Granting Naming Rights

YMCAs often give naming rights to individual or corporate
donors who have made a significant donation to a Y. Naming
rights often result in a donor’s name integrated into the exterior
facility signage or charter name, a specific room of a facility
(e.g., gym or child care center) or in special event titles.
Questions about naming rights?
YMCAs must carefully consider the implications and benefits of
granting naming rights.
Naming Rights as Recognition
Naming rights are intended to honor a donor who has given
significant support to your YMCA; they are not intended to
advertise a donor’s business. It is important that donors
understand this and do not expect to “purchase” naming rights.
Facility Signage
Do not tie a donor’s name or logo to the Y logo. Recognizing a
donor through facility naming rights is an acceptable practice;
however, using a donor’s logo on YMCA identification signage is
not. Exterior signage is intended to identify your facility as a
YMCA; therefore, another entity’s logo should not be placed on
permanent, exterior facility signage or large interior signage.
A donor’s logo may be placed in lower prominence on the
interior or exterior of a facility (i.e., near the entrance on a
plaque) to acknowledge the donation. For samples of brand
compliant donor recognition, visit the Brand Resource Center.
Special Events
To recognize a special event donor or sponsor, another entity’s
logo may be placed on event marketing communications
collateral and apparel in accordance with the Y’s graphic
standards. For guidance on brand compliant donor and sponsor
recognition for events, reference pages 42-46 of the Y Graphic
Standards Guide.
Naming Rights Considerations
If your association wants to offer naming rights to donors, YMCA of the USA recommends that a
naming rights policy be developed and instituted in order to establish mutually acceptable
expectations and ensure equity among donor contributions.Below is a summary of critical
considerations to discuss among your YMCA’s senior leadership that may assist in defining a
naming rights policy and donor agreement at your YMCA.
General Naming Rights Considerations
 In what instances will naming rights be offered? (e.g., in recognition of donations,
services, sponsorships)
What level of financial commitment qualifies as a naming right and to which facility
feature is the right applied? (i.e, whole facilities vs. interior rooms)
Are naming rights exclusive to one donor?
 How will you honor future donors who contribute as much or more to the Y?
How long do naming rights last?
 What happens if the family is no longer in the community or is involved in illegal
activity or activity that does not align with the Y’s brand or values?
Who has authority to consider and grant naming rights on behalf of the YMCA?
Does the arrangement affect community perception of the Y as a charitable
organization, as a commercial fitness center, or create some other perception?
Is the naming rights policy different for corporate donors vs. individual donors?
Naming Rights to Corporations
What conversations and or documentation will be facilitated in order to ensure that a
corporate donor understands the difference between recognition rights and advertising
Has the corporation requested that its logo be included on interior signage or on exterior
wall of building?
Has the corporation requested to co-brand any collateral materials?
What options does the YMCA have if the corporation changes its name, is sold, leaves
the community, closes or faces a reputational crisis?
Strategic Questions
Is the relationship compatible with Y Values?
Will granting naming rights impact other donor relationships the YMCA has now or wants
to cultivate in the future?
Is this being done as a way to recognize a donor or is it being done as cause marketing
(where the donor/corporation and the Y benefit from the funds received)?
Would this relationship affect other YMCAs is the country, either positively or negatively?
(i.e., will other YMCAs be supportive or not supportive of your Y’s affiliation)
Donor Agreements
YMCA of the USA recommends that naming rights be granted by way of a formal, written donor
agreement. Written agreements define mutual expectations, clarify the relationship structure,
and prevent future misunderstandings. All donor agreements should include the following
Specified donation payment terms with defined dates and recourse in the event
payment terms are not met.
Clarification of the exclusive or non-exclusive naming right granted and if and how
future donors may be recognized according to the YMCA’s naming rights policy.
Duration of the naming rights with specific expiration date and/or a date when parties
convene to determine extension of rights.
What happens in the event of a reputational issue, corporation’s departure from a
community, or other events that cause the YMCA to reconsider naming rights granted.
A statement that naming rights do not create operational rights.