Luca Andrighetto, Ph.D
DISFOR - Dip. di Scienze della Formazione
University of Genova
Corso Podestà 2 - 16128 GENOVA
Tel. +39-010 - 209-53718
Associate Professor, DISFOR – Department of Educational Science, University of Genova,
February 2015, present
Assistant Professor, DISFOR – Department of Educational Science, University of Genova,
2012 – 2015
Postdoctoral Fellow – Department of Psychology, University of Milan Bicocca, 2008 2012
 Ph.D.
Social Psychology- University of Padova, 2008
Academic advisor: Prof. Dora Capozza
 M. A.
Social and organizational psychology - University of Padova, 2005
Magna cum laude. Academic advisor: Prof. Dora Capozza
B. A.
Social and work psychology University of Padova, 2003.
Magna cum laude. Academic advisor: Prof. Dora Capozza
 Visiting Researcher at the University of Tel Aviv (Israel), Department of Psychology,
Academic advisor: Prof. Arie Nadler, March-May 2011.
Research consultant at the Kosovar Center of Self-Help (Prishtina, Kosova),
November-December, 2009.
Visiting Researcher at the Yale University (US), Department of Psychology,
Academic advisor: Prof. John Dovidio, Fall Semester 2007.
European Association of Experimental Social Psychology (EAESP), Summer School,
University of Cardiff (UK), August 2008. Workshop: Social Cognition. Prof: Luigi
Castelli, Wilhelm Hofmann.
Associazione Italiana di Psicologia (AIP), Summer School, Bertinoro (Italy),
September 2007. Title: Linear models in psychology and applications in R. Prof:
Giulio Vidotto.
Research internship at the Department of General Psychology, University of Padova,
January-December 2005.
Research internship at the Department of General Psychology, University of Padova,
January-March 2003.
COSTIS1205 (2013) – Participant. Project: Social psychological dynamics of
historical representations in the enlarged European Union. European coordinator:
Prof. Laurent Licata
FAR (2011) - Co-investigator. Project: The virtual borders of morality: Exposure to
violent videogames increases moral disengagement. Coordinator: Prof. Chiara
FAR (2010) – Co-investigator. Project: The shadow of the past: collective guilt and
shame related with the Italian colonial past. Coordinator: Prof. Chiara Volpato.
Caritas Italiana (2010) – Co-investigator. Project: Strengthening of the Network of
Civil Society Associations Working on Disability in Gjilan/Gnjilane Region
FAR (2009) – Co-investigator. Project: Emotions and electoral votes: The role of
dual partisanship – Coordinator: Prof. Chiara Volpato.
PRIN (2005) – Co-investigator. Project: Acculturation strategies and their
antecedents. National investigator: Prof. Capozza Dora.
FIRB (2001) – Co-Investigator. Project: Processes of identification, prejudice, and
prejudice reduction. National investigator: Prof. Capozza Dora.
Research manager for the Italian Society of Psychosocial Sciences for Peace (SISPA).
Coordinator: Prof. Adriano Zamperini
Research consultant for Caritas Italiana
European Association of Experimental Social Psychology (Full member)
International Society of Political Psychology (Regular Member)
Italian Association of Psychology – Social Psychology Section (Regular member)
Nonkilling Psychology Research Committee
Italian Society of Psychosocial Sciences for Peace (Staff Member)
Editor in chief of In-Mind Italia (2010-2014)
Editor In-Mind Italia (2015-)
European Journal of Social Psychology
British Journal of Social Psychology
Social and Personality Psychological Science
International Journal of Intercultural Relations
Journal of Conflict Resolution
Journal of Language and Social Psychology
Peace and Conflict: The Journal of Peace Psychology
Psychological Reports
In-Mind Italia
TPM, Testing, Psychometrics, and Methodology
Social Psychology at undergraduate course of Psychological Sciences ,University
of Genova (72 hours)
Social Psychology at undergraduate course of Educational Sciences, (36 hours).
intergroup perceptions of humanity; intergroup contact and helping behaviors;
video games and real-life consequences
Italian: Mother tongue
English: Good
in press
Andrighetto, L., Riva, P., Gabbiadini, A., & Volpato, C. (2015). Excluded from all
humanity: Animal metaphors exacerbate the consequences of social exclusion.
Journal of Language and Social Psychology.
Andrighetto, L., Vezzali, L., Bergamini, A., Chaima, N. & Giovannini, D. (in press).
