Holly Farm Rabbit & Guinea Pigs Animal Boarding Booking Form Once you have completed this form please email it to skjeavons@btinternet.com You can call us on 07717248247 to discuss your requirements Name: Address: Contact phone number: Mobile phone number: Emergency contact details: Family or friend which we can contact if there is a veterinary emergency. Vet contact details: Should we need to call them for medical details if needed Number of rabbits: *Please state how many pens you require for your rabbit(s) Number of guinea pigs: *Please state how many pens you require for your Guinea pig(s) *If your animals currently share a hutch or pen then they can be housed together in one pen. If you animals do not currently live together they will need to have a pen each. Pet Details Please fill in one box per animal. PET 1 Pets name: Type of pet (rabbit or guinea pig) Colour Sex Age VHD & Myxomatosis vaccintation date Rabbits ONLY Please state which fresh foods they are used to: e.g. grass, apple, carrot, etc. Does your pet require any daily medication? Has your rabbit ever suffered from snuffles? Sneezing, nasal discharge Is your pet used to being handled? PET 2 Pets name: Type of pet (rabbit or guinea pig) Colour Sex Age VHD & Myxomatosis vaccintation date Rabbits ONLY Please state which fresh foods they are used to: e.g. grass, apple, carrot, etc. Does your pet require any daily medication? Has your rabbit ever suffered from snuffles? Sneezing, nasal discharge Is your pet used to being handled? PET 3 Pets name: Type of pet (rabbit or guinea pig) Colour Sex Age VHD & Myxomatosis vaccintation date Rabbits ONLY Please state which fresh foods they are used to: e.g. grass, apple, carrot, etc. Does your pet require any daily medication? Has your rabbit ever suffered from snuffles? Sneezing, nasal discharge Is your pet used to being handled? PET 4 Pets name: Type of pet (rabbit or guinea pig) Colour Sex Age VHD & Myxomatosis vaccintation date Rabbits ONLY Please state which fresh foods they are used to: e.g. grass, apple, carrot, etc. Does your pet require any daily medication? Has your rabbit ever suffered from snuffles? Sneezing, nasal discharge Is your pet used to being handled? Arrival and Collection Date and time of arrival Date and time of collection Total number of days If you are going to be early or late for your agreed drop off or collection time then please let us know in advance. Terms & Conditions You must agree to the following Terms and Conditions before leaving your pet/s with us. Health All rabbits and guinea pigs boarding with us must be in good health and all medical conditions must be discussed with us prior to us being able to board your pet. If we feel your pet is showing signs of ill health or injury we may refuse to accept him/her. This is for the benefit of your own pet and that of other boarders. Your pet will not have direct contact with any other animals whilst in our care, except for their own cage mate, should they have one. Rabbits should have been vaccinated against Myxomatosis and VHD before arrival, we will need to see up to date certificates to show this. Vaccinations need to have taken place 3 weeks before boarding to ensure effectiveness. If your rabbit has diarrhoea, has stopped eating or has a dirty bottom we will not be able to allow them to board with us. If your pet becomes ill during their stay with us, we will inform you immediately and consult our vet and your vet for medical background information if required. If your pet then requires medical attention from the vet we will transport them there for treatment. We do not charge for this service but any costs for treatment by the vet must be met by you, the owner. Your pet will be treated under your name and address. If you have bonded pets staying with us and we need to separate them due to illness, we will charge for the additional accommodation. You will be required to pay any of these extra costs when you collect your pet. In the unlikely event that your pet passes away whilst in our care, we will contact you immediately and follow your wishes. We accept no liability in the unlikely event that your pet becomes ill or passes away whilst staying with us. All pets are left entirely at owners risk. We accept no liability for injury sustained by you whilst on our premises. Food You will need to bring your pets concentrate food with them and supply enough for their stay. You will need to advise how much you currently feed them per day and how often they are fed. We will supply fresh foods (if appropriate). We will provide hay. We will provide bedding. This is to ensure that they don’t suffer any adverse reactions to a change of diet whilst they are with us. Payment We require payment in full on day of arrival. Any daily rate includes the day your pet is brought to us and the day he/she leaves regardless of the time of day. Abandoned Pets If your pet is not collected on the due day and we are unable to contact you from the information you have provided, we will, after seven days seek to have your pet rehomed. In this event, every effort will be made to contact you to recoup the extra costs of housing and rehoming your pet. I agree to the above terms and conditions which will be applicable for this and every subsequent stay at Holly Farm Rabbits and Guinea pigs. Sign: ________________________________________ Date: ________________________________________ Once you have completed this form please email it to skjeavons@btinternet.com You can call us on 07717248247 to discuss your requirements