1-15: Plate Tectonics and Earthquakes “Redo”

Name____________________________________________________ Date___________ Per____ St #____
Directions for earning EXTRA CREDIT for TEST CORRECTIONS:
READ THIS: You are getting this opportunity because MACAT is getting done with the Jet Streams PPT
and Questions much faster than I expected. I didn’t want to pile on more work, so I thought EC might keep
you out of trouble when you were done. If you don’t want or need the EC, then congratulations are in order.
Keep quiet and do something else with your time, maybe help somebody who needs the help.
READ THIS TOO: The goal of this EC is twofold: 1. Get you to finally learn the material or realize you
knew it and did a lousy job on the question(s) and 2. To make sure that this is a learning experience that
might make it worth giving you EC and hoping that you get better grades next time. I give a darn about you,
and expect good test scores to match good test taking skills and an understanding of the material. It’s a
serious time commitment for me to check these things over and give you the EC, and I want it to be worth
the effort for both of us.
RULES: I know this will take some time, but you have to show that you understand why you got the
question(s) wrong and why the correct answer is the correct answer. That will require more than one
sentence in your response, but you can at least copy and paste the questions out of this test, to save some
time, since it has to be typed (due Friday, unless we come to an agreement on a later date – shoot me an
email if needed).
1. Cut-and-paste the question (FEEL FREE TO EMAIL THE TEST TO YOURSELF)
2. Write a sentence or two to explain how you got it wrong. I think that less than half of them should
be “I didn’t study” or “I didn’t understand the material, even though I thought I did when I was
done studying”
3. Cut and paste the correct answer, with the letter of that choice included (for example “A” or
“AB”), and how it is that you now understand the material better and would get it right in the
future. Probably a sentence or two, might include where you now looked it up or how you
misunderstood the question the 1st time. I know that most of the answers are on your Apperson
form, but how do you now understand the info better, for next time - when I ask the question a
slightly different way? Will be interesting to read how it is that so many of you missed some of
the first 15 questions (again).
4. Finally, when you are all done with the test corrections, write a bit to describe what it will take to
make it so that you will be better prepared and more successful next time. Please make sure that
you have a label on this part, so it’s easy for me to find.
Volcano Test with Plate Tectonics and Earthquakes “Redo” (2014-15)
Fill out the top of SIDE 1 (blue side) of your Apperson form with your name, date (March 3), “Volcano
Test” on the subject line, class period, and your student number in the upper right hand corner of the form.
1-15: Plate Tectonics and Earthquakes “Redo”
Multiple Choice: Bubble the letter of the one best answer in the spaces provided on your answer sheet.
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1. The Atlantic boundary between the North American Plate and Eurasian plate is a _______ plate boundary.
a. Oceanic-Oceanic convergent
ab. Continental-Continental transform
b. Oceanic-Oceanic divergent
ac. Oceanic-Continental convergent
c. Oceanic-Oceanic transform
ad. Oceanic-Continental divergent
d. Continental-Continental convergent
ae. Oceanic-Continental transform
e. Continental-Continental divergent
bc. None of these
2. The Hawaiian Islands are NOT (bubble all FALSE answers):
A. An island arc
C. One giant mountain
B. Created by a hotspot
D. Found at mid-ocean ridge
E. Located along a trench
3. Wegener’s hypothesis was based upon evidence from which three main sources?
a. paleomagnetism, fossils, rock layers
ab. continent shape, hot spots, fossils
b. paleomagnetism, radioactive dating, fossils
ac. radioactive dating, fossils, rock layers
c. paleomagnetism, radioactive dating, hot spots ad. radioactive dating, fossils, rock layers
d. continent shape, fossils, radioactive dating
ae. radioactive dating, fossils, hot spots
e. continent shape, fossils, rock layers
bc. hot spots, fossils, rock layers
4. At which type of boundaries do earthquakes occur? (bubble all correct answers)
A. Convergent
B. Divergent
C. Transform
D. Ultraform
E. All of these
5. It is reasonable to write that the plates that make up the mid-Atlantic ridge between the U.S.A. and Europe
are moving _____ at an average rate close to _____ cm per year, and have been doing so for _____ Ma.
a. together, 5.0, 250
e. apart, 5.0, 250
b. together, 5.0, 200
ab. apart, 5.0, 200
c. together, 2.5, 250
ac. apart, 2.5, 250
d. together, 2.5, 200
ad. apart, 2.5, 200
6. Island arcs can only be made at _________________ plate boundaries in the ocean and only form next to
geologic items like the ________
a. convergent, Aleutian Trench
d. none of these
b. convergent, Aleutian Islands
e. two of these
c. convergent, Philippine Islands
7. The arrival time for S waves at a certain location is 3 min, how far from that location would the focus be
if we use our standard 2.5 km/sec speed for S waves?