Inside the earthquake: Perceived disaster exposure and outgroup helping
intentions among italian and immigrant victims of the 2012 italian earthquakes.
Group processes and Intergroup Relations.
Anderson, C. A., Andrighetto, L., Bartholow, B. D., Begue, L,. Boxer, P., Brockmyer, J.
F., . . . . Warburton, W. (in press). Consensus on Media Violence Effects: Comment
on Bushman, Gollwitzer, and Cruz. Psychology of Popular Media Culture.
Cardinali, P., Migliorini, L., Andrighetto, L., Rania, N., & Visintin, E. P. (in press).
Improving academic attitudes among ethnic minority youth at risk for early school
leaving: The interactive effects of cross-group friendships and ethnic identity.
Journal of Applied Social Psychology.
Volpato, C., & Andrighetto, L. (2015). Dehumanization. In J. D. Wright (Ed.)
International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd Edition, (pp.
31–37) Oxford: Elsevier.
Andrighetto, L., Baldissarri, L., Lattanzio, S., Loughnan, S., & Volpato, C. (2014).
Human-itarian aid? Two forms of dehumanization and willingness to help after
Gabbiadini A., Riva, P., Andrighetto, L., Volpato, C., & Bushman, B. (2014).
Interactive effect of moral disengagement and violent video game on self-control,
cheating and aggression. Social Psychological and Personality Science. doi:
Baldissarri, C., Andrighetto, L., & Volpato, Do dimensions of ethnic identity mediate
the association between perceived ethnic group discrimination and depressive
C. (2014). When work does not enobble man: Psychological
consequences of working objectification. TPM, Testing, Psychometrics, and
Methodology, 21, 327-339.
Vezzali, L., Andrighetto, L., Bergamini, G., Nadi, C., & Giovannini, D. (2014). Il
terremoto e le relazioni tra gli italiani e gli stranieri. In Gruppo Sisma (a cura di), Il
terremoto muove tante idee (pp. 227-228). Parma: Edizioni Junior. (ISBN:
Saguy, T., Chernyak-Hai, L., Andrighetto, L., & Bryson, J. (2013). When the
powerful feels wronged: The legitimization effects of advantaged group members'
sense of being accused for harboring racial or ethnic biases. European Journal of
Social Psychology, 43, 292-298. doi: 10.1002/ejsp.1948
Andrighetto, L., Durante, F., Lugani, F., & Volpato, C. (2013). Obstacles to
intergroup contact: When partner’s anxiety meets perceived ethnic discrimination.
British Journal of Social Psychology, 52, 781-792. doi: 10.1111/bjso.12039
Andrighetto, L., Mari, S., Behluli, B. & Volpato, C. (2012). Reducing competitive
victimhood in Kosovo: The role of extended contact and common ingroup identity.
Political Psychology, 33, 513-529. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9221.2012.00887.
Andrighetto, L. (2012). The victim wars: How competitive victimhood stymies
reconciliation between conflicting groups. In-Mind Magazine, 15.
Riva, P. & Andrighetto, L. (2012). “Everybody Feels a Broken Bone, But Only We
Can Feel a Broken Heart”: Group Membership Influences the Perception of Targets’
Suffering”. European Journal of Social Psychology, 42, 801-806. doi: 10.1002/ejsp.1918
Gabbiadini, A., Andrighetto, L., & Volpato, C. (2012). Does exposure to violent
video games increase moral disengagement among adolescents? Journal of
Adolescence, 35, 1403-1406. doi:
Capozza, D., Andrighetto, L., DiBernardo, A., & Falvo, R. (2012). Does status affect
intergroup attributions of humanity? Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 15,
363-377. doi: 10.1177/1368430211426733
Vezzali, L., Andrighetto, L., Trifiletti, E., & Visintin, E. (2012). Perceiving status
(in)stability in a low-status group: The effects of identification on explicit and
implicit intergroup attitudes. Social Psychology, 43, 33-40. doi: 10.1027/18649335/a000078.
Volpato, C., Andrighetto, L., Mari, S., Durante, F., & Gabbiadini, A. (2012). “Italiani
brava gente”: Effetti di un mito storico sulle relazioni sociali contemporanee. In
Miglietta, A. & Gattino S. (Eds.), Dietro il pregiudizio. Il contributo della psicologia
sociale all’analisi di una società multiculturale (pp. ). Liguori Editori.
