2011 CPEN Awards NominationForm

2011 CPEN Award Nomination
CPEN recognizes outstanding individuals, groups and programs in cancer patient education.
 CPEN members and Non-CPEN members may submit nominations.
 Self nominations are accepted and encouraged.
 You may nominate an individual, group, or program, using the categories described on Page 5.
 Nominations must be received by Friday, June 3, 5 p.m. CST.
Distinguished Service Award (CPEN Members Only)
This award is CPEN’s highest form of recognition, given to a CPEN
member for his or her outstanding contribution to the practice and
profession of cancer patient education. It is given for accomplishments and
tangible contributions that have promoted excellence in patient education
as an integral part of patient care. The nominee must have 10 or more
years of practice in cancer education.
Excellence in Patient Education Award
(CPEN and Non-CPEN Members)
This award recognizes people and programs that have significantly
contributed to patient education. This award recognizes creative
approaches to developing or disseminating patient education based on
resources available.
The “Excellence in Patient Education Award” celebrates the achievements
of individuals or groups whose efforts in cancer patient education have
resulted in extraordinary contributions to patients, families, communities
and/ or health care practitioners.
Pat Agre, RN, EdD,
Memorial Sloan-Kettering
Distinguished Service
Award winner 2010
The Rising Star Award (CPEN Members Only)
This new award recognizes a CPEN member with 10 years or less of patient education experience, who
exemplifies outstanding work in patient education. The award acknowledges the educator’s efforts in
creating and/or sustaining cancer patient education programs. The “Rising Star Award” promotes the
visibility and value of patient education within health care institutions, communities and/or professional
Submit the nomination form to:
Chesley Cheatham
MD Anderson Cancer Center
1515 Holcombe, Unit 21
Houston, TX 77030
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Nomination Form
You may nominate an individual, a group or a program, as designated by the descriptions of awards,
eligibility and nomination criteria, on Page 5. Please complete a separate form for each individual, group
or program you nominate.
Individual, Group or Program
Check one only:
Distinguished Service Award (CPEN Members Only)
Excellence in Patient Education Award
(CPEN and Non-CPEN Members)
Rising Star Award (CPEN Members Only)
Name and Credentials:
Cancer Center/Organization:
City, State & Zip:
Institution (name, city, state)
Major area of study
Year earned
Supervisor of Nominee:
Nominator (Your Information)
Cancer Center/Organization:
City, State & Zip:
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Please refer to the award descriptions when responding to the questions below. Accomplishments and
examples should address the bulleted items listed under “Examples of Contributions” on Page 5.
Judges will score the nominations based only on the information provided in the nomination packet.
Please be thorough in your nomination.
Describe the nominee’s contributions and impact, including specific accomplishments and
How does the nominee’s contributions or accomplishments reflect the principles of the education
process (assessment, planning, implementation, evaluation)?
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Previous CPEN Award Winners
Distinguished Service Award
Jean A. Just, RN, MSN
Ohio State Univeristy Medical Center
Audrey Jusko Friedman
Princess Margaret Hospital, University Health Network
Pat Agre, RN, EdD
Memorial Sloan-Kettering
Gold Star Award
National Bone Marrow Transplant Link
cGvHD Support Program
Katherine Crosson
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Gold Star Award winners 2010, left to right:
Jennifer Hausman and Anne Willis
“Journey Forward,” collaboration between National
Coalition for Cancer Survivorship, Well Point, UCLA and
Genetech, accepted by Jennifer Hausman
Excellence in Cancer Patient Education Award
The Learning Center
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Myra Jacobs, National Bone Marrow Transplant Link
Caregivers’ Guide for Bone Marrow/Stem Cell Transplant
“Maximizing Your Patient Education Skills (MEPS)”
Accepted by Audrey Jusko Friedman, Cathy Bennett,
Tamara Harth, Christina Papadakos, Janet Papadakos and
Krista McGrath
Excellence in Cancer Patient Education
Award winners 2010, left to right:
Cathy Bennett, Tamara Harth, Audrey Jusko
Friedman, Christina Papadakos,
Janet Papadakos
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Examples of
Distinguished Service Award
Excellence in Patient
Education Award
Rising Star Award
Any CPEN member with 10 or more years
of practice in cancer patient education.
This award is CPEN’s highest form of
recognition given to a CPEN member for
outstanding contribution to the practice and
profession of patient education. It is given
for accomplishments and tangible
contributions that have promoted excellence
in patient education as an integral part of
patient care.
 Collaborating with interdisciplinary health
care teams to shape institutional, local
and/or national programmatic initiatives
 Providing leadership by articulating and
influencing standards of patient education
 Designing health education curricula and
patient education programs
 Supporting evidence based practices and
expanding the body of literature through
 Mentoring and/or preparing future health
and patient educators
 Providing leadership and contributions to
CPEN and/or other organizations that
promote patient and health education
 Nomination form
 Recent curriculum vitae of the nominee
 Up to three samples of the nominee’s
publications, program and/or research
 Two letters of support from colleagues
CPEN and non-CPEN Members
Any CPEN member with 10 years or less of practice
in cancer patient education.
This award recognizes a CPEN member who
exemplifies outstanding work in patient education
and the educator’s efforts in creating and/or
sustaining cancer patient education programs. The
award honors commitment to patient education
through contributions and the promotion of patient
education within health care institutions,
communities and/or professionl organizations.
 Collaborating with interdisciplinary health care
 Supporting evidence-based practices
 Serving as a team member of innovative patient
education iniatitives
 Assessmening, developmening and/or
implementating patient education resources,
materials and/or programs
 Mentoring and/or preparing future health and
patient educators
 Enhancing patient and/or provider communication
 Communicating contributions through oral or
poster presentations
 Active participant in health care organizations like
 Nomination form
 Sample of relevant accomplishments
 One letter of support from colleague
This award recognizes people or
programs that have significantly
contributed to patient education. This
award recognizes creative approaches
to developing and/or disseminating
patient education based on resources
 Creating and/or participating in
innovative, creative and/or
pioneering patient education
 Influencing cancer patient education
policy, practice and/or research
 Creating and/or participating in
assessment, development and/or
implementation of patient education
resources, materials or programs
 Nomination form
 Sample of relevant
 One letter of support from
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