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N245:22 Healthy Ageing (CRN 46630)
St Francis Xavier University
School of Nursing
N245:22 Healthy Ageing
Course Description and Syllabus
Prof. H. Graham
Rev Dec 2011 BSS/HG
N245:22 Healthy Ageing (CRN 46630)
Table of Contents
Course Description …………………………………………………………
Goals ………………………………………………………………...
Course requirements …………………………………………….…..
Course credits …………………………………………………………
Course evaluation
Course text
APA corrections
APA evaluation
Article critique
Marking guide ……………………………………………………
Website resources ………………………………………………
Syllabus …………………………………………………………………………
Selected Learning and Assessment Strategies
Article choices
Ageing in the 21st century ……………………..…………….………..
Communication, culture and gender issues ………………………..……
Physical ageing changes and related issues in certain body systems .
Geropharmacology ……………………………………………………..
Ageing changes in the musculoskeletal and respiratory systems; Mobility;
Balancing sleep, rest, and exercise; Safety & security
6. Digestive system; Nutrition ……………………………..…………………
7. Cognition and social aspects; Neurological system ……………………….
8. Reproductive system; Intimacy and sexuality ……………………...…...…
9. Ethical and legal issues …………….……………………………….…….
10. Spirituality and end of life issues
Internet Resources ………………………………………………………………
N245:22 Course Description
This course addresses issues of health and wellness important to an increasing aging population.
Many psychological, social and physical factors, including normal age related changes, impact
the actualization of one’s health potential. Building a trusting relationship through therapeutic
communication is vital to the assessment and understanding of the older adult. The student is
given an opportunity to explore these aging issues through lectures, discussion, group and
individual work. During the clinical experience, each student will develop a professional
relationship on a beginning level with an older adult in the community.
At a beginning level, the student will be able to:
1. interact in a proactive, facilitative and purposeful manner in health promotion activities with
an older adult.
2. demonstrate responsibility and accountability for professional development that respects
biological, cognitive, emotional, cultural, social, and spiritual dimensions when promoting
health with well older adults.
3. explain how the determinants of health affect the health and well being of older adults.
4. recognize one’s own and others’ attitudes, values, and expectations about aging and their
impact on care of older adults and their families1
5. communicate effectively, respectfully, and compassionately with older adults and their
6. critically reflect on the principles of ethical, moral and legal decision making in nursing
practice with well older adults.
7. recognize that sensation and perception in older adults are mediated by functional, physical,
cognitive, psychological, social, and spiritual status of older adults1
8. recognize and respect the variations of care inherent in caring for older adults1
9. identify common risk factors that can contribute to functional decline, impaired quality of life
and excess disability in older adults1
10. analyze the impact of an aging society on the health care system
11. develop health promotion, illness and injury prevention strategies to overcome recognized
barriers older adults encounter while maintaining wellness and quality of life.
12. critically appraise and apply selected research as a means to improve nursing practice with a
well older adult.
13. Interact in a proactive, facilitative and purposeful manner in health promotion activities with
an older adult.
Adapted from American Association of Colleges of Nursing, & Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing. (2010).
Recommended Baccalaureate competencies and curricular guidelines for the nursing care of older adults: A
supplement to the essentials of Baccalaureate Education for professional nursing practice. Washington, DC.
Retrieved from
Rev Dec 2011 BSS/HG
14. Facilitate older adults’ active participation in all aspects of their own health care1
15. Demonstrate critical thinking and reflective practice through journaling.
16. Apply the principles of social justice to promote equitable and fair treatment of all
individuals, particularly those relating to older adults.
17. Apply the Standards for Nursing Practice (College of Registered Nurses of Nova Scotia,
2012) and the Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses (Canadian Nurses Association, 2008) to
nursing practice.
Course Requirements
The professor of this course will act as a facilitator for student learning. Research on teaching
and learning indicates that learning occurs more readily when the learner is engaged and
participating in the process. This class is designed to expect student engagement and participation
in class discussions and learning activities. Classes will include discussions, and individual and
group activities designed to assist students in developing thinking and reasoning in nursing skills
about healthy aging.
