The toString method

Lab 11
Binary Search Trees
After completing this lab, you should be able to:
 Describe and use different binary tree properties such as height, full,
complete, and balanced.
 Produce preorder, inorder, and postorder traversals of a binary search tree.
 Understand how to implement a binary search tree using a reference-based
 Be able to use the Binary Search Tree ADT to organize elements in sorted
manner, and to write methods for a class implementing the BST ADT.
Binary Tree Properties
Consider the following binary search tree. Answer each of the questions that follow.
How many leaves does this tree have? _________________________________
How many nodes are in the right subtree of the root's left child? _____________
What is the height of this tree? _______________________________________
What is the maximum number of nodes this tree can have at this height? ______
Is the tree full? Explain. ____________________________________________
Is the tree complete? Explain. ________________________________________
Is the tree balanced? Explain. ________________________________________
Building a Binary Search Tree
Create a program BSTTest that declares an object bst of type BinarySearchTree.
Add lines of code to your program that would create the tree as shown above. You need
to insert each letter one by one. For example, to add the root node you would use the line
that follows.
The order you add the items does matter to a certain extent. For example, you would have to add
'M' before you add 'J' or you would have a different tree.
Print out your tree once it's built using the print method.
Using java.util.TreeSet
Add a block of code that does the same things as described in the previous section, using
TreeSet<Character> and compare different styles for tree presentation with the two
tree classes.
Implement a toString Method
Now, let's implement a toString method for the BinarySearchTree class such
that it can present a BST object in the standard Java style. Instead of printing the
contents along the way as does the print() method, this method will append contents
to a string and return it to the client code.
The standard Java string representation of collections is defined in the
AbstractCollection class, as follows:
The string representation consists of a list of the collection's elements in the order
they are returned by its iterator, enclosed in square brackets ("[]"). Adjacent
elements are separated by the characters ", " (comma and space). Elements are
converted to strings as by String.valueOf(Object).
After compiling the BinarySearchTree class, execute the BSTTree class again to
see the new output. Both lines should read
[D, F, J, L, M, S, T, W, Z].
Traversal Practices
The print() method traverses a BST in the in-order manner, so as to display contents
stored in the tree in the ascending order. Other frequently used traversal orders include
pre- and post-orders. Practice both preorder and postorder traversal of our tree, and write
the results below. If you're not sure if your answer is correct, let me know and I'll be glad
to check it for you.
Rename the print() method as printInOrder(). Copy and modify its code to
implement two more methods, printPreOrder()and printPostOrder(). Test
them with our tree and compare results with what you got from above.
Implement a size Method
Next, let's implement a size method for the BinarySearchTree class. This public
method will need to invoke a recursive private countNodes method of its inner class
BinarySearchTreeNode. You may use the following base/recursive cases in
structuring your countNodes method.
- A node with no child: return 1
- A node with only a left/right subtree: return 1 + count of nodes in left/right
subtree (two cases)
- Otherwise (i.e., a node w/ 2 subtrees): return 1 + two counts one for each subtree
Deletion Practice
Add a line to the BSTTest program to delete the root of this tree (the M element). Next,
re-print out a preorder traversal of this tree. Before compiling and testing your program,
draw the new tree below that would result once the root is deleted.
Submit your code and the complete lab worksheet by Tuesday, November 18, at
beginning of class.
public String toString() {
StringBuilder returnValue = new StringBuilder();
//inOrderTraversal(this, returnValue);
return "[" + returnValue.toString() + "]";
private void inOrderTraversal(BinaryTreeNode curNode,
StringBuilder st) {
if (curNode.left != null)
inOrderTraversal(curNode.left, st) ;
st.append((st.toString().equals("")?"":", ") +;
if (curNode.right != null)
inOrderTraversal(curNode.right, st) ;
private void inorderTraversal(StringBuilder st) {
if (left != null)
left.inorderTraversal(st) ;
st.append((st.toString().equals("")?"":", ") + data);
if (right != null)
right.inorderTraversal(st) ;