Method Customer/{customerId}/ accounts Type GET HttpCode Description 200 An array of accounts [ { "accountId": "4257800026777", "balance": 0, "softUpperLimit": 1000000, "cardHolderId": 205117, "currency": "NOK", "withdrawAccountType": null, "withdrawAccountNo": "471110******0000", "withdrawExpiryDate": "2024-05-31T22:00:00.000+0000", "depositAccountNo": null, "depositAccountType": null, "depositExpiryDate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000+0000", "upgradeDate": null, "kidMessage": null, "withdrawAccountEntryMethod": "TYPED", "depositAccountEntryMethod": "UNKNOWN", "withdrawAccountModifiedBy": "bpi:101427227", "depositAccountModifiedBy": "bpi:101427227", "withdrawAccountOpens": "2014-02-17T21:04:59.000+0000", "withdrawAccountModified": "2014-02-21T07:50:47.000+0000", "depositAccountOpens": null, "depositAccountModified": "2014-02-21T07:50:47.000+0000" }, { "accountId": "4157802429385", "balance": 8500, "softUpperLimit": 1000000, "cardHolderId": 205117, "currency": "NOT", "withdrawAccountType": null, "withdrawAccountNo": "400192******4077", "withdrawExpiryDate": "2017-08-31T22:00:00.000+0000", "depositAccountNo": "60010511138", "depositAccountType": null, "depositExpiryDate": null, "upgradeDate": null, "kidMessage": null, "withdrawAccountEntryMethod": "TYPED", "depositAccountEntryMethod": "TYPED", "withdrawAccountModifiedBy": "ntp:4157802429385", "depositAccountModifiedBy": "bpi:101427227(minSide)", "withdrawAccountOpens": null, "withdrawAccountModified": "2015-05-13T13:53:26.000+0000", "depositAccountOpens": "2015-04-09T12:35:44.000+0000", "depositAccountModified": "2015-04-09T12:35:44.000+0000" } ] 204 401 401 500 200 Customer/{customerId}/ agreements GET If there is no accounts If user didn't provide token for authorization If provided bpid didn't match with accessToken Unexpected server error with error description An array of agreements [ { "contractId": 4329, "buypassId": 101427417, "merchantId": 512, "merchantName": "Buypass - minside", "status": 3, "maxAmount": 100000, "minDate": "2015-02-12T23:00:00.000+0000", "maxDate": "2015-12-01T23:00:00.000+0000", "debitRequired": true, "accountNumber": "************0000", "accountExpiry": "2024-05-31T22:00:00.000+0000", "lastUsed": "2015-02-13T09:29:52.000+0000", "amountUsed": 95500, "created": null } ] 204 401 401 500 200 Customer/{customerId}/ agreements/{agreementI d} GET If there is no agreements If user didn't provide token for authorization If provided bpid didn't match with accessToken Unexpected server error with error description Single agreement { "contractId": 4329, "buypassId": 101427417, "merchantId": 512, "merchantName": "Buypass - minside", "status": 3, "maxAmount": 100000, "minDate": "2015-02-12T23:00:00.000+0000", "maxDate": "2015-12-01T23:00:00.000+0000", "debitRequired": true, "accountNumber": "************0000", "accountExpiry": "2024-05-31T22:00:00.000+0000", "lastUsed": "2015-02-13T09:29:52.000+0000", "amountUsed": 95500, "created": null } 401 401 404 500 204 401 Customer/{customerId}/ agreements/{agreementI d} DELET 401 E 404 500 200 Account/{accountId} GET If user didn't provide token for authorization If provided bpid didn't match with accessToken If there is no agreement with such id Unexpected server error with error description Something, saying that agreement was removed If user didn't provide token for authorization If provided bpid didn't match with accessToken If there is no agreement with such id Unexpected server error with error description Single account will be returned { "accountId": "4257800026777", "balance": 0, "softUpperLimit": 1000000, "cardHolderId": 205117, "currency": "NOK", "withdrawAccountType": null, "withdrawAccountNo": "471110******0000", "withdrawExpiryDate": "2024-05-31T22:00:00.000+0000", "depositAccountNo": null, "depositAccountType": null, "depositExpiryDate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000+0000", "upgradeDate": null, "kidMessage": "{\n \"message\": \"some mock message, which would be changed in th future. Have a nice day! :)\"\n}", "withdrawAccountEntryMethod": "TYPED", "depositAccountEntryMethod": "UNKNOWN", "withdrawAccountModifiedBy": "bpi:101427227", "depositAccountModifiedBy": "bpi:101427227", "withdrawAccountOpens": "2014-02-17T21:04:59.000+0000", "withdrawAccountModified": "2014-02-21T07:50:47.000+0000", "depositAccountOpens": null, "depositAccountModified": "2014-02-21T07:50:47.000+0000" } 401 404 500 200 Account/{accountId}/dep osit POST If user didn't provide token for authorization If user haven't account with such accountId Unexpected server error with error description Will return currency and balance on specified account { "currency": "NOK", "balance": 7500 } 400 401 If provided json is incorrect If user didn't provide access token 404 500 200 Account/{accountId}/pay mentcards [ { "opens": null, "accountEntryMethod": "TYPED", "modified": "2015-05-13T13:53:26.000+0000", "accountId": "4157802429385", "accountModifiedBy": "ntp:4157802429385", "accountNo": "400192******4077", "accountType": null, "accountVerified": null, "expires": "2017-08-31T22:00:00.000+0000" GET } ] 204 401 404 500 202 Account/{accountId}/pay mentcards If such account with provided