The Meadows Primary School Curriculum Overview for Year 6 Term

The Meadows Primary School
Curriculum Overview for Year 6
Term 6 2015
Week 1
Foundation Subjects
Who was Robin Hood?
No maths this week as writing is
Instructional writing
 Use inference and deduction
to make connections between
different parts of a text use
their knowledge of other
texts they have read.
 scan texts to find information.
 obtain specific information
through detailed reading use
organisational features and
systems to find texts and
 choose form and content to
suit a particular purpose use
language and style that are
appropriate to the reader
 Use and adapt the features of
a form of writing, drawing on
their reading.
 Use features of layout,
presentation and organisation
 Broaden their vocabulary and
use it in inventive ways
KS2 Production
 create, adapt and sustain
different roles, individually
and in groups use character,
action and narrative to
convey story, themes,
emotions, ideas in plays they
devise and script
 Use dramatic techniques to
Games – Rounders and Cricket
 Play in competitive games
confidently and apply more
advanced principles suitable
for attacking and defending,
refining the necessary skills
Culture Community and Me
I recognise and respond
appropriately to a wider
range of feelings in others.
I recognise and manage
Week 2
Using and applying maths to prepare
for transition to year 7
 make connections in
mathematics and appreciate
the need to use numerical
skills and knowledge when
solving problems in other
parts of the mathematics
 break down a more complex
explore characters and issues
[for example, hot seating,
flashback] evaluate how they
and others have contributed
to the overall effectiveness of
make contributions relevant
to the topic and take turns in
discussion vary contributions
to suit the activity and
purpose, including
exploratory and tentative
comments where ideas are
being collected together, and
reasoned, evaluative
comments as discussion
moves to conclusions or
qualify or justify what they
think after listening to others’
questions or accounts deal
politely with opposing points
of view and enable discussion
to move on take up and
sustain different roles,
adapting them to suit the
situation, including chair,
scribe and spokesperson.
Speak audibly and clearly,
using spoken standard English
in formal contexts evaluate
their speech and reflect on
how it varies.
Parody story – based on traditional
 identify the gist of an account
or key points in a discussion
and evaluate what they hear.
 ask relevant questions to
clarify, extend and follow up
ideas. respond to others
appropriately, taking into
Games – Rounders and Cricket
 Play in competitive games
confidently and apply more
advanced principles suitable
for attacking and defending,
refining the necessary skills.
local study
 I know how to draw maps
I recognise and respond
appropriately to a wider
range of feelings in others.
I recognise and manage
problem or calculation into
simpler steps before
attempting a solution;
identify the information
needed to carry out the tasks
select and use appropriate
mathematical equipment,
including ICT
find different ways of
approaching a problem in
order to overcome any
account what they say.
make connections between
different parts of a text use
their knowledge of other
texts they have read. draw on
different features of texts,
including print, sound and
image, to obtain meaning
recognise the choice, use and
effect of figurative language,
vocabulary and patterns of
identify how character and
setting are created, and how
plot, narrative structure and
themes are developed
KS2 Production
 create, adapt and sustain
different roles, individually
and in groups use character,
action and narrative to
convey story, themes,
emotions, ideas in plays they
devise and script
 Use dramatic techniques to
explore characters and issues
[for example, hot seating,
flashback] evaluate how they
and others have contributed
to the overall effectiveness of
make contributions relevant
to the topic and take turns in
discussion vary contributions
to suit the activity and
purpose, including
exploratory and tentative
comments where ideas are
being collected together, and
reasoned, evaluative
 comments as discussion
moves to conclusions or
and plans of localities that I
have studied that include
keys, four figure grid
references and I can use
these four figure references
to find 6 figure references.
(e.g.: 221,151), a scale
(e.g. 1 square =1KM)
I know how to make careful
measurements of rainfall,
temperature, distances,
depths (as appropriate) and
record these in the most
suitable way. (Including
use of ICT)
qualify or justify what they
think after listening to others’
questions or accounts deal
politely with opposing points
of view and enable discussion
to move on take up and
sustain different roles,
adapting them to suit the
situation, including chair,
scribe and spokesperson.
 Speak audibly and clearly,
using spoken standard English
in formal contexts evaluate
their speech and reflect on
how it varies.
What will you remember about Bitton?
Parody Story based on traditional tale
Games – Rounders and Cricket
 Recognise the choice, use and
 Play in competitive games
effect of figurative language,
confidently and apply more
vocabulary and patterns of
advanced principles suitable
for attacking and defending,
refining the necessary skills.
 identify different ways of
constructing sentences and
their effects
 I know how to make
detailed field sketches and
 recognise the differences
combine these with digital
between author, narrator and
images of the features of a
location, labelling them with
 evaluate ideas and themes
accurately appropriate
that broaden perspectives
geography words.
and extend thinking
 I know how to show
 choose form and content to
layouts, patterns or
suit a particular purpose
movement (as appropriate)
 use language and style that
in my field sketches and on
are appropriate to the reader
digital images.
