RENAISSANCE ART The most significant aspect of the social

The most significant aspect of the social composition of the Renaissance art world was
a. the high degree of women’s participation in it
b. its apprentice system
c. the large proportion of artists who came from the elite classes
d. the lack of the patronage system
e. the high degree of specialization that was demanded
The work of art that both captures the emphasis on human form and illustrates the last and
most heroic phase of Renaissance art is
a. Giotto’s Life of St Francis
b. Picasso’s Guernica
c. Donatello’s david
d. Michelangelo’s David
e. St Peter’s Basilica
Which of the following Italian Renaissance writers is INCORRECTLY paired with his work?
a. Machiavelli-The Prince
b. Castiglioni- The Book of the Courtier
c. Petrarch – sonnets
d. Dante-Divine Comedy
Boccaccio- Praise of Folly
Leonardo Da Vinci was not considered a forerunner of the scientific revolution because his
a. Ideas and drawing were too far-fetched to be credible
b. Work went unpublished and unknown until the 20th century
c. Life predates the early scientists
d. Art interested the public more than his science
e. Work and life included all the above
Renaissance artists viewed the medieval past with
a. The same reverence that they held for the classical period
b. Tremendous respect for their achievements, though they did not view them as equal to
the ancients
c. No clear sense that their own age was distinct from the medieval period
d. Disdain for what they perceived to be its backwardness
e. Great interest because it served to inspire their own works of art
Renaissance sculpture differed from medieval sculpture in that
a. It ignored religious themes
b. Renaissance artists made use of marble
c. It abhorred realism
d. It abandoned the classical tradition
It revived the classical tradition of sculpture in the round
The sculpture of the Renaissance differed from that of the Middle Ages in all the following ways
a. Forms were anatomically proportional
b. The faces expressed emotion
c. The figures expressed animation
d. The artists prided themselves on the individuality of style
e. The subject matter was religious
Renaissance art
a. Was characterized by the severe specialization of its artists
b. Was characterized by religious subject matter
c. Abandoned painting in favor of sculpture
d. Was characterized by its concern for the human form
e. Did not require patrons
Which of the following was NOT a factor that contributed to the Renaissance artistic
a. Patronage of the pope
b. The invasion of Italy by the French
c. The competitive spirit of competing elites
d. The apprentice system
e. The lack of separation between artistic and commercial aspects of the Renaissance art
Renaissance sculpture differed from medieval sculpture in that
a. It ignored religious themes
b. Renaissance artists made use of marble
c. It abhorred realism
d. It abandoned the classical tradition
It revived the classical tradition of sculpture in the round
All of the following are true of Renaissance art EXCEPT
a. Art tended to be abstract and formulaic
b. Artwork reflected symmetry and proportion reflected a belief in the harmony of the
c. Art emphatically embraced the natural world and human emotions
d. Art often blended classical and Christian influences
e. Works were given rational, even mathematical order
Which of the following is a significant difference between medieval and Renaissance sculpture?
a. The shift from the Old Testament to New Testament themes
b. The use of stone rather that wood
c. Renaissance sculpture was devoid of religious subjects
d. Renaissance art represented the visible world rather than conventional symbolism
e. Renaissance sculpture was no longer commissioned by the popes
The most significant aspect of the social composition of the Renaissance art world was
a. the high degree of women’s participation in it
b. its apprentice system
c. the large proportion of artists who came from the elite classes
d. the lack of the patronage system
e. the high degree of specialization that was demanded
The work of art that both captures the emphasis on human form and illustrates the last and
most heroic phase of Renaissance art is
a. Giotto’s Life of St Francis
b. Picasso’s Guernica
c. Donatello’s david
d. Michelangelo’s David
St Peter’s Basilica
The artistic brilliance of the quattrocento and the cinquecento was spurred in both Florence and
Rome by
a. The patronage of both civic groups and the Church
b. Artistic guilds
c. The Medicis
d. The popolo
e. Foreign financiers
Sculpture in the Southern Renaissance differed dfrom sculpture of the Middle Ages in that it
a. Free standing forms rather than bas-relief
b. Nude figures
c. The human form portrayed more realisitically
d. Pietas-sculptures of Mary holding the body of a crucified Christ
e. All of the above
Renaissance artists viewed the medieval past with
a. The same reverence that they held for the classical period
b. Tremendous respect for their achievements, though they did not view them as equal to
the ancients
c. No clear sense that their own age was distinct from the medieval period
d. Disdain for what they perceived to be its backwardness
e. Great interest because it served to inspire their own works of art
New to art in the Renaissance was
a. painting in oils
b. use of perspective
c. freestanding sculpture
d. more realistic depiction
e. all of the above
Sculpture in the Southern Renaissance differed dfrom sculpture of the Middle Ages in that it
a. Free standing forms rather than bas-relief
b. Nude figures
c. The human form portrayed more realisitically
d. Pietas-sculptures of Mary holding the body of a crucified Christ
e. All of the above
Renaissance sculpture differed from medieval sculpture in that
a. It ignored religious themes
b. Renaissance artists made use of marble
c. It abhorred realism
d. It abandoned the classical tradition
It revived the classical tradition of sculpture in the round
Renaissance artist viewed the medieval past with
a. the same reverence that they held for the classical past
b. tremendous respect for their achievements, though they did not view them as equal to
the ancients
c. no clear sense that their own age was distinct from the medieval period
d. disdain for what they perceived to be its backwardness
e. great interest because it served to inspire their own works of art
EAll of the following are characteristics of Renaissance art EXCEPT
a. the use of oil paints
b. the emphasis on naturalism
c. the desire to create three-dimensional images
d. secular portraiture
e. hierarchical scaling
Who is considered the “father of Renaissance painting?
a. Da Vinci
b. Michelangelo
c. Raphael
d. Giotto
e. Donatello
All of the following were great masters of the High Renaissance EXCEPT
a. Titian
b. Leonardo da Vinci
c. Ra
Based on his work Lives of Artists Vasari is considered the first
a. humanist scholar to be interested in art
b. art historian
c. to be concerned with the question of aesthetics
d. to question the seriousness of contemporary artists
e. art collector
6. A sixteenth-century traveler would have been most likely to encounter this type of
architecture in which of the following European countries?