Conation - A Bibliography by Topic with keywords

Brain – Abnormal
Vladimir Miskovic, V, Moscovitch, D, Santesso, D, McCabe, R., Antony, M. and
Schmidt, L. (2011) Changes in EEG Cross-Frequency Coupling During
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder. Psychological
Science, Sage Publishing. Keywords: EEG, Social Anxiety Disorder, Cognitive
Behavioral Therapy, Emotions
den Braber, A., van't Ent, D., Cath, D., Wagner, J., Boomsma, D and de Geus, E. (2010].
Brain activation during cognitive planning in twins discordant or concordant
for obsessive-compulsive symptoms. Brain: Journal of Neurology, OCD.
Keywords: Cognitive Planning, Brain activation, Environmental Genetic Corticostriatal-thalamo-cortical circuits.
Reitan, R. and Wolfson, D. [2000] Conation: A Neglected Aspect of
Neuropsychological Functioning. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology Conation.
Keywords: Brain Damage, Performance, Overview of conation in field of
psychology, Study
Mitelman, S., Brickman, A., Shihabuddin, L., Newmark, R., Wai Chu, K., Buchsbaum,
M. [2004] Correlations between MRI-assessed volumes of the thalamus and
cortical Brodmann's areas of schizophrenia. Elsevier: Schizophrenia Research
Study. Keywords: Schizophrenia, MRI, Thalamocortical connectivity.
Gianotti, L., Kunig, G., Lehmann, D., Faber, P., Pascual-Marqui, R., Kochi, K., SchreiterGasser, U. [2006] Correlation between disease severity and brain electric
LORETA tomography in Alzheimer's disease. Elsevier: Clinical Neurophsyiology
Study. Keywords: Alzheimer's, LORETA, Cognitive Performance.
Amen, D. MD, Newberg, A. MD, Thatcher, R. PhD, Jin, Y. MD, Wu, J. MD, Keator, D.
MCS, Willeumier, K. PhD [2011] Impact of Playing American Professional
Football on Long-Term Brain Function. Journal of Neuropsychiatry Clinical
Neuroscience. Keywords: Brain Injury, Sports, National Football League.
Brain – Normal
Pascual-Marqui, R., Esslen, M., Kochi, K., Lehmann, D. Functional imaging with low
resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (LORETA): a review. [2002]
Methods & Findings in Experimental & Clinical Pharmacology. Keywords: LORETA,
Electronic neuronal activity, Brain Mapping.
Grozea, C., Voinescu, C., and Fazli, S. [2011] Bristle-sensors - low-cost flexible
passive dry EEG electrodes for neurofeedback and BCI applications. Journal of
Neural Engineering. Keywords: EEG, Dry electrode, Comfort.
Schober, F., Schellengberg, S., Dimpfel, W. [1995] Reflection of Mental Exercise in
the Dynamic Quantitative Topographical EEG. Neuropsychobiology. Keywords:
Study, CNS, Activation process, Cognition, Degree of Activation, EEG.
Fitzgibbon, S., Pope, K., Mackenzie, L., Clark, C., Willoughby, O. [2004] Cognitive
tasks augment gamma EEG power. Clinical Neurophysiology. Keywords:
Cognitive, EEG, Mentation, Gamma power.
Raichle, M., MacLeod, A., Snyder, A., Powers, W., Gusnard, D., and Shulman, G. [2001]
A default mode of brain function. PNAS. Keywords: Study, Oxygen Extraction
Fraction (OEF), Baseline state, Brain at rest.
Deco, G., and Corbetta, M. [2010] The Dynamical Balance of the Brain at Rest.
The Neuroscientist: Sage Publishing. Keywords: Study, Brain at rest, Spontaneous
brain activity, Stochastic resonance.
Buschman, T., and Miller, E. [2007] Top-Down Versus Bottom-Up Control of
Attention in the Prefrontal and Posterior Parietal Cortices. Science. Keywords:
Frontal and Sensory Cortex, Modes of Attention, Prefrontal Parietal Cortices,
Posterior Parietal Cortices.
Saalmann, Y., Pigarev, I., and Vidyasagar, T. [2007] Neural Mechanisms of Visual
Attention: How Top-Down Feedback Highlights Relevant Locations. Science.
Keywords: Study, Neural mechanisms, Visual attention, Posterior Parietal Cortices,
Parietal neurons.
Costantini, M., Galati, G., Ferretti, A., Caulo, M., Tartaro, M., Luca Romani, G., and
Aglioti, S. [2005] Neural Systems Underlying Observation of Humanly
Impossible Movements: an fMRI Study. Cerebral Cortex. Keywords: Neural
systems, Brain activation, Visual, fMRI, Mirror neurons, Action observation.
