
Auxiliary Material Submission for Paper 2003JB010926
A Cascading Failure during the May 24 2013 Great Okhotsk Deep Earthquake
Yu Chen1*, Lianxing Wen1, 2, Chen Ji3
1 Department of Geosciences, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York, 11794,
2 Laboratory of Seismology and Physics of Earth’s Interior, University of Science and
Technology of China, Anhui, 210026, P.R.China.
3 Department of Earth Science, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, 93106, USA.
*Corresponding author: Yu Chen, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York,
11794, USA. (
J. Geophys. Res., 2003JB010926
The file contains six tables and seven figures.
Table S1 is the inverted source parameters of the testing model (Table 1) in Section 6.1.
Tables S2 - S5 are the inverted source parameters of the plane models of the GMT subhorizontal plane, the GCMT sub-vertical plane, and the plane best connect the subevents
(Table 1) in Section 6.2. Table S6 is the inverted source parameters of the model
compelling subevent 4 to 90 km south in Section 6.5.
Figures S1 is the waveform fitting of the best-fitting model (Table 1) in Section 4. Figure
S2 is the waveform fitting of the testing model in Section 6.1. Figures S3 – S6 are the
waveform fitting of the plane models of the GMT sub-horizontal plane, the GCMT subvertical plane, and the plane best connect the subevents (Table 1) in Section 6.2. Figure
S7 is the waveform fitting of the model compelling subevent 4 to 90 km south in Section
6.5. Figures 4, 7-10 and 13 in the main text are the selected waveform fitting of Figure S1
and S3 – S7.
Table Captions
Table S1. Source parameters of the inversion of the synthetic model (Table 1).
Table S2. Source parameters of inverted six sub-events on the GCMT sub-horizontal
Table S3. Source parameters of inverted six sub-events on the GCMT sub-horizontal
plane based on P wave data only.
Table S4. Source parameters of inverted six sub-events on the GCMT sub-vertical plane.
Table S5. Source parameters of inverted six sub-events on a plane that best connects the
inverted sub-events (Table 1) in the main text.
Table S6. Source parameters of inverted six sub-events when compelling the subevent 4
to 90 km south to the initiation of the earthquake
Figure Captions
Fig. S1. Observed seismograms (black traces) comparing with synthetics (red traces)
predicted based on the inverted six subevent model (Table 1) in the main text for, (a) P
phase (vertical displacement), (b) pP phase (vertical displacement), (c) SH phase
tangential displacement), and (d) sSH phase (tangential displacement).
Fig. S2. Synthetics (black traces) of the test model (Table 1) comparing with synthetics
(red traces) predicted by the inverted six subevent model (Table S1) based on fitting the
synthetics of the test model for, (a) P phase (vertical displacement), (b) pP phase (vertical
displacement), (c) SH phase (tangential displacement), and (d) sSH phase (tangential
Fig. S3. Observed seismograms (black traces) comparing with synthetics (red traces)
predicted by the best-fitting source model (Table 1) in the main text and synthetics (blue
traces) predicted by the best-fitting source model (Table S2) on the GCMT sub-horizontal
plane for, (a) P phase (vertical displacement), (b) pP phase (vertical displacement), (c)
SH phase (tangential displacement), and (d) sSH phase (tangential displacement).
Fig. S4. Observed seismograms (black traces) comparing with synthetics (red traces)
predicted by the best-fitting source model (Table 1) in the main text and synthetics (blue
traces) predicted by the best-fitting source model (Table S3) on the GCMT sub-horizontal
plane based on P wave data only for, (a) P phase (vertical displacement), (b) pP phase
(vertical displacement), (c) SH phase (tangential displacement), and (d) sSH phase
(tangential displacement).
Fig. S5. Observed seismograms (black traces) comparing with synthetics (red traces)
predicted by the best-fitting source model (Table 1) in the main text and synthetics (blue
traces) predicted by the best-fitting source model (Table S4) on the GCMT sub-vertical
plane for, (a) P phase (vertical displacement), (b) pP phase (vertical displacement), (c)
SH phase (tangential displacement), and (d) sSH phase (tangential displacement).
Fig. S6. Observed seismograms (black traces) comparing with synthetics (red traces)
predicted by the best-fitting source model (Table 1) in the main text and synthetics (blue
traces) predicted by the best-fitting source model (Table S5) on a plane that best connects
the inferred subevents in Table 1, for, (a) P phase (vertical displacement), (b) pP phase
(vertical displacement), (c) SH phase (tangential displacement), and (d) sSH phase
(tangential displacement).
Fig. S7. Observed seismograms (black traces) comparing with synthetics (red traces)
predicted by the best-fitting source model (Table 1) in the main text and synthetics (blue
traces) predicted by the best-fitting source model (Table S6) by compeling the subevent 4
to 90 km south to the initiation of the earthquake for, (a) P phase (vertical displacement),
(b) pP phase (vertical displacement), (c) SH phase (tangential displacement), and (d) sSH
phase (tangential displacement).