Grade 2 Benchmark Levels

2nd Grade Benchmark
Domain OA
Standard 2.OA.1
Use addition and
subtraction within 100
to solve one- and twostep word problems
involving situations of
adding to, taking from,
putting together, taking
apart, and comparing,
with unknowns in all
4: Use relevant Level 3
Methods to solve one-and
two-step addition and
subtraction word problems
within 100 involving all 2nd
grade problem types.
3: Solve one- step word
problems within 50 involving
all K – 1st problem types with
minimal errors.
2: = Solve one-step addition
and subtraction word
problems within 20 involving
all K-1st problem types with
1: Cannot do above.
4: Use relevant Level 3
Methods to solve one-and
two-step addition and
subtraction word problems
within 100 involving all 2nd
grade problem types.
3: Use some Level 3 and some
Level 2 Methods to solve onestep word problems within 50
involving at least 2 of 4 2nd
grade problem types with
minimal errors.
2: Use mostly Level 2 and
some Level 1 Methods to
solve one- and some two-step
addition and subtraction word
problems within 20 involving
at least 1 of 4 2nd grade
problem types with support.
1: Cannot do above.
4: Use relevant Level 3
Methods to solve one-and
two-step addition and
subtraction word problems
within 100 involving all 2nd
grade problem types.
3: Use some Level 3 and
some Level 2 Methods to
solve one-and two step
word problems within 75
involving at least 3 of 4 2nd
grade problem types with
minimal errors.
2: Use mostly Level 2 and
some Level 1 Methods to
solve one- and some twostep addition and
subtraction word problems
within 50 involving at least
2 of 4 2nd grade problem
types with support.
1: Cannot do above.
4: Use relevant Level 3
Methods to solve one-and
two-step addition and
subtraction word problems
within 100 involving all 2nd
grade problem types.
3: Use relevant Level 3
Methods to solve one-and
two-step addition and
subtraction word problems
within 100 involving all 2nd
grade problem types with
minimal errors.
2: Use mostly Level 2 and
some Level 1 Methods to
solve one- and some two-step
addition and subtraction word
problems within 100 involving
most 2nd grade problem types
with support.
1: Cannot do above.
FWPS Draft Benchmark Levels by FWPS is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
2nd Grade Benchmarks
Domain OA
Standard 2.OA.2
Fluently add and
subtract within 20 using
mental strategies. By
end of Grade 2, know
from memory all sums
of two one-digit
Fluency means
automaticity (within 3-5
Domain NBT
Standard 2.NBT.5
Fluently add and
subtract within 100.
Fluency means
accurate, efficient and
flexible use of
strategies. Students do
not lose track of
strategy used mentally/
written, answer is
accurate and students
have multiple strategies
to use.
4: Accurately and fluently (less
than 5 seconds) add and
subtract within 20 using Level
3 Methods or recall.
3: Accurately and fluently (less
than 5 seconds) add and
subtract within 10 using Level
3 and Level 2 Methods.
2: Accurately add and subtract
within 10 using Level 3 and
Level 2 Methods, taking longer
than 5 seconds.
1: Cannot do above.
4: Accurately and fluently (less
than 5 seconds) add and
subtract within 20 using Level
3 Methods or recall.
3: Accurately add and subtract
within 15 using Level 3 and
Level 2 Methods, taking longer
than 5 seconds.
2: Fluently and accurately (less
than 5 seconds) add and
subtract within 10 using Level
3 and Level 2 Methods.
1: Cannot do above
4: Accurately and fluently
(less than 5 seconds) add and
subtract within 20 using Level
3 Methods or recall.
3: Accurately add and
subtract within 20 using Level
3 and Level 2 Methods, some
taking longer than 5 seconds.
4: Accurately and fluently
(less than 5 seconds) add
and subtract within 20 using
Level 3 Methods or recall.
3: Accurately and fluently
(less than 5 seconds) add
and subtract within 15 using
Level 3 and Level 2 Methods
and within 20 with minimal
2: Add and subtract within
15 using Level 1 and 2
Methods with minimal
1: Cannot do above.
4: Fluently and accurately add
and subtract within 100 using
relevant/efficient Level 3
3: Add and subtract within 50
using Level 1 and 2 Methods
with minimal errors and Level
3 Methods with support.
2: Add and subtract within 20
using level 1, 2 or 3 methods
with/without support.
1: Cannot do above.
4: Fluently and accurately add
and subtract within 100 using
relevant/efficient Level 3
3: Add and subtract within 50
using Level 3 Methods with
minimal errors.
2: Add and subtract within 50
using level 1 and 2 methods
with support.
1: Cannot do above.
4: Fluently and accurately
add and subtract within 100
using relevant/efficient
Level 3 Methods.
3: Add and subtract within
75 using Level 3 Methods
with minimal errors and
within 100 using Level 1 and
2 Methods with some
2: Add and subtract within
75 using level 1 and 2
methods with support.
1: Cannot do above.
4: Fluently and accurately add
and subtract within 100 using
relevant/efficient Level 3
3: Fluently add and subtract
within 100 using level 3
methods with minimal errors.
2: Add and subtract within
100 using Level 1 and 2
Methods with support.
1: Cannot do above.
2: Add and subtract within 20
using Level 1 and 2 Methods
with minimal errors.
1: Cannot do above.
FWPS Draft Benchmark Levels by FWPS is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
2nd Grade Benchmarks
Domain NBT
Standard 2.NBT.7
Add and subtract within
1000, using concrete
models or drawings and
strategies based on
place value, properties
of operations, and/or
the relationship
between addition and
subtraction; relate the
strategy to a written
Students will not be assessed
on this standard until January.