Vickery, T., and Jiang, Y. [2009] Inferior Parietal Lobule Supports Decision
Making under Uncertainty in Humans. Cerebral Cortex. Keywords: Parietal
cortex, Decision making, Attention, Inferior parietal lobule.
Lumer, E. and Rees, G. [1999] Covariation of activity in visual and prefrontal
cortex associated with subjective visual perception. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA.
Keywords: Study, Visual and prefrontal cortex, Interactions, Conscious vision, MRI.
Volle, E., Gilbert, S., Benoit, R., and Burgess, P. [2010] Specialization of the Rostral
Prefrontal Cortex for Distinct Analogy Processes. Cerebral Cortex. Keywords:
Study, Prefrontal Cortex, Cognitive models, Structured mental representations,
Mapping based on similarities.
Knight, Robert T. [2007] Neural Networks Debunk Phrenology Science.
Cognitive Processing. Keywords: Oscillatory activity, Top down, Mental faculties
not limited to one part of the brain.
Holzel, B., Carmody, J., Vangel, M., Congleton, C., Yerramsetti, S., Gard, G., Lazar, S.
[2011] Mindfulness practice leads to increases in regional brain gray matter
density. Elsevier: Psychiatry Research. Keywords: Study, Meditation, Neural
systems, MRI.
Le Van Quyen, Michel. [2010] The brainweb of cross-scale interactions. Elsevier:
New Ideas in Psychology. Keywords: Large scale brain dynamics, Cognition, Brain
Gazzola, V., and Keysers, C. [2009] The Observation and Execution of Actions
Share Motor and Somatosensory Voxels in all Tested Subjects: Single-Subject
Analyses of Unsmoothed fMRI Data. Cerebral Cortex. Keywords: Study, Brain
processing actions, Observation and execution of actions, Dorsal PM Cortex, fMRI.
Lopez, J., Akil, H., and Watson, S. [1999] Neural Circuits Mediating Stress.
Biological Psychiatry. Keywords: Stress, Limbic, Hypothalamus, Adrenal.
Keuken, M., Hardie, A., Dorn, B., Dev, S., Paulus, M., Jonas, K., Van Den Wildenberg,
W., and Pineda, J. [2011] The role of the left inferior frontal gyrus in social
perception: An rTMS study. Brain Research. Keywords: Study, EEG, Social
Perception, Mirror Neuron System.
Womelsdorf, T., Schoffelen, J-M., Oostenveld, R., Singer, W., Desimone, R., Engel, A.,
and Fries, P. [ 2007] Modulation of Neuronal Interactions Through Neuronal
Synchronization. Science. Keywords: Study, Cognitive, Patterns of
Synchronization, Patterns of Neuronal Interactions, Gamma band synchronization.
Craig, A. (Bud). [2009] How do you feel - now? The anterior insula and human
awareness. Neuroscience. Keywords: Anterior Insular Cortex (AIC), Awareness,
Consciousness, ACC.
Cross, E., Kraemer, D., de C. Hamilton, A., Kelley, W., and Grafton, S. [2008]
Sensitivity of the Action Observation Network to Physical and Observational
Learning. Cerebral Cortex. Keywords: Study, Action resonance process, Passive
observation, Physical learning.
Tapia, M., Carretie, L., Sierra, B., and Mercado, F. [2008] Incidental encoding of
emotional pictures: Affective bias studied through event related brain
potentials. Elsevier: International Journal of Psychophysiology. Keywords:
Study, Implicit memory, Emotion, ERP, Ventromedial prefontal cortex.
Education K-12
Riggs, E. [2006] Conation: Cultivating the Will to Succeed Among Middle and
High School Students. The Forum on Public Policy. Keywords: Conation, Will,
Tait-McCutcheon, S. [2008] Self-Efficacy in Mathematics: Affective, Cognitive,
and Conative Domains of Functioning. Proceedings of the 31st Annual
Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia.
Keywords: Math, Self-efficacy, Psychological domains, Affect, Cognitive, Conative.
Camarillo, M. [2011] Research Designs. Fellowship Monthly Report. Keywords:
Study design for seeking to understand racial bias in the Kolbe A Index
Luckett-Gatopoulos, S. [2010] Conative Factors in the Context of Adolescent
Reading Remediation. Master of Science Thesis, Institute of Medical Science,
University of Toronto.
Palincsar, A., & Winn, J. (1990). Assessment models focused on new
conceptions of achievement and reasoning. International Journal of Educational
Research, 14(5), 409-483.
