University Programme Regulations Chapter XVIII – Work-Related Learning Document Reference: Identifier: Version: Work-Related Learning QH: B18 2 03 Date: Sept 14 In force: September 2014 Approved By: Originator: Senate Learning Practice Responsibilities: Heads of departments Chairs of module and programme boards Application to collaborative provision: For Information Contacts: Learning Enhancement Practice: 01482 466703 Applications for exemptions to: Report Exemptions to: Student Progress Committee University Learning, Teaching and Assessment Committee Enhancement and and Academic Academic Summary/ Description: These Regulations are supplementary to the Regulations governing each award. These Regulations have been developed in order to provide a broad-based and flexible curriculum framework that operates across faculties and is populated with core, work-based and subject specific modules. The decision whether a programme is eligible to be governed by these Regulations rests with Programme Approvals Committee. The main characteristics of these Regulations are: a broader range of credit values for modules (notably 10 credit modules, subject to limits) the extension of the standard time limit for the completion of each stage of a programme from three to four years the extension of the standard shelf life for credits from nine to 12 years the requirement for each stage to include between 10 and 60 credits of work-related learning a more extensive range of interim awards. Version 2 03 (September 14) introduces the following changes: Addition of an explanatory note regarding extensions for students studying with a Tier 4 visa (reg. 3) Work-Related Learning Learning Enhancement and Academic Practice Version 2 03 – September 14 QH: B18:1 Version 2 02 (March 12) introduces the following changes: Changes the name of the Regulations from Flexible Framework to Work-Related Learning Makes explicit the requirement to include work-related learning (reg. 5) Version 2 01 (Oct 10) introduces the following change: Updates the Regulations with reference to the new committee structure Version 2 00 (Oct 09) introduces the following changes with immediate effect: Re-orders the Regulations to better reflect the student lifecycle, beginning with programme and modules and moving from admissions through progression to notification of results Clarity of language throughout and notes (which do not form part of the Regulations) Removes references to the withdrawal of programmes and modules This document is available in alternative formats from Learning Enhancement and Academic Practice Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 Modules .......................................................................................................... 3 Programme stages .......................................................................................... 3 Permitted duration for the accumulation of credits ........................................... 3 Valid life of credits ........................................................................................... 3 Work-related learning ...................................................................................... 4 Interim awards following withdrawal ................................................................ 4 Work-Related Learning Learning Enhancement and Academic Practice Version 2 03 – September 14 QH: B18:2 Preamble The following Supplementary Regulations apply to awards of the University approved to be delivered within University Programme Regulations: Chapter XVIII Work-Related Learning. The Programme Approvals Committee is the final arbiter of whether a programme falls within the scope of Work-Related Learning. Candidates for the award of a qualification of the University must satisfy both the University Regulations and the Supplementary Regulations as embodied in the published programmes of study. The University Student Progress Committee shall be the final arbiter of matters regarding the application and/or interpretation of the Regulations. 1 Modules Modules governed by these Regulations may be of 10, 20 or 40 credits. Explanatory note (added Oct 09): Previously reg. 1 2 Programme stages Each stage of each programme governed by these Regulations may include a maximum of six 10 credit modules and a maximum of one 40 credit module per stage. Explanatory note (added Oct 09): Previously part of reg. 1; amended for consistency 3 Permitted duration for the accumulation of credits Where a candidate is permitted to extend his/her period of study through the grant of an extension for good cause or intercalation or similar circumstances, such extension shall be subject to the overriding requirement that each stage of the programme of study must be completed within a period of four years. Explanatory note (added Oct 09, revised Sept 14): Tier 4 students are not permitted to stay in the UK beyond the expiry date stated on their visa. Although an extension to studies may be permitted by the University, it may not be appropriate or legally advisable for the student to remain at the University or in the UK to complete their programme of study. Advice regarding whether or not the University will be able to support a further visa application needs to be sought by the relevant Department/School, from the Visa Support Team, in advance of the case for granting the extension being heard. Previously reg. 2 This extends the standard limit from three to four years 4 Valid life of credits Modules credited to a candidate may not be used towards an award after 12 years have elapsed from the end of the candidate’s registration for the module. Explanatory note (added Oct 09): Previously reg. 3 This extends the standard limit from nine to 12 years Work-Related Learning Learning Enhancement and Academic Practice Version 2 03 – September 14 QH: B18:3 5 (a) Work-related learning Programmes governed by these Regulations must include work-related learning within each stage of between a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 60 credits. (b) Work-related learning may form part of a module or comprise the whole of a module. Explanatory note (revised March 12): Previously reg. 4 (minor amendments) Work-related learning is mandatory for programmes governed by these Regulations 6 Interim awards following withdrawal A programme governed by these Regulations may include interim awards at 60 credit intervals provided that: (a) The programme specification specifies the learning outcomes in respect of each interim award being made available within the programme, and (b) The interim award is made only where the candidate has achieved the minimum number of credits at the appropriate level as specified in the table below (c) The candidate has achieved a minimum of 60 credits awarded by the University of Hull in undertaking the programme of study in question. Qualification Relevant FHEQ qualification level Minimum overall credits Range of levels /number of credits at highest level Maximum credits at lowest level University Advanced Diploma 6 60 credits Levels (3,4,5),6 min 40 credits at level 6 Max 20 credits at level 3 Ordinary degree 6 300 credits Levels (3,4,5) 6 min 60 credits at level 6 Max 20 credits at level 3 Certificate in HE + University Diploma* 4+5 180 credits Levels (3,4) 5 min 40 credits at level 5 Max 20 credits at level 3 University Diploma 5 60 credits Levels (3,4), 5 minimum 40 credits at level 5 Max 20 credits at level 3 University Certificate 4 60 credits Levels (3),4 minimum 40 credits at level 4 Max 20 credits at level 3 University Foundation Certificate n/a 60 credits Levels (2),3 minimum 40 credits at level 3 Max 20 credits at level 2 Work-Related Learning Learning Enhancement and Academic Practice Version 2 03 – September 14 QH: B18:4 Explanatory note (added Oct 09): Previously reg. 5 – revised for consistency; table revised to reflection the 2nd edition (2008) of the FHEQ Eligibility for the interim award will be determined by the Regulations governing the original award for which the candidate registered. Reg. 6 introduces greater flexibility in the use of interim awards by allowing the combination of awards allowing ‘stepping off’ points for candidates at 60 credit intervals, rather than the normal 120 credit interval for most undergraduate qualifications. However, the explicit conditions in reg. 6 must be satisfied so that it can be demonstrated that the candidate has met the learning outcomes for the interim award sought Where a combination of (e.g.) the Certificate in HE and a University Diploma is sought, giving the unusual combination of a stepping off point at 120 credits, the Programme Board must be satisfied that the candidate satisfies the requirements for the Certificate (including 120 credits at level 4) and for the University Diploma (60 credits at level 5). The specific Regulations for each qualification must be consulted – QH Section B A candidate must only be awarded such interim awards in the event of not completing the original programme for which s/he registered Work-Related Learning Learning Enhancement and Academic Practice Version 2 03 – September 14 QH: B18:5