Fertility & Reproductive Medicine Laboratory University College Hospital Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Wing Semen Analysis Referral Form Lower Ground Floor Please return to contact details and an appointment will be issued. London, NW1 2BU Alternatively, provide patient with form and an appointment can be General enquiries: 020 3447 9436 booked using details below. Must be accomanied by an Fax: 020 3447 9143 'undertaking to pay’ form if private patient. Email: fertilitylab@uclh.nhs.uk PATIENT DETAILS NHS PRIVATE NHS No: UCLH Hospital No: Surname Date of Birth Forename(s) Full Address: Post Code: Telephone number(s) REFERRING PRACTITIONER Consultant: Email Address GP: Other (please state): Name of Consultant: Name: Clinic/Surgery: Address: Post Code: Telephone Number: Fax Number: REGISTERED GP (IF DIFFERENT FROM REFERRING PRACTITIONER) Name: Clinic/Surgery: Address: Postcode: Telephone Number: Fax Number: REASON FOR REFERRAL / INVESTIGATIONS REQUIRED / ADDITIONAL INFORMATION E.g. any disability or special requirements REFERRER SIGNATURE: DATE: PATIENT INFORMATION: SEMEN ANALYSIS Appointments for semen analysis are between 1.30pm and 4pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The appointments last approximately thirty minutes. Please call the phone number at the bottom of this page to make an appointment. If you are already registered as a patient at this hospital please have your hospital number to hand. If you are not registered as a patient please bear in mind that we will need to register you over the phone. Note that there is high demand for appointments for semen analysis – please ensure that you are on time for your appointment. You must bring your semen analysis referral form to your appointment. At the time of your appointment please ensure you have abstained from sexual intercourse/ejaculation for between three and five days. Once here we will endeavour to see you as quickly as possible. You will not have a consultation during this appointment. We will supply you with a sterile specimen pot and ask you to write your name and date of birth on the pot. You will also be asked to complete a production form. When there is a private production room available for you we will show you to the room and advise you where to deliver your sample for analysis. In order for your sample to be representative we ask that the sample is produced by masturbation, and you may wish to bring your own appropriate illustrated material to the appointment. Please do not use lubricants/spermicidal condoms/withdrawal method to produce your sample as these can interfere with the results, making your analysis inaccurate. Once you have delivered your sample to the laboratory you are free to leave; the results will be returned to your referring doctor. If you have difficulty producing a sample at the clinic it is possible to produce a sample off site and bring it in to us. If you intend to produce a sample off site you must make prior arrangements with us. In addition the sample must be kept at body temperature and delivered to the clinic within an hour of production accompanied by a signed production form. Directions / Transport Address: Fertility & Reproductive Medicine Laboratory Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Wing Lower Ground Floor (Entrance on Grafton Way) University College Hospital 235 Euston Road London NW1 2BU Public Transport Links Bus No's 10, 73, 24, 29, 134, 18, 30, 88 Tube: Warren Street (Northern/Victoria Lines) or Euston Square (Circle/Hammersmith & City/Metropolitan Lines) Results The results of your semen analysis will be returned to your referring doctor. If your referrer is based at UCH, they will have the results available to them at your next appointment. If your referrer is at another hospital or a GP surgery, please allow ten days for the results to reach the doctor before you contact them to discuss. Please do not contact the laboratory regarding the results as staff will not be able to give you any results either in person or via the telephone. UNDERSTANDING YOUR SEMEN ANALYSIS RESULTS A semen analysis is an assessment of various aspects of a man’s sperm and semen. The aim is to identify any factors that may be influencing your fertility, and you doctor may request this for a number of reasons, for example: To investigate difficulties conceiving To determine fertility treatment suitability To confirm success of a procedure e.g. vasectomy / vasectomy reversal To assess effects of other procedures on fertility e.g. post-chemotherapy or surgery Semen samples from the same man can vary greatly, and your doctor may request repeats tests in order to confirm the results. The World Health Organisation has published ‘reference values’ for each of the parameters examined during a semen analysis. The values are based on the results seen in men who have achieved a pregnancy within 12 months of ceasing contraception. Values outside of these ranges do not necessarily mean that you are infertile, but can indicate potential difficulties in achieving a pregnancy. The table below is taken from the World Health Organisation publication (2010). The figures in bold are used as the ‘reference values’ for what might be considered ‘normal’. In fact, the different semen parameters need to be considered in relation to each other and there are no strict cut-offs for what is ‘normal’ or ‘fertile’. Your doctor can help you to understand your results. Centile Semen Parameter 2.5 5 10 25 50 75 90 95 Semen Volume (ml) Sperm Concentration (millions / ml) Total Sperm Number (millions / ejaculate) Total Motility (%) Progressive Motility (%) Sperm with Normal Morphology (%) Antisperm Antibodies 1.2 9 1.5 15 2.0 22 2.7 41 3.7 73 4.8 116 6.0 169 6.8 213 97. 5 7.6 259 23 39 69 142 255 422 647 802 928 34 28 40 32 45 39 53 47 61 55 69 62 75 69 78 72 81 75 3 4 5.5 9 15 24.5 36 44 48 Consensus value: >50% binding in MAR test could indicate immunological impact on fertility (Table taken from WHO Manual for the Examination and Processing of Human Semen 5 th ed. 2010; Source: Cooper et al., 2010)