Title: Czech Senior COMPANION Expressive Speech Corpus

Martin Grůber
Czech Senior COMPANION Expressive Speech Corpus
Subject keywords:
speech corpus; expressive; text-to-speech synthesis;
The corpus contains Czech expressive speech recorded using scenario-based approach by a
professional female speaker. The scenario was created on the basis of previously recorded natural dialogues
between a computer and seniors. The natural dialogues and the process of the expressive speech recording
is in more details described in the referenced papers.
Technical information:
number of sentences: 6508
sampling frequency: 16kHz
bit depth: 16bit
speech signal (wav files)
glottal signal from electroglottograph (wav files)
annotations/transcriptions (trs files)
Natural dialogues recording, expressive speech corpus recording and annotation using communicative
Grůber, M. and Legát, M. and Ircing, P. and Romportl, J. and Psutka, J. : Czech Senior COMPANION: Wizard of
Oz Data Collection and Expressive Speech Corpus Recording and Annotation . Human Language Technology.
Challenges for Computer Science and Linguistics, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 6562, p. 280-290, Springer
Berlin / Heidelberg, Vetulani, Zygmunt, 2011.
Expressive corpus recording and annotation using communicative functions:
Grůber, M. and Matoušek, J. : Listening-test-based annotation of communicative functions for expressive
speech synthesis . Text, Speech and Dialogue, proceedings of the 13th International Conference TSD 2010, Lecture
Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 6231, p. 283-290, Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg, Germany, 2010.
Using the corpus for expressive TTS experiments:
Grůber, M. and Tihelka, D : Expressive Speech Synthesis for Czech Limited Domain Dialogue System - Basic
Experiments . 2010 IEEE 10th International Conference on Signal Processing Proceedings , vol. 1, p. 561-564, Institute
of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Beijing, China, 2010.