the five core strategies of the Gang Model?
Describe how your community’s effort will locally implement the five core strategies of the
OJJDP Comprehensive Gang Model. Include the activities within each of the five OJJDP
Comprehensive Gang Model strategies for local implementation – community mobilization; opportunities provision; social intervention; suppression; and organizational change and development.
1 Be sure to include a description of how the activities are effective evidence-based, research-based, and practice-based prevention and intervention approaches, as well as culturally appropriate, and sexual orientation specific and gender-identity specific.
1 http://www.nationalgangcenter.gov/Content/Documents/Implementation-Manual/Implementation-Manual-Chapter-4.pdf
Youth and Gangs Grant Application Form
2015 – 2017 Biennium
Page 5 of 7
(Maximum 2 pages)
Which of the five OJJDP Comprehensive Gang Model strategies’ activities are proposed in this application for funding?
Describe in some detail the activities of the Model you are requesting to fund in this application.
What is the budget for the activities proposed in this application for funding?
Provide a detailed budget on the costs associated with the activities funded through this application. Please include other resources allocated toward these activities for the duration of this grant period. Include a breakdown of the budget in categories including, but not limited to: personnel, professional fees, printing, publications, materials, supplies, equipment, facilities, other direct costs, etc.
What are the inputs/outputs of the activities in this application for funding?
Provide an overview of the inputs (numbers served and their demographic profiles, etc.) and outputs (services provided, etc.) that are expected to occur for the activities funded through this application.
What are the expected outcomes of the activities in this application for funding?
Explain what outcomes are expected by funding programs and/or services that address youth gang violence in your community.
Youth and Gangs Grant Application Form
2015 – 2017 Biennium
Page 6 of 7
(Maximum 1 page)
What are the shared measurements?
Describe the shared measurements being used in your community’s effort to address youth gang issues.
Youth and Gangs Grant Application Form
2015 – 2017 Biennium
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