id wasn't found Unexpected server error with error description An array of payment cards. POST 400 401 If user haven't payment cards If user didn't provide token for authorization If such account with provided id wasn't found Unexpected server error with error description Code, that card was created If provided json is incorrect If user didn't provide token for authorization 403 404 500 200 If user already have card with such ID If such account with provided id wasn't found Unexpected server error with error description Response with current balance { "currency": "NOK", "balance": 0 } Account/{accountId}/pay mentcards/balance 401 GET 404 500 200 Account/{accountId}/pay mentcards/{cardId} If user didn't provide token for authorization If such account with provided id wasn't found Unexpected server error with error description Single card. { "opens": null, "accountEntryMethod": "TYPED", "modified": "2015-05-28T09:41:17.000+0000", "accountId": "4157802429385", "accountModifiedBy": "ntp:4157802429385", "accountNo": "400192******4077", "accountType": null, "accountVerified": null, "expires": "2020-02-29T23:00:00.000+0000" GET } 401 If user didn't provide token for authorization 404 404 500 202 400 401 Account/{accountId}/pay mentcards/{cardId} PUT 403 404 500 204 400 401 Account/{accountId}/pay mentcards/{cardId} DELET E 404 500 200 PUT If such account with provided id wasn't found If payment card with such ID wasn't found Unexpected server error with error description The result of the update. if provided data was invalid If user didn't provide token for authorization If user haven't card If such account with provided id wasn't found Unexpected server error with error description The result of the delete. if provided data was invalid If user didn't provide token for authorization If such account with provided id wasn't found Unexpected server error with error description Will return currency and ballance on specified account. { "currency": "NOK", "balance": 7500 } 400 401 Account/{accountId}/pay mentcards/{cardId}/with draw 404 500 200 Account/{accountId}/tra nsactions GET If provided json is incorrect If user didn't provide access token If such account with provided id wasn't found Unexpected server error with error description An array of transactions in provided time range [ { "transactionDate": "28.05 11:34", "transactionText": "Overf. til bankkonto", "transactionType": 2, "currency": "NOK", "amount": "-1000", "transactionId": 516540 }, { "transactionDate": "13.05 15:57", "transactionText": "Overf fra bet.kort", "transactionType": 1, "currency": "NOK", "amount": "3000", "transactionId": 511352 }, { "transactionDate": "13.05 15:46", "transactionText": "Overf. til bankkonto", "transactionType": 2, "currency": "NOK", "amount": "-2000", "transactionId": 511351 }, { "transactionDate": "21.02 08:54", "transactionText": "Varekj�", "transactionType": 2, "currency": "NOK", "amount": "-7500", "transactionId": 378423 }, { "transactionDate": "21.02 08:53", "transactionText": "Varekj�", "transactionType": 2, "currency": "NOK", "amount": "-5000", "transactionId": 378421 }, { "transactionDate": "21.02 08:53", "transactionText": "Utbetaling", "transactionType": 1, "currency": "NOK", "amount": "7500", "transactionId": 378419 }, { "transactionDate": "21.02 08:53", "transactionText": "Utbetaling", "transactionType": 1, "currency": "NOK", "amount": "10000", "transactionId": 378417 }, { "transactionDate": "21.02 08:53", "transactionText": "Varekj�", "transactionType": 2, "currency": "NOK", "amount": "-5000", "transactionId": 378415 }, { "transactionDate": "21.02 08:53", "transactionText": "Varekj�", "transactionType": 2, "currency": "NOK", "amount": "-7500", "transactionId": 378413 }, { "transactionDate": "21.02 08:52", "transactionText": "Utbetaling", "transactionType": 1, "currency": "NOK", "amount": "10000", "transactionId": 378411 }, { "transactionDate": "21.02 08:52", "transactionText": "Varekj�", "transactionType": 2, "currency": "NOK", "amount": "-2500", "transactionId": 378409 }, { "transactionDate": "21.02 08:52", "transactionText": "Utbetaling", "transactionType": 1, "currency": "NOK", "amount": "2500", "transactionId": 378407 }, { "transactionDate": "21.02 08:52", "transactionText": "Varekj�", "transactionType": 2, "currency": "NOK", "amount": "-5000", "transactionId": 378405 }, { "transactionDate": "21.02 08:52", "transactionText": "Utbetaling", "transactionType": 1, "currency": "NOK", "amount": "10000", "transactionId": 378403 } ] 204 400 401 If user haven't transactions in specified date range If user specify invalid date range If user didn't provide token for authorization 404 500 200 If there is no account with specified accountId. Unexpected server error with error description Separate transaction { "transactionDate": "13.05 15:46", "transactionText": "Overf. til bankkonto", "transactionType": 2, "currency": "NOK", "amount": "-2000", "transactionId": 511351 } Account/{accountId}/tra nsactions/{transId} GET 401 404 404 500 If user didn't provide token for authorization If there is no account with specified accountId. If there is no transaction with specified id. Unexpected server error with error description