Students who are experiencing difficulties with course material and/or assignments are
encouraged to consult the course professor in a timely manner. An appointment to meet during
office hours (or other mutually agreed upon time) is advisable.
All assignments must be completed by due dates and submitted at the beginning of class time on
the due date. Extensions will only be granted under exceptional circumstances and if negotiated
with the course professor well in advance of the due date. Without a negotiated extension, late
assignments will be deducted 20% of the total grade value per day. Failure to complete any
assignment may result in course failure.
For successful completion of this course, students will:
 Complete all learning activities associated with this course.
 Achieve 60% on the theory component of the course AND 60% on the nursing practice
 Attend all classes as scheduled. (The university attendance policy will be practiced.)
 Attend ALL nursing clinical conferences
 Be responsible for their own learning. This includes: preparing for class, completing required
readings, utilizing appropriate resources, and actively participating in group work and class
 Adhere to the School of Nursing policies regarding use electronic devices in the classroom.
Course Evaluation
APA correction
APA evaluation
Article critique
Midterm quiz
Final exam
Clinical practice
Rev Dec 2011 BSS/HG
15% (details in separate document)
Course Professor
Hope Graham
Office Hours:
Office C124
Phone: 867-2434
1115 – 1315 h
0815 – 1015 h
1215 – 1315 h
Other times by appointment
Course Credits: 3
Course Text
Touhy, T. A., Jett, K. F., Boscart, V., & McLeary, L. (2012). Ebersole and Hess’ gerontological
nursing healthy aging (1st Canadian ed.). Toronto, Canada: Elsevier.
Selected Learning and Assessment Strategies
Nursing is a profession that demands skills in reading, understanding, and evaluating scholarly
writing. It also requires the ability to write in a scholarly manner. A primary source of learning is
found in reading, writing, and critiquing scholarly writing. To help develop these skills, this
course will require students to
o Write references in correct APA format.
o Read a number of current journal articles on course topics. (See syllabus)
o Complete a critique of a journal article.
APA Corrections
Using the assigned reference list posted on my Website and the Publication Manual of the
American Psychological Association (6th ed.) (APA), complete the following:
1. Transform the assigned reference list into a correctly formatted reference list as per APA
2. Create a title page to accompany the corrected reference list
a. Include all the required elements.
b. For this assignment, your name and course number will constitute the running
3. Submit by due date.
The reference list to be corrected may include misspellings, and/or incorrect format, margins,
font, spacing, ordering, capitalization, punctuation, etc. The URL and doi are correct at the time
of writing this document. Confirmation of the reference information can be found from one of the
following: the Website indicated, the St. FX library Website, or the actual text. All texts should
be available to you since they have required in previous or present courses at St FX. NOTE: Don’t
forget to include the doi, if the document has one.
Each error identified and corrected will be awarded 0.1% to a maximum of 1.4. Where alternative
formats are permitted by APA and the original document correctly uses APA, no value will be
awarded. A title page that completely meets the stated requirements will be awarded 0.6%.
Rev Dec 2011 BSS/HG
The document for this assignment will be posted on the professor’s Website after class discussion
of the assignment.
APA Evaluation
The APA correction document will be peer corrected. The peer evaluator will identify himself or
herself on the evaluation form. The peer evaluator will be evaluated as follows: Errors that are
not noted by the peer evaluator will result in a deduction of 0.1% to a maximum of 1%.
Article Critique
1. Choose one article from the list provided.
2. Read two or more of the resources that describe how to critically evaluate scholarly journal
articles. (Students seeking full value for the assignment will consult the list of Websites listed
with this assignment.)
3. Create a title page. Include a correctly formatted reference for the article on the title page.
4. The critique should be double-spaced, have one inch margins and be 2-3 three pages long.
Additional pages will not be corrected. The font required is Times New Roman 12 pt or
equivalent. The chosen font is to be consistent throughout the paper.
