Chapter 2 Sections 1-4 Outline

(A) Day 1: The Derivative and the Tangent Line Problem
Section 1 topics to cover are slope of a secant, slope of a tangent, what is a derivative and what does it mean for a function to
be differentiable.
Homework Assignment: Page 104 #2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 51, 52, 84-90e
(B) Day 2: The Derivative and the Tangent Line Problem
Section 1 topic to cover is using limits to develop rules for basic functions (constant and linear functions only today).
Homework Assignment: Page 104 #12-16e, 25, 28, 29, 94-98e
(A) Day 3: Creating the Graph of a Derivative w/o Having a Function Equation
You will receive a worksheet Relationships between the Graphs of f(x) and f’(x) worksheet
Homework: Page 104 #39-42, 45-50, 58, 64, 102
(B) Day 4: Basic Differentiation Rules and Rates of Change
Section 2 topics to cover are using limits to develop rules for functions including, but not limited to, quadratic, cubic, square
root, basic rational functions, sine and cosine.
Homework Assignment: Page 104 #18-24e and Page 115 #4-26e, 31, 34, 37
(A) Day 5: Basic Differentiation Rules and Rates of Change
Section 2 topics to cover are using limits to develop rules for advances rational functions (reducible) and product of a constant
and differentiable function
Homework Assignment: Page 115 #40-54e, 87-91
(B) Day 6: Basic Differentiation Rules and Rates of Change
Section 2 topics to cover are horizontal tangents (when𝑓’(π‘₯) = 0) and how to find them. Also discuss vertical motion
problems (position function𝑠(𝑑) = −16𝑑 2 + π‘£π‘œ 𝑑 + π‘ π‘œ ) and comparing average velocity with instantaneous velocity.
Homework Assignment: Page 116 #60-64e, 72, 73, 94, 97-100
(A) Day 7: Position/Velocity/Acceleration Experiment
Hand out materials and make sure that students have well-defined objectives for the experiment. The response to this
experiment is due at the beginning of day 9.
Homework: Complete experiment at home.
(B) Day 8: Position/Velocity/Acceleration Experiment
Discuss problems with experiments, data collection and whatnot. Give students time with a laptop or in computer lab to type
their responses.
Homework: Complete write-up for experiment and get data and graphs ready to submit tomorrow.
(A) Day 9: Product Rule
Section 3 topics to cover are to look at the proof of the product rule and to examine differences between functions
𝑦 = 𝑐 βˆ™ 𝑓(π‘₯) and 𝑦 = 𝑓(π‘₯) βˆ™ 𝑔(π‘₯). We will look at a few basic examples of product rule and save the tough ones for tomorrow.
Homework Assignment: No homework
(B) Day 10: Product Rule
Section 4 topics to cover are higher order derivatives (the 2nd, 3rd and 4th derivatives of a function),
Homework Assignment: Page 126 # 2-6e, 14, 30, 32, 36, 40, 50, 52, 94
(A) Day 11: Creating the Graph of a Derivative w/o Having a Function Equation
You will receive a worksheet Relationships between the Graphs of f(x), f’(x) and f’’(x) worksheet
Homework: Page 128 #95, 105, 106, 108, 113-117
(B) Day 12: Quotient Rule
Section 3 topics to cover are look at the proof of the quotient rule, examine functions that look like quotient rule is needed
but can be simplified and completed w/o quotient rule, find the derivative of basic functions using the quotient rule.
Homework Assignment: No homework
(A) Day 13: Quotient Rule
Section 3 topics to cover are using the quotient rule to find derivatives of 𝑦 = π‘‘π‘Žπ‘›πœ— and 𝑦 = π‘π‘œπ‘‘πœ—
Homework Assignment: Page 126 # 8-12e, 16, 18, 20, 23, 28, 74, 82, 87, 97, 98, 107, 118, 132
(B) Day 14: Combination of Product Rule and Quotient Rule Problems
Section 3 topics to cover are finding derivatives of functions that require both product rule and quotient rule.
Homework: Worksheet on Advanced Derivatives
(A) Day 15: Chain Rule
Section 4 topics to cover are defining the chain rule, what it is and how it works and look at problems that may or may not
need chain rule (others can be simplified first using Algebra)
Homework Assignment: Page 137 # 7-9, 12, 17, 21, 23, 46, 54, 108
(B) Day 16: Chain Rule
Section 4 topics to cover are advanced chain rule problems and applications involving the chain rule
Homework Assignment: Page 137 # 26, 32, 58, 64, 70, 74, 94, 110, 112
(A) Day 17: Chapter Review
Work in class on the review assignment Page 158 #2-34eoe, 42-58eoe, 60, 65, 73, 82, 94, 96, 101
Homework Assignment: Finish any Page 158 problems you did not complete in class
(B) Day 18: Chapter Review
Go over Page 158 homework in its entirety and complete white board review (all students will need a square whiteboard and
a dry erase marker)
Homework: Chapter 2 Practice Multiple Choice Questions
(A) Day 19: Administer MC Chapter 2 (Sections 1-4 Only) Assessment
Solutions to Chapter 2 Practice Multiple Choice Questions will be posted outside of classroom at 8am for you to check your
(B) Day 20: Administer FR Chapter 2 (Sections 1-4 Only) Assessment
Homework: No Homework