Education – University
Mohanty, A. [2003] Cognition, Affection and Conation: Pedagogy of Higher
Education: Research Review. National Mission in Education through Information
and Communication Technologies (ICT) in India. Keywords: Learning, Higher
Education, Cognitive Science.
Lingard, R., Berry, E., and Timmerman, B. [2004] Work in Progress - Using the
Kolbe Conative Index for Improving Retention of Computer Science Students.
ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference October 20-23, 2004, Savannah, GA.
Keywords: Conation, Kolbe, University, Study Design.
Fitzpatrick, E., Askin, R., and Goldberg, J. [2001] Using Student Conative
Behaviors and Technical Skills to Form Effective Project Teams. ASEE/IIEEE
Frontiers in Education Conference. Keywords: Teams, KCI (Kolbe Conative Index),
Educating Educators
Huitt , William G. and Cain, Sheila C. (2005) An Overview of the Conative Domain.
Educational Psychology Interactive. Keywords: Overview, Educating educators,
Parents, Kolbe
Other articles:
Snow, R. (1989). Toward assessment of cognitive and conative structures in
learning. Educational Researcher, 18(9), 8-14.
Atman, K. [1987] The role of conation (striving) in the distance learning
enterprise. The American Journal of Distance Education, 1 (1), 14-28.
Atman, K., & Romano, P. (1987). Conation, goal accomplishment style and
holistic education. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American
Educational Research Association (Washington, DC, April 20-24).
Gholar, C. and others (1991). Wellness begins when the child comes first: The
relationship between the conative domain and the school achievement
paradigm. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the American Association
for Counseling and Development (Reno, NV, April 21-24).
Nelli, E., & Atwood, V. (1986). Teacher education students and classroom
teachers: A comparison of conative levels. Journal of Teacher Education, 37(3),
Palincsar, A., & Winn, J. (1990). Assessment models focused on new
conceptions of achievement and reasoning. International Journal of Educational
Research, 14(5), 409-483.
Shrigley, R., Koballa, T., & Simpson, R. (1988). Defining attitude for science
educators. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 25(8), 659-678.
Schaefer, E., & Edgerton, M. (1982). Circumplex and spherical models for
child school adjustment and competence. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting
of the American Psychological Association (90th, Washington, DC, August 23-27).
Keywords: Child behavior, Cognition, Conation, Affect, Study.
Historical Uses of Conation
Wolfsdorf, D. [2006] Desire for Good in Meno 77B2 - 78B6. Classical Quarterly
History. Keywords: Socrates, Desire good things, Executive desire.
Mctighe, K. [1984] Socrates on Desire for Good and the Involuntariness of
Wrongdoing: Gorgias 466a-468e. Phronesis. Keywords: History, Socrates, Plato,
Desire for good.
Kamtekar, R. [2006] Plato on the Attribution of Conative Attitudes. Archiv fur
Geschichte Der Philophie. Keywords: Desire for good, History, Plato, Conative
attitudes, Gorgias.
den Ouden, H., Frith, U., Frith, C., and Blakemore, S-J. [2005] Thinking about
Intentions. Elsevier: NeuroImage. Keywords: Study, Intention, Prefrontal
Cortex, Adult – Female, Intentional vs. Physical Causality.
Zhu, J. [2004] Intention and Volition. Canadian Journal of Philosophy. Keywords:
Philosophy, Intention, Volition.
Cao, F., Lee, R., Shu, H., Yang, Y., Xu, G., Li, K., and Booth, J. [2010] Cultural
Constraints on Brain Development: Evidence from a Developmental Study of
Visual Word Processing in Mandarin Chinese. Cerebral Cortex. Keywords:
Study, Language, Chinese, Visual.
Rathmann, Christian. [Unknown] Conative Morpheme in British Sign Language
Talk . Abstract: Center of Deaf Studies, University of Bristol. Keywords: Language,
Conative, Morpheme.
Rezac, Milan. [Unknown] Module Encapsulation at the Interfaces of Syntax:
Evidence from clinics and agreement. Abstract: Laboratoire de Linguistique de
Nantes. Keywords: French, Syntax, Semantics, Morphophonology.
Samek-Lodivici, Vieri. [Unknown] Asymmetries Between Pre- and Post-focus
Left-peripheral topics in Italian. Abstract: Department of Italian, University
College, London. Keywords: Italian, Topics vs. focus, Structure.
Sato, Hiromi [Unknown] The Light Verb and Complex Predicate Formation in
Japanese. Abstract: Faculty of Foreign Languages, Kanagawa University.
Keywords: Japanese, Structure.
