gonzaga fathers club newsletter- november 2012

Membership in the Gonzaga Fathers’ Club is open to all Dads, step Dads and guardians of current and
former Gonzaga students. Our mission is to serve, support, and advance the ideals of the Jesuit
community and the student body of Gonzaga. We do that by directing efforts to serve, providing the
financial means to support, and creating an environment to advance the spirit of “men for others”
through the involvement of students and Dads, step Dads, and guardians together.
Pro Football Raffle winners: Results for Week 3 -
High Score: 86 total points held by Ticket
#102 - DAVID MCGEE- Pay $200; Low Score: 6 total points held by Ticket #37 - TIMOTHY CAHILL- Pay $50.
Results for Week 4 - High Score: 83 total points held by Ticket #55-JOE RILEY - Pay $200; Low Score: 15
total points held by Ticket #32 and Ticket #44 - JULIE MacKINNEY - Pay $25 and DANIEL FLYNN - Pay $25.
Results for Week 5 - High Score: 78 total points held by Ticket #118- RICH GATTI - Pay $200; Low
Score: 13 total points held by Ticket #154 - VICTOR MUZZATTI - Pay $50.
The current standings for the BIG MONEY are as follows: 1st Place thru Week 5 is STILL David McGee with 299 total
points to date (most total points for the season). 2nd Place thru Week 5 is newcomer Andres Lavarte with 294 points
(second most total points for the season). 3rd Place thru Week 5 is now Daniel Flynn with 157 points (least total point
for the season).
Eagle Scout Roll Call - We are trying to locate all Gonzaga Eagle Scouts. If you are an Eagle Scout,
General GFC Meeting November 7 (6:30 pm) Lower Commons
For this regular GFC meeting we are very fortunate to have both Father Planning
and Jim Kilroy (Chair of the Headmaster Search Committee) in attendance. They
will be conducting the meeting in a Town-hall format to solicit your open feedback
about what you consider the top qualities that the Search Committee should be
looking for in Gonzaga’s next Headmaster, as well as the most pressing needs
facing the current Gonzaga community. Come to enjoy the company and
information as well as the food and drinks that will be served.
Gonzaga Dramatic Association Production of Our Town, by Thornton
Wilder- November 9 & 10 (7:30pm) and November 11 (2:30pm)
The Dramatic Association of Gonzaga College High School invites you to attend
their fall production, Our Town, by Thornton Wilder. Performances are November 9
& 10, 2012 at 7:30pm, and November 11, 2012 at 2:30pm at the Hartke Theatre,
The Catholic University of America, 3801 Harewood Road, NE, Washington, DC
20017. Tickets are $15 for adults, $10 for students/senior citizens. Group rates are
available for parties of 15 patrons or more. For questions regarding tickets, please
contact Mr. Paul Buckley at pbuckley@gonzaga.org, or call 202-336-7123, ext.
PLAY (ext. 7529).
Ticket Sales at Possible Final 2012 Gonzaga Home Football Game –
November 10 (2:00 pm)
While our opponent will not be known until after the St. Johns game on 11/3, keep
your calendar open for a possible semi-final championship football game at home
on Saturday, 11/10. Stayed tuned for the potential to sell game tickets with other
Gonzaga dads, helping out the football program and doing something good for the
GFC. Contact Charles Butler at whodat0714@yahoo.com.
Gonzaga Mothers Club and Eagles Wings Mass of Thanksgiving,
November 11 (10:00 AM)
Come for this annual event in the great Church of St. Al’s with a reception
following in the lower commons. The offertory donations will benefit the
McKenna Center; toiletry donations are also accepted at the Center prior to Mass.
For more information please contact Meg Jones or Ann Massey at
DC Classic Planning Meetings, November 13 (6:30 pm)
Another important meeting to plan for a major basketball tournament and critical
fund raising event. The meeting will be held in Cleary room 122; food and
beverage will be served. Contact John McLaughlin at jmclaughlin@cavlog.com ,
703-733-4048, or Brendon Shea (bshea@eaglebankcorp.com).
Gonzaga Open House, November 18 (9:30am-2:30 pm)
Volunteer now for the most important day of the year for the future of the school.We need you for the afternoon (12:00-2:30 pm) session! Join other dads acting
as hosts around the campus to welcome prospective students and their parents and
demonstrate the Gonzaga spirit. Contact co-chairs Rick Ruzicka at
ruzickar@verizon.net or Jerry Echols at jerry.echols@foxnews.com.
The Gonzaga Mothers Club and Gonzaga Fathers Club are the sponsors of numerous activities
throughout the year (e.g., Christmas Gala, D.C. Classic Basketball Tournament) each with the single
focus of helping to make a difference in our sons’ high school experience. In addition to the many social
and service events hosted each year, the GMC and GFC sponsor several fund raising activities that
collectively contribute annually nearly $250,000 to support various needs of the school.
However, the success of the GMC and GFC can only be achieved through the involvement of the
mothers, fathers and guardians of Gonzaga students. As a member of the GFC, you are invited to
participate in our monthly meetings, our Father-Son service projects and the multiple opportunities to
volunteer at and for Gonzaga. There is a great need to support our many activities and we ask that you
choose an activity that is right for you. Our website www.gonzagafathers.com shows what is available
and where you are needed. And as a member of the GFC, your efforts to encourage other Gonzaga
Dads to join are critical to our growth and ability to serve Gonzaga and our sons. As one who has
experienced the benefits of the GFC, you are uniquely positioned to convince other dads to enjoy the
rewards of service to others while staying connected in a significant way to your son’s life.