Zamperini, A., Andrighetto, L., & Menegatto, M. L. (2012). The deconstruction of
enemy images for a nonkilling society. In D. J. Christie & J. E. Pim (Eds.), Nonkilling
Psychology (pp. 321-340). Honolulu: Center for Global Nonkilling. (ISBN-13978-09822983-8-1).
Trifiletti, E., Andrighetto, L., Rattazzi, M., Visintin, E. P., & Falvo, R. (2011). More
competent than warmth: The implicit stereotypes of Americans. TPM, Testing,
Psychometrics, and Methodology, 18, 199-209. (ISSN: 1972-6325).
Volpato, C., Durante, F., Gabbiadini, A., Andrighetto, L., & Mari, S. (2010). Picturing
the others: Targets of delegitimization across time. The International Journal of
Conflict and Violence, 4, 269-287. (ISSN: 1864-1385)
Mari, S., Andrighetto, L., Gabbiadini, A., Durante, F., & Volpato, C. (2010). The
shadow of the Italian colonial experience: The impact of collective emotions on
intentions to help victims’ descendants. The International Journal of Conflict and
Violence, 4, 58-74. (ISSN: 1864-1385).
Boccato, G., Capozza, D., Andrighetto, L., & Falvo, R. (2010). La deumanizzazione
dell'altro: Applicazione in ambito socio-sanitario. In I. Testoni, D. Sposito, & F.
Martini (Eds.), Il morire tra ragione e fede. Universi che orientano le pratiche di aiuto
(pp. 1-6).
Capozza, D., Boccato, G., Andrighetto, L., & Falvo, R. (2009). Categorization of
ambiguous human/ape faces: Protection of ingroup but not outgroup humanity.
Capozza, D., Trifiletti, E., Vezzali, L., & Andrighetto, L. (2009). Americans are
barbarians or allies? Images of Americans in the Italian social context. Basic and
Applied Social Psychology, 31, 60-68. doi: 10.1080/01973530802659893.
Capozza, D., Andrighetto, L., Falvo, R., & Trifiletti, E. (2008). Implicit attitudes
toward dominant and subordinate groups. In L. Arcuri, P. Boscolo, & F. Peressotti,
(Eds.), Cognition and language: a long story (pp. 199-211), Padova: Cleup. (ISBN: 97888-6129-256-7).
Andrighetto, L., Trifiletti, E., Pasin, A., & Capozza, D. (2008). Predictive validity of
the Host Community Acculturation Scale: The effects of social dominance
orientation and the belief in biological determinism. TPM, Testing, Psychometrics,
and Methodology, 15, 1-17. (ISSN: 1972-6325).
Andrighetto, L. & Bissoli, F. (2007). Nuovi movimenti e nuovi strumenti di
democrazia: Vicenza e il “No Dal Molin”. Pace, conflitti, e violenza, 4, 9-14.
Capozza, D., Andrighetto, L., Falvo, R., & Trifiletti, E. (2006). The use of GNAT for
studying intergroup dehumanization. TPM, Testing, Psychometrics, and Methodology,
13, 295-304. (ISSN: 1972-6325).
Falvo, R., Trifiletti, E., Andrighetto, L., & Capozza, D. (2006). Organizational
commitment, commitment to change and burnout. TPM, Testing, Psychometrics, and
Methodology, 13, 225-236. (ISSN: 1972-6325).
Andrighetto L., Trifiletti E., Vezzali L., & La Barbera, F. (2006). La rappresentazione
del terrorismo islamico: L’influenza dell’appartenenza politica. Quaderni di
Psicologia, 24, 1-46, Bologna: Patron. (ISBN: 88-555-2878-5).
La Barbera, F., Andrighetto, L., Trifiletti, E. (2006). Stress e videofeedback: uno
studio pilota in Italia. Quaderni di Psicologia, 25, 1-37. Bologna: Patron. . (ISBN: 97888-555-2913-6).
Andrighetto, L., Baldissarri, C., & Volpato, C. (2015) (Still) Modern Times: Evidence
of objectification within working domain. European Journal of Social Psychology.
Andrighetto, L., Riva, P., Volpato, C., & Gabbiadini, A. (2015). Excluded from all
humanity: Animal metaphors exacerbate the consequences of social exclusion.
Journal of Language and Social Psychology.
