STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK AT POTSDAM INSTITUTIONAL REVIEW BOARD Application Checklist for Exempted Review of Research Project Title: Project # Indicate what type of research you are submitting: Faculty/Staff research – You are collecting data from or about humans. Use – Appendix B Classroom project – Your students are collecting data from or about humans. Use – Appendix F Training was completed for all researchers: All Co-Investigators, Student Researchers or Staff Members must complete the CITI course for Human Subjects and indicate the date of completion. Appendices: Yes -----Yes N/A Appendix A – Level of Review Request – Required for all applications Appendix B – Co-PI or Student Researcher Information Sheet – Used for Faculty/Staff Research a separate App B must be completed for each additional researcher. Appendix C – Source(s) of Financial Support Appendix D – Conflict of Interest – Required only for applicants who have declared a conflict of interest Appendix E – Cooperating Organization Information Sheet Appendix F – Classroom Project Information Sheet Students must complete this appendix for Classroom Project Research – do not complete App B Appendix G – Request for Permission to Solicit Research Participation on Campus Electronically Yes Yes N/A N/A Yes Yes N/A N/A Yes N/A Yes N/A Copies of research instruments are attached. (Surveys, interview questions, focus group questions, screen shots of web based research, etc…) Yes N/A Copies of recruitment materials are attached. (Advertisements, flyers, emails, letters, phone scripts, web pages, etc…) Yes N/A Letters of permission and/or IRB review from other organizations involved in the project are attached. (Include appendix E) Yes ----Yes ----Yes ----- The application has been signed by all researchers. All questions have been answered or marked N/A. All of the appropriate appendices have been attached. Application Submission: One complete paper copy of the application with original signatures was sent to the IRB Chair. One complete electronic copy of the application was emailed to the IRB Chair. Johanne Sullivan, Chair Raymond Hall 204 Phone 267-2688 rev 7.21.14 1 STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK AT POTSDAM INSTITUTIONAL REVIEW BOARD **NOTE - The IRB may need to request additional information in order to reach a decision regarding the project’s eligibility for exemption. SUNY Potsdam Application for Permission to Involve Human Subjects in Research Exempt Review Project # Exempt Review Project Title: Regular Application Principal Investigator: Classroom Project Application Campus Mailing Address: Phone Number: Fax: Email: Department: Supervisor: Occupational Position: Faculty Staff Non-employee CITI Course/Refresher Course Completed CITI course link *Note – Students cannot be principal investigators and must be supervised by a faculty or staff member Date of completion: (refresher course is required every 3 years) I have read Appendix D Conflict of Interest guidelines and the SUNY Potsdam Conflict of Interest Policy and declare that I do not have a potential conflict of interest associated with this project. I have read Article 24-A as amended to the New York State Public Health Law (available on the SUNY Potsdam IRB website) and agree to comply with SUNY Potsdam policy and state and federal regulations regarding the use of human subjects in research. I further agree to execute this project as described in this proposal; request approval from the IRB for changes; submit applications for continuation of approval as required; submit a final report at the conclusion of the study; and be responsible for the supervision and work of my staff and/or students. ________________________________________________________ Signature of Principal Investigator Johanne Sullivan, Chair Raymond Hall 204 Phone 267-2688 __________________ Date rev 7.21.14 2 STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK AT POTSDAM INSTITUTIONAL REVIEW BOARD List each Co-investigator, staff member or student involved in the study who will have contact with subjects or raw data. They must also complete an Appendix B – unless this a classroom project. If this is a classroom project students must then complete Appendix F instead of Appendix B. Co-Investigator Student Staff: Co-Investigator Student Staff: Co-Investigator Student Staff: Co-Investigator Student Staff: Provide a summary of the research project that provides a clear justification for the project’s exemption from IRB review. The summary must include at least the following: A description of the intended subjects. In particular, note whether individuals belonging to any vulnerable populations (such as individuals under the age of 18) will be included in the study. A description of what subjects will be asked to do and/or the nature of the data that will be collected from or about subjects. An indication of whether information will be collected or recorded in such a way that subjects can be identified and, if so, how subjects will be identifiable. Note any measures that will be taken to insure the confidentiality of data. *Note: if electronic solicitation is used you must complete Appendix G and submit it to the office of Institutional Effectiveness for approval: A description of any risk to subjects and how that risk will be minimized. Note whether any of the risks exceed minimal risk. Include any other information that you feel is a factor in determining whether this research qualifies for exemption: Johanne Sullivan, Chair Raymond Hall 204 Phone 267-2688 rev 7.21.14 3