a. 7.5 km
b. 15 km
c. 450 km
d. 900 km
e. none of these
8. Which of the following is correct?
a. S waves are longitudinal waves that are also known as shear waves
b. P waves are longitudinal waves that are also known as shear waves
c. S waves are transverse waves that are also known as surface waves
d. P waves are transverse waves that are also known as primary waves
e. S waves are transverse waves that are also known as secondary waves
9. The focus of an earthquake is
a. The point on the surface where the earthquake originates
b. The point on the surface directly above where the earthquake originates
c. The point halfway between where the earthquake originates and the surface of the earth
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d. The point where the earthquake originates below the surface of the earth
10. Few earthquakes are recorded at depths below 450 miles (720 km) because:
a. the earth doesn’t go that deep, anything that went that deep would stick out of the other side and
become a mountain.
b. they are too deep within the Earth to be detected by seismographs.
c. hydroostatic pressure at these depths prevents rocks from shifting relative to each other.
d. tectonic plates that subduct that far are melted to the point where they don’t often break to release
11. Which of the following locations is most likely to have the deepest earthquake?
a. transform boundary
d. continental-continental convergent boundary
b. strike-slip fault
e. oceanic-oceanic divergent boundary
c. oceanic-continental convergent boundary
ab. normal fault
12. How much time would pass between the arrival of P waves and the arrival of the S waves if the P waves
arrived at our seismometers 4 minutes after the earthquake started? (more than one way to do this
problem, just make sure that you are answering how long you have to wait after the P waves arrive
before the S waves arrive, NOT what time the S waves arrive after the quake starts.)
a. 2 minutes
b. 4 minutes
c. 6 minutes
d. 8 minutes
e. none of these
True or False (1 point each): Bubble “A” for True or “B” for false on your answer sheet.
13. It is believable to have somebody say that there are huge areas of 100-200 million-year-old crust along
our Atlantic Coast.
14. The oldest crust on earth is about 4.0 billion years old.
15. It has been suggested that another supercontinent will form in the future, and it has been given the name
16- end of test: Volcano Test – READ THE QUESTIONS CAREFULLY!!!!
True or False (1 point each): Bubble “A” for True or “B” for false on your answer sheet.
Mount St. Helens is an example of a supervolcano.
It would take the addition of a lot of water to turn a lahar into a pyroclastic flow.
Inorganic and organic rocks are examples of igneous rock.
The majority of our destructive volcanoes in HUMAN history have been stratovolcanoes.
Cinder cones rarely exceed 1000 feet in height.
Volcanic ash is dense, but fairly light in weight, and easily blown about.
If CO2 gas is being emitted from a volcano through vents, there must be volcanic eruption coming now.
More silica makes lava more viscous.
2 Ma ago means 2 billion years ago.
Sulfur dioxide that gets into the atmosphere from volcanic explosions is one way we can get acid rain.
Multiple Choice: Bubble the letter of the one best answer in the spaces provided on your answer sheet.
26. The California ShakeOut is:
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A. An earthquake that occurs every 150 years.
B. It is an organization that believes there is a very small (less than 1%) chance that California could
experience a catastrophic (7.0 or larger) earthquake in the near future.
C. The largest earthquake preparedness drill in history.
D. An 8.9 magnitude earthquake that will shake California off of the continent.
27. If I cut some granite from a granite mountain, and the granite has a lot of very large crystals in it, which
of the following items MOST LIKELY applies to my situation?
A. This is an extrusive igneous rock that cooled quickly
B. This is an extrusive igneous rock that cooled slowly
C. This is an intrusive igneous rock that cooled quickly
D. This in an intrusive igneous rock that cooled slowly
E. This is a metamorphic rock that cooled quickly
AB. This is a metamorphic rock that cooled slowly
AC. This is a sedimentary rock, since they are the only rocks that have very large crystals in them
28. What causes earthquakes?
A. Convection currents within the Earth’s interior
B. Seismic waves moving through the Earth
C. Bigfoot and Godzilla fighting
D. The build up and release of stress along faults
29. This is the sharp sort of lava
A. Pahoehoe
B. Pokeowow
C. Aa
D. Aha
E. Pillow
AB. Sheet
30. If I find a rock that has a lot of silica in it and is sitting on a big volcano, which of the volcanoes would it
be most likely to be found?
a. Cinder Cone
b. Composite
c. Shield
d. None of the above
31. Rhyolite is an extrusive felsic rock that is more like granite than like obsidian. Would you expect to find
more or less silica in rhyolite than you would find in a mafic rock like obsidian?