Gabbiadini A., Riva, P., Andrighetto, L., Volpato, C., & Bushman, B. (2015). Acting
like a tough guy: Violent-sexist video games, identification with game characters,
masculine beliefs, & empathy for female violence victims. Plos-One.
Vezzali, L., Andrighetto, L:, Bergamini, A., Chaima, N. (2015). Negative intergroup
contact and support for social policies toward the minority outgroup in the
aftermath of a natural disaster The Journal of Social Psychology.
Vezzali, L., Andrighetto, L., Saguy, T., Capozza, D., & Giovannini, D. (2015). When
direct contact can fail: Nature of contact, extended contact and desire for equality.
Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology.
Volpato, C., Andrighetto, L., & Baldissarri, C. (2015). Perceptions of Low-status
Workers and the Maintenance of the Social-class Status Quo. Journal of Social Issues.
Andrighetto, L., Baldassarri, C., & Volpato, C. (2015). Oggettivazione lavorativa e
(ridotta) percezione di libero arbitrio. Paper presented at the XII AIP Conference –
Social Psychology Section, Palermo(Italia).
Andrighetto, L., Vezzali, L., Bergamini, A., Chaima, N. & Giovannini, D. (2015, June).
Inside the earthquake: Perceived disaster exposure and outgroup helping
intentions among italian and immigrant victims of the 2012 italian earthquakes.
Poster presented at the EASP small group meeting: “Dynamics of intergroup
relations: Majority and minority perspectives on improving intergroup relations”,
Budapest, Hungary.
Baldissarri, C., Andrighetto, L., & Volpato, C. (2015, June). (Still) Modern Times.
Objectification at work. Paper presented at the EASP small Group meeting
“Objectification: Seeing and treating other people as objects”, Rovereto, Italia.
Andrighetto, L., Baldissarri, C., & Volpato, C. (2014, September). (Still) Modern
Times: Evidence of objectification within working domain. Paper presented at the
SPPSI/EASP Joint Meeting “The Great Recession and Social Class Divides”,
Princeton, US.
Andrighetto, L., Volpato, C. & Baldissarri, C. (2012, September). L’oggettivazione al
lavoro: una ricerca empirica. Paper presented at the XI AIP Conference – Social
Psychology Section, Chieti (Italia).
Andrighetto, L., Durante, F., Volpato, C., & Lugani, F. (2012, September). Quando il
gruppo di maggioranza è ansioso: reazioni e conseguenze dell’ansia intergruppi
delle minoranze etniche. Paper presented at the XI AIP Conference – Social
Psychology Section, Chieti (Italia).
Andrighetto, L., Mari, S., Volpato, C., & Behluli, B. (2011, July). Reducing competitive
victimhood in Kosovo: The role of extended contact and common ingroup identity.
Paper presented at the 16th General Meeting of the European Association for
Experimental Social Psychology (EAESP), Stockholm, Sweden.
Andrighetto, L., Mari, S., Behluli, B., Gabbiadini, A., Durante, F., & Volpato, C. (2010,
September). Strategie di riduzione della “competitive victimhood” in Kosovo: Il ruolo
del contatto indiretto e dell’identificazione con un common-ingroup. Paper presented
at the X AIP Conference – Social Psychology Section, Turin (Italy).
Andrighetto, L., Mari, S., Gabbiadini, A., Durante, F., & Volpato, C. (2009,
September). Il peso del passato: Sentimenti di colpa e vergogna collettiva
nell’evocazione del colonialismo italiano. Paper presented at the IX AIP Conference –
Social Psychology Section, Cagliari (Italia).
3-12-2013 – Gioconews – Videogiochi e moralità: “Serve maggiore informazione tra
gli adulti”.
11-12-2013 – Le Figarò – L’impact d’un jeu vidéo violent et immoral.
13-12-2013 - French TV I-Télé - L’impact d’un jeu vidéo violent et immoral.
23-11-2013 – Corriere della Sera – Il videogioco che rende i ragazzi aggressivi.
25-11-2013 – Eco di Bergamo – I videogiochi violenti inducono aggressività.
28-11-2013 – La Stampa – Disonesti grazie ai videogame.
10-02-2014 – Pacific Standard, the Science of Society – Violent games and bad
behavior: The evidence mounts.
19-04-2013 – Androkonos - Videogiochi violenti, è allarme in Italia. Sesso, sangue e
droga nei titoli più venduti.