Table S1. References used to identify the taxa found in this study. Taxon Aetideid copepod, Euchirella sp, Paraeuchaeta sp. Clytemnestra sp, Euterpina acutifrons, Acartia sp. Scolecithricid copepod, Scolecithrix bradyi, Scottocalanus sp. Calanoid copepodites. Acrocalanus sp, Calanoides sp, Calocalanus sp, Clausocalanus sp, Ctenocalanus sp, Eucalanoid copepod, Mecynocera clausi, Mesocalanus tenuicornis, Nannocalanus sp, Paracalanus sp, Paraeucalanus sp, Rhincalanus sp. Amphipod larvae, brachyuran larvae, Candacia bipinnata, decapod shrimp larvae, euphausiid larvae, Evadne sp, Jaxea sp, Lucicutia sp, Microsetella norvegica, Microsetella rosea, mysid larvae, Nyctiphanes australis, Palaemon sp, Penilia avirostris, Pleuromamma sp, Podon sp, Sapphirina sp, Squilla sp, Temora turbinate. Oncaea sp. Tanaid larvae, Amphioxus, caligoid copepod, Farranula sp, Halacaridae, Haloptilus sp, Harpacticoid, Heterorhabdus sp, Miracia sp, Mormonilla sp, Poecilostomatoid copepod. copepod eggs, calanoid nauplii, cyclopoid nauplii. Cephalopod larvae, phyllosoma, anomuran larvae, barnacle nauplii, ctenophore, Doliolum sp, echinoderm larvae, enteropneust, fish eggs, fish larvae, gastropod larvae, isopod, medusa, Oikopleura sp, ostracod phoronid larvae, Reference Bradford JM, Jillett JB 1980. The Marine Fauna of New Zealand: Pelagic Calanoid Copepods: Family Aetideidae. New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir No. 86. 102 pp. Bradford JM 1972. Systematics and ecology of New Zealand central East coast plankton sampled at Kaikoura. New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir No. 54. 53 pp. Bradford JM, Haakonssen L, Jillett JB 1983. The Marine Fauna of New Zealand: Pelagic Calanoid Copepods: Families Euchaetidae, Phaennidae, Scolecithridae, Diaxidae, and Tharybidae. New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir No. 90. 150 pp Bradford JM, Ohman MD, Jillett JB 1988. Larval morphology and development of Neocalanus tonsus, Calanoides macrocarinatus, and Calanus australis (Copepoda: Calanoida) in the laboratory. NZ. J. Mar. Fresh. Res. 22: 301 – 320. Bradford-Grieve JM 1994. The Marine Fauna of New Zealand: Pelagic Calanoid Copepoda: Megacalanidae, Calanidae, Paracalanidae, Mecynoceridae, Eucalanidae, Spinocalanidae, Clausocalanidae. New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir No. 102. 160pp. Dakin WJ, Colefax AN 1940. The plankton of the Australian coastal waters off New South Wales. Part 1. Publications of the University of Sydney. Department of Zoology Monograph 1. 209 pp. Heron GA, Bradford-Grieve JM 1995. The Marine Fauna of New Zealand: Pelagic Copepoda: Poecilostomatoida: Oncaeidae. New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir No. 104. 57 pp. J. Grieve (NIWA) pers. comm. Koga F 1968. On the pelagic eggs of copepoda. Journal of the Oceanographical Society of Japan. 24 (1): 16 – 20. Newell GE, Newell RC 1963. Marine Plankton. Hutchinson Educational Ltd, London. 244 pp. polychaete larvae, Sagitta sp, Salpa asymmetrica, Salpa fusiformis, salp, siphonophore, Thalia democratica, bivalve larvae. Oithona sp, Oithona atlantica, Oithona nana, Oithona similis. Nishida S, Tanaka O, Omori M. 1977. Cyclopoid copepods of the family Oithonidae in Suraga Bay and adjacent waters. Bulletin of the Plankton Society of Japan. 24(2): 119 – 158.