A. More
B. Less
C. It will vary by rock sample
D. None of these
32. What is a hole in a volcanic area from which hot smoke and gases escape?
a. geyser b. caldera c. lava vent d. lahar
e. fumerole
33. The worst part(s) of a volcanic eruption is/are (as you always should do, read all the answers)
A. Landslides
D. Lahars
B. Pyroclastic flows
E. Tsunamis
C. Earthquakes
AB. They are all bad and can kill you.
34. Why are shield volcanoes usually formed on oceanic crust?
a. They don’t stick to continental crust, so they slide off into the ocean
b. Continental crust is too hard
c. Continental crust has too much silica, which makes for destructive explosions and also gives it lack of
ability to have lava flow properly to make such a volcano
d. None of the above
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35. What is a supervolcano?
A. A volcano that can have eruptions which are many times greater than any volcano in recent times.
B. A very old volcano that has magical powers.
C. A big shield volcano that is similar to those we see in Hawaii.
D. A volcano on a supercontinent.
36. If I have a fault plane that looks like the image to the right, which type
of fault do I have ?
A. Normal
B. Reverse
C. Strike-Slip D. None of these
37. If the plates in the previous question are moving toward each other as
shown in the picture, then this could be an example of the start of a new
A. Divergent Boundary
B. Subduction Zone
C. Strike-Slip Fault
D. None of these
38. An earthquake goes from a 1 to a 3 on the Richter or Moment Magnitude scale, by what amount does the
shaking increase?
A. 10
B. 32
C. 2
D. 100
E. 1,024
AB. none of these
39. SiO2 is known as silica, which makes up about 50% of basalt and is a greater percentage of granite.
Adding more SiO2 will make magma more viscous. Also, since silica is less dense than some of the
minerals commonly found in basalt, replacing some of basalt’s other minerals with silica will make the
new rock less dense than basalt. Given those facts and your knowledge of granite, basalt, density, and
viscosity, it should be a logical conclusion that:
a. Granite-based magma will be a major portion of shield volcanoes, like in Hawaii, and its additional
percentage of silica will make it erupt more gently.
b. Basalt will float on granite and volcanoes made with a lot of basalt will erupt gently
c. Basalt is the best choice to make a stratovolcano, since it has the best viscosity and density for
making a stratovolcano.
d. Lower density rock will have less silica, since the relationship of silica to density is a direct
relationship (when silica content goes up, density goes up).
e. Granite will float on basalt and volcanoes made with a lot of granite will tend to be more viscous, and
therefore more likely to become composite volcanoes
More on the next page!
40-42 Use the information in the multiple choice questions to determine what goes in the blank spaces in
the data chart below. Use the P wave speed of 5 km/sec to complete the problems. The times in the
chart and questions are listed as hours:minutes:seconds.
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Primary Wave
Secondary Wave
Epicenter Distance (km)
Question 40
Question 41
Question 42
40. If the P-wave arrival time is 7:10:00 and the S-wave arrival time is 7:15:00 then how far is the seismic
station from the epicenter of the earthquake?
a. 25 km
b. 60 km
c. 750 km
d. 1,500 km
e. none of these
41. We have had a massive earthquake near Frost. If the arrival of the P-wave is 2:10:10 and the earthquake
originated 540 km from the seismic measuring station at Frost, then when will the S-waves arrive at the
a. between 2:08:00 and 2:08:59
d. between 2:11:00 and 2:11:59
b. between 2:09:00 and 2:09:59
e. between 2:12:00 and 2:12:59
c. between 2:10:00 and 2:10:59
ab. none of these are correct
42. Rachel is reading Shake and Quake and notices that the S-wave arrival time is 10:27:45 and the
epicenter distance is 7,000 km. Sadly, her handwriting is so rushed she can’t read the P-wave arrival time
and now has to solve it again. What was the arrival time of the P-wave?
a. before 10:00:00
d. between 10:10:00 and 10:14:59
b. between 10:00:00 and 10:04:59
e. between 10:15:00 and 10:19:59
c. between 10:05:00 and 10:09:59
ab. after 10:20:00
One More Calculation:
43 An earthquake occurs at 9:00 A.M. Frost Middle School is 100 kilometers from the epicenter. The P
waves that are created travel 5km/sec. How much TOTAL time will have passed (since the quake happened)
when the S waves reach the school?
A. 10 Seconds
B. 20 Seconds
C. 30 Seconds
D. 40 Seconds
E. None of these
More on the next page!
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44-50 - matching: Use the diagram above to answer the questions below. Fill in the corresponding bubbles
on your answer sheet.
Word bank (you may want to cross them out as you use them):
a. Crater
b. Side Vent
c. Ash Cloud
e. Crust
f. Lava
g. Conduit
d. Magma Chamber
Did you bubble your answer sheet for the answers to the diagram?
Check the rest of your work, too!!!
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