5. Include:
a. A summary of the key points and/or findings of the article (maximum = ½ page)
b. A description of how the article meets (or fails to meet) the criteria of an article in a
scholarly journal. Evaluate the article using at least (5) five criteria. Select from the
criteria identified with assignment.
c. An analysis of the strengths and shortcomings of this article.
d. A personal evaluation of the article’s relevance for the Healthy Ageing course. Rank the
article from 1-5 (1 = not at all relevant and 5 = excellent relevance). Give reasons for
your ranking.
Article critique marking guide
format (coherence, completeness, grammar, spelling, title page, margins, spacing,
headings, font, length)
 summary (max: ½ page)
 criteria and discussion (at least 5)
 strengths/shortcomings
 relevance evaluation
Website resources for article critique
The following websites offer writing tips and/or additional information about evaluating
scholarly writing. Caution: The St FX Writing Centre URL offers tips for specific types of
research which may or may not apply to the article you choose.
St. FX Writing Centre Website: [resources] How to write a critique. (n.d.). and/or
[links/evaluating your work] Critiquing that research study (2002).
Rev Dec 2011 BSS/HG
Simon Fraser University library. Reference Staff. (2011). What is a scholarly journal? Retrieved
Simon Fraser University library. Reference Staff. (2011). How to critically evaluate sources
Retrieved from
Articles from which to choose for the article critique assignment:
Horton, S., Baker, J., & Deakin, J. M. (2007). Stereotypes of aging: Their effects on the health of
seniors in North American society. Educational Gerontology, 33(12), 1021-1035.
Molzahn, A. E. (2007). Spirituality in later life: Effect on quality of life. Journal of
Gerontological Nursing, 33(1), 32-39.
Rudman, D. L., & Friedman, J. (2006). Holding on and letting go: The perspectives of preseniors and seniors on driving self-regulation in later life. Canadian Journal on Aging,
25(1), 65-76.
N245:22 Course Syllabus
1. Aging in the 21st Century
 Foundational trends in aging
 Attitudes, perceptions and myths of aging
 Theories of aging
 Issues in maintaining health and well-being
 History and future role of gerontological nursing
a. Incorporate core gerontological nursing competencies and Standards of Practice, as they
relate to understanding the trends, theories and issues in maintaining health and wellbeing
of seniors.
b. Compare the concepts of health and well -being within the context of aging and chronic
c. Discuss demographical, epidemiological and research evidence of Nova Scotian and
Canadian trends and issues associated with the older adult population.
d. Identify the determinants of health with issues and trends of aging.
e. Discuss ageism, the myths and stereotypes of aging and their psychological impact on
older adults.
f. Compare various aging theories from the biological, psychological and social disciplines.
g. Examine the past, present and future roles of the gerontologic nurse in the holistic caring
of older adults.
Rev Dec 2011 BSS/HG
Required Readings: Text: Chapters 1 & 2; Chapter 6, pp. 71-74; Chapter 7, pp. 91-97.
Bassett, R., Bourbonnais, V., & McDowell, I. (2007). Living long and keeping well: Elderly
Canadians account for success in aging. Canadian Journal on Aging, 26(2), 113-126.
Horton, S., Baker, J., & Deakin, J. M. (2007). Stereotypes of aging: Their effects on the health of
seniors in North American society. Educational Gerontology, 33(12), 1021-1035.
Van Leuven. (2010). Health practices of older adults in good health: Engagement is the key.
Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 36(6), 38-46. doi:10.3928/00989134-20091110-99
2. Communication, Culture and Gender Issues in Aging
 “Universal” aging changes in sensory function impacting communication: hearing and
 Listening and hearing: age related changes and complexities in communication
 Validating one’s life through Reminiscence
 The role of gender, culture, and ethnicity in aging and health disparities
a. Incorporate core gerontological nursing competencies and Standards of Practice as they
relate to understanding sensory changes in aging, communication and disparities in
a. Discuss aging changes that affect communication in older adults.
b. Identify communication issues for older adults with vision and hearing loss.
c. Differentiate listening and hearing and the implications each has in caring for older adults.