Access prior knowledge by
reviewing 1st grade standards:
 1.NBT.4
 1.NBT.5
 1.NBT.6
Domain NBT
1000 count on by
Standard 2.NBT.2
1s from any number
Count within 1000; skip- accurately
count by 5s, 10s, 100s.
b) Within 1000 count by 5s
c) Within 1000 count by 10s
d) Within 1000 count by 100s
3: a) Within 250 count on by
4: Add and subtract within
1000, relate the strategy to a
written method (drawing or
equation) and explain using
place value reasoning.
3: Add and subtract within
1000, relate the strategy to a
written method (drawing or
equation) and explain using
place value reasoning with
minimal errors.
2: Add and subtract within
1000, relate the strategy to a
written method (drawing or
equation) with support.
1: Cannot do above.
4: a) Within 1000 count on by
1s from any number
b) Within 1000 count by 5s
c) Within 1000 count by 10s
d) Within 1000 count by 100s
4: Add and subtract within
1000, relate the strategy to
a written method (drawing
or equation) and explain
using place value reasoning.
3: Add and subtract within
1000 with minimal errors,
relate the strategy to a
concrete method (place
value chips, straw bundles,
etc. ) and explain using place
value reasoning.
2: Add and subtract within
1000, relate the strategy to
a concrete method (place
value chips, straw bundles,
etc. ) and explain using place
value reasoning with
1: Cannot do above.
4: a) Within 1000 count on
by 1s from any number
b) Within 1000 count by 5s
c) Within 1000 count by 10s
d) Within 1000 count by
100s accurately
3: a) Within 500 count on by
3: a) Within 750 count on by
3: a) Within 1000 count on by
4: Add and subtract within
1000, relate the strategy to a
written method (drawing or
equation) and explain using
place value reasoning.
3: Add and subtract within
200, relate the strategy to a
written method (drawing or
equation) and explain using
place value reasoning with
minimal errors.
2: Add and subtract within
200, relate the strategy to a
written method (drawing or
equation) with support.
1: Cannot do above.
4: a) Within 1000 count on by
1s from any number
b) Within 1000 count by 5s
c) Within 1000 count by 10s
d) Within 1000 count by 100s
FWPS Draft Benchmark Levels by FWPS is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Domain NBT
Standard 2.NBT.3
Read and write
numbers to 1000 using
base-ten numerals,
number names, and
expanded form.
1s from any number with
minimal errors
b) Within 250 count by 5s with
minimal errors
c) Within 250 count by 10s
with minimal errors
d) Within 500 count by 100s
with minimal errors
1s from any number with
minimal errors
b) Within 500 count by 5s with
minimal errors
c) Within 500 count by 10s
with minimal errors
d) Within 1000 count by 100s
with minimal errors
1s from any number with
minimal errors
b) Within 750 count by 5s
with minimal errors
c) Within 750 count by 10s
with minimal errors
d) Within 1000 count by
100s with minimal errors
1s from any number with
minimal errors
b) Within 1000 count by 5s
with minimal errors
c) Within 1000 count by 10s
with minimal errors
d) Within 1000 count by 100s
with minimal errors
2: a) Within 250 count on by
1s from any number with
significant errors
b) Within 250 count by 5s with
significant errors
c) Within 250 count by 10s
with significant errors
d) Within 500 count by 100s
with significant errors
1: Cannot do above.
4: Read and write numbers to
2: a) Within 500 count on by
1s from any number with
significant errors
b) Within 500 count by 5s with
significant errors
c) Within 500 count by 10s
with significant errors
d) Within 1000 count by 100s
with significant errors
1: Cannot do above.
4: Read and write numbers to
2: a) Within 750 count on by
1s from any number with
significant errors
b) Within 750 count by 5s
with significant errors
c) Within 750 count by 10s
with significant errors
d) Within 1000 count by
100s with significant errors
1: Cannot do above.
4: Read and write numbers
2: a) Within 1000 count on by
1s from any number with
significant errors
b) Within 1000 count by 5s
with significant errors
c) Within 1000 count by 10s
with significant errors
d) Within 1000 count by 100s
with significant errors
1: Cannot do above.
4: Read and write numbers to
1000 using base-ten numerals,
number names, and expanded
3: Read and write numbers to
200 using base-ten numerals
and number names with
minimal errors.
2: Read and write numbers to
200 using base-ten numerals
and number names with
significant errors and/or
teacher support.
1000 using base-ten numerals,
number names, and expanded
3: Read and write numbers to
500 using base-ten numerals
and number names with
minimal errors.
2: Read and write numbers to
500 using base-ten numerals
and number names with
significant errors and/or
teacher support.
1: Cannot do above.
1: Cannot do above.
to 1000 using base-ten
numerals, number names,
and expanded form.
3: Read and write numbers
to 500 using base-ten
numerals, number names,
and expanded form with
minimal errors.
2: Read and write numbers
to 500 using base-ten
numerals, number names,
and expanded form with
significant errors and/or
teacher support.
1000 using base-ten
numerals, number names, and
expanded form.
3: Read and write numbers to
1000 using base-ten
numerals, number names, and
expanded form with minimal
2: Read and write numbers to
1000 using base-ten
numerals, number names, and
expanded form with significant
errors and/or teacher support.
1: Cannot do above.
1: Cannot do above.
FWPS Draft Benchmark Levels by FWPS is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
FWPS Draft Benchmark Levels by FWPS is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.