 use and adapt the features of
a form of writing, drawing on
their reading
 use features of layout,
presentation and organisation
 broaden their vocabulary and
Week 3
Using and applying maths to prepare
for transition to year 7
 make mental estimates of the
answers to calculations; check
 organise work and refine
ways of recording
 use notation diagrams and
symbols correctly within a
given problem
 present and interpret
solutions in the context of the
 communicate mathematically,
including the use of precise
mathematical language
I understand the nature and
consequences of
discrimination, teasing,
bullying and aggressive
behaviours (including cyber
bullying, use of prejudicebased language, and know
how to respond and ask for
I am aware of different types
of relationship, including
those between friends and
families, civil partnerships and
use it in inventive ways
KS2 Production
 create, adapt and sustain
different roles, individually
and in groups use character,
action and narrative to
convey story, themes,
emotions, ideas in plays they
devise and script
 Use dramatic techniques to
explore characters and issues
[for example, hot seating,
flashback] evaluate how they
and others have contributed
to the overall effectiveness of
make contributions relevant
to the topic and take turns in
discussion vary contributions
to suit the activity and
purpose, including
exploratory and tentative
comments where ideas are
being collected together, and
reasoned, evaluative
 comments as discussion
moves to conclusions or
 qualify or justify what they
think after listening to others’
questions or accounts deal
politely with opposing points
of view and enable discussion
to move on take up and
sustain different roles,
adapting them to suit the
situation, including chair,
scribe and spokesperson.
 Speak audibly and clearly,
using spoken standard English
in formal contexts evaluate
their speech and reflect on
Week 4
Week 5
Using and applying Maths to prepare
for transition to year 7
 understand and investigate
general statements [for
example, ‘there are four
prime numbers less than
10’, ‘wrist size is half neck
 search for pattern in their
results; develop logical
thinking and explain their
how it varies.
 Use inference and deduction
to make connections between
different parts of a text use
their knowledge of other
texts they have read.
 scan texts to find information.
 obtain specific information
through detailed reading use
organisational features and
systems to find texts and
 choose form and content to
suit a particular purpose use
language and style that are
appropriate to the reader
 Use and adapt the features of
a form of writing, drawing on
their reading.
 Use features of layout,
presentation and organisation
 Broaden their vocabulary and
use it in inventive way
Outdoor and Adventure –
Take part in outdoor and adventurous
activity challenges, both individually
and within a team, assessing risks and
adapting ideas accordingly.
 (Stand-up paddleboard,
abseiling, rock climbing, raft
building, initiative exercises,
archery, kayaking, canoeing
 I also know how to use the
8 points of a compass,
indicating North and
standard Ordnance Survey
Games – Rounders and Cricket
 Play in competitive games
confidently and apply more
advanced principles suitable
for attacking and defending,
refining the necessary skills.
 I know how to find out about
places and the features in
those places by either going
to that place to observe or by
deciding which will be the
best and most reliable
sources of information to look
 I know how to collect
statistics about people and
places and present them in
the most appropriate and
clear ways.
I understand the nature and
consequences of
discrimination, teasing,
bullying and aggressive
behaviours (including cyber
bullying, use of prejudicebased language, and know
how to respond and ask for
I am aware of different types
of relationship, including
those between friends and
families, civil partnerships and
Week 6
Using and applying Maths to prepare
for transition to year 7
 understand and investigate
general statements [for
example, ‘there are four
prime numbers less than 10’,
‘wrist size is half neck size’]
 search for pattern in their
results; develop logical
thinking and explain their
KS2 Production
 Use dramatic techniques to
explore characters and issues
[for example, hot seating,
flashback] evaluate how they
and others have contributed
to the overall effectiveness of
make contributions relevant
to the topic and take turns in
discussion vary contributions
to suit the activity and
purpose, including
exploratory and tentative
comments where ideas are
being collected together, and
reasoned, evaluative
 Speak audibly and clearly,
using spoken standard English
in formal contexts evaluate
their speech and reflect on
how it varies.
KS2 Production
 Use dramatic techniques to
explore characters and issues
[for example, hot seating,
flashback] evaluate how they
and others have contributed
to the overall effectiveness of
make contributions relevant
to the topic and take turns in
discussion vary contributions
to suit the activity and
purpose, including
exploratory and tentative
comments where ideas are
being collected together, and
reasoned, evaluative
 Speak audibly and clearly,
using spoken standard English
Games – Rounders and Cricket
Play in competitive games confidently
and apply more advanced principles
suitable for attacking and defending,
refining the necessary skills.
in formal contexts evaluate
their speech and reflect on
how it varies.
Week 7
Final week – left very fluid.
KS2 Production
 Use dramatic techniques to
explore characters and issues
[for example, hot seating,
flashback] evaluate how they
and others have contributed
to the overall effectiveness of
make contributions relevant
to the topic and take turns in
discussion vary contributions
to suit the activity and
purpose, including
exploratory and tentative
comments where ideas are
being collected together, and
reasoned, evaluative
 Speak audibly and clearly,
using spoken standard English
in formal contexts evaluate
their speech and reflect on
how it varies.
Games – Rounders and Cricket
Play in competitive games confidently
and apply more advanced principles
suitable for attacking and defending,
refining the necessary skills.