d. Discuss the significance and meaning of reminiscence to the older adult.
e. Review the role of culture, gender and ethnicity in healthcare.
f. Discuss the role of culture and ethnicity in the aging population, particularly addressing
health belief practices and spirituality.
g. Identify disparities in health delivery and outcomes for older adults and other social
justice issues
Required Readings: Text: Chapters 3 & 4; Chapter 6, pp. 84-86
*The Benevolent Society. (2005). Reminiscence handbook. Australia: Author. Retrieved from
*Scott, K., & DeBrew, J. K. (2009). Helping older adults find meaning and purpose through
storytelling. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 35(12), 38-43. doi:10.3928/0098913420091103-03
*Williams, K., Kemper, S., & Hummert, M. L. (2005). Aging matters. Enhancing communication
with older adults: Overcoming elderspeak. Journal of Psychological Nursing and Mental
Health Services, 43(5), 12-16.
*NOTE: These three articles will be discussed in your clinical environment. Please keep copies
in your clinical binder and be prepared to discuss them.
Rev Dec 2011 BSS/HG
3. Physical Aging Changes and Issues in Certain Body Systems
Integumentary System
Cardiovascular System
Renal and Urological Systems
o Issues of urinary incontinence: A symptom not an aging change.
o Dispelling the myths and addressing the needs
Endocrine System
Immune System
Other intrinsic alterations in aging
o Body Composition
o Temperature regulation
a. Incorporate core gerontological nursing competencies and Standards of Practice as they
relate to physical age related changes and the myth surrounding incontinence as being an
age related change.
b. Identify certain physical changes in body systems caused by the aging process.
c. Discuss the impact “universal” age related changes may have on maintaining functioning,
independence and well-being.
d. Discuss the myth of incontinence being an age related change
e. Recognize the impact of incontinence on quality of life in older adults.
f. Recognize the dangers of improper temperature regulation in older adults and the impact
of the changing body with aging.
g. Identify nursing strategies that optimize health and functioning in older adults.
Required Readings
Text: Chapter 6, pp. 74-76; 77-78; 79-80; 86-87; Chapter 11, pp. 167-172; Chapter 9
Beard, R., & Day, M. (2008). Fever and hyperthermia: Learn to beat the heat. Nursing, 38(6), 2831.
Palmer, M. H., & Newman, D. K. (2006). Bladder control: Educational needs of older adults.
Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 32(1), 28-32.
Zurakowski, T., Taylor, M., & Bradway, C. (2006). Effective teaching strategies for the older
adult with urologic concerns. Urologic Nursing, 26(5), 355-361.
4. Geropharmacology: Use and Management of Medications in Older Adults
Age-related changes that affect medication use in older adults
Medication calculation review
Understanding and managing medications to maintain well-being
Use of herbs and supplements
Substance abuse in later life
Rev Dec 2011 BSS/HG
a. Incorporate core gerontological nursing competencies and Standards of Practice as they
relate to medication use in older adults.
b. Discuss how age related changes influence medication action and consumption.
c. Define polypharmacy and discuss its prevalence in the older adult population.
d. Increase familiarity and competence in medication calculation.
e. Identify information older adults need to know about their medications, herbal and
vitamin supplements and over the counter medications (OTC’s).
f. Discuss nursing implications of medication management in older adults.
g. Discuss substance abuse in the older adult population.
Required Readings Text: Chapter 14; Chapter 24, pp. 441-448
Nova Scotia Health. (2010). Nova Scotia pharmacare programs: The Nova Scotia seniors'
pharmacare program. Halifax, NS: Author. Retrieved from
Swanlund, S. L., Scherck, K. A., Metcalfe, S. A., & Jesek-Hale, S. R. (2008). Keys to successful
self-management of medications. Nursing Science Quarterly, 21(3), 238-246.