Sato, Yasushi. [Unknown] Defining the Prosodic Word in Japanese. Abstract:
Center for Liberal Arts, Meiji Gakuin University. Keywords: Japanese, Language,
Stapert, E., and Sakel, J. New evidence in the discussion on recursion in Piraha.
Abstract: University of Manchester. Keywords: Language, Recursion, Piraha, Core
property, Human Language.
Sysoeva, Anna. [Unknown] Primary and Secondary Meaning: Towards a
Psychologically Plausible Theory of Utterance Interpretation. Abstract:
Department of Linguistics, University of Cambridge. Keywords: Utterance
Malink, Marko [2008] Right Boundary Achievements under Conative Negation.
Book Chapter: The Discourse Potential of Underspecified Structures. Keywords:
Conative negation
Bowden, E., and Jung-Beeman, M. [2007] Methods for investigating the neural
components of insight. Elsevier: Methods. Keywords: Neural components,
Insight, Problem solving, Cognition, Creativity.
Kounios, J., Frymiare, J., Bowden, E., Fleck, J., Subramaniam, K., Parrish, T., and JungBeeman, M. [Unknown] The Prepared Mind: Neural Activity Prior to Problem
Presentation Predicts Subsequent Solution by Sudden Insight. Psychological
Science. Keywords: Study, Insight processing, Non-insight processing, Neural
activity, Spatial distribution, Oscillatory frequency.
Lehrer, Jonah. [2008] The Eureka Hunt: Why do good ideas come to us when
they do? The New Yorker. Keywords: Prefrontal cortex, Insight, EEG, MRI.
Kolbe General
Kovac, D., Mesko, M., and Bertoncelj, A. [2010] Entrepreneurial Conative
Component of Competencies: the Case of Slovenia. Organizacija. Keywords:
Entrepreneur, Kolbe A, Kolbe B, Study.
Unknown Author. [Unknown] Evaluation of the Kolbe Measurement of Conation As
a Tool to Improve Individual and Team Behaviors. Unknown Publication.
Keywords: Team Effectiveness, Kolbe A, Effectiveness and accuracy of Kolbe.
Jackson, Douglas N. [1994] The Exploration of a Selection of Conative
Constructs Relevant to Learning and Performance. US Department of
Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement. Keywords: Learning,
Performance, Conation.
Gerdes, K., and Stromwall, L. [2008] Conation: A Missing Link in the Strengths
Perspective. Social Work. Keywords: Kolbe, Social Work, Misdefined conation,
Strengths, Conative abilities.
Bertoncelj, Andrej. [2008] Organizational Mental Maps and Conative
Competencies. Organizacija. Keywords: Study, Organizational learning, Kolbe,
Conative competencies.
Kolbe, K. [1990a] The Kolbe Concept.
Kolbe, K. [1990b] The Conative Connection. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley
Publishing Company.
Wongchai, S. [2003] The ability of the Kolbe A index action modes to predict
learners’ attitudes and achievements within a web-based training context.
[Dissertation]. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University.
Lindquist, M., and Gelman, A. [2009] Correlations and Multiple Comparison in
Functional Imaging - a Statistical Perspective. Perspectives in Psychological
Science. Keywords: fMRI Statistics, Use of Statistics.
Hazlett, Allan. [2009] Cognition and Conation: An Analogy. Unknown.
Keywords: Cognition, Conation.
Blazevic, Stipe. [2009] Evaluation of Boxers Conative Status Contribution to
Success of Specific Motor Structures. Sport Science. Keywords: Sports,
Williams, C. (1992). The relationship between the affective and conative
dimensions of prejudice. College Student Journal, 26(1), 50-54.
Hilgard, E. R. [1980] The trilogy of the mind: Cognition, affection, and conation.
Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 16, 107-117.
Reid, I., & Crompton, J. (1993). A taxonomy of leisure purchase decision
paradigms based on level of involvement. Journal of Leisure Research, 25(2),
182-202. Keywords: Decision-making, cognitive, affective and conative
components of decision-making.
Tappan, M. (1990). Hermeneutics and moral development: Interpreting
narrative representations of moral experience. Developmental Review, 10(3),
239-265. Keywords: Interdependent psychological dimensions, conation,
cognition, affect.
Quinn, R. (1987). The humanistic conscience: An inquiry into the development
of principled moral character. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 27(1), 69-92.
Keywords: Humanistic conscience model, Integration of conation, affect and
rational processes.
Orwoll, L., & Achenbaum, W. A. (1993). Gender and the development of
wisdom. Human Development, 36(5), 274-296. Keywords: Integrative model of
wisdom, three domains (personality, cognition, conation), three levels
(interpersonal, intrapersonal, transpersonal).