Simplified NIF for GN4 Input Purpose: This NIF form is to be used for the submission of New Ideas suggested for inclusion in the GN4 Phase1 and beyond proposals. Budget estimates, information about objectives, impact, benefits, etc. as well as scope must all be supplied. Submit to: pmo@GÉ by January 31st, 2014 with the subject label starting: GN4Input Overview Project Name: Multi Domain OTN Cross Connect Service (Bandwidth guaranteed point to point links across backbone and NRENs) Project Type: GN4 Phase1 or longer term Potentially longer based on uptake. Duration proposed GN4 phase1 for piloting and first productions release. term Continue to phase 2 if succesfull. Project Proposer: Brian Bach Mortensen Estimated Project Costs (best effort!) Manpower in personmonths also identifying specific expertise required Manpower for various tasks: Product Management Task Leading: 6MM and D6 : 3MM D8: 3MM M3: 3MM M4: 3MM M6: 3MM M9: 2MMx5=10MM M11: 2MM M12: 2MM Total over phase 1: 35MM Deliverables proposed (If any can be defined at this stage) D6 -Operational procedures adapted to fit existing practice for existing connectivity services. Hardware and equipment: Should be supported by the Backbone and NRENs for HW and equipment. D8 – Accounting and billing NIF: New Idea Form Page 1 of 6 functions defined. Milestones proposed (If any can be defined at this stage) M3 – Description of how provisioning system should communicate with OTN enabled layers in both the core network and peered NREN networks. OpenFlow interfaces to be used. Other costs Team meetings and travel to use cases: 15000€ M4 – Definition of how TCM should be configures with peering NRENs. M6 – Testing of peering interdomain communication via NSI enabled interfaces for OTN enabled systems. M9 – Piloting of the systems with at least 5 NRENs. M11 – Testing the system scalability and speed of provisioning across at least 3 domains. M12 – Testing of accounting and billing functions as supported by provisioining software. NIF: New Idea Form Page 2 of 6 1 Background and Reasoning Provide background information and the context of the project. Explain the reason for the project. What do you want to be different? What do you hope to improve? Why is the project needed? This should be the reason for the project, not the solution. This task will create a guaranteed bandwidth service based on OTN based equipment found in the backbone and participating NRENs. Essentially delivering guaranteed bandwidth point to point connectivity for NRENs and their users. The service complements the MD-VPN service which is currently a best effort service such that two main connectivity services are available in the Geant network portfolio. The service will resuse existing provisioning tool (AutoBahn) for NSI enabled signalling with peering domains. Furthermore, it will maintain a portal that allows authenticated and authorised users to create circuits across the involved domains. While reuse of existing SW should be done, minor adaptation should be made to integrate with northbound interfaces of OTN equiopment (likely openflow enabled interfaces). NIF: New Idea Form Page 3 of 6 Objectives, Impact and Benefits 2 Provide one or more bullet points to briefly describe the primary objective(s) of the project in terms of the desired outcomes. This should be expressed in the form: ‘To ensure…’, ‘To implement…’, 'To service...', 'To improve...', 'To innovate...', 'To optimize...', 'To save...', etc. For each objective mention the benefits to identified stakeholders (e.g. end-users, NRENs, large international research projects, industrial research partners, high level education, etc.) should be mentioned. A description of the expected overall impact must also be provided. To service users in the European region with bandwidth guaranteed point to point network services in collaboration with peering networks. Scope 3 Describe the areas expected to be covered or impacted by the proposed activity, such as organisational areas, systems, processes, resources.. i.e. what is ‘in scope’. This is not a list of what will be done but identifying the services, areas or what, will be affected. Also please enumerate specific items which although they could perhaps be related are intentionally not addressed by your proposal ("Out of Scope"). 3.1 In Scope Deploying a NSI based provisioning system on top of OTN and other bandwidth guaranteed transmission systems. Tandem Connection Monitoring should be investigated as main monitoring functionality. 3.2 Out of Scope Developing new software wihin this task (should be done by provisioning tool task and monitoring tool task) General Information 4 Outline any potential issues, risks, dependencies, assumptions, constraints and limitations or any other points that may be useful to help assess the proposal. This service is not completely unfamiliar with the current GN3plus BoD service. It should however be delivered on top of OTN equipment potenentially lowering cost compared to IP based equipment (this obviously may be subject to heated discussions). 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