Aging changes in the Musculoskeletal and Respiratory Systems
Mobility and Functioning in aging
The Importance of Balancing Sleep, Rest and Exercise in the older adult
Safety and Security in maintaining a feeling of well-being
Universal age related changes in the musculoskeletal and respiratory systems
Mobility and safety in functioning
The importance of healthy feet
Age related changes in sleep and rest
Relationship of sleep to quality of life
Exercise in older adults
Environmental safety and security issues
a. Incorporate core gerontological nursing competencies and Standards of Practice as they
relate to age related changes affecting mobility, sleep and rest, and safety and security.
b. Describe age related changes of the above systems as they affect mobility.
c. Identify risk factors for impaired mobility.
d. Discuss the impact foot problems can have on physical, social and psychological
e. Identify nursing interventions for fall prevention and safety promotion and ways of
maintaining and restoring foot health.
f. Identify risk factors for osteoporosis.
g. Recognize aging changes associated with rest, sleep and exercise.
Rev Dec 2011 BSS/HG
h. Identify the importance of sleep and activity in maintaining health and well-being.
i. Discuss the benefits of exercise in aging adults and types of exercise important in
promoting independence.
j. Briefly identify the role of Canadian Government Pensions.
k. Discuss the personal, geographical, economic and health factors that influence
environmental and financial safety and security for older adults.
Required Readings
Text: Chapter 6, pp. 76-79; (review Chapter 9); Chapter 10; Chapter 11, pp.180-183; Chapter 18,
pp. 287-292; Chapter 12; Chapter 22, pp. 368-376.
Brewer, K., Ciolek, C., Delaune, M. F., Newton, R. A., & Williams, A. K. (2007). Falls in
community-dwelling older adults: Introduction to the problem. PT: Magazine of Physical
Therapy, 15(7), 38-40, 44, 46.
Weeks, L., Profit, S., Campbell, B., Graham, H., Chircop, A., & Sheppard-LeMoine, D. (2008).
Participation in physical activity: Influences reported by seniors in the community and in
long-term care facilities. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 34(7), 36-43.
Wolkove, N., Elkholy, O., Blatzan, M., & Palayew, M. (2007). Sleep and aging: 1. Sleep
disorders commonly found in older people. Canadian Medical Association Journal,
176(9), 1299-1305.
6. Age related changes in the Digestive System
Nutrition and Related Issues
 Alterations in the aging body impacting nutrition
 Social and environmental impact on nutrition
 Oral health
 Dehydration
 Constipation
a. Incorporate core gerontological nursing competencies and Standards of Practice as they
relate to nutritional needs and hydration and constipation issues.
b. Identify physical age-related changes that can affect the nutritional status of older adults.
c. Identify social and environmental factors that affect the nutritional status of older adults.
d. Discuss nursing implications for maintaining optimal nutrition in older adults.
e. Relate importance for oral and dental health to optimal nutritional intake.
f. Identify ways to assess for, and maintain, adequate hydration in older adults.
g. Identify age related changes that may contribute to constipation in older adults.
h. Discuss appropriate client education for the management of constipation.
Required Readings
Text: Chapter 6, pp. 81-82; Chapter 6 (review Chapter 9, p. 137); Chapter 8, 121-127.
Baker, H. (2007). Nutrition in the elderly: An overview. Geriatrics, 62(7), 28-31.
Rev Dec 2011 BSS/HG
Keller, H. (2007). Promoting food intake in older adults living in the community: A review.
Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 32, 991-1000. doi:10.1139/H07-067
7. Cognition and Social Aspects of Aging
Aging changes in the Neurological System
The aging brain and cognitive function
Nervous system changes with aging
Sociological aging issues: Roles, relationships and transitions
Impact of physical aging changes on social issues
Transportation and Driving Issues
Stress and coping
Care-giving Issues
a. Incorporate core gerontological nursing competencies and Standards of Practice as they
relate to universal aging changes that affect the nervous system and impact cognitive
functioning, role transitions, transportation and care-giving issues.
b. Describe risk factors (physical, social and environmental) that may impact cognitive
functioning in older adults.
c. Identify the transition and role changes experienced in the later decades of life.
d. Discuss how physical aging changes may affect socialization and independence.
e. Discuss how psychological and social challenges may impact healthy aging.
f. Identify nursing strategies to address cognitive and psychosocial challenges in aging
adults to enhance well being.
g. Articulate the importance of choice for older adults.
h. Discuss the impact that transportation availability and driving ability have on
independence and quality of life issues for the older adult.
i. Discuss caregiver role and factors that precipitate caregiver stress.
