English Language Arts Goals and Outcomes Overview 9 Here is

English Language Arts Goals and Outcomes Overview 9
Here is what you will learn in English Language Arts 9A and 9B. It is YOUR JOB to achieve these outcomes, and it is MY
JOB to show you how you will achieve them.
Just an FYI, the outcomes in 9B are the same, but we achieve those using different texts, projects, assignments and
conversations. These outcomes are important because you need them not just in ELA, but for your LIFE.
So please, do not tell me that you don’t have time to learn ELA when you only have to learn 19 things on one piece of
paper per semester.
Pragmatic- knowing which language is suitable for which audience. I.e.) you may say “What’s up buddy” to a friend, but
you probably would not say that to a teacher.
Textual- looking at the text to make meaning. I.e.) look at various headings, pictures, or the author’s thesis
Syntactic- the arrangements of words in a sentence
Semantic- the study of meaning
Graphophonic- Analyzing the letters, and the way it is pronounced or read
Multimedia texts- illustrations, maps, charts, graphs, pamphlets, photography, art work, video clips, dramatizations,
prezi, powerpoint, Glogs, blogs etc.
What YOU are Responsible for Learning in ELA 9A
Comprehend and Respond =(CR) Students will have abilities to view, listen to, read, comprehend, and respond to a
range of new and traditional texts from First Nations, Métis, and other cultures.
CR9.1a View, listen to, read, understand, and respond to a variety of texts that address identity, social responsibility, and
CR9.2a and CR9.2b Find ways to create meaning before, during and after viewing, listening, and reading.
CR9.3a and CR9.3b Use Pragmatic, textual, syntactic, semantic and graphophonic cues to create the right meaning.
CR9.4a View, and prove you understand and evaluate multimedia texts. Ensure you know what text is best for what
audience. I.e.) Would I teach you how to use a type writer or an iPad? Why?
CR9.5a Listen to understand, analyze, and evaluate information and ideas.
CR9.6a and CR9.6b Read and demonstrate an understanding of texts to develop an awesome response.
CR9.7a and CR9.7b Independently, read and understand various texts, such as essays, historical accounts, news, etc.
CR9.8a and CR9.8b Read texts to increase confidence. You only need to have to read 150 words out loud, and 215-260
Compose and Create (CC). Students will be able to speak, write, and use other forms of representation in various ways
for various audiences.
CC9.1a Create various visual, multimedia, oral, and written texts that explore identity, social responsibility and value.
CC9.2a and CC9.2b Create and present an individual researched inquiry project related to something we learned in ELA.
CC9.3.a and CC9.3b Find ways to communicate meaning before, during, and after speaking, writing, and other
representing activities.
CC9.4a and CC9.4b Use Pragmatic, textual, syntactic, and graphophonic cues to create the right meaning.
CC9.5a Create and present a variety of visual and multimedia presentations for an intended audience and purpose.
CC9.6a and CC9.6b Speak correctly to interact, and be confident within small and large groups.
CC9.7a and CC9.7b Speak to express a range of information and ideas in different situations.
CC9.8a Write to describe, narrate, explain, inform, and to persuade.
CC9.9a and CC9.9b Experiment with a variety of texts and techniques
Assess and Reflect on Language Abilities (AR). Students will be able to assess and reflect on their own language skills,
as well as the skills of effective viewers, representers, listeners, speakers, readers, and writers, and set goals for
future improvement.
AR9.1a and AR9.1b Assess personal strengths and needs as a viewer, listener, reader, representer, speaker, and writer.
Know how to contribute to the community of learners, and develop goals based on assessment and work toward them.
AR9.2a and AR9.2b Assess own and others’ work for clarity, correctness, and impact.