The Committee to Encourage Corporate Philanthropy

2014 iving is Living Nonprofit / Corporate
Volunteer Partnership Award
In its 38th year, the Spirit of Volunteerism Award provides the Orange County community the opportunity to
recognize individuals and groups for outstanding and innovative volunteer service.
For the last 15 years, the Spirit of Volunteerism Awards has been the venue to announce the Giving is Living
Award, celebrating the work of influential organizations, families and business that participate in outstanding
community volunteerism.
In 2014, OneOC will be honoring an outstanding Company-Nonprofit collaborative partnership that
demonstrates how volunteerism improved services to our community in the area of safety net, health care,
education or environment. For the purpose of this application, “partnership” is defined below:
Collaborative Partnership: A cooperative arrangement in which a business and a nonprofit organization
work jointly towards a common goal to make a difference in our community
In addition to demonstrating an exceptional partnership, the joint program submitted for review should
1. An Innovative or successful that stretches the nominated program solutions in the pursuit of
exceptional results for communities and the company.
2. A focus on volunteerism. While giving dollars will be considered as complimentary to the partnership,
the program should specifically speak to how the company partner provided volunteers to help further
the mission and work of the nonprofit.
3. A commitment to measuring the impact in the areas of safety-net (hunger, homelessness,
employment & poverty), health care, education or environment.
A company, nonprofit organization, the partnership or an individual may submit a nomination. The company
and nonprofit organization partnership must be advised and consent to the nomination submittal.
Each application should represent a partnership between one company and one nonprofit.
The award is open only to Orange County present nonprofit organizations & companies.
If your program is chosen as the winner, the Nonprofit & Company representatives are expected to be
present in person at the Spirit of Volunteerism Awards Luncheon on April 9, 2014.
OneOC Giving is Living Award
 From January 21 – January 26, 2014, a sub-committee made up from OneOC Board and Community
members will review and allocat points to the applications. After this process, the sub-committee will
choose the top applications with the most points as indicated throughout the application, for a
maximum possible total score of 100 points.
o Each sub-committee member scores each application independently. Using these individual
scorecards, OneOC produces an aggregate scorecard and distributes it to the entire subcommittee.
 On January 27, 2014, the top nomination will be presented to the entire OneOC Board of Directors. They
will carefully review the nomination and discuss. Following this discussion, the board will vote
anonymously to affirm the awardee. Should the board not affirm this nomination, they will review the
second in line nomination.
DEADLINE: All applications must be submitted online by January 21, 2014 by 11:59PM PST.
OneOC Giving is Living Award
Company and Nonprofit Information
This application may not be submitted without the consent of both organizations listed below. Completed
applications signal the mutual interest of both parties to receive public recognition for their partnership.
Company Name:
Company Address:
Corporate Application Contact Person Name, Title, Email, Phone:
One-Sentence Business Summary:
Nonprofit Name:
Nonprofit Address:
Nonprofit CEO / Executive Director Name, Email, Phone:
Nonprofit Application Contact Person Name, Title, Email, Phone:
Nonprofit Mission:
Program Description
10 points
1. Which needs area does your program partnership address:
a. safety-net services
b. health care
c. education
d. environment
2. Describe the specific signature volunteer partnership:
a) Signature program name (if any):
b) The year the partnership began:
OneOC Giving is Living Award
c) Contributions to the program from the company since the program inception:
 # of company volunteer hours
 Cash (US$)
 List non-cash donation (includes pro bono service, product, in-kind, US $) =
d) Signature program / partnership description:
JOINT RESPONSE (maximum 150 words):
CRITERION #1: Partnership
30 points
This question focuses on collaboration. Using the program description in response to Question 1 as a backdrop,
elaborate here on the relationship between the nonprofit organization and the company. (Subsequent questions
will evaluate the quality of the program described in Question 1.)
3. How has the partnership between the nonprofit organization and company enabled this program to
generate results beyond what each organization could otherwise achieve?
Please consider the following elements, when applicable:
The rationale for choosing each other as partners initially and an explanation of how this program
and partnership fit within the overall strategies and goals of each organization.
An explanation of each organization’s role/accountabilities within the partnership.
How the partnership actually functions, including ongoing communication and process
Lessons each organization has learned from the other and how that learning has improved the
program and/or each organization more broadly.
JOINT RESPONSE (maximum 300 words):
CRITERION #2: Innovation
10 points
4. What makes this program innovative or distinguished?
Please consider the following elements, when applicable:
 Specific characteristics that distinguish the program from others designed to address the same or
similar issues; how does the program stand out from others in the same arena?
 What the organizations have done together to make this program replicable or scalable to other
divisions within the company or to other companies, nonprofits, and/or government entities.
OneOC Giving is Living Award
JOINT RESPONSE (maximum 200 words):
CRITERION #2: Volunteerism
20 points
4. How does this partnership leverage volunteerism furthering the mission and work of the
Please consider the following elements, when applicable:
 How are the companies’ employees encouraged to volunteer? “On-company” time for
volunteering? Weekend volunteer opportunities offered? Matching volunteer-hour monetary
 How does the nonprofit utilize, mobilize and recognize the volunteer employees?
 An explanation of how each partner’s thoughtful use of the expertise and/or non-cash resources
contributes to the program’s success – specifically details on the role of the company’s employee
volunteers and/or any pro bono service contributions from the nominating company.
JOINT RESPONSE (maximum 200 words):
CRITERION #4: A Commitment to Measuring the Impact
20 points
5. What is the role of quantitative and qualitative measurement in addressing the needs in the area selected
above (safety net services, healthcare, education and/or environment)?
Please consider the following elements, when applicable:
 The numeric goals set for this program, the time horizon for achieving them, and an accounting of
what has been accomplished toward those goals. Include business and societal goals in the needs
 Examples of the role that measurement plays in program evaluation and improvement.
JOINT RESPONSE (maximum 200 words):
Closing Thoughts
10 points
Applicants may use this space to share any final thoughts, compelling information or collateral (links to
videos, photos, flyers) that has not been covered elsewhere in the application.
JOINT RESPONSE (maximum 100 words):
OneOC Giving is Living Award
We greatly appreciate the time you and your colleagues have invested in this application and look forward to
sharing the great work of both partners with our Selection Committee.
OneOC Giving is Living Award