Required Readings Text: Chapter 7, pp. 99-105; Chapter 12, p. 205; Chapter 23, pp. 387-405
Gardezi, F., Wilson, K., Man-Son-Hing, M., Marshall, S., Molnar, F., Dobbs, B., & Tuokko, H.
(2006). Qualitative research on older drivers. Clinical Gerontologist, 30(1), 5-22.
Rudman, D. L., & Friedman, J. (2006). Holding on and letting go: The perspectives of preseniors and seniors on driving self-regulation in later life. Canadian Journal on Aging,
25(1), 65-76.
Wanzer, M. B., Sparks, L., & Frymier, A. B. (2009). Humorous communication within the lives
of older adults: The relationships among humor, coping efficacy, age, and life
satisfaction. Health Communication, 24(2), 128-136. doi:10.1080/10410230802676482
Rev Dec 2011 BSS/HG
8. Aging Changes in the Reproductive System
Intimacy and Sexuality in Aging
Healthy sexual practices
Barriers to sexuality in later life
Issues affecting sexuality in Long Term Care
a. Incorporate core gerontological nursing competencies and Standards of Practice as they
relate to aging and sexuality
b. Recognize one’s own biases related to aging and sexuality.
c. Age related changes impacting normal health sexual aging practices.
d. Describe how sexual practices of older adults may differ from younger adults.
e. Discuss the social and physical environmental barriers that affect sexual practices of older
f. Articulate the importance of older adults’ sexuality and intimacy beliefs.
g. Formulate nursing interventions to enhance healthy sexual aging activity in long term
Required Readings Text: Chapter 23, pp. 405-419
Rheaume, C., & Mitty, E. (2008). Sexuality and intimacy in older adults. Geriatric Nursing,
29(5), 342-349. doi:10.1016/j.gerinurse.2008.08.004
Robinson, J. G., & Molzahn, A. E. (2007). Sexuality and quality of life. Journal of
Grerontological Nursing, 33(3), 19-29.
9. Ethical and Legal Issues in Aging
 Elder mistreatment
 Advance directives
 Ethical issues in healthcare
1. Incorporate core gerontological nursing competencies and Standards of Practice as they relate
to ethical issues, abuse and decision making at end of life.
2. Identify risk factors for elder abuse.
3. Recognize the importance of advance directives and the nursing role in this issue.
4. Discuss ethical principles that apply to select older adult case studies.
Required Readings Text: Chapter 22; Chapter 25, pp. 468-69.
Alfonso, H. (2009). The importance of living wills and advance directives. Journal of
Gerontological Nursing, 35(10), 42-45. doi:10.3928/00989134-20090903-05
Rev Dec 2011 BSS/HG
10. Spirituality and End of Life Issues
 Spirituality in later life
 The needs of dying Individuals
a. Incorporate core gerontological nursing competencies and Standards of Practice as they
relate to Spirituality and the needs of dying individuals.
b. Identify with the older adult their own personal meaning of spirituality and the role
spirituality may play in their perception of healthy aging.
c. Recognize and address the needs of dying individuals.
d. Articulate nursing responsibilities in end of life issues.
Required Readings Text: Chapter 7, pp. 97-99 (review); Chapter 25
Molzahn, A. E. (2007). Spirituality in later life: Effect on quality of life. Journal of
Gerontological Nursing, 33(1), 32-39.
