Assignment 1 Use Cases

Use Cases
Use Case Model: User login
Primary actor: User
Secondary actor: Database
Pre-Condition: User must have an account, connected to server.
1. User enters login credentials and clicks submit.
2. Server receives credentials.
4. Server searches database and authenticates user
5. User receives message from server.
3a. Server finds user, logs user in and sends authentication message.
3b. Server does not find user and sends error message
4a. User has to log in again, or register
Post-condition: User is successfully logged in
Use Case Model: Register user
Pre-Condition: User must not have an account, connected to server.
1. User enters name, and clicks submit
2. Server receives name.
3. Server registers the user.
5. User receives his/her unique id and password.
1a. User enters nothing. Server re-prompts
Post-Condition: User is registered
Use Case Model: Submitting map
Pre-condition: User must be logged in and connected to the server
1. User clicks submit map
2. Server receives map
3. Server updates database with submitted map
4. Server returns submission success to the user
1a. User attempts to submit empty map, display error message
Post-condition: User has successfully uploaded map to server
Use Case Model: Display maps
Pre-condition: Maps have been uploaded to the server
1. Admin clicks display all maps
2. All submitted maps are displayed
3. Admin can edit nodes and their placement
1a. There are no maps in the database, error message is returned to Admin
Post-condition: All maps are displayed
Use Case Model: Selected node(s) are uploaded to users for editing
Pre-condition: The user is logged on and connected to the server
1. Admin selects nodes to be edited by user
2. Server returns relevant entries for node(s) selected to respective user(s)
3. User device confirms receipt of map to server
1a. No node(s) selected, return error message
2a. User is not connected to the server, return error message
3b. Device(s) fails to return reciept, return error message
Post-condition: Selected node(s) are uploaded to the user(s)
Use Case Model: Save Session
Pre-condition: Maps have been uploaded to the server
1. Admin clicks save map
2. Admin names map and clicks ok
3. Database is updated
2a. File already exists, return overwrite message
Post-condition: Map is successfully saved
Use Case Model: New map session created (server)
1. Admin clicks new map
2. Topic named and sent to connected users
3. receipt of topic is returned to server
2a. There are no connected users, return error message to server
3a. Device(s) fails to return reciept, return error message
Post-condition: New map session created
Use Case Model: Load and existing map
1. Admin clicks load map
2. List of returned saved maps are displayed
3. Admin selects map and clicks ok
4. Map is displayed
1a. No saved maps in database, return message
Post-condition: Map is successfully loaded and displayed