Evaluating Antipoverty Programs Martin Ravallion Edmond D. Villani Professor of Economics Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA This is a series of nine graduate lectures on the evaluation of development policies. The first few lectures will review the theory and methods of impact evaluation. A series of case-studies will then be presented, illustrating the methods in real-word evaluations for social policies and poor-area development programs. A concluding lecture will look critically at the accomplishments and challenges in evaluation going forward. The background reading for the course is: Ravallion, Martin “Evaluating Anti-Poverty Programs,” in Handbook of Development Economics Volume 4, edited by Paul Schultz and John Strauss, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 2008. Outline and reading list: Lectures 1-3: Principles and methods of impact evaluation. These lectures will provide an overview of the theory and methods (randomization, matching, discontinuity designs, instrumental variables estimators). Ravallion, Martin “Evaluating Anti-Poverty Programs” Lectures 4 and 5: Social policies. After introducing some general principles, the lectures will discuss a series of series of case studies on specific social policies using transfers. This will also include the use of structural models to inform social policy making. Ravallion, Martin, The Economics of Poverty: History, Measurement and Policy, Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming, 2014, Chapter 7. Lectures 6 and 7: Poor area development. These lectures will turn to studying the longer-term impacts of policies that try to help lagging poor areas. The bulk of the discussion will be a case study of one such poor area program. Shaohua Chen, Ren Mu and Martin Ravallion, “Are There Lasting Impacts of Aid to Poor Areas?” Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 93, pp. 512-528, 2009. Lecture 8: Trade and social protection: This lecture will discuss how better integration of macro and micro tools can enhance evaluation, using specific trade policy reforms as examples. Martin Ravallion, “Looking Beyond Averages in the Trade and Poverty Debate,” World Development 34(8): 1374-1392, 2006. 1 Lecture 9: Challenges for future evaluations. This lecture will bring together lessons from the previous lectures, and make recommendations for making future evaluations more policy relevant. Martin Ravallion, “Evaluation in the Practice of Development,” World Bank Research Observer, Spring 2009. Lecture notes will be supplied. Schedule The lectures take place in Karl Borch Auditorium (NHH), each lecture lasting 90 minutes (without break). Thursday May 29 19:00- Informal gathering at Dråpen Vinbar Friday May 30 09.15-10.45 Lecture 1: Principles and methods 11.00-12.30 Lecture 2: Principles and methods cont. 12.30-13.30 Lunch 13.30-15.00 Lecture 3: Principles and methods cont. 15.00- Social gathering Saturday May 31 09.15-10.45 Lecture 4: Social policies. 11.00-12.30 Lecture 5: Social policies cont. 12.30-13.30 Lunch 13.30-15.00 Lecture 6: Poor area development 15.15-16.45 Lecture 7: Poor area development cont. 17.00 A surprise…. 19.00 Conference dinner at Fløien Folkerestaurant 2 Sunday June 1 Day off Monday June 2 09.15-10.45 Lecture 8: Trade and social protection 11.00-12.30 Lecture 9: Challenges for future evaluations 12.30-13.30 Lunch and closure of course 3