Rev Dec 2011 BSS/HG
Internet Resources for Healthy Ageing
Check the resources noted at end of course text chapters. Some are:
Active Living Coalition for Older Adults
Canadian Continence Foundation
Canadian Gerontological Nursing Association
Canadian Nurses Association
College of Registered Nurses of Nova Scotia
Government of Nova Scotia/seniors
 NS/seniors/financial planning
Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing (hartfordig)
 Hartfordig resources for Faculty, Students and practicing Nurses:
 Hartfordig Podcasts for Students: podcasts/
Health Canada/seniors
International Council on Active Aging
International Council of Nurses/ageing
Public Health Agency of Canada, Division of Aging and Seniors
Service Canada (rates for OAS, GIS)
Statistics Canada.
 A portrait of seniors in Canada 2006.
 Canada yearbook 2011/seniors
World Health Organization/Ageing
Rev Dec 2011 BSS/HG
Bibliography and Resources
Alea, N., Vick, S. C., & Hyatt, A. M. (2009). The content of older adults’ autobiographical memories predicts the
beneficial outcomes of reminiscence group participation. Journal of Adult Development, 17(3), 135-145.
Alfonso, H. (2009). The importance of living wills and advance directives. Journal of Gerontological Nursing,
35(10), 42-45. doi:10.3928/00989134-20090903-05
Angevaren, M., Aufdemkampe, G., Verhaar, H. J. J., Aleman, A., & Vanhees, L. (2008). Physical activity and
enhanced fitness to improve cognitive function in older people without known cognitive impairment.
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (3, Art. NO. CD005381). Retrieved from
Angus, J. (2006). Ageism: A threat to “Aging Well” in the 21st century. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 25(2), 137152. doi:10.1177/0733464805285745
Arnold, C. M., an, M. M., & Harrison, E. L. (2008). Exercise for fall risk reduction in community-dwelling older
adults: A systematic review. Physiotherapy Canada, 60(4), 358-372. doi:10.3138/physio.60.4.358
Arnold, E. (2005). A voice of their own: Women moving into their fifties. Health Care for Women International,
26(8), 630-651. doi:10.1080/07399330500177014
Ash, S. L., & Clayton, P. H. (2009). Generating, deepening, and documenting learning: The power of critical
reflection in applied learning. Journal of Applies Learning in HIgher Education, 1(Fall), 25-48.
Asomaning, N., & VanDenBroek, K. (2011). Enhancing geriatric care in the emergency department. The Canadian
Nurse, 107(8), 10.
Baker, H. (2007a). Nutrition in the elderly: Diet pitfalls and nutrition advice. Geriatrics, 62(10), 24-26.
Baker, H. (2007b). Nutrition in the elderly: An overview. Geriatrics, 62(7), 28-31.
Bassett, R., Bourbonnais, V., & McDowell, I. (2007). Living long and keeping well: Elderly Canadians account for
success in aging. Canadian Journal on Aging, 26(2), 113-126.
Beard, R., & Day, M. (2008). Fever and hyperthermia: Learn to beat the heat. Nursing, 38(6), 28-31.
Beaulieu, M., & Leclerc, N. (2006). Ethical and psychosocial issues raised by the practice in cases of mistreatment of
older adults. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 46, 161-186. doi:10.1300/J083v46n03_10
Begley, A. M., Glackin, M., & Henry, R. (2010). Tolstoy, stories, and facilitating insight in end of life care:
Exploring ethics through vicarious experience. Nurse Education Today. doi:10.1016/j.nedt.2010.09.004
Bergman-Evans, B. (2006). Evidence-based guideline. Improving medication management for older adult clients.
Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 32(7), 6-14.
Binder, B. K., Mastel-Smith, B., Hersch, G., Symes, L., Malecha, A., & McFarlane, J. (2009). Community-dwelling,
older women’s perspectives on therapeutic life review: A qualitative analysis. Issues in Mental Health
Nursing, 30(5), 288-294. doi:10.1080/01612840902753885
Bohlmeijer, E., Roemer, M., Cuijpers, P., & Smit, F. (2007). The effects of reminiscence on psychological wellbeing in older adults: A meta-analysis. Aging & Mental Health, 11(3), 291-300.
Boulton-Lewis, G. (2010). Education and learning for the elderly: Why, how, what. Educational Gerontology, 36(3),
213-228. doi:10.1080/03601270903182877
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